Michigan State University
State: MI
(w) (517) 648-7928
GNC21-324 | Addressing the Weed and Soil Management Trade-offs in Vegetables Through Integrated Cultural and Mechanical Strategies |
GNC19-284 | Sustainable Weed Control: In-Row Weed Cultivation Strategies for Midwest Vegetable Growers |
ONC17-025 | Cultivating partnerships: Building Farm-research Networks for Improved Physical Weed Control |
GNC16-223 | Green Tools: Improving Sustainability by Integrating New In-Row Cultivation Equipment and Competitive Cultivars |
GNC12-158 | Improving Resource Use Efficiency Through Strip Tillage, Cover Cropping, and Deep Fertilizer Placement |
LNC11-330 | Combining Strip-Tillage and Cover Crops for Resource Conservation and Profit in North Central Vegetable Cropping Systems |
GNC10-141 | Combining Alternative Cover Crop Strips, Living Mulches and Strip Tillage for Effective Weed and Nutrient Management in Organic Sweet Corn Production |
GNC09-108 | A novel approach for optimizing the benefits of cereal-legume cover crop mixtures in vegetable cropping systems |