Crop Weed Specialist
Dept. of Land Resources and Environmental Sciences
State: MT
(w) (406) 994-4783
SW24-001 | Enhancing the Sustainability of Small Farms in Montana through Postharvest Management of Berry Crops, with Emphasis on Haskaps |
GW22-235 | Carrots as a Model for Defining Critical Period of Weed Management, Biofertilization, and Market Opportunities for Great Plains Vegetables Producers |
GW21-218 | Integrating thistle rust into weed management of Canada thistle |
MW16-004 | Extension and outreach supporting climate-resilient sustainale agriculture in Montana. |
GW09-012 | Joint Management of Wheat Stem Sawfly, Fusarium Crown Rot, and Weeds: Assessing the Ecological Basis of a Total Systems Approach to Pest Management Strategies |
GW06-026 | Effects of Weed Communities in Conventional and Organic Agricultural Systems. |
SW05-038 | Developing Distance Learning Based on Perceptions and Knowledge of Producers and Agricultural Professionals |