Laser and optical radiation weed control: a critical review

Project Type: On-Farm Research
Funds awarded in 2022: $20,000.00
Projected End Date: 03/31/2025
Grant Recipient: Middle Tennessee State University
Region: Southern
State: Tennessee
Principal Investigator:
hongbo zhang
Middle Tennessee State University
The success of weed control is critical for our food security. Non-chemical weed control is a promising technique in sustainable agriculture to ensure the food security. In this review, multiple directed energy weed control methods are reviewed with a specific focus on laser and optical radiation weed control. The mechanisms of the weed control in terms of adverse ablation, radiation thermal effects, and molecular-level damages are systematically reviewed. In particular, the underlying mathematical models determining the dose and response relationship of the weed control are also analyzed for a rigorous study of the physical law of the control process. Challenges of applying the techniques into practice are also illustrated to guide practical weed control applications.
hongbo zhang, Middle Tennessee State University
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