Final report for FS21-330
Project Information
If these initial observations are valid, treatment with live chlorella vulgaris could make it possible to extend the life of tomato plants so that tomatoes can be harvested, where bacterial spot is endemic. Positive results will increase productivity and the length of the harvest period which will positively impact a farmer's bottom line.
The test garden site has not been planted with tomatoes during the previous 7 years. It will be divided into 2 sections: one will be treated with 3 inches of mushroom compost before planting, and with additional compost side dressing 4 weeks later. The other section will be treated with chlorella vulgaris weekly beginning at the time of planting, 50,000 cells per sq foot produced on farm at Sweetgrass.
Assignment of which section to treat with which amendment will be done by an independent observer.
Tomatoes: we will grow BHN1021. Plants will be obtained from Banner Greenhouses (if plants are not available they will be grown from seed, started in our hoop house in organic potting soil). There will be 25 plants in each of the test plots, planted at 24 inch intervals. Lower leaves will be protected from exposure to the soil with organic matter (straw), and plants will be watered with drip irrigation (using our irrigation well).
In addition to determining whether there is resistance to bacterial spot, we will assess the effect of chlorella on nematodes and on soil health and bacterial activity determined by Haney testing.
End points:
1.Plant height
2.Plant vigor—a qualitative assessment by Zach Snipes (Clemson Extension Agent), blinded to treatment assignment.
3.Onset of bacterial spot (adjudicated by Zach Snipes).
4.Tomato yield (also adjudicated by Zach Snipes), measured as tomatoes harvested per plant
5.Nematode testing in each test section (Clemson Nematode Lab)
6.Haney testing at the time of planting, and 2 months later (Ward Laboratories, Kearney, NB)
The effect of live chlorella vulgaris (algae) on plant growth and yield has been the subject of study since the 1970’s. Its positive effect is attributed to production of growth enhancing compounds with foliar application, including auxins, gibberellin, and cytokinin. In addition, with soil application, increases in soil microbial activity have been described, leading to increased organic matter and organic carbon.
In this tomato study, we tested the effects of four soil nutrient approaches:
1) live algae alone,
2) algae plus compost,
3) compost alone, and
4) as a control, no soil amendment.
The test garden was located on Johns Island, South Carolina, a barrier island with sandy soil described as Seabrook. It was last tilled 5 years previously and was covered with native grasses and weeds.
It measured 15,000 sq ft, and was divided into 8 rows, with each row divided into 4 sections, so there were 32 repeats.
Each of the four treatments thus had 8 sections, and the treatments were randomly assigned by the agriculture statistics group at Clemson University. Each of the 32 repeats was planted with 7 tomato plants separated by 18 inches.
Tomato starts were from Bonnie Nursery in Nebo, NC. 48 plants per tray (2 inch plugs).
Two tomato cultivars were planted from April 1 to April 5, 2021: Cherokee Purple (indeterminant), and BHN 529
(determinant). Cultivar type had no influence on any of the
variables measured and reported, so they are combined in this report.
Compost was provided by Allen Skinner at Jacksonville, FL. It was
applied before planting by adding an 8 inch strip, 4 inches deep to the
row, and it was lightly tilled in. Side dressing of compost was applied 4
weeks after planting. Live chlorella vulgaris (algae) was provided by
Enlightened Soil Corp (Johns Island, SC). Algae were applied at a rate of50,000 cells per sq ft
with a tank sprayer. Half the application was directed to foliage, and half to soil within the drip line of the
plant. Algae were applied immediately after planting, then at 2-week intervals.
There were no other chemical or organic inputs; e.g. no pesticides or herbicides were used. Cardboard
mulch weighted with wood chips was used between rows for weed control, and hoe and hand weeding
was performed weekly.
Spray irrigation was used as needed.
There was a high plant attrition rate. Each of the 4 treatment groups had 56 plants at the beginning of the study,
and at 3 months, the study groups had declined by 28%-36% (Table 1).
We anticipated that most plants would succumb to bacterial spot whic is endemic in our area (that has
been our past experience). The months of May and June were unusually dry, so bacterial spot was rare, noted i
n 3 just plants. The other plants died from Southern Blight, a soil borne fungus (Athelia rolfsii). Since the
distribution of plant loss was uniform, we report yield per treatment block as well as yield per living plant.
Table 1. Distribution of plant loss:
Live plants at 90 days:
1.Control, no amendment40 plants
2.Group 2, algae alone36 plants
3.Group 3, compost alone37 plants
4.Group 4, algae + compost36 plants
Early soil testing:
Soil testing was done by Ward Laboratories, Kearney, NE. This included Haney testing, and
measurement of microbial using phospholipid fatty acid analysis. The first tests were done
one week after application, before planting and before application of algae. Thus, it is a measure
of the contribution of the compost to fertility (Table 2)
Table 2. Soil test results before algae application and planting.
Haney testing
Organic matter %LOI |
Soil respiration CO2-C, ppmC |
Organic nitrogen Ppm-N |
Organic carbon ppm-C |
Haney soil health index |
No amendment |
3.5 |
74 |
5.3 |
84 |
10 |
Compost |
4.8 |
143 |
47.0 |
330 |
23 |
Phospholipid fatty acids
Total living microbial biomass (ng/g soil) |
Total bacteria (ng/g) |
Total fungi (ng/g) |
No amendment |
2207 |
1025 |
104 |
Compost |
4311 |
2404 |
123 |
Of note, the PLFA measure of biomass was reflected by soil respiration, a measure of bacterial
activity. The results document the high quality
of compost used in the study. Based on the Ward Laboratory Haney Test Interpretation Guide
the composted soil would be above average,
and the untreated soil, below average.
