Final report for FS21-335
Project Information
This project started with two basic components: The development of AI for yak semen process (from collection to impregnation) and educating small acreage farmers and beef producers concerning the potential benefits of introducing yaks and AI to their operations. During the first year of the project two other important questions were identified relating to yak bull fertility: The effect of repetitive semen collections and of high ambient temperatures. Studies were conducted on each of these issues as part of the project. Also, as discussed in the mid-project report, because of our lack of response in the methods we used to provide information to farmers throughout the Southern Region, we shifted the means of educating small acreage farmers and beef producers about yaks to the development of a website ( making the information available on demand rather than a one-time email attachment/article they may or may not see or be interested at the time it was received; monthly interactive webinars and conferences.
As of this report we have worked with: A TRIS-glycerol-egg yolk extender described in a 2017 paper (Deori) from the ICAR-National Research Centere on Yaks at Dirang, India; a commercially available extender, Opticell, developed by IMV Technologies which they stated had been used with yaks (no results provided); and Bullxcell, an extender recommended by IMV Technologies. Also, as a check to our work, we contracted with WWW Genetics to bring a mobile unit to our collection site (Morehead State University Derrickson Agricultural Center) to extend and freeze freshly collected semen using their proprietary two step extender process. To date we have had XXX nine conceptions verified by ultra-sound, three of which aborted due to stress caused by a sudden ice storm, five healthy calves and XXX more confirmed pregnancies. Bull-cow pairs were selected using the Match-A-Yak program designed which calculates the expected coefficient of inbreeding of the offspring as defined as the expected percent of homozygous alleles.
Dr. Philip Prater developed a semen collection protocol which includes the manual massage of the seminal vesicles and Cowper's gland followed by the use of a small bovine electro-ejaculator. As this method is easily done we abandoned the attempt to train young yak bulls for semen collection using an artificial vagina since this would be lengthy (two years) which few would undertake.
At this point in time there are two tasks that remain: To test more available extenders based on the percent of motile post thaw sperm in order to find the one which provides the most protection against freezing; and determining the optimal time period for insemination as no two yaks respond the same when synchronized using a seven day CIDR -cisterlin-lutalyse protocol: Some will be in estrus, some just coming in and some having just been in at the protocol defined time for insemination.
- Process to Extend and Freeze Yak Semen: The objective is to develop a system (needed materials and process) to successfully extend and freeze yak semen for insemination (post thaw semen motility of 20%) in a way that is easily duplicated and does not require expensive equipment to set up: Something a veterinarian or university agriculture could set up.
Our approach to solving how to treat yak semen, extender and freezing protocol, was based on the many years of successful work done at the ICAR-National Research Centre on Yak at Dirang, India. Dr. V. Paul at the Research Centre on Yak has provided information on the semen extender and freezing protocol for use by Dr. Harrelson. At the beginning of the project we anticipated working with MultiGen Reproductive Solutions (MRS) to test extenders using the information: Evaluating the extenders and freezing process based on percentage of motile sperm post thaw. This did not change the objective, rather it changed the researchers involved as Dr. Harrelson was joined by Drs. Jeff Lehmkuhler and Les Anderson from the University of Kentucky Department of XXX and WWW Genetics would process semen using its proprietary system to compare against our process.
- Originally we had proposed Dr. Harrelson would work with MRS to develop a protocol for inseminating yaks that can be used on a typical small farm. The complexity in this is that yaks have a short period of fertility (less than 12 hours) and often do not show any visible signs of being in estrus. Dr. Les Anderson from the University of Kentucky who joined the project is a reproduction and AI specialist: The exact person needed for this objective. Dr. Anderson along with Dr. Lehmkuhler, Beef Extension Specialist, will work on this objective.
- Develop a method to best collect yak semen. Again with Multigen Reproductive Solutions not being able to work on this project this objective was taken over by Dr. Philip Prater who was head of the Veterinary Technician program at Morehead State University and is a reproduction specialist. The initial objective was to develop a protocol for yaks using an electro-ejaculator for semen collection and also to work on training young yak bulls to use for collecting semen using an artificial vagina. Interest in collection using an artificial vagina was based on this being the method used at the ICAR National Research Centere on Yak in India.
Early on Dr. Prater developed a semen collection process which employed internal manual massage of the seminal vesicles and Cowper’s Gland followed by the use of a small bovine electro-ejaculator which worked well with the ten yak bulls used for the project.
Since Dr. Prater’s system worked well and was easy to implement, the training of bulls which would have taken two years was abandoned realizing that the training of yak bulls for breeding with an artificial vagina would not be cost or time effective and that one would also need a yak trained to be mounted as well as having the infrastructure to do this type of semen collection in.
- New Objective: To answer the following issue raised by yak breeders at the November 2021 Yak Conference at Morehead State University held as part of the education component of this project: The belief that repetitive use of an electro-ejaculator on a yak bull as required in an AI program will make the bull infertile.
- New Objective: To determine if yak bull fertility is affected by ambient temperature increases during the sixty day time period over which semen is formed.
- The original fourth objective was for Dr. Ted Kalbfleisch to modify his “Match a Yak” software which allowed a breeder to select the bull out of a group of bulls which would produce offspring with the lowest coefficient of inbreeding (COI) for a given yak cow. The plan was to use this software to be able to look at a group of bulls to determine which bull was more of an outlier and thus would yield a lower COI and greater genetic diversity in its offspring. It turned out that the way to do this is to run every bull under consideration against all the yak cows to be bred using Match-A-Yak and then select the bull which yields the lowest average COI over the group of yaks to be bred. This was done in the project and an example from the project is provided to demonstrate its use.
- Cooperative Extension Agent Mary McCarty, Dr. Lehmkuhler and Gregor Dike will work on the information developed for the outreach component of the project. This is described in Section C. The developed information will be reviewed by area a focus group of area beef breeders to determine the best way to present the materials to their colleagues and to several yak breeders for review. Note: Greystone Farms and Nature’s Bridge Farm are no longer raising yaks. Because of this we will ask several yak farms who are part of the monthly yak webinar series to review the materials. The reviewed (and revised) materials will be available on the com website with a notice sent through the southern region about the existence of the website in addition to its being available under a normal topical search.
- (Educator and Researcher)
- (Educator and Researcher)
- (Researcher)
- (Educator and Researcher)
- (Educator and Researcher)
The project has two basic components: (1) The development of AI for yaks; and (2) providing information to Yak, Small Acreage Farmers and Beef Producers in the southern region. This section will address the work done on the development of AI for Yaks.
This project has been guided by four basic criteria: First, is to be able to demonstrate to yak breeders that yak AI can be developed without harm to yaks so the research had to include “lack of harm” to the bulls and cows as well; Second, the final process developed had to be easily implemented at AI businesses such as Select Sires, by Agricultural Departments at Universities or by veterinarians; Third, the cost of the equipment used had to be affordable so that it could be implemented at the local level; and, Fourth, to seek the knowledge of those who have worked on yak AI on a larger scale. In particular: ICAR-National Research Centre on Yaks in India which has been successfully working with yak AI for years and IMV Technologies which had produced a semen extender which they has used with yaks in France.
The process we followed in the development of the AI procedure was an incremental process in which we wanted to solve a series of questions one at a time. The process was defined by Dr. Patricia Harrelson and Dr. Philip Prater of the Department of Agricultural Sciences at Morehead State University. The questions were:
1. Can you collect yak semen successfully and without damage to the bull using electro-ejaculation? [The belief among most US yak owners is that bulls are damaged by electro-ejaculators and in India that electro-ejaculation does not work. ICAR uses an artificial vagina very successfully for semen collection but this requires training the yak bulls from a young age so semen can be safely collected.]
2. Can collected yak semen be successfully mixed using very simple equipment with the extender developed by IMV Technologies and an extender very successfully used by ICAR which Dr. Harrelson made based on the formula provided by ICAR to us?
3. Can the extender semen be cooled to 7 degrees Celsius for 4 hours without damage?
4. Can the cooled extended semen be frozen using the freezing rate protocols provided by ICAR and IMV Technologies using a very cheap homemade system to freeze the extended semen in liquid nitrogen rather than have to use a $45,000 machine.
5. Is the frozen extended semen viable after being frozen in liquid nitrogen for extended time?
6. Can yak cows be time sequenced like beef cattle using a standard CIDR insert? This included the question of whether they were anatomically capable of holding the CIDR in them after placement.
7. Given 1-6 can successfully be achieved, what is the success rate of the process?
Semen Collection: Semen collection has been done at the Morehead State University (MSU) Derrickson Agricultural Center facility which has an excellent handling system for collecting semen which also includes a scale to the weight of the bulls could be monitored as well. During every collection each bull was scored on a scale of 1 to 3 on how the bull reacted to the collection process:
1 = normal reaction, slight vocalization, slight buckling at the knees
2 = significant vocalization, buckling at the knees, but does not go down
3 = Significant vocalization, bull lies down in chute
Once collected, the semen was analyzed by Dr. Prater in terms of sperm motility and morphology requiring a test tube and slide warmer and microscope for determining motility and slides stains and a microscope for morphology. Semen collection required a thermometer to check the bulls' temperature, scrotal tape, weight scale, a small bovine electro-ejaculator, collection cup, lubricant, collection vials and gloves. All of this equipment/supplies was supplied by MSU. Dr. Harrelson used an Accucell Bovine Photometer, purchased by the MSU Department of Agriculture for the project, to measure sperm concentration.
Semen Processing: A portable laboratory was set up in an 7x12 trailer (obtained through a small farm grant received by Zhi-ba Shing-ga Yak) and initially equipped for both extending and freezing the semen. The trailer was equipped with a heater and AC unit to maintain a proper temperature to work with the semen. The equipment needed is as follows:
- Water bath with circulation
- Various glassware (beakers, Erlenmeyer flasks, graduated cylinders)
- Precise scale
- Microscope
- Slide warmer
- Slides
- Slide covers
- Pipettes (100-1000 ul and 1-100 ul)
- Pipette tips
- NaCL solution
- Accucell Bovine Photometer
- Square cuvettes
- Optixcell 2 extender
- Bullxcell extender
- Organic egg yolks
- Distilled water
- TRIS extender
- TRIS buffer
- Fructose
- Glycerol
- Citric acid
- ½ cc semen straws
- ¼ cc semen straws
- Sealing powder
- Metal sealing balls
- Cup warmer
- Straw cutter
- Thaw unit
- AI rod
- AI rod sheath cover
- Small Laboratory Digitally controlled refrigerator to cool the seem to 7 degrees C for 2-3 hours.
- Two liquid nitrogen tanks: one for semen storage and the second for liquid nitrogen needed for the freezing process
- Goblets and canes for the semen storage tank
- Cryogloves
- Freezing straw freezing rack
- Large (long) tweezers to pick straws out of liquid nitrogen
- Digital thermometer that worked in liquid nitrogen vapor
- Digital Timer
- Freezing Device to hold the liquid nitrogen and which will lower the straws into the liquid nitrogen at a controlled rate.
Note: When WWW Genetics brought its mobile unit to process the yak semen we realized the need to have a "cold room" to prevent the extended semen from warming once it had been cooled to 7 degrees C. Zhi-ba Shing-ga Yaks built a 7x16 foot insulated (R-25) "room" on a trailer and installed a 10,000 BTU LG AC unit controlled by a CoolBot: A thermostat which "tricks" the AC unit to cool to lower temperatures by keeping the AC unit temperature sensor warm in spite of the actual room temperature. This system allows the cold room to go down to a temperature of 38F. A work counter was also installed in the cold room along with electrical outlets.
Once the cold room was built and moved to MSU all equipment needed once the semen had been mixed with the extender was moved to the cold room: Laboratory refrigerator, straw rack, manual multiple straw filler (purchased when cold room was built to reduce straw filling time) , freezing rack, tweezers, cryo-gloves, digital thermometer, timer and the two semen LN tanks.
Sequencing and insemination: Dr. Les Anderson (University of Kentucky - Reproduction Specialist in AI) joined the project to work on the sequencing and insemination of the yaks. All sequencing and insemination (other than a demonstration done at the November 2021 Yak Conference at MSU held as part of the project ) was done at Zhi-ba Shing-ga Yaks Farm. This was do to the logistical problem of transporting up to twenty yak cows multiple times to MSU for sequencing and insemination but, more importantly done to minimize the stress on the cows which can affect conception.
Equipment/Materials used for sequencing were a portable ultrasound, CIDRs and an insertion device, lubricant, Cysterlin and Lutalyse, syringes, long sleeved gloves, regular gloves and paper towels. A squeeze chute was used to secure the cows during the sequencing process, insemination and for pregnancy testing by ultrasounda
MSU Agriculture Department had the electro-ejaculator, semen collection equipment, an ultrasound machine for cattle, microscopes, slides and stain (to check semen morphology and motility) as well as the basic laboratory equipment to make the semen extenders. The Department of Agricultural Sciences obtained a grant to purchase an Accucell Bovine Photometer and a manual micro-pipet filler to fill the straws with extended semen. The ability to measure semen concentration was necessary so we would know if the yak bull was producing high quality semen and to know the sperm concentration of the extended semen we were using to fill the straws for freezing.
SSARE Project funds were used to help purchase the remaining equipment: A water bath, programmable laboratory refrigerator, rack to hold the straws for freezing, an AI kit, 2 liquid nitrogen tanks, timers and a digital thermometer to allow us to properly follow the freezing protocols by ICAR and IMV Technologies, cryo-gloves and small laboratory items such as pipets, tweezers, test tubes, etc.
The initial freezing was done by folding the rack by hand as it was lowered through the nitrogen vapor following the timing protocol. This was not as well controlled as needed since a slight change in elevation of the rack would result in a significant change of temperature the semen was exposed to. To resolve this we built a pulley controlled straw rack holder (similar to the front of a fork lift) on which the rack was lowered by a hand crack through the vapor and eventually immersed in the liquid nitrogen. The digital thermometer probe was attached to the straw rack so we could lower the rack based on the vapor temperatures as set by the freezing protocol.
