Final Report for FNE01-378
Project Information
Note to readers, attached is the complete final report for FNE01-378.
This project was involved with the 8th annual farm field day that Steve has held at his farm. The field day showcases what Steve has been doing to increase profits, save soil, and reduce pesticides through the use of cover crops, long term no-tillage and diverse crop rotation. The goal in this project was to build a stronger coalition of participants to broaden the impact and solidify the sustainability of the event for the future.
All the participants played an integral role in making the field day a success. Exhibits included a soil pit, the soil food web, sustainability case studies from around the world, carbon sequestration and how it affects the sustainability of farmers, rainfall simulator and a fiber crop exhibit. Equipment demonstrations included small scale no-till equipment for organic growers, deep tillage, no-till corn planters, GPS systems, real time soil moisture monitoring, no-till vegetable planting and rolling stalk choppers. Other demonstrations explain infrared imagery, sweet corn IPM and remote controlled helicopters for scouting.
Several newspapers covered the event and published lengthy articles. Steve has also had numerous inquires about the sustainable techniques he uses since the event.