Blue Iris Fish Farm
State: WI
(w) (920) 450-4641
As co-owner of Blue Iris Fish Farm, I have a master's degree in limnology. I have about 40 years as water and wastewater consultant. In the past 20 years I have been conducting research related to perch culture with a specific goal to raise quality perch for the fish food market. Since I have been working with perch, the industry has reduced the egg to market time of perch from 2-3 years down to about 10 months. Blue Iris has developed pond-side tank culture for the grow out of perch and these techniques have proven to be a very cost effective and affordable technique for raising food fish for the small family farm. We continue to conduct research as well as give tours and many presentations relative to water quality and perch culture.
FNC17-1105 | Increasing Farm Income and Diversification By Converting Abandoned Manure Pits Into Aquaculture Production Facilities |
FNC16-1064 | Developing a Self Funded Aquaculture Program for High Schools |
FNC08-731 | Study to Reduce Parasitic Infestations of Yellow Perch in Flow-Through Outdoor Growout Systems |