Project Research Activities:
Collection of Yak Semen: This work was led by Dr. Philip Prater who is a specialist in bull reproduction and who has done cryopreservation of semen using very simple equipment (Hand lowering in liquid nitrogen).
Step 1: Four yak bulls whose ages ranged from 2 years to 10 years were brought to the handling facility. Dr. Prater performed a Breeding Soundness Examination on each of the bulls. Tolerance of the collection process was assessed by Dr. Prater on the 1-3 scale for each bull. This includes semen collection and evaluation of the mobility and morphology of the sperm as well as the volume of semen collected. Sperm concentration was also measured by Dr. Harrelson using an Accucell Bovine Photometer. The semen from all four bulls was collected through a two-step process: First two to three minutes of manual stimulation of the seminal vesicles, prostate and Cowper’s gland followed by the use of the small size bovine electro-ejaculator. This was done in early May, 2021.
Step 2: The youngest bull was eliminated from the project due to the small amount of semen produced and that he would lie down as soon as he was in the squeeze chute. This was expected as yak bulls generally are not mature enough for breeding until three years of age. The remaining three bulls scored a 1 in terms of tolerance. The two four-year old bulls and the ten-year old bull were brought back to recollect the next month to see if the older bull’s quality of semen improved and if the semen volume changed. Tolerance remained at 1 for the three.
Step 3: The one four year old bull was brought back in August for semen collection. The older bull was not brought back because the quality of the semen was not good enough for use in AI. Tolerance was 1.
Step 4. The same bull used in step 3 was brought back in early October for semen collection. Tolerance was 1.
What was learned at this point was that the massage-small electro-ejaculator process used by Dr. Prater worked well with the yak bulls as they tolerated it well and the volumes of semen collected were good. This resulted in our deciding not to go forward with two years of training young bulls for collecting semen with an artificial vagina.
The Effect of Ambient Temperature on Yak Bull Fertility: Very early on in the project, as we moved into early summer of the first year of the project, we noticed that the bull's semen quality decreased in terms of motility and morphology as summer temperatures increased. A project modification was requested and a "side study" which looked at semen quality as a function of ambient air temperature was started. Sperm takes sixty days to develop in bulls. So what was needed was to examine the temperature data for the sixty days prior to each semen collection. One or two hot days will not make a difference as long as it cools down in the evening. What matters is a continual warm ambient temperature during sperm formation. For this reason we looked at average temperatures over the sixty day periods prior to semen collection and tracked sperm morphology verses the average temperature for sixty days prior to collection for the three bulls used throughout the projection,
The Effect of Repetitive Collection of Yak Bulls: This question was raised by yak breeders who attended the November 2021 Yak Conference. There has been and still is suspicion within yak breeders as to whether the use of an electro-ejaculator will injure/ruin a yak bull. The raising of this question prompted a request to add a study of this question to the project. To answer this Dr. Prater collected semen every two weeks from a group of eight yak bulls a total of four times. Tolerance of the collection process, scrotal circumference, body temperature and ambient air temperature, semen volume, sperm motility and morphology, and concentration were recorded and analyzed for changes as more collections were done.
Reaction To Electro-Ejaculator after Manual Internal Massage
Scale Used:
1= normal reaction, slight vocalization, slight buckling at the knees
2= significant vocalization, buckling at the knees but remains standing
3= significant buckling at the knees, lays down in chute
Repeated Collection Approximately Every Two Weeks
Bull |
4/1/2022 |
4/15/2022 |
4/29/2022 |
5/18/2022 |
7/26/2022 |
9/15/2022 |
11/3/2022 |
11/17/2022 |
Kahn |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Dr. Who |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
Big Horn |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
NA |
1 |
Funk |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Imperial Joe |
3 |
dropped from study due to reaction |
Thriller |
2 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Phantom |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
Mohair |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Santana |
3 |
3 |
3 |
Imperial Joe dropped due to reaction Funk, Mohair and Thriller were sold
Santana added to replace Imperial Joe - then dropped due to handling issues. Khan, Dr. Who and Phantom were chosen to be used for the rest of
the study
Extending Semen:
(Dr. Patricia Harrelson)
The objective here is to be able to take collected yak semen and create a final product that can be used to successfully breed yak cows artificially. The final product would be semen that is frozen that survives the thawing process in sufficient concentration and is viable in the female reproductive tract to fertilize the ovum. The project design was simple – find the best extender for semen that can withstand the freezing and thawing process.
We started by using two extenders – one that was commercially available through IMV Technologies, Optixcell 2, and one that was described by a 2017 paper from India (Deori). From this point forward we will refer to the extender from the Deori paper as TRIS. The TRIS extender was one that required measuring out various compounds in distilled water and adding glycerol and egg yolk. Making the TRIS extender proved to be time consuming and difficult to create a uniform product – particularly getting the glycerol and egg yolk to be fully suspended in the solution. The Optixcell 2 required very little preparation as it you just had to dilute it with distilled water. After several trials using the TRIS extender without being able to protect the sperm during the freezing process, we looked for another alternative that would have the benefits of egg yolk. Based on several papers, we knew we wanted to cryoprotectant properties of egg yolk and we were able to find another commercially available extender, Bullxcell which was also produced by IMV Technologies. The other commercially available extender, Optixcell 2, was only slightly better than the TRIS extender and so we focused our work on Bullxcell.
Methods Used:
Extender Preparation and Packaging – each extender is detailed separately
TRIS extender
- Measure out 2.422 g tris, 1.36 g citric acid, 1.0 g fructose
- Add these to 73.6 ml of distilled water
- To the solution from above, add 6.4 ml of glycerol and 20 ml of fresh egg yolk
- Place into water bath at 34° C until ready to extend
- Extend on a 1:10 basis of semen to extender
- Fill straws at with extended semen at room temperature
- Seal with sealing powder
- Place on semen rack in lab fridge at 5° C for 4 hours
- Freeze (see freezing steps below)
Optixcell 2 extender
- 2:1 ratio of distilled water to Optixcell 2 extender
- Place in water bath (34° C) until ready to add to semen
- Add to semen at a minimum of a 1:1 ratio
- Return to water bath until ready to package
- 10-20 minutes prior to packaging, remove extended semen from water bath (allow to come to room temperature
- Fill straws with extended semen
- Seal with powder or steel balls
- Place straws in beaker in lab fridge for a minimum of 3 hours prior to freezing
- Remove straws from fridge and roll on the tabletop to redistribute cells in the straws.
- Place straws on freezing rack
- Freeze (see freezing steps below)
Bullxcell extender
- Put Bullxcell extender in water bath (34° C) for 10 minutes
- 3:1 ratio of distilled water to Bullxcell extender (prepare only the volume needed that day to extend)
- Place in water bath until ready to add egg yolk
- Prepare egg yolk
- Separate yolk from egg white.
- Use filter paper to remove any egg white from yolk
- Use a pipette tip to break yolk and allow to pour into measuring container
- Will need a 1:1 ratio of egg yolk (weight) to extender volume
- Ie. if you made 100 ml total volume of extender (75 ml water, 25 ml Bullxcell extender, you will need 25 g of egg yolk)
- Slowly add the water + Bullxcell solution to the egg yolk
- Swirl to mix
- Return the solution to the water bath until needed
- Add to semen at a minimum of a 1:1 ratio
- Must add semen to Bullxcell extender within 10 minutes of collection
- Return to water bath until ready to package (a minimum of 10 minutes)
For ambient temperature packaging:
- 10-20 minutes prior to packaging, remove extended semen from water bath (allow to come to room temperature
- Fill straws with extended semen
For packaging at 4° C
- Wrap paper towels around tube of diluted semen and place in small beaker
- In a larger beaker, add water from water bath and place small beaker with wrapped tube of diluted semen
- Place in lab fridge at 4° C for 1 hour and 30 minutes.
- Fill straws with extended semen in cool room (4° C)
Sealing and storage
- Seal with powder or steel balls
- Place straws in beaker in lab fridge for a minimum of 3 hours (up to 5 hours) prior to freezing
- Remove straws from fridge and roll on the tabletop to redistribute cells in the straws.
- Place straws on freezing rack
- Freeze (see freezing steps below)
Evaluating Semen:
- Once semen has been collected, initial motility is measured under the microscope
- Semen (in a closed test tube) is placed in 34° C water bath
- 40 ul of semen is added to 3960 ul of NaCl in cuvette
- Cuvette is placed in photometer for concentration reading (machine goes through initial setup and zeroed)
- Concentration is determined and recorded
Method for Optixcell 2 and Bullxcell extenders are the same
- Pour liquid nitrogen into Styrofoam container (a minimum of 2 inches)
- Place rack of semen straws on the arms of the pulley
- Starting temperature is 4° C
- Slowly lower the semen rack to move from 4° C to -10° C in 3 minutes
- Slowly lower the semen rack to move from -10° C to -100° C in 2.5 minutes
- Slowly lower the semen rack to move from -100° C to -140° C in 2 minutes
- Once at -140° C, drop the semen rack into the liquid nitrogen to allow straws to make full contact with the solution
- Once the bubbling around the straws ceases, the straws are now fully frozen
- Remove from the liquid nitrogen using tweezers and place cotton side up into prelabeled goblets.
- Two goblets per cane (10 straws per cane)
- Place each cane into canister within liquid nitrogen tank
- Semen is stored within tank until used
- Must refill liquid nitrogen tank every 8 weeks to maintain temperature (due to evaporative loss of liquid nitrogen)
Method for TRIS extender:
- Remove straws from 5° C lab fridge
- Expose to liquid nitrogen vapor for 10 minutes
- Submerge into liquid nitrogen
- Once the bubbling around the straws ceases, the straws are now fully frozen
- Remove from the liquid nitrogen using tweezers and place cotton side up into prelabeled goblets.
- Two goblets per cane (10 straws per cane)
- Place each cane into canister within liquid nitrogen tank
- Semen is stored within tank until used
Adjustments made along the way (ie. how we overcame our mistakes):
- Dilution adjustments
- Only dilute at a 1:1 ratio now
- Further dilution of semen rendered the concentration to be too small this coupled with great losses in motility resulted in too few viable sperm cells for successful AI
- Refined our collection of egg yolk to avoid any contamination of egg yolk by breaking yolk with pipette tip and not use the egg yolk membrane in the extender
- Gentle swirling to mix the extender with semen
- Use weights to hold glassware in the water bath
- Use a lever/pulley to lower the semen rack into the liquid nitrogen rather than by hand
- Use sealing balls – not sealing powder. Sealing powder gets very sticky and is hard to work with during packaging and when using to AI
- Packaging in cool room is more desirable for the semen straws (less loss of motility
Reproduction in Female Yaks
Les Anderson, Jeff Lehmkuhler, Phil Prater, others
The yak (Bos grunniens) is a unique domestic animal. These animals were developed in the extreme environment of the Himalayas where food resources can be extremely limiting. The yak provides food (meat and milk), fiber (hair), and pack for the local populations. The total number of yak in the world is limited creating a need to understand and control reproduction in the yak.
Reproductive tract
The reproductive tract in the yak female is very similar to beef and dairy females. The cervix, uterus, and ovaries are smaller in mature yak females. Although the females are much smaller in size than a mature beef or dairy female, the reproductive tract in a yak is easily palpable via rectal palpation. The cervix in yaks has three rings and is typically 5 cm in length and 3 cm in diameter. The uterus horns are about 18-24 cm in length and 3 cm in diameter.
The ovaries in yak females are smaller but the morphology of the ovaries is like that found in beef and dairy. Primordial, growing, and atretic follicles were found in females ranging from 1 month to 10 years of age. Although follicle growth patterns have not been reported, estrogen concentrations fluctuate 3 times during the estrous cycle indicating that yak females may have 2-3 waves of follicle development. Yaks ovulate approximately 12-24 hours after the after the end of estrus which is a later than beef and dairy females. The formation and function of the corpus luteum in yak females is similar to beef and dairy females.
Estrous Cycle
The estrous cycle length of female yak is 18-22 days. The length of the estrous cycle has not been easy to determine because estrous behavior in the yak is often silent and difficult to detect. Several reports indicate that estrus typically lasts 12-16 hours in yak although about 20% of yak females were observed in estrus longer than 24 hours. Estrus in yaks is characterized by swollen vulva, mucous discharge, increased frequency of urination, and riding. Like other bovine, yak will group together into sexually active group and will seek out and ride other female yaks that are in estrus. Most of this research was conducted in their native environments. In more temperate climates, estrus is difficult to determine. Females in estrus will be more active than non-estrual females, the vulva will swell but mounting behavior is not observed as frequently. The limited expression of estrus in yak females decreases the efficacy of artificial insemination and hinders the adoption of this technique.
The gestation length of yaks is 250-260 days. Yaks appear to undergo typical behaviors during parturition including seclusion, restlessness, etc. Almost all births occur during daylight hours and very little incidence of dystocia (calving problems) have been reported. Yaks will interbreed with other cattle and dystocia is more common when yak cows are calving hybrid calves (ex. Angus bull x yak cow). Twins are rare in yak (.5%). Stage three labor (passing the placenta) can take up to 6 hours but typically within 30 minutes of the expulsion of the calf. Like beef cows, longer, more difficult parturition results in weaker calves at birth. Several reports and conversations with yak managers indicate that yak cows are extremely protective of their calves at birth and people should be cautious when approaching a dam immediate after calving.
The word “anestrus” means “no estrus” and is the biological state in which a female is not exhibiting estrus regularly. The time frame that females are in anestrus is called the anestrous period and bovine females are anestrous before puberty and after each calving event. The timeframe from birth to the occurrence of puberty is called the prepubertal period with puberty defined as the first estrus followed by an estrous cycle of normal length. The number of days from calving to the resumption of estrous cycles of normal length (18-22 days) is call the postpartum interval (PPI).
