Submit Project Report

  1. On the home page, click on the Project Number.

Red arrow points to project number

  1. Under “Report Versions”, click on “Working version”. 
  2. Click the “Go to Submit Report” button.
  3. If there is any information required to submit: 
    1. Click each field to go to the section. 
    2. Answer the required questions. 
    3. Save. 
  4. If this is a final report, check the "Final Report" checkbox.
  5. Click “Go to Submit Report” again. 
  6. Enter any comments you'd like to share with the regional admin. 
  7. Click “Submit Report”. 
  8. If you need to make changes before the regional administrator approves the report, you can "Unsubmit Report", make your changes and then resubmit the report. 
  9. When the regional administrator approves the report a new working version is created for you to use to submit your next report unless this is a final report.
    1. If this is a final report, you can go to the last "Approved" report and click "Start a new draft report".
    2. When you've made the changes you want, repeat the process from step 3.
    3. This is a great way for you to add post-project information you'd like to share with the public.

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