Associate Professor
University of Arkansas Pine Bluff
1200 N. University Dr.
Mail Slot 4913
Pine Bluff, AR 71601
Mail Slot 4913
Pine Bluff, AR 71601
(w) (870) 575-7245
Dr. Yong I. Park
Associate Professor (40% Research, 25% Teaching, 35% Extension)
Department of Agriculture
University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff
1200 N. University Dr. Mail Slot 4913
Pine Bluff, AR 71601
Ph: 870-575-7245
Professional Experience
2013-pres. Associate Professor Dept. Agriculture, UAPB
2007-2013 Assistant Professor Dept. Agriculture, UAPB
2008-2013 Adjunct Professor, Dept. of Criminal Justice, University of Arkansas Little Rock
2014-present Adjunct Professor, Dept. of Science, University of Arkansas-Pulaski Technical College Little Rock
Jan. 2006-Dec. 2006 Lecturer, Dept. Biology, College of Triton, IL
Jan. 2006-Dec. 2006 Lecturer, Dept. Biology, College of DuPage, IL
2000-2005 Research Entomologist (Post-Doctorate), SRRC, ARS, USDA, New Orleans, LA
1998-2000 Post-Doctorate, Dept. of Entomology, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC
1998-1998 Post-Doctorate, Dept. of Zoology, University of Texas, Austin, TX
1997-1997 Post-Doctorate, Dept. of Entomology, Kansas State University Manhattan, KS
1993-1997 Research Assistant, Dept. of Entomology, Mississippi State University, Starkville, MS
1997 Dec. Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Mississippi State University
1987 Feb. Master of Zoology (M.S.) Dankook University, S. Korea
1985 Feb. Bachelor of Biology (B.S.) Dankook University, S. Korea
Recent Professional Activities
Associate Professor at UAPB
I have served at the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff for 17 years. Currently, he serves as associate professor of the Agriculture Department and research of Honey bees and small hive beetles. He graduated from Mississippi State University (PhD) and completed postdoctoral fellowships at USDA-ARS-SRRC (Formosan subterranean termite), North Carolina State University (imported fire ants), University of Texas at Austin (imported fire ants), Kansas State University (Tobacco budworm). He has also kept honey bees for 17 years and has 18 hives for hobby and 49 for research.
I participated in Partners of the Americas, USAID Volunteer with Partners’ Farmer-to-Farmer Program (2017) in Haiti for improvement of honey production, management of beehives, and beekeeping classes.
I participated in Partners of the Americas, USAID Volunteer with Partners’ Farmer-to-Farmer Program (2023) in Jamaica for Queen bee production by grafting and non-grafting techniques.
I have presented and taught beekeeping classes since 2009 in the States and at International Conferences.
I served in Partners of the Americas, USAID Volunteer with Partners’ Farmer-to-Farmer Program (202) in Guyana for Africanized honey bee colony inspection training and developed inspection guidelines for underserved beekeepers in Guyana.
Other Professional Activities
Beekeeping Class and Pollinators in Thompson Library, West Little Rock on October 26, 2024.
Effective Online Teaching Practices: Cohort G, Fall 2024 – Spring 2025
Farmer-to-Farmer (F2F) assignment sponsored by Partners of the Americas, USAID in Guyana between July 7-July 21, 2024.
Farmer-to-Farmer (F2F) assignment sponsored by Partners of the Americas, USAID in Jamaica between January 29-February 12, 2023.
Beginner Beekeeping Workshops (March, September, and December, 2022)
Wine-making workshop (2019)
Honey Processing Workshops and Training in Haiti (Partners of the America-Farmer to Farmer) (2017)
Value-added Product, Sweet potato wines with AR produced fruit (2017-present)
Pollinator conservation planning short course in Arkansas (2012)
The A’s Bees and C’s of Beekeeping course (2012)
Queen rearing training (2011)
Faculty Training for Blackboard (2011)
Training Course for Honey bee Extermination/Removal and passed the EPA Basic Exam from Arkansas State Plant Board (2010)
Honey bee training-master program (August, 2010)
Protein Purification & Characterization Course at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (April, 2010)
Organized Honey bee Keeping Training for the Beginners at UAPB, Pine Bluff, Dec. 4th, 2009
Certified as Mentor in Entomology at SIPSEB, UAPB, Pine Bluff, AR, June 2009
Honey bee keeping training-intermediate (March, 2009)
Completed Bee Workshop at Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Dept. of the Interior, December, 2008
Certified as Mentor in Entomology at SIPSEB, UAPB, Pine Bluff, AR, June 2008
Completed and Certified the Forensic Entomology Workshop at Penn State University, May 2008
Certified Honey bee keeping training at Arkansas Plant Board (March, 2008)
Certified Apiary Training Session at Arkansas Plant Board (November, 2007)
4. Research competence
a. Books published
Manual of Honey Bee Veterinary Medicine, 2nd edition. Eds by Heidi Ward, Yong Park, Jon Zawislak, Dustan Clark, and Danny Brewer. 2019
Bland, J. M., A. Raina, A. Carpita, Y. Park and W. Osbrink. 2005. Semiochemicals in Termite Origin. “Semiochemicals in Pest and Weed Control” Edited by Richard J. Petroski, Maria R. Tellez, and Robert W. Behle. American Chemical Society Symposium Series 906. pp. 89-100.
b. Articles published
Bernard Iwegbu and Yong I. Park 2025. Richness of the pollinators on oilseed sunflower, Helianthus annuus L., in Jefferson County (Southeastern), Arkansas. In Processing
Yong I. Park 2024. Pollinators are important for flowering plants. UAEX Extension Factsheet. Submitted.
Yong I. Park. 2021. Restriction Leads Small Hive Beetle, Aethina tumida Murray to Cannibalism. J. Agricultural, Environmental and Consumer Science. Vol 21, pp19-25.
What Do You See in Every Spring Time: Swarming (Honey bees, Apis mellifera), Small Farm Project Newsletter, 2021.
Edmund Buckner, La’Tonya Richardson, and Yong I. Park. 2017. Coping with Fire ants, Cooperative Extension Program, UAPB. FSA9602.
Park, Yong I., E.H. Park, and G.Y. Park. 2016. Salt Concentrations that Influence Mortality Rate on Small Hive Beetles, Aethina tumida Murray in Arkansas. Arkansas Environmental, Agricultural and Consumer Sciences Journal. Vol 15-16, 22-25.