Yaks are considered by most scientists to be seasonal breeders. However, it is not firmly established whether they are biologically seasonal like sheep and horses or if they are environmentally seasonal due to severe nutritional stress. In their natural environment of the Himalayas, nutrient availability becomes extremely limited during the long, cold winter months. Many yak lose considerable weight during this time and their body condition scores (BCS) often fall dangerously low (BCS 2 or less). Weight loss during these long periods of nutrient restriction delays the occurrence of puberty and postpartum estrus.
Females that calve thin (BCS < 4) often have very long postpartum anestrous intervals. The average PPI for yaks has been reported to be 110-130 days but resumption of estrous was highly variable and dependent mostly on nutrient availability and the BCS of the females at calving and from calving to rebreeding. Cows that calve in a higher BCS have shorter PPI (about 70 days) compared to females that calve in lower BCS (about 130 days). The PPI is so long for many native yaks that they fail to breed the year after they calve. The calving interval (time between subsequent calvings) is about 1.5 years for yaks in their natural environment.
Puberty is anestrus that occurs prior to the first observed estrous cycle of normal length and many of the same factors that regulate postpartum anestrus impact the age of puberty. In their natural environment, yaks do not begin normal periods of estrus until 2-3 years of age. However, the attainment of puberty is more related to BCS than age. Timing of birth can influence age at puberty. Females that are born early in the calving season are more likely to go through puberty and conceive than females born later in the calving season.
Experience with yaks in the US suggests that, outside their natural environment, yak females are significantly less seasonal. Yak females in the US appear to be biologically capable reaching puberty at 15-18 months of age and mature cows can have short (60-70 days) PPI if managed according to their BCS. If BCS is managed correctly, yak females could calf annually. The key, it seems, to a yearling calving interval in the yak is management of cows to calve and rebreed in a BCS of 5-6.
Conception rate is defined as the probability a female will conceive after a breeding event to a single estrus. A simple example is if 10 cows are in estrus and are bred today and 6 of them conceive to that single breeding, then conception rate is 60%. Pregnancy rate is the probability that a female will conceive at the end of the breeding season. So, if the bull is left with the same 10 cows above for 70 days and 9 of the 10 conceive then the pregnancy rate is 90%.
Conception rate in the yak appears to be quite high. Most research has indicated that conception rates typically exceed 70% after breeding especially when the cow’s BCS at calving and breeding is 5 or greater. High conception rates lead to high pregnancy rates in short time periods. Much of the research from the Himalayan region reports pregnancy rates greater than 95% over a 70-90 day breeding season.
Unfortunately, yaks appear to be more susceptible to abortion early in pregnancy than other bovine. These abortions appear more related to the environment (low nutrient availability, extreme temperatures (either hot or cold)) than to disease. Early term abortion rates of 20-25% have been reported in the literature. Most researchers attribute the pregnancy loss to the extreme weather and undernutrition typical of the Himalayan region at the time when most yak females are pregnant.
Calving Rates
Even though conception rates and pregnancy rates are exceptionally high, the reproductive efficiency of the yak is low due to the long PPI and the high early term abortion rates observed in yaks in their native environment. The potential for high reproductive rates exists for yaks. Females that calve in moderate BCS and maintain this score through breeding have an excellent opportunity to conceive in a short window. Further, fewer females are likely to abort if they are pregnant in more moderate climates. The low rates of dystocia and high rates of calf survival give yaks the potential for excellent reproductive efficiency in less harsh environments.
The yak is a fascinating member of the bovine family. With proper management, high reproductive rates should be possible. The limited gene pool of yak makes artificial insemination an important tool for use in the yak. The biggest hurdle for yak breeders to overcome is the “silent” or weak expression of estrus observed in most yak females. Some work has been done on bull collection, semen processing, and AI by researchers in Asia, but more work needs to be done to better characterize reproduction in yaks and to improve methods that result in successful AI in yaks.
A Guide to Body Condition Scoring in Yaks. J. Lehmkuler, L. Anderson, D. Gardner. 2022.
The Challenges and Progress in the Management of Reproduction in Yaks. 2006. Zu. Animal Reproduction Science.
Reproduction in Female Yaks (Bos Grunniens) and Opportunities for Improvement. XD Zi. 2003. Theriogeneology 59:59:1303-1312
Implementation of artificial insemination in yak cows (Materials, Research, Results)
Les Anderson, Jeff Lehmkuhler, Greg Dike, Mary McCarty
Our efforts toward the project have been to assess the quality of the cryopreserved semen processed by our colleagues at Morehead State University. On the surface, this would be a simple project in which yak cows showing signs of heat would be inseminated with cryopreserved semen. As we got started with the project, it became clear that yak cows would not show outward signs of being in estrus. Thus, the project became more involved in the learning more about the reproductive physiology of female yaks to facilitate the implementation of artificial insemination.
Materials and Methods
The project was conducted on the Zhi-ba Shing-ga yak farm in Menifee county, Kentucky. Over the course of the study, upwards of 23 mature female yaks were utilized to assess the quality of semen collected, extended, and cryopreserved by co-investigators at Morehead State University. In studying the literature, it became evident that the available information regarding the reproductive physiology of the yak female was unclear. It has been reported yaks are seasonal breeders. The length of time a female is in estrus is reported as being similar to beef cows to upwards of several days. Research has shown that synchronization of the estrous cycle in female yaks is feasible with exogenous hormones similar those used in beef cattle. Some researchers reported success using Controlled Internal Release Drug devices containing progesterone which are approved for use in synchronizing estrus in beef and sheep. Given that yaks don’t readily display signs of being in heat, we opted to utilize a common beef synchronization protocol called 7-day Co-Synch + CIDR. This protocol involves getting females up on day 0 and inserting a CIDR with administration of gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH). After seven days, the CIDR is removed and prostaglandin (i.e. Lutalyse) is given to regress the corpus luteum. All females are then mated 60-66 hours after the removal of the CIDR device at which time a second dose of GnRH is given. The protocol can be manipulated slightly to assess whether there is benefit to give GnRH. Additionally, the timing of insemination may or may not occur near the same time as it does in beef cattle. One paper suggests the timing of estrus following ovulation may be a few hours shorter in yaks than in beef animals.
To further understand the estrous cycle of the female yak, we invested in a CowManager system and internet service for the farm. This system utilizes ear tags with accelerometer and an internal temperature probe to monitor movement behavior and temperatures. The device is attached to the ear of the animal using an RFID tag. Solar powered antennas are then placed in the field to collect and relay the data to a PC which is connected to the internet. Data is then sent to a server where it is processed. Using an algorithm, data is interpreted as activities such as movement, eating, rumination, etc. Deviations from baseline are then used to predict physiological changes such as animals that are in estrus, calving, sick or haven’t moved indicating death. Our hope was that this system would provide us with greater insight in to when female yaks may be in estrus to refine our timing of insemination.
Cows were routinely weighed over the course of the study to monitor weight changes. Additionally, animals were routinely body condition scored to assess nutritional status as this has been shown to be directly related to breeding success in females. Lastly, a reproductive tract score was assigned at each breeding to help assess if females were in heat at the time of breeding (Table 1).
The field work began May 24, 2022 with pregnancy diagnosis determined using ultrasonography via rectal palpation to determine current pregnancy status. Twenty-one yak females were divided into two groups. These groups were mated with semen extended with OptiXcell extender. A group of 11 cows were administered injectable trace minerals, anthelmintic for internal parasites and permethrin for external parasites. The 7-day Co-Synch protocol was initiated with six cows receiving GnRH on D0 and five which did not. On May 31, CIDRs were removed, and prostaglandin was given. Breeding via artificial insemination occurred the afternoon of June 2 (~ 54 hr post-removal) and the morning of June 3rd (~ 60 hours post-removal). After at least four weeks, females were assessed for pregnancy using ultrasonography. The outcomes of each breeding are shown in Table 1 below. For the first group, no females became pregnant. The second group of 10 cows were synchronized on June 14, 2022 with artificial insemination occurring on the afternoon of June 23 and morning of June 24. Cows were treated similarly to the first group of females with the exception that GnRH was not given on D0. A single cow become conceived from this breeding. Given that beef cattle demonstrate significant reductions in fertility during the heat of summer from mid-June through August, no additional matings were planned.
One of the bulls jumped the fence and got into the group of cows. This provided us the opportunity to assess the potential conception rate from natural matings. Therefore, we opted to leave the bull with the cows during the fall. It was observed that conception rate was near the same as beef cattle bred via natural service. This information therefore confirmed that our initial matings were a result of either poor semen quality or incorrect insemination timing with respect to estrus.
In discussions with our colleagues at MSU, it was determined that post-thaw assessments of the semen had not been performed. The next step was to conduct post-thaw assessment to ensure the semen actually was viable. We thawed a straw of beef semen prepared by a commercial semen supplier and visually compared this against the yak semen. Both concentration and percentage of live motile sperm were assessed. A 50% loss of viable sperm is generally accepted as normal for beef semen. It was evident that the yak semen has significantly fewer live motile sperm with several straws being 5-20% and the best being estimated at 25-30%. Thus, it was concluded that poor success in the first two groups was due to low concentrations of live, motile sperm.
The next step was to assess if the freezing process itself was the cause of low success. Therefore, the next mating utilized semen that was collected, extended and packaged as the previous frozen semen. Additionally, we recommended the concentration to be increased with a target delivery of at least 40 million live sperm per insemination. Thirteen cows were synchronized again using the same protocol for mating on November 17, 2022. Freshly extended and packaged semen was transported to the farm at ~ 68F. This resulted in 4 or 13 cows conceiving based on 28-d post-insemination pregnancy diagnosis. A later pregnancy check found that three of these pregnancies were aborted and likely related to an extremely cold spell that hit before maternal recognition of pregnancy. We were pleased with this level of conception rate. It confirmed that our timing of insemination was not too far off and it may be an extender or freezing process issue.
The next mating involved semen extended and frozen using the BullXCell product. Twelve cows were resynchronized for mating on December 19, 2022. This semen was again highly concentrated. The outcome was three pregnancies. This was similar to the success of the fresh further confirming that yak semen may require more specific extender. This success rate, however, was still below what we established as a successful pregnancy rate. Our goal is to be consistently greater than 40% pregnancy rate using artificial insemination in yaks.
The research team discussed the next steps and it was agreed that getting a professional collection service to process collected semen should be pursued. This would provide a comparison of semen that was processed by someone who has processed thousands of straws of beef semen to MSU’s current method and possibly learn where to make adjustments in the cryopreservation steps. Semen from a single bull was processed using an unknown extender. According to MSU researchers this semen had 60% post-thaw viability. Several changes in the freezing process were noted that could be altered to potentially improve the quality of semen. Nine cows were resynchronized for breeding in May of 2023 using the professionally extended semen. A single cow conceived from the professionally processed semen.
This brought us full circle again to the timing of insemination. In an effort to assess if the semen quality or timing of insemination was an issue, it was decided that mating beef cows to the professionally collected frozen semen was needed. Beef cows readily show signs of standing heat and the use of artificial insemination in cattle is understood very well. Therefore, eight beef cows were identified at the UK research herd. Cows were bred off observation of standing heat following a single injection of prostaglandin to synchronize estrus. Initially, six cows came into heat and were mated with only one confirmed pregnancy. A few days later two additional cows were mated and neither conceived. This outcome was similar to what we observed in the yak cows with the professionally processed semen.
Yak cows were resynchronized to be inseminated June 12th, 2023 using semen collected and processed in March by the MSU team. Eight cows were inseminated and again no cows conceived using this semen. This semen was packaged at both 100x106 and 200x106 million sperm per straw according to MSU. This should have been well above the 40x106 live motile sperm post-thaw assuming 50% loss from freezing.
The MSU team incorporated changes to their freezing process based on what they learned from the professional semen processing. Given the lackluster performance of the semen from the professional, UK researchers opted to once again assess the post-thaw viability of the semen currently available. It was noted that the professionally processed semen had very poor post-thaw viability and was lower than the 60% originally observed. Further, it was noted that the semen collected 3/24/23 had only 5-10% post-thaw viability, but the high concentrations we would have expected better conception rates. We compared the yak semen to a commercially processed sexed beef semen. We visually estimated most of the straws evaluated had poor numbers of viable sperm with the exception of a bull from one of the early collections and the most recent semen processed by MSU following the new technique.
The last breeding was conducted July 24, 2023 using the newest processed semen and the older semen showing good post-thaw viability. The beef animals were also switched to other straws of semen for breeding. The success of these matings will be determined at the end of August.
Overall, we have learned more about the reproductive cycle of the yak cow. We have been successful in proving that yak cows can be bred using artificial insemination. Success will be highly dependent the quality of semen post-thaw.
Next Steps
We have suggested our MSU colleagues collect a beef bull and process this semen. A post-thaw evaluation will help to determine if there are issues in the process or if there is a need for a different extender. Additionally, we are in the process of digging through the CowManager data to determine if we can find signs of estrus to fine tune time of insemination. A recent paper has demonstrated success of a 5-d Co-Synch CIDR protocol in yaks. We intend to evaluate this protocol to continue to improve the synchronization of yaks for timed artificial insemination.
Table 1. Reproductive tract score system.
Score |
Description |
1 |
Dry vagina, can’t pass AI rod |
2 |
Some vaginal lubrication, moderate manipulation needed to pass rod |
3 |
Good vaginal lubrication, slick, slight manipulation needed to pass rod |
4 |
Good vaginal lubrication, slick, manipulation to get through 1 cervical ring needed |
5 |
Good vaginal lubrication, slick, cervix open and rod easy to pass |
Table 2. The breeding outcome following artificial insemination of female bovines.
