Professional Development Project: Economics of Silvopasture

Final report for ENC21-204

Project Type: Professional Development Program
Funds awarded in 2021: $79,010.00
Projected End Date: 09/30/2023
Host Institution Award ID: H009277405
Grant Recipient: SFA - MN
Region: North Central
State: Minnesota
Project Coordinator:
Lucinda Winter
Sustainable Farming Association of Minnesota
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Project Information


The Professional Development Program: Silvopasture Economics, sponsored by the Sustainable Farming Association of Minnesota (SFA), is an education and professional development program targetting 50 forestry and agricultural professionals, farmers and landowners to learn the economics of silvopasture, its costs and benefits, a critical information need that must be addressed to assure silvopasture adoption. It is Phase II of  the PDP Program: Silvopasture Adoption (Project # ENC 19-178) which equiped over 200 participants to educate and support farmers and landowners to adopt silvopasture practices to supplement farm income and restore unmanaged forests. Working with researchers and silvopasture professionals, Phase I trained 50 professionals  in 3 regions (north, central, southern) and has generated a wealth of informational products focused on nearly 640,000 acres of unmanaged wooded pasture in Minnesota that are an untapped soil health and agricultural resource. 

Phase II builds on Phase I by generating much requested economic information about the wide and variable range of input costs and economic benefits of silvopasture, generating fact sheets, an economic calculator tool, case studies and pod casts. This will be shared with the 50+ ag professionalsin Phase I,  another 50 professionals who will receive extra training so they in turn hold 1 silvopasture learning event in north, central and southern Minnesota, farmers and ~500 in the "Silvopasture Learning Network", formed by UMN Extension and SFA. Farmers practicing silvopasture or beginning their journey will be recruited. Information will be shared with Green Lands Blue Waters, SWCD Forestry Association, Foreage Councils and Learning Network. 

Project Objectives:

Education Materials:  Outputs include at least 1 economic fact sheet or publication, 1 assessment tool for use by farmers or landowners, 2 podcasts on economics (one per year), case studies (5) in year 2, reprint of materials from Phase I of the project as needed, since those materials will be depleted by mid 2022.

Number of participants: Total is 50 professionals trained + 1,120 attendees at workshops, field days, other groups' events.

  • 50 Professionals who are trained as a result of this project and who receive a scholarship to pay for 1 workshop and/or 1 field day registration.
  • An estimated 75 attendees at Soil Health Summit silvopasture session in 2022 and another 50 in 2023 -- total of 125 (this may overlap with the number of 
  • 400 number of people on Silvopasture Learning Network who will receive SFA economic materials and assessment tool.
  • 320 number of people on SFA Silvopasture cohort who will receive SFA economi materials and assessment tool.
  • ~ 25 people per workshop 2 and 3 in Year 1 + same in Year 2 (50)
  • ~ 25 people per field day 1, 2 and 3 in Year 1 + same in Year 2 (75)
  • 100 people who attend SFA's table and or presentation at one of the following:  Green Lands Blue Waters, MN Assocition of Soil Water Conservation Districts, Soil Water Conservation Districts Agroforestry Association. 

Number of partnerships:

  • University of MN CINRAM (already strong)
  • Green Lands Blue Waters (already strong)
  • UMN Extension (already strong)
  • MN Assocition of Soil Water Conservation Districts (exists, needs strengthening)
  • Soil Water Conservation Districts Agroforestry Association (new) 



Click linked name(s) to expand/collapse or show everyone's info
  • Gary Wyatt
  • Greg Booth
  • Vickie Kettlewell
  • Stephan Thomforde - Technical Advisor


Educational approach:

SFA's approach to educating farmers and ranchers on the economics of Silvopasture started with the Phase I basics -  "What is Silvopasture" and involved producing comprehensive educational tools, including fact sheets, case studies, webinars and two Dirt Rich podcast episodes, all accessible from the of the SFA website.  In collaboration with our partners at UMN Extension, we built out a 400 member Silvopasture Learning Network, an email list of farmers, ranchers and ag professionals interested in being part of a Silvopasture affinity group. We coordinated with  project partners to create multiple field days and other on-farm demonstration opportunities showcasing the ecological and economic benefits of Silvopasture.   

Phase II built on Phase I by generating much requested economic information about the wide and variable range of input costs and economic benefits of Silvopasture. Focus was on creating an effective online cost calculator to help farmers and ranchers determine the input costs they would incur to adopt Silvopasture on their land. Once the tool was developed we began field testing it by asking farmers and ranchers to use the tool and provide the project team with feedback to improve its utility. Improvements were incorporated as feedback was received. During Phase II SFA also participated in several "Fridays with a Forester" webinars and regional field days during which how to use the Silvopasture Decision-making Tool, was demonstrated. 

Education & Outreach Initiatives

Silvopasture Case Studies

To offer farmers real world examples of five Minnesota farms that have adopted Silvopasture and Agroforstry practices in their operations.


