Your Account

  • Your name, title, organization, email, state and office/day phone are publicly available and linked from your projects.
  • Your profile is only searchable from the "Search Project Coordinators" page if you have received a grant.

Best Practices

  • Use your individual work email instead of a position-related alias for your account.
    • Example: Use instead of
    • If you are listed as a project coordinator, then you should get credit for the work that you did on your projects.
  • Do not change the name or email associated with your account unless your name or email address have changed.
    • When people are looking at a project and see your name listed, they expect your title and organization to be the organization associated with that project.
    • If you leave your organization and you are the coordinator of an ongoing project, then please notify your SARE regional administrator so that they can add the new person as a coordinator to the ongoing project.
    • If you leave the organization you were with when you worked on a project and would like to apply for a grant or be associated with a project representing a different organization, then please create a new account.
    • If you are working on projects and represent different organizations, then you should have an account for each organization that you represent.
      • Example: You have a Professional Development Project where you are representing your university. You also have a Farmer/Rancher Grant where you are representing your personal farm. In this case, you should have an account with your university email, and another one with your farm/personal email.

View Your Account

  1. In the upper right, hover over your name.
    1. On mobile, click on the menu button and then click your name.

Red arrow points where to hover

  1. Click "View/Edit Profile".

Red arrow points where to click


    1. Go to the home page at
    2. Look for the box on the right with your account information.
    3. Click on "View/Edit your profile" in the box.

Red arrow points at where to click

Edit Your Account

  1. Follow the above steps to view your account.
  2. Click "Edit" on the right.

Red arrow points where to click

  1. Make your changes.
  2. Click "Update" at the bottom.

Delete Your Account

Please note that we cannot delete your account if you have received a grant. 

Delete a Single Account

If you would like to delete your account, please email the tech team at

Consolidate Multiple Accounts

If you have multiple accounts for the same organization and would like to consolidate them, then please contact with the following information: 

  • The email address associated with each account.
  • Which account(s) should be deleted.
  • Which account you want to keep

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