Breeding |
No. Cows |
No. Preg |
Preg % |
First June 3 & June 23, 2022 (frozen OptiXcell)) |
21 |
1 |
4.8 |
Natural mating summer 2022 to determine conception % |
23 |
14 |
61 |
Second November 17, 2022 (fresh) |
13 |
4 |
30 |
Third December 19, 2022 (frozen BullXcell) |
12 |
3 |
25 |
Fourth May 12 (frozen Triple W) |
9 |
1 |
11 |
Fifth June 12 (frozen 3/24/23 semen) |
8 |
0 |
0 |
Sixth July 24 (frozen Mohair old / Phantom new) |
8 |
na |
na |
Beef cow breedings |
June 7 (Triple W) |
6 |
1 |
16.7 |
June 12 (Triple W) |
2 |
June 28 |
4 |
July |
Research (and Results) on Yak Bull Selection to Minimize Coefficient of Inbreeding:
During the first eight months of the project three key questions addressing minimizing the Coefficient of Inbreeding of yaks were defined with Dr. Kalbfleisch's guidance. These were:
- Can the recently developed Match-A-Yak software by Dr. Kalbfleisch which calculates the expected Coefficient of Inbreeding (COI) of a specific breeding pair be used to pick the the bull which would yield the lowest COI out of as group of bulls? - [The idea was to modify the Match-A-Yak program so that the SNP profiles from bulls' registration DNA reports can be compared to determine which bull has the fewest SNPS which would produce homozygosity with the other bulls. The question is would this bull would then be the bull less likely of the group of bulls to increase the Coefficient of Inbreeding of the calves it sires. If this is true then this bull would be a candidate for use in a more general AI program to decrease the COI within the US yak herd.] Unfortunately this approach is flawed. While Match-A-Yak could be used to establish which bull out of a group of bulls has the lower average homozygosity when compared to the rest of the bulls within the group, this provides no guarantee that this bull will have an average lower homozygosity (Coefficient of Inbreeding) than any of the other bulls for a given group of cows. Simply consider a random group of bulls and bull "A" happens to have the lowest average homozygosity when Match-A-Yak is used. Now suppose this bull is used to breed a group of five yak cows with the same grandsire as bull "A" - a very real possibility given the small genetic pool the US yak herd developed from. In this case bull "A" and each of the cows would have at least 25% of the genetics of the grandsire in common leading to a high overall Coefficient of Inbreeding in the offspring due to sire-dam pairing and this does not take into account that overall COI of the US herd is approximately 43%.
2. What is the long term impact of typical yak breeding programs on the Coefficient of Inbreeding of the US yak herd? This was done by calculating the number of first, second and third generations of offspring are generated by a single bull.
The assumptions incorporated in the calculations are:
a. 20% of the bull calves produced by each bull would be sold for breeding purposes: 80% would be used for meat production.
b. The number of calves produced per year by the original bull and each subsequent bull per year is ten. This number was obtained from a survey taken among yak breeders present at the 2023 Yak Show at the NWSS.
c. The ratio of bull calves to heifer calves born each year of the model is 1:1.
d. The cows produced by the bull and his descendants will breed for 10 years.
The variable in the formula as presented is: Nb = The number of years the different generations of bulls sire calves (including the original bull)
NOTE: The calculation also assumes that there are enough yak cows without the genetics of the original bull available in the US herd so that each of the bulls can produce ten live calves per year and does not take into possible account losses during the three generations of breeding the model covers.
In this situation:
The number of bulls with ½ the genetics of the original bull is Nb and the number of cows with ½ the genetics is 5Nb
The number of bulls with ¼ the genetics of the original bull is NbxNb +NbxNc/2 and the number of cows produced with ¼ the genetics of the original bull is 5xnumber of bulls with ¼ genetics.
The number of bulls with 1/8 the genetics of the original bull is NbxNbxNb+10xNbxNb + (NbxNcxNc)/4. The number of cows with 1/8 the genetics of the original bull is 5 x the number of bulls with 1/8 the original genetics.
The following chart shows these numbers for different values of Nb-“how long people are using their herd bull”.
Nb-years bulls breed => 3 years 4 years 5 years 8 years 10 years
Bulls 1/2 genetics 3 4 5 8 10
Cows1/2 genetics 15 20 25 40 80
Bulls ¼ genetics 24 30 50 104 150
Cows ¼ genetics 120 150 250 520 750
Bulls 1/8 genetics 192 324 500 1352 2500
Cows 1/8 genetics 960 1620 2500 6760 12500
Years for all to be born: 13 16 19 27 34
This is a very important chart for yak breeders to think about:
First: As you consider the shear size of the numbers you quickly realize their impossibility since as the number years bulls are allowed to breed the number of offspring with 1/8 the genetics is greater than the size of the entire US yak herd. The actual numbers of offspring are limited by:
- The number of ranches to purchase the breeding bulls being produced;
- The fact that there aren’t enough cows in the US herd for the bulls to breed;
- And by losses of animals as they mature.
- The actual numbers as Nb (number of years breeders are using their bulls for breeding) increases aren’t important. What is important to see is how quickly the number of yaks with ¼th and 1/8th the genetics of the original herd sire grows. If you go back to around 2015, it seemed like every registered yak pedigree had one of five bulls somewhere in it. These were great bulls and they produced a large number of offspring (high Nb and Nc) including bulls that were sold to other breeders who used them to produce large numbers of yaks with one quarter their genetics and so on. These bulls and several others literally have built much of the registered US yak herd at that time (and much of the unregistered herd).
Second: A large Nb, which results in a significant percentage of the US yak herd having ¼th and 1/8th the genetics of a particular bull, increases the Coefficient of Inbreeding of the US herd as mating pairs are more likely to have common genetics. Note: The current Coefficient of Inbreeding of the US herd was calculated to be 43% and appears to be increasing.
USYAKS herd Coefficient-of-Inbreeding Summary
Year Average COI relative Average decrease in number
US yak herd COI of approx.0.43 heterogenous alleles
All yaks born through 2011 0.051 1.9
Yaks born 2012 0.0801 3
Yaks born 2013 0.0801 3
Yaks born 2014 0.071 2.66
Yaks born 2015 0.106 3.97
Yaks born 2016 0.068 2.54
Yaks born 2017 0.0867 3.25
Yaks born 2018 0.072 2.7
Yaks born 2019 0.055 2
Yaks born 2020 0.0627 2.35
Yaks born 2021 0.031 1.2
Yaks born 2022 0.00637 0.2
Note: 2021 on includes the registrations of Star Ranch’s large number of yaks that were outside the main US registered herd => basic reason for decreased COI
Note: “Average decrease” is the yearly average of the decrease in heterogenous alleles” from that predicted for the US Yak herd that is used in the COI formula. It is not cumulative from year to year.
Note: The number of yaks in the USYAKS registry at the time of these calculations was just over 900.
Third: A high Nb such as ten, which has been and is still common for yak breeders, results in a significant percentage of the US yak herd having genetics of a specific breeding sire twenty-five years out. At this point you start having breeding pairs both of which have having genetics which trace back to the original sire; and if that original sire had a harmful or deadly recessive gene and if that gene has been passed on to both yaks in the breeding pair there is 25% the recessive gene will affect the offspring. Note: As discovered in the beef industry when artificial insemination allowed bulls great number of cows, it took about twenty-five before the evidence of a recessive gene in the original sire showed up. By that time all pone could do was to make sure both cattle in a breeding pair did not have lineage tracing back to the original sire.
Third: Because a large proportion of the US yak herd’s genetics do trace back to a relatively small number of bulls from the early 1980’s, about forty years ago. The evidence of a recessive gene in one or more of those bulls that much of the US herd developed from should now be present. The only way we will know if abortions, still born births, and different physical anomalies in calves were caused by a recessive gene is through record keeping: With annual birth and lineage information for every pregnancy being kept by every breeder and transferred to a common data base for analysis. This data collection and analysis is important since the only way to stop the impact of a recessive gene is by knowing what yaks cannot be paired due to common lineage to a bull (or cow) with a harmful recessive gene.
Fourth: As we consider what the implications of this chart with respect to breeding practices (Nb used) and the very real possibility of a recessive gene being present (The Beef Industry has seven recessive genes they must take into account in determining breeding pairs):
- We need to determine how many years we will use a bull in our breeding programs. And, unfortunately, we can’t just sell the bull as who is using him for a herd bull does not make any difference. The bull must be retired.
- We need to include examination of lineage to minimize the chance of both animals in our breeding carrying a possible recessive gene.
- We need to consider keeping records of all our herd pregnancies, their outcomes and lineages of the sire and dam and the development of a national data base through which the identification of recessive genes and the lines they are in could be identified. Note: This does not mean the line is a bad line or that some animal in the past was “bad”. Recessive genes just “happen” and we need to know what they are, what they cause, and how to avoid them in our breeding programs.
3. How many yak cows should be bred per year and for how many years using semen from a specific bull's semen? Equivalently: With the entire US herd being approximately 6500 yaks, what limits should placed on the use of artificial insemination?
This answer to this question was also approached by developing a simple mathematical model that calculated the number of bull and heifer calves with 1/2, 1/4 and 1/8 the genetics of a single bull used to produce semen for the artificial insemination of yaks.
Two assumptions were made in this model: a. 20% of all bull calves produced were sold as breeding stock with the remaining 80% being raised for meat; and, b. The heifer to bull calf ratio for calves born each year of the model is 1:1.
The variables used in the AI model are: Nai=Number of years the bull's semen is used for AI; Cn= Number of cows artificially inseminated (and which deliver calves) each year the AI bull's semen is used; Nc = number of years each cows will produce calves; Xc = Number of cows the bulls will sire calves from each year; and, Nb = Number of years the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd generation bulls will be used for breeding.
The total number of offspring as a function of these variables is:
Number of offspring produced with ½ the genetics of the AI bull used for Nai years:
Bulls B1/2: NaiCn/10
Cows C1/2: NaiCn/2 = 5 x B1/2
Number of offspring produced with 1/4 the genetics of the AI bull used for Nai years:
Bulls B1/4: (NaiCnXcNb)/100 + (NaiCnNc)/20
Cows C1/4: (NaiCnXcNb)/20 + (NaiCnNc)/4 =5 x B1/4
Number of offspring produced with 1/8 the genetics of the AI bull used for Nai years:
Bulls B1/8 : (NaiCnNbNbXcXc)/1000 + (NaiCnNcNbXc)/100 + (NaiCnNcNc)/40
Cows C1/8: 5 x B1/8
So what does this look like?
Example 1: Cn = number of cows per year inseminated by the AI bull = 10
Nai = number of years AI bull is used is 1
Nc = number of years offspring cows breed for is 10
Xc = number of cows the AI offspring bulls sire a calf from per year for Nb years = 10
Nb = number of years the AI bull offspring sire calves for = 3
Number of offspring with ½ genetics of AI bull: B1/2=1, C1/2=5
Number of offspring with 1/4 genetics of AI bull: B1/4 = 8 C1/4 = 40
Number of offspring with 1/8 genetics of AI bull: B1/8=64 C1/8=320 = 6% of US yak herd assuming 6500 yaks in the US
Example 2: Suppose the B1/2 and B1/4 bulls breed for 10 years (Nb=10) - typical for yak breeders
Number of offspring with ½ genetics of AI bull: B1/2=1, C1/2=5
Number of offspring with 1/4 genetics of AI bull: B1/4 = 15 C1/4 = 75
Number of offspring with 1/8 genetics of AI bull: B1/8= 225 C1/8=1125 = 21% of US yak herd assuming 6500 yaks in US herd
While these calculations do not take into account losses due to disease and market limitations to absorb the numbers of yaks produced, what is clear that even a very limited AI program has the potential to bring one-eighth the genetics of a specific bull into a significant portion of yak the US herd within three generations resulting in the breeding of third and fourth generation offspring (which will have an increased COI and the risk of both the bull and cow having a common deadly/harmful recessive gene. Access to artificial program is needed to enable breeders to produce offspring with low a low Coefficient of Inbreeding (COI) but it must be combined with a tool such as Match-A-Yak to be sure the semen will reduce homozygosity (the COI) in the offspring or to improve a specific trait or traits.
[NOTE: As Dr. Kalbfleisch had to withdraw from the project after the first year due to increase research required of him at the University of Kentucky, these questions were addressed by Gregor Dike ]
AI On The Ground Results To Date
8 conceptions determined by ultra-sound
3 abortions due to weather induced stress in very early pregnancy
5 births
Semen Collection
Collection of Yak Semen: This work was led by Dr. Philip Prater who is a specialist in bull reproduction and who has done cryopreservation of semen using very simple equipment (Hand lowering in liquid nitrogen).
Step 1: Four yak bulls whose ages ranged from 2 years to 10 years were brought to the handling facility. Dr. Prater performed a Breeding Soundness Examination on each of the bulls. Tolerance of the collection process was assessed by Dr. Prater on the 1-3 scale for each bull.
Reaction To Electro-Ejaculator after Manual Internal Massage
Scale Used:
1= normal reaction, slight vocalization, slight buckling at the knees
2= significant vocalization, buckling at the knees but remains standing
3= significant buckling at the knees, lays down in chute
The BSE includes evaluation of the mobility and morphology of the sperm as well as the volume of semen collected. Sperm concentration was also measured by Dr. Harrelson using an Accucell Bovine Photometer. Dr. Prater also measured the bull's weigh, scrotal circumference and temperature as a measure of any changes in health. The semen from all four bulls was collected through a two-step process: First one to two minutes of manual stimulation of the seminal vesicles, prostate and Cowper’s gland followed by the use of the small size bovine electro-ejaculator. This was done in early May, 2021.
Step 2: The youngest bull was eliminated from the project due to the small amount of semen produced and that he would lie down as soon as he was in the squeeze chute. This was expected as yak bulls generally are not mature enough for breeding until three years of age. The remaining three bulls scored a 1 in terms of tolerance. The two four-year old bulls and the ten-year old bull were brought back to recollect the next month to see if the older bull’s quality of semen improved and if the semen volume changed. Tolerance remained at 1 for the three.
Step 3: The one four year old bull was brought back in August for semen collection. The older bull was not brought back because the quality of the semen was not good enough for use in AI. Tolerance was 1.
Step 4. The same bull used in step 3 was brought back in early October for semen collection. Tolerance was 1.
What was learned at this point was that the massage-small electro-ejaculator process used by Dr. Prater worked well with the yak bulls as they tolerated it well and the volumes of semen collected were good.
