Final report for FS20-324
Project Information
As climate change begins to be a serious challenge to farmers it is precarious to have natural resources regenerate. By applying compost and compost teas large populations of beneficial bacterias, nematodes, fungi, and protozoa can correct deficiencies in soil food web regenerating soil health by increasing moisture and fertility and acting as organic/natural pesticides bettering plant health.
In a term of a year, we will do three applications of fifty yards of compost in a fifty by fifty experimental space producing three cycles of peppers. Every week we will apply twenty-five gallons of compost tea at a rate of five gallons daily for five consecutively days giving it a rest of two days between weekly applications. Before and after each producing cycle we will take a soil sample to measure soil fertility and biota. Insect scouting will be held monthly and pepper yields will be measured at the end of each producing cycle. A control area of fifty by fifty will also be produced with the same variety of peppers to measure differences in yields, pest incidence, soil fertility, and biota.
Compost and compost teas apply will be made and manage at the farm to ensure the best quality. For these, we will plant legume cover crops of Canavalia ensiformis which will be harvest every sixty days for composting with wood chips of Leucaena leucocephala an abundant bush on the island. At the end of the investigation control data will be compared with experimental results.
- (Educator)
- - Producer
The experimental trials on this project were conducted with the means of bettering the soil condition with compost and compost tea applications. For each Robusta variety coffee tree an amount of 2 pounds of compost were applied in a term of 4 months. As a compost companion a solution of effective microorganism (EM) was spread to the soil each week for 4 months.
The compost pile of (4 ft long X 4 ft wide X 4 ft high) was made at the farm in a thermal process using hurricane Fiona wood debris and local grass. A 1:1 Carbon-Nitrogen ratio was implemented in the composting process. The compost was inoculated with Californian earthworm tea, EM and cow manure for bettering the thermal composting process. In a term of a month the thermal compost process was achieved and applied on the field.
At the application 2 cups of EM amendment was spread for each coffee tree. This amendment was made in an anaerobic fermentation using 1-part of Kombucha, 1-part of Molasses, 1-part Californian earthworm casting in 5 gallons of spring water for 21 days in a dark and fresh area.
During the project soil, compost and EM sample were taken to measure fertility and biota. The microBiometer equipment was used to measure compost and EM biota activity.
microBiometer Microbial Biomass Results
Thermal Compost | Effective Microorganism (EM) |
513 ug C/ g | 37.8 ug C/ ml |
Fungal:Bacterial Ratio 1.0:1 |
F=49% | |
B=51% |
* (ug C/ g) ug of microbial carbon per gram of soil
These results demonstrate a normal activity for both compost and EM amendments.
Plants grown with the compost and EM amendments demonstrated a more rapid and vigorous growth than plants without the applications. Plants without amendments application demonstrated nitrogen deficiencies while plants with applications were more healthy and greener. No pests or disease were noticed on either trial.
The soil lab analysis demonstrated an increase on soil fertility after the compost and EM applications.
Nutrients |
Before compost and EM applications |
After compost and EM applications |
pH |
5.1 |
6.3 |
Acidity |
2.4 meq/100g |
1.1 meq/100g |
Organic Matter |
7.6 |
14.4 |
Estimated Nitrogen Release |
196 lbs/acre |
332 lbs/ acre |
Phosphorus |
2 ppm |
7 ppm |
Potassium |
37 ppm |
157 ppm |
Magnesium |
159 ppm |
286 ppm |
Calcium |
463 ppm |
1297 ppm |
Sodium |
27 ppm |
13 ppm |
Cation Exchange Capacity |
6.3 meq/100g |
10.4 meq/ 100g |
Sulfur |
20 ppm |
10 ppm |
Zinc |
1.0 ppm |
5.5 ppm |
Manganese |
88 ppm |
94 ppm |
Iron |
82 ppm |
140 ppm |
Copper |
1.9 ppm |
3.4 ppm |
Boron |
0.2 ppm |
0.4 ppm |
Exchangeable Al (1 NKCl) |
197 ppm |
1.63 ppm |
Educational & Outreach Activities
Participation Summary:
Learning Outcomes
Plant Resistance
Drought Tolerance
Soil Structure
Thermal Compost
Project Outcomes
This project investigation has helped us coffee farmers study a more sustainable way to deal with climate change problems. In Puerto Rico, mostly on the rural coffee area climate change has impacted many farmers productions. The projects evidence that the use of compost and effective microorganisms can better our soil structure, helping control erosion and drought problems that come with climate change challenges. The soil fertility was improved resulting in a more vigorous plant growth and resistance.
This is a way to better farmers economic returns for the farm production, enhancing the environments and soil conditions and helping farmers achieved a social advantage as they can continue harvesting a quality product from the best practices.