Park, Yong I. 2016. Possible barrier and possible attractiveness to interrupt development of the small hive beetles (Aethina tumida Murray) in honey bee hives (Research Abstract for rural life conference). 2016
Park, Yong I. 2012. Effectiveness of herb plants as pest barriers on vegetables. Arkansas Environmental, Agricultural and Consumer Sciences Journal, Abstract. Vol 12 p 35.
Park, Yong I., and Enoch H. Park 2012. Re-evaluation of physiological conditions that influence reproductive success on small hive beetles, Aethina tumida Murray in Arkansas. Arkansas Environmental, Agricultural and Consumer Sciences Journal, Vol 12 pp14-17.
Park, Yong I.. (Ed. Carol Sanders). 2012. Not too early to plan for pollination of crops and flowers. U of A Division of Agriculture, Research & Extension, October, 2012.
Park, Yong I.. 2011. Managing small hive beetle, Aethina tumida (Coeloptera: Nitidulidae) under potential interruption of development. UAPB Agriculture Field Day Abstracts, SAFHS, August 11, 2011 p. 17.
Park, Yong I.. (Ed. Carol Sanders). 2011. Giving Mother Nature a Hand; Being helpful to bees. Arkansas Agriculture. 8, 24
Park, Yong I. 2010. Ecological Distribution of Dung Beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) between Cow and Goat Wastes at Various Locations. Arkansas Environmental, Agricultural and Consumer Sciences Journal, Vol 10 pp20-22.
Park, Yong I. 2010. Honeybees and Small Hive Beetles in Arkansas. Farm Bureau Update Video Newsletter. June (Please see A5h)
Park, Yong I. 2010. Honeybees. Rural Arkansas. June pp 11, 13.
Park, Yong I. 2010. Wanted: Locations of Feral Bees. Ed. Carol Sanders. Rural Arkansas. July pp 29-30
Park, Yong I. 2010. UAPB entomologist helps keep Mother Nature buzzing. The White Hall Journal. May 19, 2010.
Support of University Promotional Activities:
Professional Development Session of the Center for Excellence and Innovation in Teaching and Learning (Practices for Creating Aligned & Equitable Assessment) on February 23, 2023.
Dr. Park attended “Retention through Excellent Customer Service & Mindful Classroom Management (Oct. 19, 2023)
Certificates and awards received:
Professional Development Session of the Center for Excellence and Innovation in Teaching and Learning (Practices for Creating Aligned & Equitable Assessment) on February 23, 2023.
Received “Distinguished Teaching Award” (Aug. 2023)
Dr. Park received an award of “The Most Creative Award” at Pine Bluff/Jefferson County Chamber and Alliance, May 5, 2023
Dr. Park received an award of “The Most Creative Award” at Pine Bluff/Jefferson County Chamber and Alliance, May 5, 2022
Honey Contest: served as a judge during the 2018 Annual Arkansas Beekeepers Association Meeting, Little Rock, AR, October 6-7, 2018
Honey Contest: 1st prize in amber category at 2017 Annual Arkansas Beekeepers Association Meeting, Little Rock, AR October 10, 2017
Pesticide Application Certificate at Plant Board, Little Rock, AR (3/16/2016).
Honey Contest at Arkansas Beekeepers Association at Mountain View (11/4-5, 2016), won 1st place in the Amber Category, and 1st place in Light Amber Category.
Honey Contest: 2nd prize in amber category at 2015 Annual Arkansas Beekeepers Association Meeting, Mountain View, AR October 9-10, 2015
Dr. Park received award at Arkansas Entomological Society Annual Meeting, the 8th Photography Contest in the Best Photo Series: Bees. October 5, 2013.
Dr. Park received three awards, 1st and 3rd prizes in two different (amber and light amber) categories at 2013 Annual Arkansas Beekeepers Association Conference, Mountain View, AR September 20-21, 2013.
Dr. Park received three awards, 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes in three different (extra-light, amber and light amber) categories at 2012 Annual Arkansas Beekeepers Association Conference, Mountain View, AR October 12-13, 2012.
Dr. Park received the certificate of Appreciation for participation and continued support to the Ronald McNair Scholars Program. April 5, 2012.
Dr. Park received an award for “Best Sequence (Wrong Leader)” photo in the 6th annual photography contest at the Arkansas Entomological Society Meeting in October, 2011 in Little Rock, AR.
Dr. Park received certificates from SIPSEBS Program (2007, 2008, 2009, and 2010).
Dr. Park earned a certificate of completion for Short Course-Level One at EAS Master Beekeepers Association in 2010.
Dr. Park received a certificate attended The Cold Spring Harbor Course on “Protein Purification and Characterization” in 2010.
Dr. Park received two 2nd prizes in two different (dark and light) categories at 2009 Annual Arkansas Beekeepers Association, Mountain View, AR 2009.
Dr. Park received an award for “swarming” photo in the 4th annual photography contest at the Arkansas Entomological Society Meeting in October, 2009 in Little Rock, AR.
Honey Contest: 1st and 3rd prizes in two different (amber and light amber) categories at the 2013 Annual Arkansas Beekeepers Association Conference, Mountain View, AR October, 2013
Dr. Park received the award for “Best Photo Series: Bees at the 2013 Arkansas,” Entomological Society Annual Meeting on October 6, 2013, at Magnolia, AR.
Meetings/Workshops/Seminars Attended and/or Presentations
-Dr. Park was invited by USAID, Partners of the Americas, Farmer to Farmer Program as a Beekeeping Specialist-Queen Breeding in Jamaica between January 29th and February 12th, 2023. Dr. Park presented a total of 6 presentations and 8 times queen-rearing practices with Jamaican local beekeepers and officers. Dr. Park inspected more than 65 beehives with 8 beekeepers during the visit.
- Dr. Park presented “Honey Bees – Farmer’s Best Friends” sponsored by USDA-NIFA at UAPB Lonoke Farm (September 28, 2023).
-Dr. Park taught Beekeeping classes in 2022 (March, Jefferson County, AR), 2020 (May, Pulaski County, AR).
-Dr. Park invited at Annual conference of Apicultural Society of Korea as a guest speaker
on the 37th Annual Meeting & International Conference of Apicultural Society of Korea (ASK).
-Dr. Park attended North American Beekeeping Federation Annual meeting as an invited speaker in January 9 to 12, 2019 at Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, and presented two sessions for “Honeybee Morphology and Biology” for more than 40 people.
