SOP Hawaii Swine Producer’s Cooperative Standard Operating Procedures for Aggregation Center

Project Type: Farmer/Rancher
Funds awarded in 2019: $25,000.00
Projected End Date: 05/31/2020
Host Institution Award ID: G252-19-W7501
Grant Recipient: Ohana Coffee Farm & Assi Piggery
Region: Western
State: Hawaii
Principal Investigator:
Atto Assi
Ohana Coffee Farm & Assi Piggery
List of tools, supplies, or equipment needed * Sorting Panel * Dusk mask, hearing protection, safety shoes, exam gloves * Drag mat or sled * Clipboard * Pen or pencil * Tote to carry things * Hand tools for repairs * Delivery and inventory forms Safety Precautions for hazardous procedures Be aware at all times of the many hazards when caring for pigs. Animals can get excited when handled. Be aware of hazards and take steps to think about what you are doing. Hazards: * Lifting * Struck by or against object * Animal bite * Fall, slip, trip * Pinch points * Debris in eyes * Dust * Noise * Stepped on by animal * Struck by animal * Caught between gates Pigs and facilities should be observed at least once daily. Regular examination of animals and their environment can help identify problems with pigs or the facilities early so proper interventions can be implemented. Pen Care Deep litter systems are living systems where organic living hosts a thriving microbial community, which breaks down waste from animals. This system does not require regular cleaning out. To care for Pens: * Pens must be kept dry. Check water feeders daily for leaks. * Add more compostable materials as needed. The material will break down naturally so every now and then the pens need more compostable material added. Food and Water * Daily observations ensure Feeders and water dispensers are in good repair, not causing or posting imminent threat of injury to the pigs. * No Spoiled or bug infested feed should be given to pigs. * Make sure pigs have good access to feeders and water dispensers. * Check pens, bedding, alleyways and chutes are in good repair. * Record anything that needs attention. Make sure to have a daily observation log that must be filled out daily. The records should indicate that all pigs were observed at least daily. Retain these records for 12 months. New and Replacement Stock * Start with piglets with high health status. Buy pigs from both cooperative members and non- co-op members who agree to certain standards. * Ok to purchase only healthy looking piglets. * Transport incoming pigs in appropriate vehicles that have been cleaned and disinfected before pigs are loaded for transport. * Transport should be disinfected again before returning to the aggregation center and again after the piglets have been unloaded. * Quarantine and acclimate newly introduced pigs for 15 to 30 days in a separate area. The area should have it’s own set of equipment. Bio-security and Introduction of New Pigs Only except piglets, never bring grown pigs onto farm or except them into the aggregator. Always use personal protective equipment while handling animals. Unloading piglets and introducing them to the aggregation center requires attention to biosecurity. Placing pigs in the correct location allows for proper growth, health management, and logistics for personnel. Before and immediately after arrival of pigs, check the pen setup to be completed. Make sure feed and water is accessible. Visitors Keep a log book to keep records of visitors. Minimize the visitors into the pens area. Post signs to use the hand washing and foot-baths. Have farm clothing and boots available to wear before entering the pig area. Post signs at entrance with contact information for emergency and safety: Fire Department Info. Police Department, Veterinary etc. Post no smoking signs in the facility and employees only signs where appropriate. People who are sick should stay away from the pigs. Process for unloading pigs * Make sure pen is clean and ready for pigs * Make sure transport vehicle is aligned with pen entrance so no gaps exist. * Help unload pigs from trailer * Count pigs as they come off trailer * Move pigs at normal waling pace in a manageable group size * Look for defects like ruptures; unthrifty pigs below minimum weight requirements of the co-op; broken legs, abscesses; swollen joints; testicles present; rough hair coat * Follow co-op acceptance/reject procedures with above listed conditions * Weigh each piglet and record weight. * Place pigs into the welcome pen for new arrivals * Make sure the have food and water * Fill out paperwork, noting number of pigs received, number of pigs that were sick and need to be euthanized, and number of dead pigs on the truck. Follow up * Walk through the barn and observe the pigs to make sure small and defective pigs were not missed. If numbers counted do not match the animal movement paperwork (from the sow farm or nursery), then recount and notify the farm of origin. Growing out pigs * Avoid overcrowding to prevent the multiplication of pathogens. * Group pigs according to age and weight, and note farm origin * Practice all-in/all-out or a batch system. * Leave the pen vacated for a time before a new batch. Many pathogens cannot survive outside a pigs body. * Locate the outgoing pigs at the outmost going part of the farm. * Never move pigs back fro the outgoing loading area to pens. Sick pigs * Never sell, or accept sick pigs! * Have isolation pens for sick pigs apart from healthy ones. * Isolation pen must have all in all out policy. * Remove dead pigs from pen and bury immediately. Bury at least a 3 feet deep. * Emergency Veterinary call information as well as other emergency information like Emergency contact number of livestock helper, farm owner/landlord, and co-op President should be posted at the entrance of the animal facility. * Have sick pigs cared for per instructions of veterinary. * Always feed the healthy pigs before feeding sick pigs. * Individual records should be kept for sick or injured pigs. Have posted sign indicating a pen with sick pigs
atto assi, Hawaii Swine Producer Aggregation Center
Target audience:
Ordering info:
atto assi
Hawaiian Swine Producer Cooperative
183840 south lauko road, bx 711458
mountain view, HI 96771
(808) 315-5122
Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and should not be construed to represent any official USDA or U.S. Government determination or policy.