Regional Horticulture Educator
Penn State Cooperative Extension
State: PA
(w) (717) 263-9226
ONE11-136 | A Novel, Laborsaving Trellising System for Grape Tomatoes |
ONE09-093 | Advanced Trellis Methods and Mechanical Harvesting for Grape Tomatoes |
ONE09-094 | Improving Native Bee Pollination Part 2: Alternative Nest Boxes Building on the Lessons from the Field in 2008 |
ONE08-079 | Improving Pollination through bumblebee habitation; Evaluation of nest box types in bumblebee colonization |
LNE07-251 | Enhancing cut flower production and marketing for produce growers: Methods of diversification into proven niches, part II |
LNE04-195 | Enhancing Cut Flower Production and Marketing for Produce Growers: Methods of Diversification Into Proven Niches |