Nebraska State SARE Coordinator
University of Nebraska-LIncoln
State: NE
(w) (402) 274-4755
Dr. Gary Lesoing has served in Extension for the past 19 years, first as a Regional Agronomy Specialist for the University of Missouri-Columbia for 6 years and the past 13 years as an Extension Educator with the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension in southeast Nebraska, with a focus on crop production and sustainable agriculture. He has also served as the Nebraska State SARE (Sustainable Agriculture Research and Extension) Coordinator since 2008. Prior to this, he worked in research and administration at UNL’s Agricultural Research and Development Center (ARDC) near Mead for 18 years. In recent years he has worked to promote the use of no-till and cover crops in crop/livestock systems in Nebraska and has worked promoting awareness of local food systems and has assisted beginning farmers producing local food on small farms in Nebraska since 2005.