A.Fay Benson

Cornell Co-op Extension
State: NY
(w) (607) 391-2660


LNE19-372 Identification and Remediation of Compaction on Northeast Pasture Soils
LNE16-345 Supporting the grass-fed milk market in the Northeast with education and benchmarks
ONE14-197 No-tilling grazing Brassicas into existing pastures: Remediation of sward and soil health for pastures
ONE11-134 Evaluating Overall Health and Physical Movement of Dairy Heifers in Confinement vs. Management Intensive Grazing
ONE10-113 Management Intensive Grazing to Enhance Heifer Rearing on Large Dairies in the Northeast
ONE05-033 Effects of grazing vs. confinement on first lactation performance of dairy replacement heifers