-Dr. Park attended “Food Safety Practices for Small to Mid-scale Producers” in January 23, 2019 at Little Rock, AR and earned the certificate for food safety practices for small to mid-scale producers.
-Dr. Park attended and trained for “Hoop house production of cool season crops” in January 24, 2019 at Little Rock, AR
-Dr. Park attended 2019 Southern SAWG conference in January 25-26, 2019 at Little Rock, AR.
-Dr. Park attended 63rd Rural Life Conference and presented “Wine-making with vegetables” workshop with 37 people at Pine Bluff, AR in February 1, 2019.
-Dr. Park presented bee talk in Feb. 9, 2019
-Dr. Park participated Marianna vegetable workshop for “Benefits by pollinators” in Feb. 28, 2019.
-Dr. Park attended 1890 ARD Research Symposium and presented “Temporal influence on different temperatures affecting emergence of the small hive beetle (Aethina tumida Murray) from wandering larvae to adults” in April 1, 2019.
-Dr. Park invited to present two seminars at Benton Beekeepers’ Association in April 4, 2019. He presented “Our Roles and Other Roles for Pollinators” and “Temporal influence on the small hive beetles and updated information.”
-Dr. Park had 3 different dates with different topics for beginner beekeepers classes in April 13, 20, and May 4, 2019 at Dunbar Garden, Little Rock, AR.
-Invited as a speaker and served as a member of organizing educational sessions for Veterinarian Beekeeping Medication Certificate Program as “Honey Bee Veterinary Medicine Complete Short Course” in May 17, 2019 at Bemis Bee Farm, Little Rock, AR.
-Presented and demonstrated “Structure of the Honey Bees-Understand of Farmer’s Best Friends” in 2018 Lonoke Field Day
-Presented “Beekeeping and Crop Pollination in Small Spaces” in the 8th Annual Bi-States CEP Anuual Horticulture Conference & Seed Swap on Mar. 29, 2018
-Presented “Beekeeping and Crop Pollination” in UAPB Small Farm Program Jefferson County Commercial Vegetable Production Meeting on April 24, 2018
-Participated and presented “Farmers Using Bees” in the 62nd Annual Rural Life Conference at Pine Bluff Convention Center on Mar. 9, 2018
-Called Scholarship Committee meeting in March 16, 2018 for the Alumni Scholarships
-Invited as a speaker at 8th Annual Horticulture Conference, Texarkana, Texas in March 29, 2018 and presented “Beekeeping and crop pollination in small spaces.”
-Completed in “Grants 101 Workshop” in April 5, 2018
-Commercial Vegetable Production Meeting (UAPB Small Farm Program Jefferson County) and presented “Beekeeping and Crop Pollination” in April 24, 2018.
-Organized “The First Incredible Edible Insect Festival in April 27, 2018 and tasted “Chocolate chip cookies with crickets” and “Eggroll with mealworm” for UAPB students and community, and presented 2 seminars, titled “Incredible edible insects.”
-Invited as a speaker at Fayetteville for Benton Northwestern Beekeepers Association, Bentonville, AR in May 3, 2018, and presented 2 seminars, titled as “Can you control swarm?” and “Small hive beetle’s reproductive organ.”
-Invited as a speaker and served as a member of organizing educational sessions for Veterinarian Beekeeping Medication Certificate Program as “Honey Bee Veterinary Medicine Complete Short Course” in May 11, 2018.
-Saline Beekeepers Association Meeting, Benton, Arkansas. July 10, 2018. Title 1: Can you control swarm? Title 2: Small hive beetle’s reproductive success.
-2018 Fall faculty & staff seminar in August 16-20, 2018 at UAPB
-Served as a mentor for the beehive management at Dunbar elementary garden, September 5, 2018
-Dr. Park participated in Field Day at Lonoke September 27, 2018 and presented “Friendly Bees and Pollinators.”
-Dr. Park distributed 200 UAPB sample honey (2 oz / each) to participants.
-Invited as a speaker and served as a member of organizing educational sessions for Veterinarian Beekeeping Medication Certificate Program as “Honey Bee Veterinary Medicine Complete Short Course” in October 19, 2018.
-Dr. Park attended Arkansas Beekeepers’ Association Annual Fall meeting in October 26 to 28, 2018 at Little Rock, AR
-Dr. Park served at Partners of the America Farmer to Farmer (F2F) Program between December 3 and 17, 2017 in Haiti Presented Honey and How to extract Honey from Honeycomb on December 5, 2017 in Haiti
-Presented workshop of honey harvest at ARAM, Haiti and presentation for Beekeeping Basics on December 15, 2017
-Presented Honey bee morphology and Anatomy in Haiti on December 15, 2017
-Attended North American Beekeeping Conference & Tradeshow as an invited speaker at Galveston, TX on January 10-14, 2017.
-Invited as a speaker at Jefferson County Masters Gardener Training, Pine Bluff, AR on March 23, 2017.
-Invited as a speaker at Northeastern Beekeepers Association, Searcy, AR on May 9, 2017.
-Invited as a speaker at DeQueen Beekeepers Association, DeQueen, AR on June26, 2017.
-Invited as a speaker at Southwest Beekeepers Association, Nashville, AR on August 14, 2017.
-Workshop speaker at Honey bee Veterinary Medicine, Little Rock, AR on September 21, 2017
-Invited as a speaker at White County Beekeepers Association, Searcy, AR on October 9, 2017.
-Invited as a main speaker at Fall 2017 Kansas Honey Producers Fall Meeting, Emporia, KS on October 27 &28, 2017.
-Invited as a guest speaker at Honey bee Breeding Laboratory, National Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Rural Development Administration, South Korea, on November 22, 2017.
-Dr. Park served as a 2017 Chancellor Awards searching committee at Customer Service Award on August 3, 2017.
-Dr. Park served as a 2017 Chancellor Awards searching committee at Distinguished Research, Scholarship & Creative Activity Award on August 3, 2017.
-Dr. Park served as a 2017 Chancellor Awards searching committee at Distinguished Teaching Award on August 3, 2017.
-Dr. Park served as a 2017 Chancellor Awards searching committee at University Global Engagement Award on August 3, 2017.
-Dr. Park served as a chair of Agriculture Coffee Club (ACC) to keep faculty and other members to use various drink at faculty lounge from Jan. to Dec. 2017 (since 2009).
-Dr. Park participated in Agriculture Farm Field Day 2017 and displayed and demonstrated “Honey Bees, the Best Pollinator” at Lonoke Farm. (September 08, 2017).
