Final Report for FNE94-066
Project Information
Note to readers, attached is the complete final report for FNE94-066.
Fall cover crops trial:
Fall brassica cover crops grew faster and accumulated more N than oats. A greater proportion of oats residues and biomass N remained on the soil surface in spring compared to that of fall brassicas. Cover crops depleted leachable soil N during the fall, but the fate of that accumulated N by spring not clear. Fall brassicas provided grater weed suppression than oats. August 25th- September 5th is the optimum planting window for these cover crops in Western NY.
Cabbage overseeding trial:
Observations during the fall indicated that while the clovers and vetch became well established, the rye and ryegrass plots never established well, probably because the ground was not freshly worked when they were planted, as was the case with the earlier planted cover crops. Also, compared to last year's trial, the frame leaves of the cabbage were much larger, filling in more of the field, and leaving narrow strips between rows where cover crops could find sunlight and grow. There were no differences in cabbage yields between treatments, measured in early December. Unfortunately, we were not able to follow this trial through spring regrowth of cover crops because sheep got into the field during the winter and spring and severely grazed the cover crops.