A compendium of five case studies featuring farmers who practice silvopasture and agroforestry. Researched and written by Jared Luhman, SFA's Soil Health Lead, these case studies feature farmers throughout Minnesota who have been using silvopasture practices for three or more years and whose stories offer tangible examples, support, and encouragement to others.

Outcomes and impacts:

To motivate farmers who are considering silvopasture and agroforestry by providing real world success stories.

Silvopasture Webinar Series and Video

Silvopasture education for those who prefer a streaming format for learning.


Silvopasture in the Midwest

This webinar captures the history and use of silvopasture as a practice throughout the Midwest. You’ll find a refresher on silvopasture as a practice and its concepts, highlights of research from silvopastoral systems in the region, and a tour of farms and farm systems that utilize the practice.

Digging Deeper into Silvopasture

Presenters discuss practically how to get started implementing Silvopasture on your farm, including planning design considerations, using EQIP, cost-share programs, and other funding opportunities.

Silvopasture: A Global and Historical Perspective

Take a tour of silvopasture around the planet. This agricultural practice has been in use for centuries from the tropics to temperate climates. Learn about research on the utility of silvopastoral systems for agricultural production and their implication for contributing to an economically and environmentally resilient agriculture.

Minnesota Silvopasture Resources

Managed well, silvopasture can improve profit and ecological function on the 660,000+ acres of unmanaged, grazed woodlands in Minnesota. Three MN resource professionals share their knowledge on grazing system infrastructure, management considerations, and programs available to assist producers.

Farmmaps & Silvopasture Case Studies Release (Youtube)

FarmMaps is a tool developed by the Center for Integrated Natural Resources and Agriculture Management (CINRAM) designed to encourage farmers interested in adopting Silvopasture practices to learn from and connect with farmers in their region who have successfully adopted those practices on their farms.  Case studies and photos highlight farmers around Minnesota who are implementing innovative practices and provides contact info for connecting with them to learn more.

Adaptive Grazing & Silvopasture

Silvopastures are complex agroecosystems with the potential to produce an array of sustainable products and services. From healthy pasture-based foods and forest products to clean water and carbon sequestration, highly skilled grazing management is critical to the success and optimization of these systems. This webinar will present an overview of Adaptive Grazing Management and a look into its application to Silvopasture.

Economics of Silvopasture 

Take a deeper dive into the costs of silvopasture establishment and the economics of silvopasture production systems. The presenters share findings from research conducted throughout the United States.

Outcomes and impacts:

Deepen knowledge of and appreciation for the practice of Silvopature, its global history, available resources. 

Video: In the Field: Livestock in Regenerative Agriculture

To provoke thought about livestock management, sustainability an health.


Two SFA staffers tackle the tough question: “Should we eat meat?” and discuss how properly managed livestock can actually address issues of sustainability and health in agriculture.

Outcomes and impacts:

To increase understanding of the broader social and ethical impacts of silvopasture practices.

Fact Sheets and Handbook (accessible on the SFA website:

To provide an accessible deeper dive into Silvopasture topics for those farmers and ag professionals.


These professionally produced fact sheets provide interested farmers and ag professionals with useful and current information that is easily accessible and sharable. Titles include:  Pastured Pork - Why Consider Pigs?; The How-tos of Silvopasture; and Silvopasture in Minnesota.

The Silvopasture Handbook is a compendium of web-based resources, professionals, universities, government agencies, non-profit organizations and other sources of silvopasture information, training and networking.

This resource manual is designed to assist land managers and technical support staff on designing and implementing a Silvopasture system in woodlands. This is a starting place for you to quickly and easily connect with information and people to improve your understanding and implementation of Silvopasture.

Outcomes and impacts:

To increase awareness and understanding of the practice of Silvopasture and its benefits.

Educational & Outreach Activities

15 Consultations
9 Curricula, factsheets or educational tools
3 On-farm demonstrations
2 Online trainings
3 Published press articles, newsletters
2 Tours
15 Webinars / talks / presentations
4 Workshop field days
3 Other educational activities: 2 "Dirt Rich" podcasts; 1 video

Participation Summary:

25 Extension
20 Researchers
15 Nonprofit
8 Ag service providers (other or unspecified)
125 Farmers/ranchers
150 Others
150 Farmers participated

Learning Outcomes

500 Participants gained or increased knowledge, skills and/or attitudes about sustainable agriculture topics, practices, strategies, approaches
35 Ag professionals intend to use knowledge, attitudes, skills and/or awareness learned

Project Outcomes

1 Grant received that built upon this project
2 New working collaborations
Project outcomes:

Establishment of the Silvopasture Learning Network email group, a knowledge sharing network comprised of more than 300 educators, researchers, farmers and landowners and ag agency reps.  As the grant wound down, the network was converted into a Facebook Group, which can be found here:  Silvopasture Learning Network

6 Agricultural service provider participants who used knowledge and skills learned through this project (or incorporated project materials) in their educational activities, services, information products and/or tools for farmers
175 Farmers reached through participant's programs

Information Products

Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture or SARE.