To further test the tolerance of this method of collection we performed repetitive semen collection (once every two weeks) on larger group of bulls for eight weeks and then continued to measure tolerance with each collection throughout the project. Tolerance of the collection process, scrotal circumference, body temperature and ambient air temperature, semen volume, sperm motility and morphology, and concentration were recorded and analyzed for changes as more collections were done.
The following chart shows the tolerance scores for the eight week study and for the remainder of collections during 2022.
Repeated Collection Approximately Every Two Weeks
Bull |
4/1/2022 |
4/15/2022 |
4/29/2022 |
5/18/2022 |
7/26/2022 |
9/15/2022 |
11/3/2022 |
11/17/2022 |
Kahn |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Dr. Who |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
Big Horn |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
NA |
1 |
Funk |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Imperial Joe |
3 |
dropped from study due to reaction |
Thriller |
2 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Phantom |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
Mohair |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Santana |
3 |
3 |
3 |
Imperial Joe dropped due to reaction Funk, Mohair and Thriller were sold
Santana added to replace Imperial Joe - then dropped due to handling issues. Khan, Dr. Who and Phantom were chosen to be used for the rest of
the study
As can be seen from the data, the bulls with the exception of Santana (and Imperial Joe was a younger bull) tolerated the collection process well. Santana simply resisted being in the handling facility and would lay down in the squeeze chute to prevent any collection. Imperial Joe also laid down in the chute. The other bulls all scored "1"s with the exception of one "bad day" each. Interestingly, we learned for the three bulls we used semen collection throughout the project (Kahn, Who and Phantom) was that if they started to resist they would calm down if petted/scratched on the head through the process.
The Effect of Ambient Temperature on Yak Bull Fertility: As we moved into early summer of the first year of the project, we noticed that the bull's semen quality decreased in terms of motility and morphology as summer temperatures increased. Sperm takes sixty days to develop in bulls. So what was needed was to examine the temperature data for the sixty days prior to each semen collection. One or two hot days will not make a difference as long as it cools down in the evening. What matters is a continual warm ambient temperature during sperm formation. For this reason we looked at average temperatures over the sixty day periods prior to each semen collection and tracked sperm morphology verses these average temperatures for the three bulls used throughout the projection, The following is a graph of average temperature for sixty days (left y-axis) prior to the date (x-axis) (fine black line) and the % of sperm with good morphology (right y-axis) for the three bulls: Kahn -orange, Who-blue, Phantom-green.
Even though each bull reacted somewhat differently to increasing ambient temperature in terms of semen morphology), the "correlation" is clear, This has significance beyond our need to collect quality semen for AI in that conception rates in spring-summer breeding seasons will decrease as ambient air temperature increases. This will be true in much of the Southern region which has both increasing ambient temperature and high humidity similar to Kentucky. Note that the increasing ambient does not prevent summer conception: It will decrease the rate of conception. Summer breeding programs may simply require an additional bull(s) to account for lower fertility. A second issue that needs to be taken into account is that with increasing ambient temperature the ability of cows to carry a pregnancy under the stress of increasing ambient heat decreases. As an example, this past summer we (Zhi-ba Shiung-ga Yaks) had nine confirmed pregnancies by ultrasound - all conceived in March/April just before the high summer heat started. A followup ultrasound the first week of September showed five abortions occurred over the summer most probably due to heat As non of the cows exhibited any illness or other stress. What this points to is that in the Southern region yak breeders will need to consider annual temperature patterns in their breeding programs in terms of:
1. Bull fertility
2. Temperature/humidity stress during early pregnancy
3. Stress (heat, humidity, parasite and fly strike) on new born calves
Extending Semen
(Dr. Harrelson)
See the Table below for each collection and result. Post thaw motility is only available on some collections.
![Bull Senem Summary Pg 2](
Note: When calculating the amount of sperm per straw, one needs to take into account not only the 50% loss due to freezing but also the losses due to initial morphology and in the extending process. There is an upper limit as having too many sperm can affect the post thaw recovery rate.
Freezing Semen
One of the most important things we discovered in preparing the yak semen for freezing was that once the semen was initially cooled to approximately 42F after extending (before putting it in the straws) that it must be kept close to that temperature from that point on to the freezing process. Even removing the semen from the cooling refrigerator to load it in straws, place it on a freezing rack and then staring the freezing process allows the semen to warm too much resulting in additional sperm loss. For this reason a cool room in which all work is done once the semen has been extended takes place. The cool room houses the laboratory refrigerator to cool the extended semen, straw filling pipette, freezing rack and freezing device and the storage tank for the frozen semen.
We built a cold room for the project using a 10,000 BTU air conditioner and a Cool-Bot controller which causes the AC unit to continue cooling below its factory minimum. The room (walls, ceiling and floor) are all insulated to R-25 as recommended for the Cool-Bot controller.
Cool-Bot control and 10,000 BTU AC
We also built a very simple pulley device shown below to lower the freezing rack into a Styrofoam container containing sufficient liquid nitrogen to immerse the entire straw rack. A digital thermometer with a temperature sensor which could be attached to the rack was used to provide the temperature readings needed to lower the rack at the proper rate (about a ten minute process ) from 38F to immersion.
Sequencing and Insemination
(Dr. Les Anderson)
[Will be posted at once his information/articles has been peer reviewed and approved by the University of Kentucky.}
Educational & Outreach Activities
Participation Summary:
Education and Outreach Activities
A. Our first activity was to send an announcement of the project with a brief description to Cooperative Extension Agents throughout the Southern Region. The letter identified the three target groups for the project: Current Yak Breeders, Small Acreage Farmers and Beef Producers and asked if the agents would pass on information to farmers they thought would be interested and also to provide them with our contact information so they might receive information directly. Included with the letter was “The Domestic Yak: A Potential Resource for Small Acreage Farmers and Meat Producers?”
Article (without pictures) follows at end of this section. Attachment 1
B. An abbreviated version of the “The Domestic Yak: A Potential Resource for the Small Acreage Farmer and Meat Producers?” was published in the Kentucky Beef Cattleman’s March 2021 Cow Country Journal (pages 56-57).. This publication is sent to all member beef producers in Kentucky and extends into Tennessee as well (over 10,000 recipients),
C. Mother Earth News has agreed to publish an article on Yaks in its 2022 fall issue. This is to be submitted by July. 2022. The hope is that this will reach a portion of the small acreage farmers. Attachment 2.
D. Advertisements were taken out in The Cow and Pasture (Kentucky and parts of Tennessee) and in Grit magazine (national) for six months advertising yaks for sale to identify farmers who might be interested in yaks so we could send them information developed during the project.
E. A Yak Husbandry Conference was held at Morehead State University in Morehead, Kentucky on November 13, 2021 for yak breeders, people interested in learning about yaks and beef producers:
• brought To introduce people to the economic potential of yaks (Gregor Dike);
• To provide yak health information to current yak breeders and those interested in yaks (Dr. Michelle Arnold DVM University of Kentucky Veterinary Diagnostic Lab);
• To provide preliminary research based information of yak forage intake and weight gain as a function of forage (Dr. Jeff Lehmkuhler, University of Kentucky, College of Agriculture, Food and Environment);
• Explain the need for the use of genetics in Yak breeding programs (Dr. Ted Kalbfleisch, molecular geneticist, University of Kentucky);
• Explain the need for Breeding Soundness Examinations and perform one on a yak as a demonstration (Dr. Philip Prater, Morehead State University Department of Agricultural Sciences); and,
• To present the work done to date on developing a workable yak AI protocol (collection, cryopreservation, timed sequencing yak cows for breeding and performing artificial insemination on yaks. This was done through explanation and a demonstration of semen collection, inserting CIDR hormone inserts in two yak cows and artificially inseminating two yaks which had come into estrous through time based CIDR sequencing.
A lunch was served to all present which highlighted ground yak and yak roasts. The yak meat was prepared by Chef Robert Perry, University of Kentucky.
38 people attended the conference.
• Attachment A provides the results of a post conference survey.
• A list of the subjects brought up by the attendees that they would like to see researched is included later in this report.
• An important consequence of the discussion at the end of the conference was a recommendation to modify the project.
• A significant outcome of the interest of those present at the conference and the enthusiasm of the researchers involved was the development of a yak research group which would address the issues raised and other basic issues which need to be addressed to improve yak husbandry (and as a result the economic potential of yaks) the same way beef husbandry has improved over the [past seventy years. Attachment D has the rational and organizational structure of his research group.
The conference was announced through direct emails sent to the membership of the International Yak Registry and USYAKS Registry, both of which have members across the United States. An invitation to the conference was also sent out to all Cooperative Extension Agents in the Southern Region to include in their newsletters.
Copies of the Conference announcement sent out are at the end of this section. Attachment 3
6. The talks at the conference were digitally recorded and have been posted on YouTube for people to view. Access to the site was sent out to all who attended the conference and the membership of IYAK and USYAKS yak registries, The channel link to the videos is or one can go to YouTube, and search "Yak Husbandry, Sales and Recipes”.
7. A second letter was sent to the Cooperative Extension Agents in the Southern Region with a brief description of the project including the target audience asking for their help by including an invitation in their newsletters for persons interested in receiving information on the project and the potential economic benefit of yaks could obtain the information directly from us. This was also sent out through the Cooperative Extension Agent network throughout the southern region.
8. A website is currently being setup to provide access to the project’s information and other yak husbandry information as a way for small acreage farmers, yak breeders and beef producers who become interested in yaks in the southern region and across the US to have access to reliable information. The website will be and a brief description of its future content is attached.
F. SKAY, the research group which has developed out of this project has sent out a questionnaire to all yak breeders who are members of IYAK and USYAKS (the two yak registries) and all persons who attended the Conference as well as started a “monthly” zoom seminar on different areas yak breeders have expressed an interest in or that SKAY sees as needing to be introduced to breeders to help them begin to see what scientific/research based yak husbandry involvers.
A list of the seminars held along with a copy of the announcement sent out to USYAKS, IYAK and Conference Attendees prior to the webinars is attached. Attachment 4
G. A Series of Informational Sheets and Articles (Attachments 2, 5-13) was developed for small acreage farmers, African American farmers and Beef Producers to both introduce them to yaks and provide economic and husbandry information. This includes information concerning inbreeding and the use of herd bulls with respect to the US yak herd Coefficient of Inbreeding for yak breeders. An article was also included which examines the economics of owning one's bulls verses using artificial insemination. These have been posted on the SKAY Research Group Website with an announcement of the website and its subject matter sent to Cooperative Extension Agents throughout the Southern Region. The announcement identifies the three target groups who might be interested in the website: Current Yak Breeders, Small Acreage Farmers and Beef Producers and asked if the agents would pass on information to farmers they thought would be interested and hopefully include it in their newsletter.
Attachment 1: (pictures deleted)
The Domestic Yak: “A Potential Resource for Small Acreage Farmers and Meat Producers?”
Yaks are bovines which share a common ancestry with bos taurus (the majority of cattle breeds), bos indicus (eg. Brahman and Zebu cattle) and bison. What would become the Domestic Yak (bos grunniens) is believed to have diverged from this common ancestry between two and five million years ago becoming the Wild Yak (bos mutus) which were crossed with indigenous bos taurus roughly six thousand years ago. Today there are approximately 14.2 million yaks (Wild and Domestic) worldwide of which 13.8 million are in Chinese territories. There are roughly seventy-five hundred yaks in the United States, mainly in the northern Rocky Mountain region as they originally are a high altitude animal thriving at 12,000 feet in the Himalayan Mountains and Tibetan Plateau but also doing well in the hills of eastern Kentucky.
Thirteen hundred pound yak bull with six hundred pound yak cow.
Yaks have a number of qualities which could be used to bring increased revenue to both the small acreage farmer and the large beef producer. The main economic benefit yaks can bring to the table is meat. Yak meat is a rich red meat which is high in protein, has a high protein to calorie ratio, is leaner than bison and which contains Omega 3 oils. In terms of “healthiness” it has been compared to skinless chicken. The following is from an analysis performed by Certified Laboratories of the Midwest (Report #168765) of the meat of a yak which was grass fed at Zhi-ba Shing-ga Yaks in eastern Kentucky for two years. The results were as follows:
• Calories: 231/100 grams
• Carbohydrate: 2.86%
• Total Protein: 19.24%
• Cholesterol: 0.053%
• Oleic Fatty Acid: 4.92%
• Linoleic Fatty Acid: 0.2%
• Linolenic Fatty Acis: 0.11%
• Total Saturated Fats: 8.89%
• Total Monounstaurated Fats: 5.7%
• Total Trans Fats: 0.96%
• Omega 3: Alpha-Linoleic (ALA), Total Omega-3: 0.1%
Because there are so few yaks in the United States wherever yak meat is marketed the demand exceeds the supply. This results in a higher price: ground yak typically wholesales for $10/lb, retails at $14-$16/ with specialty cuts selling for $25-$35/pound. A yak farmer in Virginia sells hanging yak halves for $7/pound. Slaughter ready yak are now selling at $2.25/lb and are sought after by those in the yak meat business as demand is greater than supply. Why the high price? Taste and health qualities of the meat. But also because the available supply being low with so few yaks in the United States. It is important to note that the yak meat market has not been developed in the east or most of the west. Those who work at selling yak meat run out and struggle with supply. On the other hand, you can’t just take a slaughter ready yak to the auction and expect to get a good price. Those getting involved with yaks have to cultivate the market: To stores, to other yak meat sellers, directly to restaurants. It is a market that will take entrepreneurial work. Take a moment to look at which is the website of Delyaks: A yak ranch that sells yak meat over the internet. One of the virtues of yak meat is the market price does not go up and down like beef. The yak market and yak based income can only grow as more farmers become involved.
Yak herd bull at Zhi-ba Shing-ga Yaks in eastern Kentucky.
