Graduate Student (Ph.D. Candidate)
The Pennsylvania State University
208 ASI Building
PSU, University park
(w) (814) 777-3188
Debamalya Chatterjee is a graduate student (Ph.D. candidate) in Maize Genetics Lab, Department of Plant Science, The Pennsylvania State University. Debamalya has an undergraduate degree in Agriculture from the UBKV, India and a Master’s degree in Plant Breeding and Genetics from Punjab Agricultural University (PAU), India with a Junior Research Fellowship from Indian Council of Agricultural Research. During undergraduate studies, he participated in six months of Rural Agricultural Work experience (RAWE) program that aims to educate and develop sustainable agriculture strategies with small farmers. During masters, he participated in Farmer’s Fares and field days. He is continuing as a fifth-year Ph.D. student in the Department of Plant Science, PSU. His major dissertation project is focused on the characterization of flavonoid over-producing natural corn mutant (Ufo1). The proposed project would be a significant part of his doctoral dissertation to demonstrate the practical application of flavonoid overproducing corn lines.
GNE19-195 | Purification and Testing of Corn-based Biopesticide |