-I attended 61st Annual Rural Life Conference, Pine Bluff Convention Center, 2017.
-Dr. Park led in Scholarship committee meeting to review 2017 scholarship recipients on Feb. 19, 2017.
Professional recognition
Dr. Park transferred Honey-Processing Techniques to improve the quality of unadulterated honey in Haiti. He presented several workshops with more than 9 groups and trained better ways to harvest from the beehives. He consulted various environmental situations in Haiti to maintain healthier beehives and pest-free management in Haiti. December 3, 2017 – December 17, 2017.
Dr. Park organized the very first “Incredible Edible Insect Festival” in Arkansas at Department of Agriculture, UAPB. There were about 57 people and tasted two different food; crispy chocolate chip cookies with crickets and egg rolls with mealworm. April 27, 2018.
Dr. Park organized University-wide student club, “Black and Gold Bee Club,” starting Fall semester, 2013. Total 7 active members are involved in the club.
Dr. Park has served as a President of Agriculture Coffee Club, starting March 2008 with 5 members and currently with 15 active members (October, 2012)
Dr. Park organized and recruited speakers for “Workshop: Honeybee keeping for Beginners,” at University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, S.J. Parker Extension Auditorium, 2300 L.A. “Prexy” Davis Drive, Pine Bluff, AR 71601 on December 4, 2009.
A workshop held to introduce participants to the biology, ecology and behavior of honey bees. The workshop provided vital information and shared with clientele who were interested in honey bee hives and difficult experiences in managing them. Opportunities were offered for questions and answered as well as hands on activities with speakers and bee keeping equipments.
Most attendees showed positive feedbacks on the workshop and requested regular workshop of university-level in bee keeping programs. Total 24 people including non-preregistered attendees participated in the workshop.
Dr. Park presented 2 presentations and moderated the workshop.
Scholarships and grants received (name and year)
Awarded proposal for “Investigation of Natural Practices to Reduce Infestation of White Flies on Sweet Potatoes in Arkansas” at USDA-NIFA / Evans-Allen Project (PI), July, 2023-June, 2026. $25,000.00
Capacity Building Grant (facility). USDA-NIFA. Dissecting Microscope with camera system (Olympus SZX2-ZB16), 2018. $22,760.04
Effect of Insecticides on Honey Bees and Other Pollinators of Crops and Fruits of Arkansas. PI. 2017-2021. United States Department of Agriculture. $25,000.00
PI. Arkansas Agriculture Department. 2017-2020. Improvement of Pollinator Health by the Control of the Small Hive Beetle, Aethina tumida Murray, in Honey Bee Hives. $19,891.92.
PI. Black Women Foodpreneur Grant awarded, 2020. $1,500.00
PI. 2015-2016. Arkansas Agriculture Department. Population Mapping and Characterization of Habitat of Small Hive Beetle, Aethina tumida Murray. $18,000.00
Eastern Apicultural Society Workshop at Guelph, Canada. School of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Human Sciences, Professional Development. UAPB. July, 2015. $2,600.
Dr. Park received the 21st century Academic Invitation Program at Dan-Kook University, South Korea, June 1 and 4, 2015. $2,500.
PI. SouthernSARE. 2013-2015. Investigation of Potential Biological Control Agents for Internal Parasite Control in Goats. $14,930.00
Title III grant fund. Savant Speed-Vac System. 2013. $6,500.00
Title III grant fund. Incubator, 2013. $1,500.00
Co-PI. Establishing and expanding Sustainable Strawberry Production in Eastern Arkansas and Surrounding Areas. 2013-2014. $200,000.00
PI. USDA-CSREES, Evans-Allen 1890 Research Program. 2012-2016. Effectiveness of Invasive Plant and Herb Extracts as Pest Barriers on Crops and Fruit Plants. $25,000.00
Capacity Building Grant (sub). Biological incubators, 2012. $16,387.45
Title III grant fund. Olympus SZX16 Stereomicroscope with dual fiber optic light guide with drawing attachment, 2011. $10,799.00
PI. Arkansas Agriculture Department (Specialty Crop Block Grant). “Becoming a Beekeeper to Raising Your Own Queens, Honey, a Small Farmers Specialty Crop.” PI. 2011-2013. $19,321.00
Title III grant fund. Protein Purification & Characterization coursework held in Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. The coursework was 2 weeks long at the world-wide well-known laboratory, NY (April, 2010). $3,500.00
PI. CSREES Grantsmanship Workshop Travel Grant. USDA CSREES Grantsmanship Workshop. November, 2009. $1,000.00
University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture, Native bee identification workshop, Travel Grant. Dec. 2008. $1,889.53
Title III grant fund. Forensic Entomology Workshop at Penn State University (May, 2008). $1,800
2008 CSREES Integrated Competitive Programs Grantsmanship Workshop Travel Grant, Memphis, TN March 10-11, 2008. $1,000
PI. USDA-CSREES, Evans-Allen 1890 Research Program. Evaluation of Alternative Insecticides for Vegetable Insect Pest Management. 2007-2010. $25,000
Program grants from proposals written:
Submitted proposal for “Improvement of Honey Bees’ Health in the Southern States by Understanding, Investigating, and Managing Beehives” at Capacity Building Grant for $269,652.82 on August 30, 2023.
Submitted proposal for “Investigation of Natural Practices to Reduce Infestation of White Flies on Sweet Potatoes in Arkansas” at USDA-NIFA / Evans-Allen Project 2023-2026 on June 22, 2023.
Submitted proposal for “Facilitating Apiculture (Beekeeping) practices to Rural African American Landowners in the Arkansas Delta Region and Mastering Beekeeping in African-American Community” at Capacity Building Grant for $367,981.78 on Sept. 10, 2021.
Submitted for “From Worthless Vegetables to Value-Added Product: How Small and Mid-size Farmers Can Produce Artisan Wine from Unmarketable Products” at Arkansas Agriculture Department, Specialty Crop Block Grant Program for $23,325.13 in April 5, 2019.
Submitted for “From Worthless Vegetables to Value-Added Product: How Small and Mid-size Farmers Can Produce Artisan Wine from Unmarketable Products” at Small Business Innovation Research for $180,000.00 in October 23, 2019.
