Donald Wyse

University of Minnesota
State: MN
(w) (612) 625-7064


GNC16-224 Agroecosystem Impact of Relay and Double Cropping winter Annual Oilseeds in Corn and Soybean
GNC10-137 Profiling Microbial Communities in Soils from Organic, Sustainable, and Conventional Cropping Systems
GNC06-071 Breeding and Development of Perennial Sunflower and Perennial Flax Varieties for Low-Input Agriculture
GNC02-005 The Effect of Crop-Weed Gene Flow on the Competitive Ability of Weedy Sunflower
LNC02-219 Restoring Native Perennial Legumes for Forage, Feed and Food
ENP96-001 NCWSS Sustainable Agriculture Symposium
ANC92-013 Biological Control of Weeds in Corn and Soybean with Dwarf Brassica Smother Plants