Extension Agronomist
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension
State: TX
(w) (325) 657-7330
Reagan Noland is an Agronomy Extension Specialist serving farmers and county extension agents in semi-arid and arid regions of West Texas, including the Southern Rolling Plains and Permian Basin. The primary crops in these regions include cotton, wheat, annual and perennial forages (for sheep, goats, and cattle), grain sorghum, and corn. Reagan has over eight years of agronomic research experience with a diverse focus on cover crop integration, cropping system efficiency, forage production, and nutrient cycling.
LS22-375 | Sheep integration for diverse and resilient organic cotton systems |
OS20-138 | Strategic Management of Legume Cover-forage Crops to Optimize Utility in a Challenging Environment |
OS19-131 | Advancing the Frontier of Legume Cover Crops and Building Integrated System Resilience in Semi-arid West Texas |