- On the home page, click on the Project Number.
- Under “Report Versions”, click on “Working version”.
- Click the “Go to Submit Report” button.
- If there is any information required to submit:
- Click each field to go to the section.
- Answer the required questions.
- Save.
- If this is a final report, check the "Final Report" checkbox.
- Click “Go to Submit Report” again.
- Enter any comments you'd like to share with the regional admin.
- Click “Submit Report”.
- If you need to make changes before the regional administrator approves the report, you can "Unsubmit Report", make your changes and then resubmit the report.
- When the regional administrator approves the report a new working version is created for you to use to submit your next report unless this is a final report.
- If this is a final report, you can go to the last "Approved" report and click "Start a new draft report".
- When you've made the changes you want, repeat the process from step 3.
- This is a great way for you to add post-project information you'd like to share with the public.