Submitted for “Black Women Foodpreneur” 6 training sessions and Food Safety License and Initiative Grant, December 2019
Submitted for “Improvement of the Beneficial Insects and its Prevention of the Exotic Pest Insects” at Foundational and Applied Science Program for $260,000.00 in March 12, 2020
Creative ability
Recognition of outstanding performance (local, state, national, international)
Associate Professor (40% Research, 25% Teaching, 35% Extension)
Department of Agriculture
University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff
1200 N. University Dr. Mail Slot 4913
Pine Bluff, AR 71601
Ph: 870-575-7245
Professional Experience
2013-pres. Associate Professor Dept. Agriculture, UAPB
2007-2013 Assistant Professor Dept. Agriculture, UAPB
2008-2013 Adjunct Professor, Dept. of Criminal Justice, University of Arkansas Little Rock
2014-present Adjunct Professor, Dept. of Science, University of Arkansas-Pulaski Technical College Little Rock
Jan. 2006-Dec. 2006 Lecturer, Dept. Biology, College of Triton, IL
Jan. 2006-Dec. 2006 Lecturer, Dept. Biology, College of DuPage, IL
2000-2005 Research Entomologist (Post-Doctorate), SRRC, ARS, USDA, New Orleans, LA
1998-2000 Post-Doctorate, Dept. of Entomology, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC
1998-1998 Post-Doctorate, Dept. of Zoology, University of Texas, Austin, TX
1997-1997 Post-Doctorate, Dept. of Entomology, Kansas State University Manhattan, KS
1993-1997 Research Assistant, Dept. of Entomology, Mississippi State University, Starkville, MS
1997 Dec. Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Mississippi State University
1987 Feb. Master of Zoology (M.S.) Dankook University, S. Korea
1985 Feb. Bachelor of Biology (B.S.) Dankook University, S. Korea
Recent Professional Activities
Associate Professor at UAPB
I have served at the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff for 17 years. Currently, he serves as associate professor of the Agriculture Department and research of Honey bees and small hive beetles. He graduated from Mississippi State University (PhD) and completed postdoctoral fellowships at USDA-ARS-SRRC (Formosan subterranean termite), North Carolina State University (imported fire ants), University of Texas at Austin (imported fire ants), Kansas State University (Tobacco budworm). He has also kept honey bees for 17 years and has 18 hives for hobby and 49 for research.
I participated in Partners of the Americas, USAID Volunteer with Partners’ Farmer-to-Farmer Program (2017) in Haiti for improvement of honey production, management of beehives, and beekeeping classes.
I participated in Partners of the Americas, USAID Volunteer with Partners’ Farmer-to-Farmer Program (2023) in Jamaica for Queen bee production by grafting and non-grafting techniques.
I have presented and taught beekeeping classes since 2009 in the States and at International Conferences.
I served in Partners of the Americas, USAID Volunteer with Partners’ Farmer-to-Farmer Program (202) in Guyana for Africanized honey bee colony inspection training and developed inspection guidelines for underserved beekeepers in Guyana.
Other Professional Activities
Beekeeping Class and Pollinators in Thompson Library, West Little Rock on October 26, 2024.
Effective Online Teaching Practices: Cohort G, Fall 2024 – Spring 2025
Farmer-to-Farmer (F2F) assignment sponsored by Partners of the Americas, USAID in Guyana between July 7-July 21, 2024.
Farmer-to-Farmer (F2F) assignment sponsored by Partners of the Americas, USAID in Jamaica between January 29-February 12, 2023.
Beginner Beekeeping Workshops (March, September, and December, 2022)
Wine-making workshop (2019)
Honey Processing Workshops and Training in Haiti (Partners of the America-Farmer to Farmer) (2017)
Value-added Product, Sweet potato wines with AR produced fruit (2017-present)
Pollinator conservation planning short course in Arkansas (2012)
The A’s Bees and C’s of Beekeeping course (2012)
Queen rearing training (2011)
Faculty Training for Blackboard (2011)
Training Course for Honey bee Extermination/Removal and passed the EPA Basic Exam from Arkansas State Plant Board (2010)
Honey bee training-master program (August, 2010)
Protein Purification & Characterization Course at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (April, 2010)
Organized Honey bee Keeping Training for the Beginners at UAPB, Pine Bluff, Dec. 4th, 2009
Certified as Mentor in Entomology at SIPSEB, UAPB, Pine Bluff, AR, June 2009
Honey bee keeping training-intermediate (March, 2009)
Completed Bee Workshop at Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Dept. of the Interior, December, 2008
Certified as Mentor in Entomology at SIPSEB, UAPB, Pine Bluff, AR, June 2008
Completed and Certified the Forensic Entomology Workshop at Penn State University, May 2008
Certified Honey bee keeping training at Arkansas Plant Board (March, 2008)
Certified Apiary Training Session at Arkansas Plant Board (November, 2007)
4. Research competence
a. Books published
Manual of Honey Bee Veterinary Medicine, 2nd edition. Eds by Heidi Ward, Yong Park, Jon Zawislak, Dustan Clark, and Danny Brewer. 2019
Bland, J. M., A. Raina, A. Carpita, Y. Park and W. Osbrink. 2005. Semiochemicals in Termite Origin. “Semiochemicals in Pest and Weed Control” Edited by Richard J. Petroski, Maria R. Tellez, and Robert W. Behle. American Chemical Society Symposium Series 906. pp. 89-100.
b. Articles published
Bernard Iwegbu and Yong I. Park 2025. Richness of the pollinators on oilseed sunflower, Helianthus annuus L., in Jefferson County (Southeastern), Arkansas. In Processing
Yong I. Park 2024. Pollinators are important for flowering plants. UAEX Extension Factsheet. Submitted.
Yong I. Park. 2021. Restriction Leads Small Hive Beetle, Aethina tumida Murray to Cannibalism. J. Agricultural, Environmental and Consumer Science. Vol 21, pp19-25.
What Do You See in Every Spring Time: Swarming (Honey bees, Apis mellifera), Small Farm Project Newsletter, 2021.
Edmund Buckner, La’Tonya Richardson, and Yong I. Park. 2017. Coping with Fire ants, Cooperative Extension Program, UAPB. FSA9602.
Park, Yong I., E.H. Park, and G.Y. Park. 2016. Salt Concentrations that Influence Mortality Rate on Small Hive Beetles, Aethina tumida Murray in Arkansas. Arkansas Environmental, Agricultural and Consumer Sciences Journal. Vol 15-16, 22-25.
Park, Yong I. 2016. Possible barrier and possible attractiveness to interrupt development of the small hive beetles (Aethina tumida Murray) in honey bee hives (Research Abstract for rural life conference). 2016
Park, Yong I. 2012. Effectiveness of herb plants as pest barriers on vegetables. Arkansas Environmental, Agricultural and Consumer Sciences Journal, Abstract. Vol 12 p 35.
