Dr. John Tooker

Professor and Extension Specialist
Penn State
State: PA
(w) (814) 865-7082


GNE24-330 Investigating the Impact of Cover Crop Mixtures on Ant Communities and Pest Control Services in No-Till Agroecosystems
GNE18-165 Harnessing Forage Mixtures to Increase Ecosystem Services of Arthropod Predators and Weed Suppression
GNE16-131 Macroarthropod decomposers in field crops: Influence on residue breakdown and response to prophylactic insecticides
GNE16-135 Plant probiotics? Understanding how soil health practices influence plant-insect interactions
ONE15-250 Developing an IPM program against slugs in mid-Atlantic no-till grain fields
LNE12-320 Using cultivar mixtures to improve pest control and grain crop production
GNE11-014 Striving for sustainable pest management in no-till, field-crop systems: Understanding the role of insecticidal seed treatments
GNE10-006 Exploiting plant genotypic diversity for sustainable insect pest management
GNE10-009 Self-regulating weed control through the enhancement of beneficial ground dwelling invertebrates
ONE10-130 Maximizing natural enemy-provided control in no-till, field crop systems