Extension Specialist 5/Full Professor
University of Guam
State: GU
(w) (671) 735-2089
PDP20-001 | Fungal leaf spots: field, lab, and online tutorial for professionals in Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands |
SW19-906 | Reducing tree decline of Casuarina equisetifolia in Guam through replacement of bacterial wilt infected trees and research into the bacterial microbiomes of trees and associated termites |
EW14-006 | Plant Disease Diagnostic Training for Agricultural Professionals in Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands |
OW14-026 | Screening tomato varieties for suitability on Guam in response to the arrival of Tomato leaf curl Guam virus in the Western Region |
EW08-018 | Enhancing Ecological Disease Management on Guam Through Building Agriculture professionals' Understanding of Soil Nutrients |
SW08-067 | Decline of Casuarina equisetifolia: A Loss to Pacific Island Agroforestry |
SW99-047 | Strengthening through Education the Sustainability of Solanaceous Crop Production in the Western Pacific Region |