Plant vigor:
This was a qualitative assessment performed on June 5, three months after planting. Two observers,
experienced gardeners, assessed plant size, color, and foliage thickness and assigned a score to plants
in the 7-plant block. The highest ranked block was given a score of 100%, and the lowest, 25% (Table 3).
The observers were blinded to treatment assignment.
Table 3. A qualitative assessment of plant vigor.
Treatment assignment Average score
Control (no amendments) |
44% |
Algae, alone |
61% |
Compost, alone |
69% |
Algae + Compost |
76% |
As noted, there was considerable plant loss during the disease, but the magnitude of loss was similar
for the 4 treatment groups, so yield is reported as pounds of tomatoes per block and pounds per plant (Table 4).
Table 4. Yield
Treatment / no. plants Pounds tomatoes/blockPounds/plant
Control 40 |
7.26 |
1.13 |
Algae, alone 36 |
8.0 (+10%*) |
1.64 (+45%) |
Compost, alone 37 |
15.28 (+110%) |
3.2 (183%) |
Algae + compost 36 |
15.48 (+113%) |
3.7 (+227%) |
*Compared with control
The results are affected by two quirks of randomization. First, two blocks in the compost alone
group were outliers, producing 25 and 28 lbs tomatoes per block. The next highest producing
blocks yielded 20 and 22 lbs/block, both in the algae + compost group. The two outlying
blocks were adjacent to each other in one corner of the test garden; they were the only blocks
in the test field that received 100% vigor scores (Table 3). That corner of the field appeared to be
different than the rest.
Secondly, the relatively small increase in yield per block was affected by the higher number of plants
in the control group. This was apparent when results were reported as pounds per plant.
The initial soil testing indicated that the quality of compost used in the study was exceptional,
so that compost treated sections of the test garden were more fertile. This is reflected in the
results (Tables 3 and 4). Both composted groups outperformed soil not receiving compost.
Adding algae did not bring soil fertility to a comparable level.
That said, when algae was added to poorer soil (Control), tomato yield per plant was increased 45%.
Likewise, treating rich soil with algae boosted yield per plant by 16%.
Thus, algae boosted yield regardless of baseline fertility.
Educational & Outreach Activities
Participation Summary:
Learning Outcomes
Project Outcomes
The outcomes of this project show that the effects of Chlorella vulgaris ( liquid green algae concentrate) as a soil-amending bio-stimulant and foliar spray have positive implications for long-term soil health, healthy plants and yield, nutrient input cost reductions, and watershed safety.
- Chlorella vulgaris concentrate increases soil microbial activity and respiration whether it is combined with nutrient inputs or not. Robust microbial activity and soil respiration are markers of soil health.
- C. vulgaris concentrate gives the soil’s biome what it needs in order to ensure the plant gets what it needs. We could say the algae is “farming the soil.” This focus on soil health is a basic principle of regenerative farming, a growing trend in agriculture for both commercial and academic sectors.
- Because C. vulgaris concentrate is a bio-stimulant and not a nutrient, its beneficial effect on the soil’s biome is not diminished by plant uptake. Regular applications of algae concentrate can provide long-term soil health.
- When combined with high-quality compost and adequate water, liquid C. vulgaris concentrate not only improves the soil activity, but boosts nutrient uptake, producing healthy plants and yield. Substituting a percentage of nutrient inputs with algae concentrate may be a viable way for fertilizer reduction. This could create both an economic and ecological advantage for farmers and their communities.
- C. vulgaris are single-cell green algae and are not water-permeable. The concentrate is diluted with water, delivering the cells to the soil in micro-amounts where they are lodged in the soil. Algae cells do not go into solution as would synthetic NPK nutrients. Therefore, there is no danger of runoff or watershed contamination when using C. vulgaris.
- C. vulgaris is commonly found in health food supplements and cosmetics. It is nontoxic and poses no threat to humans or animals. When used on pasture, it may be sprayed in direct proximity to cattle and horses.
We are continuing to study how various algae concentrations and application techniques work on different types of plants and growing situations. This is just one study, and it looks at the short-term effects of algae in combination with a high-quality, organic compost. We will continue additional studies to track long-term effects of C. vulgaris concentrate. We recommend that growers conduct trials on soil, crops, and pasture and then share findings to their growing communities, or perhaps engage state agricultural extensions to become involved in algae concentrate trials. Sweetgrass Garden welcomes questions about this project, and is happy to provide feedback assistance to others who wish to trial C. vulgaris concentrate. Contact us at:
In closing, be aware that delays in the global supply chain along with material shortages have NPK input costs going steadily upward. The growing methods of the past 70 years are becoming increasingly untenable for today’s market. However, bio-stimulant alternatives such as algae concentrate are a viable solution. It is our hope to see current interest in regenerative/sustainable agriculture practices continue to expand so that both economic interests of the farmers and the ecological security of our land and water are addressed. Our goal is to provide growers with an economical, ecologically-sound alternative to synthetic fertility inputs. Algae concentrate can allow farmers to reduce synthetic NPK fertilizer usage by either supplementing a substantial percentage of nutrient inputs with algae concentrate or, when the soil is robust enough, replace synthetic NPK, altogether, with a paring of algae concentrate and organic carbon concentrate.