Park, Yong I., and Enoch H. Park 2012. Re-evaluation of physiological conditions that influence reproductive success on small hive beetles, Aethina tumida Murray in Arkansas. Arkansas Environmental, Agricultural and Consumer Sciences Journal, Vol 12 pp14-17.
Park, Yong I.. (Ed. Carol Sanders). 2012. Not too early to plan for pollination of crops and flowers. U of A Division of Agriculture, Research & Extension, October, 2012.
Park, Yong I.. 2011. Managing small hive beetle, Aethina tumida (Coeloptera: Nitidulidae) under potential interruption of development. UAPB Agriculture Field Day Abstracts, SAFHS, August 11, 2011 p. 17.
Park, Yong I.. (Ed. Carol Sanders). 2011. Giving Mother Nature a Hand; Being helpful to bees. Arkansas Agriculture. 8, 24
Park, Yong I. 2010. Ecological Distribution of Dung Beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) between Cow and Goat Wastes at Various Locations. Arkansas Environmental, Agricultural and Consumer Sciences Journal, Vol 10 pp20-22.
Park, Yong I. 2010. Honeybees and Small Hive Beetles in Arkansas. Farm Bureau Update Video Newsletter. June (Please see A5h)
Park, Yong I. 2010. Honeybees. Rural Arkansas. June pp 11, 13.
Park, Yong I. 2010. Wanted: Locations of Feral Bees. Ed. Carol Sanders. Rural Arkansas. July pp 29-30
Park, Yong I. 2010. UAPB entomologist helps keep Mother Nature buzzing. The White Hall Journal. May 19, 2010.
Support of University Promotional Activities:
Professional Development Session of the Center for Excellence and Innovation in Teaching and Learning (Practices for Creating Aligned & Equitable Assessment) on February 23, 2023.
Dr. Park attended “Retention through Excellent Customer Service & Mindful Classroom Management (Oct. 19, 2023)
Certificates and awards received:
Professional Development Session of the Center for Excellence and Innovation in Teaching and Learning (Practices for Creating Aligned & Equitable Assessment) on February 23, 2023.
Received “Distinguished Teaching Award” (Aug. 2023)
Dr. Park received an award of “The Most Creative Award” at Pine Bluff/Jefferson County Chamber and Alliance, May 5, 2023
Dr. Park received an award of “The Most Creative Award” at Pine Bluff/Jefferson County Chamber and Alliance, May 5, 2022
Honey Contest: served as a judge during the 2018 Annual Arkansas Beekeepers Association Meeting, Little Rock, AR, October 6-7, 2018
Honey Contest: 1st prize in amber category at 2017 Annual Arkansas Beekeepers Association Meeting, Little Rock, AR October 10, 2017
Pesticide Application Certificate at Plant Board, Little Rock, AR (3/16/2016).
Honey Contest at Arkansas Beekeepers Association at Mountain View (11/4-5, 2016), won 1st place in the Amber Category, and 1st place in Light Amber Category.
Honey Contest: 2nd prize in amber category at 2015 Annual Arkansas Beekeepers Association Meeting, Mountain View, AR October 9-10, 2015
Dr. Park received award at Arkansas Entomological Society Annual Meeting, the 8th Photography Contest in the Best Photo Series: Bees. October 5, 2013.
Dr. Park received three awards, 1st and 3rd prizes in two different (amber and light amber) categories at 2013 Annual Arkansas Beekeepers Association Conference, Mountain View, AR September 20-21, 2013.
Dr. Park received three awards, 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes in three different (extra-light, amber and light amber) categories at 2012 Annual Arkansas Beekeepers Association Conference, Mountain View, AR October 12-13, 2012.
Dr. Park received the certificate of Appreciation for participation and continued support to the Ronald McNair Scholars Program. April 5, 2012.
Dr. Park received an award for “Best Sequence (Wrong Leader)” photo in the 6th annual photography contest at the Arkansas Entomological Society Meeting in October, 2011 in Little Rock, AR.
Dr. Park received certificates from SIPSEBS Program (2007, 2008, 2009, and 2010).
Dr. Park earned a certificate of completion for Short Course-Level One at EAS Master Beekeepers Association in 2010.
Dr. Park received a certificate attended The Cold Spring Harbor Course on “Protein Purification and Characterization” in 2010.
Dr. Park received two 2nd prizes in two different (dark and light) categories at 2009 Annual Arkansas Beekeepers Association, Mountain View, AR 2009.
Dr. Park received an award for “swarming” photo in the 4th annual photography contest at the Arkansas Entomological Society Meeting in October, 2009 in Little Rock, AR.
Honey Contest: 1st and 3rd prizes in two different (amber and light amber) categories at the 2013 Annual Arkansas Beekeepers Association Conference, Mountain View, AR October, 2013
Dr. Park received the award for “Best Photo Series: Bees at the 2013 Arkansas,” Entomological Society Annual Meeting on October 6, 2013, at Magnolia, AR.
Meetings/Workshops/Seminars Attended and/or Presentations
-Dr. Park was invited by USAID, Partners of the Americas, Farmer to Farmer Program as a Beekeeping Specialist-Queen Breeding in Jamaica between January 29th and February 12th, 2023. Dr. Park presented a total of 6 presentations and 8 times queen-rearing practices with Jamaican local beekeepers and officers. Dr. Park inspected more than 65 beehives with 8 beekeepers during the visit.
- Dr. Park presented “Honey Bees – Farmer’s Best Friends” sponsored by USDA-NIFA at UAPB Lonoke Farm (September 28, 2023).
-Dr. Park taught Beekeeping classes in 2022 (March, Jefferson County, AR), 2020 (May, Pulaski County, AR).
-Dr. Park invited at Annual conference of Apicultural Society of Korea as a guest speaker
on the 37th Annual Meeting & International Conference of Apicultural Society of Korea (ASK).
-Dr. Park attended North American Beekeeping Federation Annual meeting as an invited speaker in January 9 to 12, 2019 at Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, and presented two sessions for “Honeybee Morphology and Biology” for more than 40 people.
-Dr. Park attended “Food Safety Practices for Small to Mid-scale Producers” in January 23, 2019 at Little Rock, AR and earned the certificate for food safety practices for small to mid-scale producers.
