Apply for a Grant

After doing research at, follow the steps below.

Getting There

  1. On the home page at, click “Start a new grant proposalto see the grants that are accepting applications.
  2. Click on the region with your state to see the available grants.
  3. Find a grant that applies to you.
  4. Click “Begin a new proposal”.

Fill out the application form

  1. Title: Click “Edit title” to add the title for your proposal.

Red arrow points to Edit Title button

  1. The Title should let anyone know what your project is. It is helpful to use words that will easily find your project in a website search.
  2. The Title can be a max of 150 characters.
  3. Click “Save title”.

Red arrow points to Save title button

  1. Project Description: This description will be used in search results, so create a clear and concise description of your project.
    1. Click “Edit description” to add a description.

Red arrow points to Edit description button

    1. Click “Save description”.

Red arrow points to Save description button

  1. Applicant: The Applicant is automatically filled out with your information.
  2. Project Coordinator: The Project Coordinator (may also be known as Project Leader, Principal Investigator, State Coordinator, Faculty Advisor, or Major Professor) is automatically filled out with your information, but you can change it. The Project Coordinator is the person responsible for the project.

To change a project coordinator:

Note: you will have to select someone else who already has an account with SARE. 

If the person does not have an account:

      1. Click “Change”.
      2. Click “create an account”.
      3. Create an account for them
        1. Alternatively, you can send them the link to create their own account:
      4. They will receive an email to create their password for their new account.
      5. Now that they have an account, return to the form and continue to step 3.

If the person does have an account:

      1. Click “Change”.
      2. Enter their email address.
      3. Click “Find User”.
      4. Click the checkbox if you would like them to be able to submit the proposal on your behalf.

To remove a project coordinator:

      1. Click “Remove”
      2. Follow the above steps for changing a project coordinator. 
  1. Additional Editor: Click “Add additional editor” if you would like to add another person (e.g. a grant writer) to be able to help you with your proposal.

To add an additional editor:

      1. Click “Add additional editor”.
        1. Note: You can only add someone who already has an account with SARE. 
      2. If the person does not have an account:
        1. Click “create an account”.
        2. Create an account for them.
          1. Alternatively, you can send them the link to create their own account:
        3. They will receive an email to create their password for their new account.
        4. Now that they have an account, return to the form and continue to the next step.
      3. If the person does have an account:
        1. Enter their email address.
        2. Click “Find User”.
        3. Click the checkbox if you would like them to be able to submit the proposal on your behalf.

To change an additional editor:

Note: you will have to select someone else who already has an account with SARE.

If the person does not have an account:

      1. Click “Change”.
      2. Click “create an account”.
      3. Create an account for them.
        1. Alternatively, you can send them the link to create their own account:
      4. They will receive an email to create their password for their new account.
      5. Now that they have an account, return to the form and continue to step 3.

If the person does have an account:

      1. Click “Change”.
      2. Enter their email address.
      3. Click “Find User”.
      4. Click the checkbox if you would like them to be able to submit the proposal on your behalf.

To remove an additional editor:

      1. Click “Remove”.
      2. Follow the above steps for changing an additional editor if you would like to add one.


  1. Proposal Requirements:
    1. Click each section to fill out the information required for the grant. Each section will take you to a different page to be filled out.

Submit Your Proposal

  1. When all sections have been completed, click “Submit Proposal”.
    1. If you have not completed all the sections, but aren’t ready to submit your proposal yet, you can always come back to it by following the Manage Your Proposal section.
    2. If you decide that you no longer want to apply for a grant, then you can click “Delete proposal” instead.
  2. You will be taken to another page where you must click “Submit Proposal”.

Red arrow points at button to click

  1. You’re finished!
    1. For some grants, the people with certain roles need to confirm their participation. They will get an email from SARE with a link to confirm their participation.
    2. You can check on the status of their confirmation by viewing your proposal.
    3. You will be notified by email about your proposal once a decision has been made. If you have any questions, then please contact the regional administrator for the grant you are applying for.

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