What could yaks do for the larger scale meat producer? One of the amazing things about yaks is even though they are different species than bos taurus, they can cross breed. Yak AI researchers in India and China have developed a modified semen extender better suited for yaks that is resulting in 80% success rates in their AI programs. The interesting thing in the United States is that according to yak-hybrid meat producers in the United States meat from a 50-50 yak-beef cross can be marketed as USDA Certified yak meat. The yakxbeef hybrid will achieve slaughter weight faster and have a more marbled meat than the “pure” yak.
Genetic testing is available so one could label meat according to the percentage of yak genetics present: eg. 50% yak, %75% yak up to pure yak which would be 95% (the percent required for breed registration) as all yak, including the remaining Wild Yak on the Tibetan Plateau, have some degree of cattle introgression. The point being, the market potential for a yak hybrid and “pure” yak meat is wide open with creative work.
For both the large scale meat producer and the small acreage farmer, yaks can increase profit by decreasing costs. Yaks consume less forage than beef cattle, do not require as high a TDN, have an insulating undercoat of down to protect them from the effects of cold temperatures, and can finish on forage without supplemental feed. Yaks also have smaller calves, 25-35 pounds, reducing calving complications. All of these characteristics mean reduced production costs.
For the small acreage farmer yaks offer more possible revenue alternatives than meat. As noted previously, yaks grow a down fiber under their hair as insulation. This fiber (16-20 microns in diameter), which is “released” annually and can be combed out is of the same quality as cashmere (18.5 microns or less) . It can be marketed in raw form to fiber artists for up to $4/ounce. Fiber can be further processed into roving and yarn for value added products. Yak yarn sells for $30-$50 per skein depending on whether the fiber has been dehaired and what kind of fiber it is mixed with such as bamboo. Merino sheep wool or silk. It can also be felted. Their outer guard hair can be used to make ropes and rugs. Their hides are like a bear hide because of the dense longer hair and can marketed as can their skulls ($200-$300) because of their large horns.
Yak yarn (50% yak fiber, 40% merino wool, 10% bamboo)
In Asia yaks are milked to produce cheese and yak butter. Yaks do not produce much milk, only about a pint per day could be collected from a cow with a nursing calf. Tibetan nomads milk a string of yak cows based on the amount of butter and cheese they need for home and market. This is an underdeveloped business and market waiting to be developed in the United States.
In Tibet and the Himalayan Region, yaks have traditionally been the “jeep/tractor” within nomadic culture. Yaks were and are still used as pack animals and as oxen. In fact there is hybridization going on in areas where yaks are used as oxen in order to have larger, more powerful draft animals. Yaks are regularly used in the Himalayan region to carry equipment for trekkers and climbing gear and supplies to high elevation (13,000 foot elevation) base camps. Alpine Ascents in Alaska utilizes currently yaks to carry hikers equipment in remote mountain areas ( ). Such a tourism side-business could be developed in the Appalachian and hiking regions of Kentucky.
Yak Husbandry: As previously noted, yaks have lower forage requirements than beef cattle. This does not mean they will do well on poor quality forage, but require less in terms of percent body weight requirements and TDN. There has not been much study of yak nutritional requirements in the United States. A small study is currently in progress under the direction of Dr. Jeff Lehmkuhler at the University of Kentucky. Reduced absolute forage requirements will result in both small acreage and large meat production farm savings.
Yak calves weigh between 25 and 35 pounds at birth resulting in few calving issues. Gestation is 8.5 months. Yaks reach about 90% maturity at three years, cows should be 500lb or three years of age at calving and bulls think they are ready for action by age two. However, most breeders wait to three years of age before utilizing a young bull in their production herd. Bulls typically weight 1200 pounds or more while the cows are half the weight – and hence consume less forage than large beef cows require. Yaks are not hard on fences, do well on good quality grass and hay to achieve market weight and do not have diseases such as pinkeye and brisket disease. Other than good forage, the key health issues are parasite control, proper trace mineral levels (copper, zinc and selenium are essential) and annual vaccinations for respiratory diseases and clostridium diseases (Triangle 10 and Ultrabac 8 equivalents). With good care yaks will live into their twenties. Also, from anecdotal reports, yak meat does not “degrade” in texture or taste if older yaks are used for meat. Yak meat producers also state there is no difference in taste between meat from a yak bull or steer.
Yak mother with baby born earlier in the day.
Handling Equipment: Yaks require the same handling equipment as beef cattle: Good pasture fence (woven wire is typically used), squeeze chute for vaccinations and tagging, foot trimming if needed, combing out fiber to sell, and a handling pen and alley to move yaks into the squeeze chute or a loading chute. It is also recommended that they have some sort of protection the sun and bad weather such as a simple shed roof with wind break. Yaks are very curious so if you don’t want them in it, on it, or around it, they need to be fenced out. And, yaks are relational.
Further Information: One of the classic sources of yak information is “The Yak” 2nd edition by G. Wiener. This can be download as a PDF at no cost. Other information can be found at
Pictures of “yak life” in Kentucky can be found at Zhi-ba Shing-ga Yaks on Facebook.
Posted at: "An Introduction To Yaks"
Attachment 3: 2021 Yak Husbandry Research Conference
Conference Capacity-50
Sponsored by
Morehead State University, Department of Agricultural Sciences, Morehead, Kentucky
The University of Kentucky Department of Animal and Food Sciences, Lexington, Kentucky
USDA Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Grant, Southern Region
USYAKS (Yak Registry and Association)
Star Yak Ranch, Casper, Wyoming
Zhi-ba Shing-ga Yak Farm, Wellington, Kentucky
Saturday, November 13th
Location: Derrickson Agricultural Complex, Morehead State University
This conference is for current yak producers, small acreage farmers, beef producers interested in possibly increasing the market value of their meat and those interested in developing yak operations.
Dr. Michelle Arnold: University of Kentucky Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory: Yak Health Management Considerations
Dr. Jeff Lehmkuhler PhD, PAS: University of Kentucky Department of Animal and Food Sciences: Myth Busting: Nutrition of the Yak
Dr. Philip Prater: Morehead State University Department of Agricultural Sciences, Reproduction Specialist: Development of Artificial Insemination Program for Yaks: collection and semen evaluation
Dr. Patricia Harrelson: Morehead State University Department of Agricultural Sciences: Yak Semen Preservation Research Results to Date including Preservation Process
Dr. Ted Kalbfleisch: Bioinformatics Specialist, University of Kentucky: “How genetic technologies can inform your breeding decisions”
Gregor Dike, owner of Zhi-ba Shing-ga Yaks, Wellington, Kentucky: Why Beef Producers and Small Acreage Farmers should take note of the economic potential of yaks
Walfer Hernandez, Head Chef at The Barrel and The Easter, Washington D.C.: Will prepare a yak meat buffet using different cuts and preparations for attendees.
Working Demonstrations
Yak Semen Collection
Synchronizing yaks for insemination
Conference Schedule
Time Topic Speaker
8:00-9:00 am Registration / Vendor
9:00-9:30 Welcome & Why are we considering yaks? Greg Dike
9:30-10:15 Health Considerations of Yaks in the Southeast Dr. Michelle Arnold
10:15-10:30 Break
10:30-11:00 How genetic technologies can inform your breeding decisions Dr. Ted Kalbfleisch
11:00-11:30 Myth Busting: Nutrition of the Yak Dr. Jeff Lehmkuhler
11:30-noon Is Your Bull Bad? Breeding Soundness Exams Dr. Phil Prater
noon-1:00 pm Lunch / Vendor
1:00-1:15 pm Q/A Yak Meat Prep Chef
1:15-2:30 pm Overview of Process of Estrus Synchronization & Semen Cryopreservation Dr. Patricia Harrelson & Dr. Phil Prater
2:30-4:00 pm Demonstrations: Semen collection, ultrasounding for pregnancy, CIDR device use/synchronization, (possible) insemination Dr. Patricia Harrelson & Dr. Phil Prater
4:00-4:30 pm Wrap-up & Evaluation Greg Dike
Hotels/Motels in the Morehead Area
Hampton Inn (606-780-0601) A block of 12 rooms will held until November 5th for those attending the Conference. Reservation code: YAKCON. Cost $99/night plus taxes.
Holiday Inn Express (606-784-5796)
Days Inn (606-783-1484)
Comfort Inn and Suites (606-780-7398)
Cincinnati International (Northern, KY)
Blue Grass Airport, (Lexington, KY)
(There is no charge for conference. We welcome you interest and participation.)
Name: _________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________
Telephone: _______________________
Farm/Ranch Name: _______________________________________________
• Currently own yaks __________ Number of yaks___________
• Interested in yaks for the future ___________
• Small acreage farmer (no yaks) ___________
• Beef producer _________
Number of people attending: ________
Please scan and email to
Mail via the postal service to
Gregor Dike, 57 Journeys End, Wellington, KY 40387
Contact Greg Dike
2021 Kentucky Yak Husbandry Research Conference
On November 13, 2021 Morehead State University, University of Kentucky, University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension, and Zhi-bah Zing-ga Yak farm co-hosted the first Kentucky Yak Husbandry Research Conference. A total of 38 participants and presenters were in attendance. Attendees traveled from Colorado, Wyoming, Illinois, New York, Tennessee, Indiana, Iowa and Kentucky.
Presenters shared information related to animal health, nutrition, genetics, reproductive physiology, artificial insemination and cryopreservation of yak semen. Demonstrations were performed on collecting semen for artificial insemination, estrus synchronization, and artificial insemination. A lunch was prepared showcasing yak meatballs and yak stew.
A total of 14 evaluations were completed by participants. Participants were asked their knowledge level both before and after the presentations for each topic using a 5-point Likert scale. Knowledge level increased for all topics as shown in the table below.
Topic Before After
Health Considerations 3.08 4.38
Genetic Technology 2.43 3.86
Nutrition 2.64 4.57
Bull BSE 2.43 4.21
Estrus Sync & Cryopreservation 2.31 4.31
Welcome & Wrap-up 2.75 4.17
Attachment 4: SKAY zoom yak information speaker series
Feb. 23, 2022: Planning A Yak Breeding Program, Dr. Darrh Bullock, University of Kentucky
March 8, 2022: Livestock Judging Terminology (with announcement included)
SKAY (Scientific Knowledge Advancement in Yaks Research Group)
Zoom Seminar Series
Mr. Zach Bartenslager
University of Kentucky Extension Associate, will discuss showring lingo and what it means.
Mr. Bartenslager has judged beef shows in several states and was a livestock judge instructor at the University of Tennessee before accepting a position at the University of Kentucky.
Seminar Date: Tuesday, March 8, 2022
8:30 PM EST/7:30 CST/6:30 MST
Registration is required to attend this seminar
Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Jeff Lehmkuhler, Ph.D.
Extension Beef Cattle Specialist
University of Kentucky
810 W.P. Garrigus Bldg
Lexington, KY 40546
Phone: 859-257-2853
February 15, 2023 – Review of Minerals in Ruminant Diets, Dr. Katie VanValin, University of Kentucky
March 22, 2023 – EHD, Anaplasmosis and Theileriosis – Dr. Michelle Arnold, University of Kentucky
April 19, 2023 – Developing Breeding Objectives – Dr. Darrh Bullock, University of Kentucky
May 17, 2023 – Controlling when calves will be born – Dr. Les Anderson, University of Kentucky
June 21, 2023 – Why should we consider records? – Dr. Jeff Lehmkuhler, University of Kentucky
September 20, 2023 – Genomics for Registering Yaks – Dr. Ted Kalbfleisch, University of Kentucky
Attachment 5: Yak Basic Information
Yak Basic Information Sheet
Yak share a common ancestry with Bos Taurus , Bos Indicus and Bison that dates back to between one and five million years ago. The domestic yak (Bos grunniens), often referred to as the grunting ox developed in the Himalayan region of the Indian subcontinent, the Tibetan Plateau, Kashmir), Tajikistan and as far north as Mongolia and Siberia as a result of its direct genetic ancestor, the wild yak (Bos Mutus), inter-breeding with indigenous cattle of the region.
Size: Mature Yak cows typically weight between 500 and 700 pounds and Yak bulls weigh between 900 and 1250 pounds in the United States.
Longevity: Yaks will live over twenty years with proper nutrition. Yak cows are known to give birth at over twenty years of age. Both cows and bulls do not reach their full size until about six years of age. However, they are reproductively mature by three years of age.
Reproduction: With proper nutrition yak cows will produce a calf annually. Gestation is eight and one-half months (approx.. 253 days) and calves typically weigh between 25 and 40 pounds resulting in calving ease. A bull can breed year round however, as in beef bulls, semen quality decreases in periods of extended high temperatures. Estrus in yaks lasts 12 hours and females may not exhibit much in the way of outward signs.
Cross-Breeding: Yaks have been crossed with numerous cattle breeds with success. However, in general a yak bull will not breed outside its species. Outside of using artificial insemination people have raised yak bulls with the breed they are seeking to cross. In this case the yak bull will often breed the non-yak cow. Breeding a non-yak bull to a yak cow is dangerous due to the smaller reproductive tract of yak cows. Dystocia or the ability of the calf to pass through the birthing canal will be at an increased risk in yak hybrids involving non-yak bulls.
Nutrition: There have been numerous false claims that yaks eat as little forage as 1% of their body weight per day as compare to beef cattle which consume up to 3%of their body weight in dry matter. Recent studies being conducted under a USDA Sustainable Agriculture Research and education Grant by the University of Kentucky show yaks consuming roughly 2.5-3% of their body weight in forage on a daily basis. Yaks should have access to forage with which matches their production stage. Limited information is available on the nutrient requirements of yaks and in Asia beef nutrient requirements are often used for yaks. Yaks will grow and finish well on good forage.
Health Issues: Even though yak are a separate species than beef cattle they share most common health issues. Yak are very stoic and do not significantly display illness until they are very ill. As such it is important to “know your yaks” by observing them daily so that you are able to detect behavioral changes and intervene at that point. [Note: Yaks will often grind their teeth when they bare threatened or ill.] The best health rule is that a change of behavior should be immediately investigated. There are four keys areas of health care that are critical:
· Trace Minerals: Proper copper, zinc and selenium levels are critical for yak growth, reproduction and overall health.