-Dr. Park attended and trained for “Hoop house production of cool season crops” in January 24, 2019 at Little Rock, AR
-Dr. Park attended 2019 Southern SAWG conference in January 25-26, 2019 at Little Rock, AR.
-Dr. Park attended 63rd Rural Life Conference and presented “Wine-making with vegetables” workshop with 37 people at Pine Bluff, AR in February 1, 2019.
-Dr. Park presented bee talk in Feb. 9, 2019
-Dr. Park participated Marianna vegetable workshop for “Benefits by pollinators” in Feb. 28, 2019.
-Dr. Park attended 1890 ARD Research Symposium and presented “Temporal influence on different temperatures affecting emergence of the small hive beetle (Aethina tumida Murray) from wandering larvae to adults” in April 1, 2019.
-Dr. Park invited to present two seminars at Benton Beekeepers’ Association in April 4, 2019. He presented “Our Roles and Other Roles for Pollinators” and “Temporal influence on the small hive beetles and updated information.”
-Dr. Park had 3 different dates with different topics for beginner beekeepers classes in April 13, 20, and May 4, 2019 at Dunbar Garden, Little Rock, AR.
-Invited as a speaker and served as a member of organizing educational sessions for Veterinarian Beekeeping Medication Certificate Program as “Honey Bee Veterinary Medicine Complete Short Course” in May 17, 2019 at Bemis Bee Farm, Little Rock, AR.
-Presented and demonstrated “Structure of the Honey Bees-Understand of Farmer’s Best Friends” in 2018 Lonoke Field Day
-Presented “Beekeeping and Crop Pollination in Small Spaces” in the 8th Annual Bi-States CEP Anuual Horticulture Conference & Seed Swap on Mar. 29, 2018
-Presented “Beekeeping and Crop Pollination” in UAPB Small Farm Program Jefferson County Commercial Vegetable Production Meeting on April 24, 2018
-Participated and presented “Farmers Using Bees” in the 62nd Annual Rural Life Conference at Pine Bluff Convention Center on Mar. 9, 2018
-Called Scholarship Committee meeting in March 16, 2018 for the Alumni Scholarships
-Invited as a speaker at 8th Annual Horticulture Conference, Texarkana, Texas in March 29, 2018 and presented “Beekeeping and crop pollination in small spaces.”
-Completed in “Grants 101 Workshop” in April 5, 2018
-Commercial Vegetable Production Meeting (UAPB Small Farm Program Jefferson County) and presented “Beekeeping and Crop Pollination” in April 24, 2018.
-Organized “The First Incredible Edible Insect Festival in April 27, 2018 and tasted “Chocolate chip cookies with crickets” and “Eggroll with mealworm” for UAPB students and community, and presented 2 seminars, titled “Incredible edible insects.”
-Invited as a speaker at Fayetteville for Benton Northwestern Beekeepers Association, Bentonville, AR in May 3, 2018, and presented 2 seminars, titled as “Can you control swarm?” and “Small hive beetle’s reproductive organ.”
-Invited as a speaker and served as a member of organizing educational sessions for Veterinarian Beekeeping Medication Certificate Program as “Honey Bee Veterinary Medicine Complete Short Course” in May 11, 2018.
-Saline Beekeepers Association Meeting, Benton, Arkansas. July 10, 2018. Title 1: Can you control swarm? Title 2: Small hive beetle’s reproductive success.
-2018 Fall faculty & staff seminar in August 16-20, 2018 at UAPB
-Served as a mentor for the beehive management at Dunbar elementary garden, September 5, 2018
-Dr. Park participated in Field Day at Lonoke September 27, 2018 and presented “Friendly Bees and Pollinators.”
-Dr. Park distributed 200 UAPB sample honey (2 oz / each) to participants.
-Invited as a speaker and served as a member of organizing educational sessions for Veterinarian Beekeeping Medication Certificate Program as “Honey Bee Veterinary Medicine Complete Short Course” in October 19, 2018.
-Dr. Park attended Arkansas Beekeepers’ Association Annual Fall meeting in October 26 to 28, 2018 at Little Rock, AR
-Dr. Park served at Partners of the America Farmer to Farmer (F2F) Program between December 3 and 17, 2017 in Haiti Presented Honey and How to extract Honey from Honeycomb on December 5, 2017 in Haiti
-Presented workshop of honey harvest at ARAM, Haiti and presentation for Beekeeping Basics on December 15, 2017
-Presented Honey bee morphology and Anatomy in Haiti on December 15, 2017
-Attended North American Beekeeping Conference & Tradeshow as an invited speaker at Galveston, TX on January 10-14, 2017.
-Invited as a speaker at Jefferson County Masters Gardener Training, Pine Bluff, AR on March 23, 2017.
-Invited as a speaker at Northeastern Beekeepers Association, Searcy, AR on May 9, 2017.
-Invited as a speaker at DeQueen Beekeepers Association, DeQueen, AR on June26, 2017.
-Invited as a speaker at Southwest Beekeepers Association, Nashville, AR on August 14, 2017.
-Workshop speaker at Honey bee Veterinary Medicine, Little Rock, AR on September 21, 2017
-Invited as a speaker at White County Beekeepers Association, Searcy, AR on October 9, 2017.
-Invited as a main speaker at Fall 2017 Kansas Honey Producers Fall Meeting, Emporia, KS on October 27 &28, 2017.
-Invited as a guest speaker at Honey bee Breeding Laboratory, National Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Rural Development Administration, South Korea, on November 22, 2017.
-Dr. Park served as a 2017 Chancellor Awards searching committee at Customer Service Award on August 3, 2017.
-Dr. Park served as a 2017 Chancellor Awards searching committee at Distinguished Research, Scholarship & Creative Activity Award on August 3, 2017.
-Dr. Park served as a 2017 Chancellor Awards searching committee at Distinguished Teaching Award on August 3, 2017.
-Dr. Park served as a 2017 Chancellor Awards searching committee at University Global Engagement Award on August 3, 2017.
-Dr. Park served as a chair of Agriculture Coffee Club (ACC) to keep faculty and other members to use various drink at faculty lounge from Jan. to Dec. 2017 (since 2009).
-Dr. Park participated in Agriculture Farm Field Day 2017 and displayed and demonstrated “Honey Bees, the Best Pollinator” at Lonoke Farm. (September 08, 2017).
-I attended 61st Annual Rural Life Conference, Pine Bluff Convention Center, 2017.
-Dr. Park led in Scholarship committee meeting to review 2017 scholarship recipients on Feb. 19, 2017.
