Professor & Extension Specialist
University of Maryland
State: MD
(w) (301) 405-4728
LNE20-406R | Creating an Ecofriendly Pest Suppression Program in Sweet Corn |
GNE20-236 | Developing a Perennial Living Mulch System to Manage Insect Pests in Northeastern Cantaloupe Fields |
GNE19-224 | Effects of Living Mulch and Cover Crop Residues on Natural Enemy Abundance and Efficacy in Sweet Corn |
GNE15-099 | The effect of cover crops on the abundance and survival of beneficial stink bugs |
SW08-037 | Sunn hemp and its allelopathic compounds for vegetable production in Hawaii and beyond |
SW07-604 | Improving and extending the superhero status of the sunn hemp to other growers in need of help |
SW04-064 | Management of Banana Bunchy Top in Hawaii |