Learning Outcomes

Project Type: Research and Education
Funds awarded in 2016: $174,290.00
Projected End Date: 10/31/2018
Grant Recipient: University of Arkansas
Region: Southern
State: Arkansas
Principal Investigator:
Sherri Sanders
University of Arkansas CES
Education was delivered during this project through a multi-platform blended learning strategy for adult learners. A dedicated web and blog landing page was created for this project, with over 250 posted and/or linked peer-reviewed educational resources organized and curated for this project’s target audience. Original contemporary content was authored and posted regularly in the blog by project research team members, which was featured on the project landing page (uaex.edu website). Curated educational resources accessed by clientele included information related to each farm research site, the goals and scope of this research, collaborators, risk management tools, and production resources for blackberry producers. Between 2017-2018, 2,818 the SSARE Blackberry Research Blog recorded 2,818 visitors to this page. An indicator of participant engagement in live/virtual educational programs is interaction. VFT participants submitted 126 comments and questions during the live broadcast, which is considered a high level of participant engagement for a program with 279 participants. Educational outcomes were measured for participants of the Virtual Field Trip related to knowledge gained, attitudes and intention to adopt technology/new practices utilizing a Qualtrics online survey. The evaluation was promoted during the broadcast and the survey link was disseminated to broadcast participants upon completion of the educational session. Survey design included question logic targeted to small-fruit producers with targeted questions related to farmer adoption and further dissemination. VFT survey respondents included 75 non-producer respondents and 18 respondents identifying themselves as blackberry producers. Ninety-six percent (96%/70) of overall survey respondents reported that they planned to share educational information learned through the Virtual field trip. Seventy-eight percent (78%/14) of producer respondents reports that they planned to adopt practices shared through the Virtual Field Trip. Twenty-two percent (22%/4) of producers responded that they might adopt practices shared. No respondents indicated that that would not adopt practices shared. An open-ended question was provided to respondents for additional suggestions for improvement and future Virtual Field Trips. Respondents provided a wide range of qualitative feedback including: • More actual field/farm examples and methods (pruning the canes/measuring the percentage of shade) • More conversation with growers • More time/fewer speakers on panel • This was a very professional and informative presentation • Hope you do more of them • The most comprehensive live-feed event I have ever been a part of (there is nothing I can think of to improve) • More information for small producer control of pest/disease • Video-streaming was a bit choppy for me (bandwidth) • This was my first VFT and I enjoyed it • Audio was a little hard to hear in the field • This was great-I’m researching for a community orchard • Outdoor lights seems a bit blurred/interior shots sharp and clear • Keep adding more topics and demonstrations • Should be longer/felt rushed • Thought the presentation was excellent and very informative • Perhaps easy access to Q & A without waiting on the re-broadcast of the webinar • Very interesting • I want to start growing blackberries and many of my questions were answered and I got to see how the blackberries should be managed. I also got the names and sources of types of berries to grow • The economics took up a lot of time that might not have been pertinent to a large part of the audience. You might consider a separate economics webinar immediately following the first. • You all did a great job • Being in the blackberries would have been great but the reasoning was understandable (rain/flooding at farm) • Have resource downloadable sheet available • Excellent production/need to do the same for blueberries and strawberries • Additional information on pesticide: types and when to use • Perhaps give a bit more information for the home grower. Still, I gained a lot of useful ideas and information • Please send me access to recording.
Karen Ballard, University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture, Cooperative Extension Service
Target audiences:
Farmers/Ranchers; Educators; Researchers; Consumers
Ordering info:
Karen Ballard
University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture, Cooperative Extension Service
2301 S. University Avenue
Little Rock, AR 72204
(501) 671-2218
Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and should not be construed to represent any official USDA or U.S. Government determination or policy.