Professional recognition
Dr. Park transferred Honey-Processing Techniques to improve the quality of unadulterated honey in Haiti. He presented several workshops with more than 9 groups and trained better ways to harvest from the beehives. He consulted various environmental situations in Haiti to maintain healthier beehives and pest-free management in Haiti. December 3, 2017 – December 17, 2017.
Dr. Park organized the very first “Incredible Edible Insect Festival” in Arkansas at Department of Agriculture, UAPB. There were about 57 people and tasted two different food; crispy chocolate chip cookies with crickets and egg rolls with mealworm. April 27, 2018.
Dr. Park organized University-wide student club, “Black and Gold Bee Club,” starting Fall semester, 2013. Total 7 active members are involved in the club.
Dr. Park has served as a President of Agriculture Coffee Club, starting March 2008 with 5 members and currently with 15 active members (October, 2012)
Dr. Park organized and recruited speakers for “Workshop: Honeybee keeping for Beginners,” at University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, S.J. Parker Extension Auditorium, 2300 L.A. “Prexy” Davis Drive, Pine Bluff, AR 71601 on December 4, 2009.
A workshop held to introduce participants to the biology, ecology and behavior of honey bees. The workshop provided vital information and shared with clientele who were interested in honey bee hives and difficult experiences in managing them. Opportunities were offered for questions and answered as well as hands on activities with speakers and bee keeping equipments.
Most attendees showed positive feedbacks on the workshop and requested regular workshop of university-level in bee keeping programs. Total 24 people including non-preregistered attendees participated in the workshop.
Dr. Park presented 2 presentations and moderated the workshop.
Scholarships and grants received (name and year)
Awarded proposal for “Investigation of Natural Practices to Reduce Infestation of White Flies on Sweet Potatoes in Arkansas” at USDA-NIFA / Evans-Allen Project (PI), July, 2023-June, 2026. $25,000.00
Capacity Building Grant (facility). USDA-NIFA. Dissecting Microscope with camera system (Olympus SZX2-ZB16), 2018. $22,760.04
Effect of Insecticides on Honey Bees and Other Pollinators of Crops and Fruits of Arkansas. PI. 2017-2021. United States Department of Agriculture. $25,000.00
PI. Arkansas Agriculture Department. 2017-2020. Improvement of Pollinator Health by the Control of the Small Hive Beetle, Aethina tumida Murray, in Honey Bee Hives. $19,891.92.
PI. Black Women Foodpreneur Grant awarded, 2020. $1,500.00
PI. 2015-2016. Arkansas Agriculture Department. Population Mapping and Characterization of Habitat of Small Hive Beetle, Aethina tumida Murray. $18,000.00
Eastern Apicultural Society Workshop at Guelph, Canada. School of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Human Sciences, Professional Development. UAPB. July, 2015. $2,600.
Dr. Park received the 21st century Academic Invitation Program at Dan-Kook University, South Korea, June 1 and 4, 2015. $2,500.
PI. SouthernSARE. 2013-2015. Investigation of Potential Biological Control Agents for Internal Parasite Control in Goats. $14,930.00
Title III grant fund. Savant Speed-Vac System. 2013. $6,500.00
Title III grant fund. Incubator, 2013. $1,500.00
Co-PI. Establishing and expanding Sustainable Strawberry Production in Eastern Arkansas and Surrounding Areas. 2013-2014. $200,000.00
PI. USDA-CSREES, Evans-Allen 1890 Research Program. 2012-2016. Effectiveness of Invasive Plant and Herb Extracts as Pest Barriers on Crops and Fruit Plants. $25,000.00
Capacity Building Grant (sub). Biological incubators, 2012. $16,387.45
Title III grant fund. Olympus SZX16 Stereomicroscope with dual fiber optic light guide with drawing attachment, 2011. $10,799.00
PI. Arkansas Agriculture Department (Specialty Crop Block Grant). “Becoming a Beekeeper to Raising Your Own Queens, Honey, a Small Farmers Specialty Crop.” PI. 2011-2013. $19,321.00
Title III grant fund. Protein Purification & Characterization coursework held in Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. The coursework was 2 weeks long at the world-wide well-known laboratory, NY (April, 2010). $3,500.00
PI. CSREES Grantsmanship Workshop Travel Grant. USDA CSREES Grantsmanship Workshop. November, 2009. $1,000.00
University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture, Native bee identification workshop, Travel Grant. Dec. 2008. $1,889.53
Title III grant fund. Forensic Entomology Workshop at Penn State University (May, 2008). $1,800
2008 CSREES Integrated Competitive Programs Grantsmanship Workshop Travel Grant, Memphis, TN March 10-11, 2008. $1,000
PI. USDA-CSREES, Evans-Allen 1890 Research Program. Evaluation of Alternative Insecticides for Vegetable Insect Pest Management. 2007-2010. $25,000
Program grants from proposals written:
Submitted proposal for “Improvement of Honey Bees’ Health in the Southern States by Understanding, Investigating, and Managing Beehives” at Capacity Building Grant for $269,652.82 on August 30, 2023.
Submitted proposal for “Investigation of Natural Practices to Reduce Infestation of White Flies on Sweet Potatoes in Arkansas” at USDA-NIFA / Evans-Allen Project 2023-2026 on June 22, 2023.
Submitted proposal for “Facilitating Apiculture (Beekeeping) practices to Rural African American Landowners in the Arkansas Delta Region and Mastering Beekeeping in African-American Community” at Capacity Building Grant for $367,981.78 on Sept. 10, 2021.
Submitted for “From Worthless Vegetables to Value-Added Product: How Small and Mid-size Farmers Can Produce Artisan Wine from Unmarketable Products” at Arkansas Agriculture Department, Specialty Crop Block Grant Program for $23,325.13 in April 5, 2019.
Submitted for “From Worthless Vegetables to Value-Added Product: How Small and Mid-size Farmers Can Produce Artisan Wine from Unmarketable Products” at Small Business Innovation Research for $180,000.00 in October 23, 2019.
Submitted for “Black Women Foodpreneur” 6 training sessions and Food Safety License and Initiative Grant, December 2019
Submitted for “Improvement of the Beneficial Insects and its Prevention of the Exotic Pest Insects” at Foundational and Applied Science Program for $260,000.00 in March 12, 2020
Creative ability
Recognition of outstanding performance (local, state, national, international)
OS13-073 | Investigation of Potential Biological Control Agents for Internal Parasite Control in Goats |