· Respiratory: Most yak breeders will vaccinate their yaks annually to prevent respiratory infections (IBR, BVD, PI3, BRSV). Yaks seem to be susceptible to pneumonia at any time in the year. Symptoms are the same as in cattle. Normal yak body temperature is 101 degrees Fahrenheit while rectal temperatures greater than 103.5F combined with increased respiration rates, nasal discharge, depression, low intakes, or other factors are indicative of illness.
Be sure to consult your veterinarian annually to maintain a valid patient-client relationship. This is important for treatment recommendations as all antibiotics are now required to have a prescription.
· Parasites: Depending on the area of the country you are in parasites and flies can not only cause the death of a yak but can bring economic loss due to decreased weight gain, fly strike and disease transmission. One needs to be aggressive in parasite control. Be sure to rotate your antiparasitic as parasites easily build up resistance.
· Epizootic hemorrhagic disease (EHD): EHD is a virus often impacting wild ungulates (deer) carried by biting insects that can affect yak. Symptoms may include stiffness in walking, depression, temperature, blisters in the mouth, anorexia. If you hear about deer dying off in your area you need to be vigilant in watching your yaks for any changes. EHD can be deadly for yaks.
· Observe your yaks daily for behavioral changes.
Fencing: Fencing for yaks is similar to fencing for cattle. A fence that is 4-5 feet high will often deter jumping. Fence may be woven wire or multiple strands of barbed wire. If using high-tensile smoot wire, multiple strands combined with a few which are electrified will usually be adequate. Yaks can jump and sometimes you will find an animal that can easily clear a five-foot-tall fence. The thing to remember is that they jump for a reason: There is something they want to get to. The solution is to move the source of desire “out of sense range”. Yaks on opposite sides of the same fence can be destructive as they will “play” with each other through it. One approach is to keep an empty pasture between yak groupings: Especially cows which could be in heat and bulls. Using a single strand of electric fence with offset insulators will reduce fence damage from yaks. Yaks have incredibly strong necks and can lift entire fences out of ground or make a pretzel of lighter weight steel tube metal gates so purchasing heavier gauge metal gates will increase their longevity. They are herd animals so if one does get out it will usually stay near the herd.
Note: When a yak is isolated, “cornered” or startled it sees everything other than another yak as a predator. In working with yaks, you always need an escape route. Never corner a yak. Always provide a way for the yak to move away from you. Also, avoid working a single animal by itself. Keep a second yak or a small group together whenever possible. Interestingly, yaks do not seem to mind getting in trailers. A good resource on working with yaks is Dr. Temple Grandin’s animal handling work. Keep in mind yaks use their horns and head early in life to express dominance and establish pecking orders within the herd. Do not rub their heads as calves a s they will see this as a dominance establishment behavior which later in life could get you hurt when that 1000 pound bull comes to rub its head against you. Additionally avoid the use of paddles and other items to tap or hit their heads when working. This triggers “fight” response and will train them to charge paddles in the future.
Infrastructure: Other than good fences, water sources and quality pasture, one needs a means to handle the yaks safely. Typically this would involve one pens the yaks could be directed to for sorting and an alleyway that leads to squeeze chute which would provide the restraint necessary to do a health examination, give medications/ injections, apply anti-parasitics, trim hooves, comb out fiber and other animal care procedures. Design your pasture system and anima; handling areas so that your yaks can easily move from one area to another.
It is also recommended that there be structures to provide shade from the sun and wind blocks for yaks in the pastures: Especially for mothers with young calves.
Personality: Yaks are smart, curious, will suddenly appear behind you to see what you are doing or somehow instantly be there when a gate is left open. They all have distinct personalities. With steady work, they can be trained as pack animals, halter broken, ridden and become pets. Remember: It may be cute to have a bull calf act like your pet dog but that is the last thing you want when it weights a thousand pounds. If you make a yak a pet it will expect to be your favorite pet and act as such. Most people are injured by their yak which was handled as a pet and that doesn’t distinguish the person as not being a herd mate and may choose to establish dominance. They are big, extremely quick in their movements and easily startled by a sudden motion so one must always be aware of where they are at all times.
Where Is The Money?
Sale of breeding stock: Yaks are often sold individually or in small ‘starter herd” that may or may not include a bull. As a responsible yak breeder it is important that we sell “the best yaks” as they will be source of genetics for a herd.
Fiber: Yak fiber is of equal and/or higher quality than cashmere depending on the animal the fiber was collected from. It is becoming a sought-after fiber by spinners and fiber artists. The fiber grows under the outer hairs and provides insulation for yaks in cold weather. Remember the “home” of yaks is at altitudes of 10,000 feet in the Himalaya Mountains. Thirty degrees below zero is a typical winter day for them. Fiber is combed out from the yak, not cut, in the spring-early summer. The longer overcoat of hair is left intact. Left uncombed the coat will usually fall off but sometimes it will become matted over the entire yak from the neck to the tail and must be removed by clipping to reduce fly strike and heat stress.
Meat: Yak meat is a deep red meat, not all gamey in flavor, is leaner than bison and as high in protein as bison or grass-fed beef. Ground yak currently sells for about $12/pound with steak selling between $25 and $45/pound depending on the market. Because there are so few yaks in the United States there are two key issues involved in raising yaks for meat sales:
· Because there is not an existing market for yak meat as there is for beef, one must develop the market (restaurant, selling at a Farmers Market, direct or internet sales etc.); and,
· Once a market is established the problem is that demand will exceed supply unless one is careful to develop a sales market which “matches” the meat production.
Tourism: Since yaks can be trained as pack animals and are “designed” for mountainous terrain, they are slowly being used for trekking in the United States. In the Himalayas they have been used by Tibetan nomads for thousands of years to carry supplies and move households to new grazing areas, and for the last one hundred plus years transported climbing gear to high peak base camps for the world’s mountain climbers.
In a very real sense, yaks are for the entrepreneur. The thing about yaks is for those who know their yaks there is a bond which develops.
For more information
1. “The Yak: Second Edition” Publication 2003/06: Revised by Gerald Wiener, Han Jianlin, Long Ruijun. This is an excellent resource which can be downloaded at no cost.
2. “Yak: The Cryophilic Species of Baltistan” by Shakoor Ali Published 2015
Attachment 6: Yak Meat
Yak Meat
If you are not familiar with yak meat, yak meat is deep red meat that is not gamey, subtle differences in taste than beef and was described by Chef Robert Perry of the University of Kentucky as “silky”. It has been described as having the “health benefits” of skinless chicken and salmon.
Just another “red meat”? In a comparison of grassfed premium and choice angus, bison and grassfed yak sirloin by the University of Kentucky all three were very close in protein at 23-24%, yak had more moisture, and in terms of fat the yak sirloin had 1% fat, bison had 2% and the premium and choice angus were at 5-6% fat.
An analysis performed by Certified Laboratories of the Midwest (Report #168765) of randomly selected ground meat from a grass fed yak raised on average quality pastures in Eastern Kentucky yielded the following results:
· Calories: 231/100 grams
· Carbohydrate: 2.86%
· Total Protein: 19.24%
· Cholesterol: 0.053%
· Oleic Fatty Acid: 4.92%
· Linoleic Fatty Acid: 0.2%
· Linolenic Fatty Acis: 0.11%
· Total Saturated Fats: 8.89%
· Total Monounstaurated Fats: 5.7%
· Total Trans Fats: 0.96%
· Omega 3: Alpha-Linoleic (ALA), Total Omega-3: 0.1%
It is important to note that the nutrition values will vary slightly between grass fed yaks due to differences in the environment and forage in which the yaks were raised.
What is clear in terms of grass-fed yaks: Their meat is high in protein and very low in fat. Furthermore it is low in cholesterol, has linoleic and linolenic fatty acids which lower the risk of coronary heart disease and Omega 3 which is used to reduce risk of inflammatory diseases and depression.
The Yak Meat Market
At this point in time with the exception of two large yak meat producers, breeders market their meat through an area Farmer’s Market
(or a store that carries local farm produced produce), private sales, internet sales, or by developing a relationship with a restaurant.
One of the two large yak meat producers supplies a supermarket chain and the second has Pop-up events, supplies five restaurants,
does large pop-up sale events, and through a store which has a high demand product line.
Once the market is established, the problem all breeders face, including the two large producers, is meeting the demand. With less
than 7500 yak in the entire United States there is no natural supply chain to turn to if demand exceeds supply for a producer.
Producers will search for slaughter ready yak to fill their supply need. But there are only so many yak available. Matching actual
supply and expected demand is going to be a critical to the development of an ongoing yak meat business.
The following are current retail prices being charged by four yak meat producers:
Producer #1:
Ground yak: $12/pound
Chuck Roast: $26 for a 2 pound roast
Yak Snack Sticks: $15 for 4oz package
Yak Jerky: $12 for a 3oz package
Producer #2
Ground yak: $25/pound
Yak Burgers: 3x5.3oz burgers (1lb) $21.00
New York Strip Steak: $33 for a 10oz steak
Yak Sirloin steaks: 2 8oz steaks for $45
Rib Eye: 11oz for $47
Filet Mignon: 12oz for $55
Producer #3
Ground yak: $12.95/pound
Yak Burgers: 3x5.3oz burgers for $13.19
New York Strip Steak: $17.95 for an 8oz steak
Rib Eye: $18.67 for 8oz
Sirloin Steak: $12.97 for an 8oz steak
Order to sell Tenderloin: $19.97 for 6oz
Yak Stew meat cubes: $10.60 for 8oz
Producer #4
Ground yak: $15/pound
Ground Sirloin: $15/pound
Yak Stew Meat: $15/pound
Boneless Ribeye: $15 for 0.59lb
Bone on Ribeye: $45 for 1.5lb
Filet Mignon: $13 for 0.29lb
New York Strip Steak: $24 for 1lb
Sirloin Steak: $14 for 1lb steak
Top Round Roast: $15 per pound
In order to sell yak meat to the public the animal has to be slaughtered at a USDA inspected facility.
The USDA treats yaks as an exotic species, so yaks fall under the USDA’s triangle stamp program. The rules governing this program allow meat from yak/cattle hybrids to be labelled as yak meat as long as the animal is 39% yak. A yak x beef hybrid will have different meat characteristics in terms of texture, taste, amount of fat (and marbling), cholesterol etc. What yak meat producers are doing is to have the slaughter animal’s DNA tested to be able to show the meat is not from a hybrid yak. Others operate a “closed herd system” in which all the yak cows and bulls involved in producing the yaks to be raised for meat have been DNA tested to prove that they are true yaks.
The USYAKS Yak Association has worked with the USDA to develop a “Certified Yak Meat” label which is affixed to the meat packaging at the slaughter facility. This label certifies that the meat bearing this label was from a yak which was genetically tested and was found to be a full blooded yak. Certified yaks for slaughter are required to meet the same rigorous purity standards as registered full-blood yaks.
The Association wishes to offer a higher standard. Meat products bearing the USYAKS Certified label are meat products from yaks that have been genetically tested, and found not to be hybrids. Certified yaks are required to meet the same rigorous purity standards as registered full-blood yaks.
How to Certify Yak Meat
To participate in the yak meat certification program one must be a member of USYAKS. An online certification form is available on the USYAKS website: as well as membership instructions. Instructions for submitting the yak’s DNA for analysis are found on the website under “Register A Yak”.
Attachment 7: Yak Fiber
Yak Fiber
Attachment: 8 Reproduction In Female Yaks
Les Anderson, Jeff Lehmkuhler, Phil Prater, others
The yak (Bos grunniens) is a unique domestic animal. These animals were developed in the extreme environment of the Himalayas where food resources can be extremely limiting. The yak provides food (meat and milk), fiber (hair), and pack for the local populations. The total number of yak in the world is limited creating a need to understand and control reproduction in the yak.
Reproductive tract
The reproductive tract in the yak female is very similar to beef and dairy females. The cervix, uterus, and ovaries are smaller in mature yak females. Although the females are much smaller in size than a mature beef or dairy female, the reproductive tract in a yak is easily palpable via rectal palpation. The cervix in yaks has three rings and is typically 5 cm in length and 3 cm in diameter. The uterus horns are about 18-24 cm in length and 3 cm in diameter.
The ovaries in yak females are smaller but the morphology of the ovaries is like that found in beef and dairy. Primordial, growing, and atretic follicles were found in females ranging from 1 month to 10 years of age. Although follicle growth patterns have not been reported, estrogen concentrations fluctuate 3 times during the estrous cycle indicating that yak females may have 2-3 waves of follicle development. Yaks ovulate approximately 12-24 hours after the after the end of estrus which is a later than beef and dairy females. The formation and function of the corpus luteum in yak females is similar to beef and dairy females.
Estrous Cycle
The estrous cycle length of female yak is 18-22 days. The length of the estrous cycle has not been easy to determine because estrous behavior in the yak is often silent and difficult to detect. Several reports indicate that estrus typically lasts 12-16 hours in yak although about 20% of yak females were observed in estrus longer than 24 hours. Estrus in yaks is characterized by swollen vulva, mucous discharge, increased frequency of urination, and riding. Like other bovine, yak will group together into sexually active group and will seek out and ride other female yaks that are in estrus. Most of this research was conducted in their native environments. In more temperate climates, estrus is difficult to determine. Females in estrus will be more active than non-estrual females, the vulva will swell but mounting behavior is not observed as frequently. The limited expression of estrus in yak females decreases the efficacy of artificial insemination and hinders the adoption of this technique.
The gestation length of yaks is 250-260 days. Yaks appear to undergo typical behaviors during parturition including seclusion, restlessness, etc. Almost all births occur during daylight hours and very little incidence of dystocia (calving problems) have been reported. Yaks will interbreed with other cattle and dystocia is more common when yak cows are calving hybrid calves (ex. Angus bull x yak cow). Twins are rare in yak (.5%). Stage three labor (passing the placenta) can take up to 6 hours but typically within 30 minutes of the expulsion of the calf. Like beef cows, longer, more difficult parturition results in weaker calves at birth. Several reports and conversations with yak managers indicate that yak cows are extremely protective of their calves at birth and people should be cautious when approaching a dam immediate after calving.
