Vegetable Cropping Systems Specialist
Oregon State University
State: OR
(w) (541) 602-4676
OW22-369 | Dry Farm Melon Production in Oregon |
SW20-917 | Production and marketing of dry-farmed tomatoes in Oregon |
OW19-348 | Enhancing Vegetable Farm Resilience through Dryland Production |
OW17-024 | Resistant, resilient and long storing garlic varieties for organic farming systems and markets |
OW16-008 | Winter squash: extending the season and expanding the uses |
SW15-021 | Diagnosis and Management of a New Disease of Cucurbits in Oregon |
SW13-017 | Integrating research and practice in systems management of organic vegetable farms |
OW12-034 | Management of Fusarium Wilt of Cucurbits with Vetch Cover Cropping and Grafted Transplants |
SW09-031 | Bean Mold Management Tools and Rotational Systems Management Planning |