Christine Hoepting

Senior Extension Associate
Cornell Cooperative Extension - Cornell Vegetable Program
State: NY
(w) (585) 798-4265


ONE16-262 Optimizing management of a new invasive species, swede midge, on small-scale organic farms: Part II
ONE15-237 Optimizing management of a new invasive species, swede midge, on small-scale organic farms
ONE14-208 Expanding the use of Brassica cover crops in onion production
ONE11-143 Preventing erosion of muck soils by reducing tillage in onion production: Part II
ONE10-116 Improving the profitability of onions grown on aging muck soil that has high pH
ONE09-102 Cultural practices to improve fresh market onion quality and profitability
ONE08-085 Maximizing onion and economic feasibility of growing onions from plug transplants
ONE07-072 Preventing erosion of muck soils by reducing tillage in onion production
ONE06-057 Economic feasibility of locally grown plug transplants as an alternative to imported bare-root transplants in onions