Stacy Glackin

Grants Manager
Rodale Institute
State: PA
(w) (610) 683-1457


ONE22-413 Application of Ultraviolet Light and MilStop to Restrict Powdery Mildew Infestation in Vegetable Greenhouses
ONE22-421 Optimized Management Practices to Control Swine Parasites in Organic Pig Farms
ONE17-308 Evaluating the use of low-input technology for small-scale, no-till organic farming systems
ONE13-186 Impact of using high-quality biological compost and compost extract on corn production, plant nutrient content, and soil quality
LNE10-295 Reducing plastic mulch use by expanding adoption of cover-crop-based no-till systems for vegetable producers
LNE06-244 Integrated cover crop innovations for biologically based no-till