school of Plant and Environmental Sciences, Va Tech
State: VA
(w) (540) 231-8654
LS20-332 | Silvopasture for Poultry Production with Outdoor Access: Impact on animal welfare, economic, and environmental parameters |
GS19-202 | Cortisol as an Indicator of Stress in Animals Under Different Grazing Systems |
GS14-130 | Acoustic analysis: A novel way to measure livestock grazing behavior |
LS13-255 | Made in the Shade - Using Silvopasture Research and On-farm Demonstrations to Advance These Sustainable Agroforestry Systems |
GS09-079 | Optimal Nutritive Value of Honeylocust Seed Pods Within Temperate Silvopasture |
GS03-024 | Optimizing Forage Production and Quality Within a temperate Silvopasture System |