Victor Izzo

Senior Lecturer and Research Affiliate
University of Vermont
State: VT
(w) (802) 999-6906


LNE23-465 Evaluation of Delayed Potato Planting for the Management of Insect and Disease Incidence on Northeastern Diversified Farms
LNE22-450R Development of Above and Below Ground Strategies Using Entomopathogenic Fungi and RNAi Technologies for the Control of Root Crop Pests
LNE20-400 Biological and Cultural Tactics for the Control of Wireworms in Root Crops
ONE20-365 Field Assessment of a Novel Behavioral Disruptor for Spotted Wing Drosophila Management in Northeastern Berry Crops
LNE19-379 Pre- and Post-Harvest Strategies for Leek Moth Control on Diversified Vegetable Farms