Dr. Oscar Liburd

Professor of Agricultural Entomology
University of Florida
State: FL
(w) (352) 273-3918


OS24-177 On-farm companion planting and bioinoculants for enhancing biological control of twospotted spider mites in strawberries
LS21-353 Evaluating the Dual-Purpose of Chickpea: A Cash and Cover Crop for Agricultural Production Systems in the Southeast
GS18-190 Innovations in Spotted Wing Drosophila (Drosophila suzukii Matsumura) Monitoring and Attract-and-Kill for Development of More Targeted IPM Programs
OS17-104 Evaluating the Effect of Biological Control and Planting Mixed Varieties to Manage Whitefly and Aphid Pests in Organic Squash
GS17-171 Development of an Integrated Pest and Disease Management Program Utilizing Companion Plants and Inundative Biological Control for Organic Squash Production
GS15-145 Sustainable Management Strategies for Management of Key Insect and Nematode Pests in Squash Cropping Systems
GS12-114 Developing an integrated pest management program for a newly introduced pest in Florida blueberries: the spotted wing drosophila, Drosophila suzukii
OS11-060 Investigating various tactics of intercropping buckwheat with squash to increase natural enemy populations, reduce pest and disease pressure and increase yield
GS09-082 The Smells and Sounds of a Subterranean Sessid: Mating disruption and acoustic detection of grape root borer
GS05-045 Development of an IPM Program for Control of Flower-Thrips in Blueberries in Southeastern United States