To Till or Not to Till? Building Soil Organically

Project Type: Professional Development Program
Funds awarded in 2020: $89,731.00
Projected End Date: 04/30/2023
Grant Recipient: Organic Trade Association
Region: North Central
State: Illinois
Project Coordinator:
Mallory Krieger
Organic Trade Association
On July 18, 2022, we hosted a day-long on-farm workshop for agricultural advisors on tillage in organic field crop production. The event was co-hosted by Iowa Organic Association and held at Levi Lyle's farm in Keota, Iowa.

One of the great questions in farming is whether or not to till the soil. Though progress has been made on organic no-till systems, most organic field crop farmers rely on tillage to control weeds and to prepare a good seedbed. At this field day, ag advisors and professionals took a look into how much tillage is used on organic farms and how to protect and enhance the soil on their client’s organic field crop farms.

Levi and his family farm near Keota, IA. They raise organic corn and soybeans and as well as, aronia berries, tart cherries, and various other fruits. Levi’s Indigenous Fruit Enterprises (LIFE) seeks to facilitate the profitability and sustainability of small farms. Previously an organic inspector, Levi now consults farmers transitioning to organic certified production.

Dr. Delate leads the ISU Extension organic research and extension program. Her research focuses on nutrient and pest management strategies that enhance production while lowering agriculture’s environmental footprint. She works in Ames, Iowa, and at the ISU Neely-Kinyon Farm in Greenfield, Iowa. In addition to hosting the Annual Iowa Organic Conference each November, she offers a “Transitioning to Organic” course every other year at ISU, starting January 26, 2021.
Training Agenda
Target audiences:
Farmers/Ranchers; Educators
Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture or SARE.