This is a list of the commodity choices for your proposal or project.
Additional Plants
- coffee
- ginger
- ginseng
- herbs
- native plants
- ornamentals
- tobacco
- trees
- other
- annual ryegrass
- barley
- buckwheat
- canola
- clovers
- corn
- cotton
- flax
- grass (misc. annual)
- grass (misc. perennial)
- grass (turfgrass, sod)
- hay
- hemp
- hops
- kenaf
- medics/alfalfa
- millet
- mustard
- oats
- peas (field, cowpeas)
- peanuts
- potatoes
- radish (oilseed, daikon, forage)
- rapeseed
- rice
- rye
- safflower
- spelt
- sorghum (milo)
- sorghum (sweet)
- sorghum sudangrass
- soybeans
- sugarbeets
- sugarcane
- sunflower
- triticale
- vetches
- wheat
- other
- bees
- bovine
- camelids
- equine
- fish
- goats
- poultry
- rabbits
- ratite
- shellfish
- sheep
- swine
- other
Animal Products
- dairy
- eggs
- fiber, fur, leather
- honey
- meat
- other
- apples
- apricots
- avocados
- bananas
- berries (blueberries)
- berries (brambles)
- berries (cranberries)
- berries (other)
- berries (strawberries)
- cherries
- citrus
- figs
- grapes
- melons
- olives
- papaya
- paw-paws
- peaches
- pears
- persimmon
- pineapples
- plums
- quinces
- other
- mushrooms
- syrup
- other
- almonds
- chestnuts
- hazelnuts
- macadamia
- pecans
- pistachios
- walnuts
- other
- artichokes
- asparagus
- beans
- beets
- broccoli
- brussel sprouts
- cabbages
- carrots
- cauliflower
- celery
- cucurbits
- eggplant
- garlic
- greens (leafy)
- greens (lettuces)
- leeks
- lentils
- okra
- onions
- parsnips
- peas (culinary)
- peppers
- radishes (culinary)
- rutabagas
- sweet corn
- sweet potatoes
- taro
- tomatoes
- turnips
- other