Progress report for FNC24-1430
Project Information
Dr. Petran founded Twin Cities Berry Company (TCBC) in 2018 as a research and production farm dedicated to increasing the Twin Cities' supply and access to healthy, locally produced fruit. TCBC is entering its seventh field season of production and Dr. Petran has been researching strawberry production techniques in the Upper Midwest for over 10 years, both at the farm and through his doctoral research at the University of Minnesota. TCBC operates out of a brand new farm property, located in Isanti, MN, purchased by Dr. Petran in August of 2023. Dr. Petran works on-farm full time and contributes approx. 75% of TCBC's total labor, with the remaining 25% contributed by seasonal employees. TCBC is located on a 15-acre property, but only actively farms less than 1-acre. The purpose of TCBC's research mission is to reduce the physical footprint of agricultural production, freeing up more land to be restored to native habitat (such as forest, prairie, wetland) and the superior ecosystem services they provide.
TCBC sells primarily at local farmers markets throughout the Twin Cities Metro, vending fresh local strawberries from June through October, in addition to a growing processed goods division, including jams, syrups, sodas, shrubs and fruit leather. Dr. Petran works closely with University and agricultural non-profits throughout the state and currently serves on the farmer advisory panel for the Land Stewardship Project effort to expand crop insurance benefits to small and specialty growing groups.
TCBC has created and implemented a methodology for affordable,
climate-resilient, and high density strawberry production within
modified caterpillar tunnel structures we call 'Fruit Factories'
(FF) [Photos 1-3].
These techniques are geared specifically towards new and emerging
farmers with limited access to land and/or startup capital. We
have found FF production to provide:
- higher yields
- superior quality fruit
- lower total labor requirements
compared to open field strawberry production, using a fraction of
the physical space. Summary statistics of our 2023 field season,
including yield and labor metrics can be found here.
For open-field strawberry pests looking to make their way into
the tunnels (such as lygus and spotted wing drosophila), our
previous SARE research has found
netting to be even more effective than traditional spray regimens
at controlling populations. However, volunteer pests(namely
2-spotted spider mite and thrips) often 'piggyback' their way
into tunnels during planting. The hot and dry tunnel conditions
are an ideal environment for unchecked infestation of these
pests. Unfortunately, The traditional control method for these
pests are sprays such as Grandevo or Venerate. However, this
practice is antithetical to the goal of many farmers (and of
insect netting particularly) to eliminate the use of sprays on
their farms.
We will compare the use of modern biocontrol techniques against
sprays to investigate the potential of a true spray-free
production environment.
OBJECTIVE 1- Compare the efficacy of utilizing
beneficial insects vs traditional spray regimen for the control
of 2-spotted spider mite and thrips inside tunnels for
high-density strawberry production.
OBJECTIVE 2- Compare the economic impact of
utilizing beneficial insects vs traditional spray regimen for the
control of 2-spotted spider mite and thrips inside tunnels for
high-density strawberry production.
The investgation will be taking place within four caterpillar
tunnels modified for high-density strawberry production, also
known as 'Fruit Factories' [Photos 1-3]. Each tunnel is
1600 sq feet (16' x 100') and will function as separate
experimental units for the project. Within each unit, we will
randomly assign one of four treatments:
- Control: traditional spray regimen using Grandevo and
Venerate sprays according to technical cooperator
recommendations, BFG Supply Company - Biocontrol (Bioline Starskii 500 CRS, utilizing benefical
insect Amblyseius swirsk) with control sachets placed in
every strawberry container - Biocontrol (Bioline Starskii 500 CRS, utilizing benefical
insect Amblyseius swirsk) with control sachets placed in
every two strawberry containers - Biocontrol (Bioline Starskii 500 CRS, utilizing benefical
insect Amblyseius swirsk) with control sachets placed in
every three strawberry containers
Photos of biocontrol sachets are shown in Photos 5 and 6, with visual
outline of experimental design presented in Figure 1. Additionally, each
unit/tunnel will receive 6 insect sticky traps for monitoring as
recommended by our technical cooperator at the University of
Minnesota, Dr. Mary Rogers.
Bioline sachet treatment densities were based on BFG
recommendation. Biocontrol within high-density strawberry tunnels
have not has been formally tested by BFG, but our BFG technical
cooperator (Daniel Graham-Boire) recommended a sachet every other
container as a 'baseline'. Therefore, we assigned a stepwise
incrementation in either direction of that baseline (every
container and every 3 containers, respectively) to create our 3
experimental treatments. Spray frequency inside the control
treatment are also determined in consultation with the BFG
technical cooperator: Grandevo at 1oz/gallon, functioning as a
'maintenance' spray every 2 weeks with the option of Venerate
spray for 'knockdown' events, if thrip numbers cause bronzing of
fruit or spider mite densities create visual 'webs' on the
strawberry leaf tissue [Photos 7 and 8].
The project will take place over 2 growing seasons, 2024 and
2025. We expect strawberry planting to conclude within each
tunnel by the first week of May. Placing biocontrol sachets and
insect sticky traps will begin immediately after planting within
each experimental treatment. Grandevo spray events will begin in
the control treatment on May 15 of each growing season, with
Venerate spray events ocurring as needed. Analysis of sticky trap
and observational data will take place in the 2024/2025 and
2025/2026 off-seasons. Data analysis will coincide with MDA
Specialty Crop Block project B0423F91268X which also measures
yield and labor metrics within each tunnel. Visualization
of timeline is outlined in Figure 2.
Four tunnels total were used in this experiment, with each tunnel representing an experimental unit:
- Sachets placed every container
- Sachets placed every other container
- Sachets placed every 3 containers
- No sachets, control tunnel using conventional spray techniques
Sachets were applied immediately after planting in late May, 2024. Weekly data collection occurred every Monday, with recording of pest presence on a 0-5 scale (0 = no pest, 5= severe pest damage) for spider mites and thrips. Sticky traps were used in every tunnel to further document pest presence. Analysis and comparison of each treatment will be compiled at the end of the experiment in 2025.
Final analysis and comparison among each treatment will be compliled after the 2025 season. Anecdotally, sachets placed in every container appeared to achieve equal control to the spray control, for suppression of spider mites and thrip. Sachets placed every other and every 3 containers were not able to adequately control the presence of these pests in 2024.
Additionally, 2024 saw an uptick in aphid presence that had not been present in the system before. The conventional spray regimen was able to control this new pest, but the biocontrol sachets were not designed for aphid control and therefore did not result in reduced aphid populations. In 2025 we will investigate adding biocontrol options for this pest as well.
Biocontrol sachets placed within containers.
Experimental tunnels.
Educational & Outreach Activities
Participation Summary:
An educational field day was held on-site at TCBC in September, 2024. During this field day we toured each tunnel and included our biocontrol project in discussions and questions.
Learning Outcomes
So far, we have learned that effective biocontrol of spider mites and thrips appears to require the placement of swiskii sachets inside each container. This was the only treatment that matched the control spray of these pests in 2024. Additionally, swirskii sachets did not control aphid pressure that was accomplished with control sprays. We suspect a more comprehensive biocontrol technique will be needed to achieve broad control and eliminate the need for pesticides inside caterpillar and high tunnels for strawberry production.