Regents Professor
Texas A&M AgriLife Research
State: TX
LS25-407 | Diverse, underutilized native legume ecotypic seed for climate-smart grasslands in the southeastern USA |
LS24-398 | Integrating tannin-rich legumes into tall fescue pastures to strengthen the sustainability of beef cattle production in the southern United States |
LS23-385 | Reducing the Environmental Impact of Beef Production Through the Use of Naturally Occurring Secondary Plant Metabolites in Southeastern Forage Systems |
GS22-273 | Native Texas Perennial Bunchgrass for Bioenergy Feedstock and Ruminant Nutrition |
GS20-227 | Texas Little Bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium) Phenotypic Attribute Correlations to Collection Site Environment Characteristics |
GS14-133 | Effects of Simulated and Insect Herbivory on Total and Protein Percipitable Phenolic Concentrations of Two Legumes |
LS05-175 | Sustainable and profitable control of invasive plant species by small ruminants |
LS03-150 | Sustainable and profitable control of invasive species by browsing goats on small farms |