- Your name, title, organization, email, state and office/day phone are publicly available and linked from your projects.
- Your profile is only searchable from the "Search Project Coordinators" page if you have received a grant.
Best Practices
- Use your individual work email instead of a position-related alias for your account.
- Example: Use your-email@your-company.com instead of manager@your-company.com
- If you are listed as a project coordinator, then you should get credit for the work that you did on your projects.
- Do not change the name or email associated with your account unless your name or email address have changed.
- When people are looking at a project and see your name listed, they expect your title and organization to be the organization associated with that project.
- If you leave your organization and you are the coordinator of an ongoing project, then please notify your SARE regional administrator so that they can add the new person as a coordinator to the ongoing project.
- If you leave the organization you were with when you worked on a project and would like to apply for a grant or be associated with a project representing a different organization, then please create a new account.
- If you are working on projects and represent different organizations, then you should have an account for each organization that you represent.
- Example: You have a Professional Development Project where you are representing your university. You also have a Farmer/Rancher Grant where you are representing your personal farm. In this case, you should have an account with your university email, and another one with your farm/personal email.
View Your Account
- In the upper right, hover over your name.
- On mobile, click on the menu button and then click your name.
- Click "View/Edit Profile".
- Go to the home page at https://projects.sare.org/
- Look for the box on the right with your account information.
- Click on "View/Edit your profile" in the box.
Edit Your Account
- Follow the above steps to view your account.
- Click "Edit" on the right.
- Make your changes.
- Click "Update" at the bottom.
Delete Your Account
Please note that we cannot delete your account if you have received a grant.
Delete a Single Account
If you would like to delete your account, please email the tech team at help@sare.org.
Consolidate Multiple Accounts
If you have multiple accounts for the same organization and would like to consolidate them, then please contact help@sare.org with the following information:
- The email address associated with each account.
- Which account(s) should be deleted.
- Which account you want to keep