Graduate Student
Cornell University - Geneva Campus
State: NY
(w) (435) 313-2213
Samantha Willden is a Ph.D. student at Cornell University. She came into her Ph.D. program with M.S. in Ecology from Utah State University. Her research is centered on developing more sustainable practices in pest management, with a focus on biological control. For her M.S. research, she investigated the phenology of an important biocontrol agent (a stem-mining weevil) used to manage Dalmatian toadflax, an important rangeland weed found across the U.S., in an attempt to better understand failures of this weed biocontrol program. She is currently investigating how to best employ biocontrol tactics to manage spider mite pests on strawberry.
GNE18-191 | Low Tunnel Strawberries: Survey of Pest Incidence and Recommendations for Biological Control of Two-Spotted Spider Mite and Tarnished Plant Bug |