Dr. Xavier Martini

Assitant Professor
University of Florida
State: FL
(w) (850) 875-7100


LS25-409 Breeding of companion plants selected for characters improving attraction and survival of beneficial insects.
OS25-188 Sustainable pepper weevil management by integration of kaolin clay and oviposition deterring pheromone
GS24-308 Harnessing Semiochemicals: An Integrated and Sustainable Approach to Manage Pepper Weevil Infestations
GS22-255 Beetle Herding: Development of Strategies to Optimize Biological Control of Air Potato Using Attractants
OS21-147 Development of a Push-Pull System in Avocado Groves in South Florida
LS20-342 Enhancing Hedgerow Systems in Fruit Tree Production to Improve Beneficial Insect Diversity and Abundance
OS20-137 Combining Non-crop Habitat and Semiochemical Lures to Increase Natural Enemy Recruitment and Retention in Florida Vegetable Crops
GS20-234 Development of Push-pull System for Ambrosia Beetles, Vectors of Laurel Wilt Disease in Florida Avocado
GS19-210 Toward the Development of a Push-Pull Strategy to Control Whiteflies in Florida Vegetables
GS18-191 Developing Attract and Reward Strategy to Control Thrips and Whiteflies in Florida Tomato
GS17-172 Effects of Herbivore-Induced Plant Volatiles in Various Maturity Stages of Pepper on the Attractiveness of Orius insidiosus