Krista Delahunty

Aroostook Hops
State: ME
(w) (207) 429-8105


FNE21-977 The Effect of Edge-spraying a Broad-spectrum Organically-approved Insecticide to Control Hop Arthropod Pests while Retaining Beneficial Arthropods
FNE17-868 The effect of crowning and weed management practices on hop yield and downy mildew
FNE14-796 Investigating Best Practices for the Timing and Amount of Organic Soluble Nitrate Fertigation of Hops in the Northeast
FNE12-742 Evaluating Cover Cropping and Non-Herbicide Weed Management Strategies in Hops, a Perennial Crop
FNE11-711 An Experiment on the Effectiveness of Irrigation and Cover Cropping to Produce Sustainable Hops in Maine