The word “anestrus” means “no estrus” and is the biological state in which a female is not exhibiting estrus regularly. The time frame that females are in anestrus is called the anestrous period and bovine females are anestrous before puberty and after each calving event. The timeframe from birth to the occurrence of puberty is called the prepubertal period with puberty defined as the first estrus followed by an estrous cycle of normal length. The number of days from calving to the resumption of estrous cycles of normal length (18-22 days) is call the postpartum interval (PPI).
Yaks are considered by most scientists to be seasonal breeders. However, it is not firmly established whether they are biologically seasonal like sheep and horses or if they are environmentally seasonal due to severe nutritional stress. In their natural environment of the Himalayas, nutrient availability becomes extremely limited during the long, cold winter months. Many yak lose considerable weight during this time and their body condition scores (BCS) often fall dangerously low (BCS 2 or less). Weight loss during these long periods of nutrient restriction delays the occurrence of puberty and postpartum estrus.
Females that calve thin (BCS < 4) often have very long postpartum anestrous intervals. The average PPI for yaks has been reported to be 110-130 days but resumption of estrous was highly variable and dependent mostly on nutrient availability and the BCS of the females at calving and from calving to rebreeding. Cows that calve in a higher BCS have shorter PPI (about 70 days) compared to females that calve in lower BCS (about 130 days). The PPI is so long for many native yaks that they fail to breed the year after they calve. The calving interval (time between subsequent calvings) is about 1.5 years for yaks in their natural environment.
Puberty is anestrus that occurs prior to the first observed estrous cycle of normal length and many of the same factors that regulate postpartum anestrus impact the age of puberty. In their natural environment, yaks do not begin normal periods of estrus until 2-3 years of age. However, the attainment of puberty is more related to BCS than age. Timing of birth can influence age at puberty. Females that are born early in the calving season are more likely to go through puberty and conceive than females born later in the calving season.
Experience with yaks in the US suggests that, outside their natural environment, yak females are significantly less seasonal. Yak females in the US appear to be biologically capable reaching puberty at 15-18 months of age and mature cows can have short (60-70 days) PPI if managed according to their BCS. If BCS is managed correctly, yak females could calf annually. The key, it seems, to a yearling calving interval in the yak is management of cows to calve and rebreed in a BCS of 5-6.
Conception rate is defined as the probability a female will conceive after a breeding event to a single estrus. A simple example is if 10 cows are in estrus and are bred today and 6 of them conceive to that single breeding, then conception rate is 60%. Pregnancy rate is the probability that a female will conceive at the end of the breeding season. So, if the bull is left with the same 10 cows above for 70 days and 9 of the 10 conceive then the pregnancy rate is 90%.
Conception rate in the yak appears to be quite high. Most research has indicated that conception rates typically exceed 70% after breeding especially when the cow’s BCS at calving and breeding is 5 or greater. High conception rates lead to high pregnancy rates in short time periods. Much of the research from the Himalayan region reports pregnancy rates greater than 95% over a 70-90 day breeding season.
Unfortunately, yaks appear to be more susceptible to abortion early in pregnancy than other bovine. These abortions appear more related to the environment (low nutrient availability, extreme temperatures (either hot or cold)) than to disease. Early term abortion rates of 20-25% have been reported in the literature. Most researchers attribute the pregnancy loss to the extreme weather and undernutrition typical of the Himalayan region at the time when most yak females are pregnant.
Calving Rates
Even though conception rates and pregnancy rates are exceptionally high, the reproductive efficiency of the yak is low due to the long PPI and the high early term abortion rates observed in yaks in their native environment. The potential for high reproductive rates exists for yaks. Females that calve in moderate BCS and maintain this score through breeding have an excellent opportunity to conceive in a short window. Further, fewer females are likely to abort if they are pregnant in more moderate climates. The low rates of dystocia and high rates of calf survival give yaks the potential for excellent reproductive efficiency in less harsh environments.
The yak is a fascinating member of the bovine family. With proper management, high reproductive rates should be possible. The limited gene pool of yak makes artificial insemination an important tool for use in the yak. The biggest hurdle for yak breeders to overcome is the “silent” or weak expression of estrus observed in most yak females. Some work has been done on bull collection, semen processing, and AI by researchers in Asia, but more work needs to be done to better characterize reproduction in yaks and to improve methods that result in successful AI in yaks.
A Guide to Body Condition Scoring in Yaks. J. Lehmkuler, L. Anderson, D. Gardner. 2022.
The Challenges and Progress in the Management of Reproduction in Yaks. 2006. Zu. Animal Reproduction Science.
Reproduction in Female Yaks (Bos Grunniens) and Opportunities for Improvement. XD Zi. 2003. Theriogeneology 59:59:1303-1312.
Attachment 9: Inbreeding inYaks
Attachment 10: The Match-A-Yak tool to decrease the Coefficient of Inbreeding
Attachment 11: Hybridization of Yaks
The goal of crossbreeding or hybridization is to combine desirable traits of the breeds being hybridized from the additive genetic effects. In some cases the resulting the hybrid will actually exceed the average of the two parental types as a result of non-additive genetic effects. This is called heterosis or hybrid vigor.
Most hybridization of yak has taken place in Tibet, China and Mongolia for thousands of years as nomads crossed yaks with indigenous bos indicus cattle seeking to develop increased milk and meat production as well as a larger draught animal. The problem they faced was that while the hybrid had these improvements it no longer had the capacity to survive at the altitude yak herds lived in. As such, much of the hybridization was at lower altitudes. It was not until the 1950’s with the advent of artificial insemination that yaks were crossed with bos taurus (initially Holstein-Friesians and Simmentals).
It has not been possible to rigorously study whether heterosis was present in crossing yaks with the bos indicus or taurus cattle resultant hybrids, bos taurus and indicus could survive in the yak environment for a side-be -side trial. Yet, “the performance of hybrids and that of yaks, and where possible, cattle are highly suggestive of the part played by heterosis.” (YAK, The Second Edition, Gerald Weiner) The hybrid vigor (heterosis) that was attributed to the yak was primarily in terms of the ability to survive at higher altitudes and on poorer forage than bos indicus or taurus cattle.
Hybrid Birth Weights:
The following Table shows the birth weights of different hybrids of yaks at different locations in China (different elevation and environment) and body weight of the local yak dams.
Table 1: Birth weights of calves of yak and different hybrids of yak at various locations (differing in elevation and environment) and body weight of local yak dams (average of male and female calves)
Sire of calf |
Xinjiang[1] |
Longri, Sichuan[2] |
Gannan, Gansu[3] |
Shiqu, Sichuan[4] |
Ganzi, Sichuan[5] |
No. |
(kg) |
No. |
(kg) |
No. |
(kg) |
No. |
(kg) |
No. |
(kg) |
Local yak |
25 |
14.8 |
25 |
12.4 |
91 |
14.0 |
71 |
11.5 |
40 |
9.4 |
Local cattle |
19 |
12.2 |
Holstein-Friesian |
32 |
23.4 |
40 |
22.0 |
59 |
19.1 |
Simmental |
10 |
26.9 |
9 |
19.5 |
Charolais |
18 |
27.2 |
6 |
24.7 |
20 |
19.1 |
Hereford |
16 |
24.1 |
7 |
20.3 |
17 |
22.5 |
18 |
16.4 |
Aberdeen Angus |
22 |
23.1 |
17 |
17.9 |
Shorthorn |
9 |
18.2 |
Body weight of yak dam (kg) |
257 |
222 |
210 |
200 |
179 |
Gains In F1 Hybrids:
Meat: The 1989 study of growth rates of F1 (Hereford, Simmental, Charolais and Shorthorn ) yak hybrids (Table 2 below) found that at 17 months slaughter weights of the hybrids were 50% greater and had already achieved an adequate degree of finish by the end of the second summer. According to Zhang Rongchang (1989) the loin-eye area was two thirds larger in the hybrids than the yak. Reports from Altai (former Soviet Union) “noted that hybrids (Simmental.or Shorthorn sires) had reached up to twice the slaughter weight of yaks at 21 months of age and were also much fatter but had very similar dressing percentages.”
Table 2: Body weights and linear body dimensions, at 6 and 17 months of age of yak and hybrids with different "improved" breeds of cattle at Longri, Sichuan (means and [SD]) [Source: Cai Li, 1989]
Yak female mated to male of: |
Sex |
No. |
6-month weight (kg) |
17-month weight (kg) |
17-month linear body dimensions (cm) |
Mean |
[SD] |
Mean |
[SD] |
Height at withers mean |
Body length mean |
Heart girth mean |
Yak |
m |
14 |
68.9 |
7.4 |
129.8 |
11.0 |
95.3 |
107.8 |
135.4 |
f |
11 |
68.5 |
11.9 |
121.0 |
16.7 |
89.6 |
104.8 |
132.9 |
Holstein-Friesian |
m |
11 |
123.0 |
11.0 |
234.6 |
18.6 |
114.6 |
128.8 |
158.4 |
f |
21 |
111.6 |
13.6 |
202.4 |
17.3 |
110.8 |
123.7 |
154.3 |
Simmental |
m |
3 |
115.2 |
13.0 |
210.0 |
24.1 |
105.8 |
118.0 |
143.7 |
f |
6 |
77.5 |
15.6 |
162.8 |
24.6 |
102.3 |
114.0 |
133.8 |
Charolais |
m |
3 |
93.0 |
7.0 |
184.5 |
18.8 |
98.8 |
112.3 |
133.0 |
f |
3 |
81.3 |
5.7 |
Hereford |
m |
3 |
81.3 |
10.7 |
181.3 |
12.8 |
100.7 |
109.0 |
139.3 |
f |
4 |
88.6 |
6.6 |
182.8 |
11.5 |
101.4 |
109.3 |
143.8 |
Shorthorn |
m |
2 |
86.0 |
162.0 |
102.5 |
112.5 |
139.0 |
f |
7 |
86.1 |
5.0 |
169.2 |
15.3 |
102.9 |
113.4 |
138.1 |
Note: It is important to note that the data for the previous two charts was for forage and environmental conditions in regions of China. Yak dams in the United States typically weigh between 280 kg and 310 kg (600-700 lbs). One would expect calf weights in the US to be slightly higher due to improved forage and a less harsh environment. Weight losses over the winter during the study were between 11 and 12% of their body weight at the start of winter in the hybrids and the pure yak.
Meat Considerations:
- The basic and ongoing research on yak hybrids has taken place in China, Mongolia and India. Because of the high altitude and harsher environment resulting in limited forages, one would assume relative F1 gains weight gains and milk production as compared to pure yak will be greater in parts of the country where yak do well on local forage
- A 2023 study by the University of Kentucky which looked at the crude protein, crude fat and moisture content levels of grass fed yak sirloin and angus sirloin (including USDA choice and prime) yielded the following results:
CP % |
Fat % |
Moisture % |
Yak |
22.75 |
0.85 |
83.43 |
Angus |
20.70 |
5.41 |
75.30 |
A hybrid F1 (angus – yak) should have crude protein and fat roughly midway between that of grass fed yak without any feed or special finishing as a result of the genetic gain from the yak and reduced time to a possible 50% larger than yak slaughter weight to the genetic gain from the angus. A carcass with close to 23% protein and overall fat of approximately 97% will rival that of both yak (and bison) on the time line of beef and the reduced inputs of yak.
This Yak-Angus F1 hybrid could be both a large and small scale niche market. Due to the small size of the birth canal of yaks, the dams would have to be angus which can easily handle F1 calf size a yak could not without high risk of dystocia and death.
Given the small size of the US yak herd at under 7000 nationally, such a hybrid with close to the meat quality (protein and fat) of yak (and bison) could be a solution to the supply vs. demand problem of yak meat as people seek leaner high protein red meat,
The unknown at this point is a study on the taste and texture of a grass fed yak-angus F1. Will it be differentiable from yak?
Milk Production: Local yak females in the Ruoergai and Hongyuan regions of Sichuan, China averaged 4.4 pounds of milk per day at peak period with 6.3% fat content. F1 Holstein-Friesian yak hybrids averages17.6 pounds with a fat content of 5.4 percent. As would be expected a F1 H-F yak cross when bred to an H-F lower milk production than the F1 (12.1 pounds at peak).
Table 3 gives milk yield totals after 149 days for F1 (Yak x Holstien-Friesian) of different ages and parity all of who, were simply on pasture. What is unique to yak and also found in the F1 is they have a second lactation in the year following first calving without a further pregnancy (referred to as a “half-lactation”).
Table 3: Daily milk yield and fat percentage of yak cows and F1 and backcross cows involving the yak and its hybrids with bulls of local cattle and with Holstein-Friesian (or 75 percent HF and 25 percent local cattle) bulls - in Hongyuan and Ruoergai counties of Sichuan province ten females per group [Pooled data from several farms; Source: Cai Li, 1989]
Type of animal |
Daily milk yield (kg) (at peak period) |
Fat (%) |
Local yak |
2.0 |
6.3 |
Yak (f) × Holstein-Friesian (m) ("improved" F1) |
8.0 |
5.4 |
Yak (f) × local (yellow) cattle (m) (local F1) |
3.0 |
6.0 |
F1 (f) × Holstein-Friesian cattle (m) ("improved" B) |
5.5 |
F1 (f) × local (yellow) cattle (m) (local B1) |
0.5-1.0 |
6.2 |
B = backcross, f = female, m = male
A lactating yak cow produces only several quarts of milk a day. If a calf is to be supported there is little “excess milk” available impacting the calf’s development.
On the other hand an F1 yak-dairy hybrid would produce approximately two gallons of milk per day. This opens up a number of options:
The F1 yak-dairy cross could become the new “family milk cow” producing a more manageable amount of milk for a household to utilize on lower forage quality requirements;
The F1, being “half-yak” could be the basis for a niche :Yak x “Specific dairy breed” dairy product (milk, butter, yogurt, cottage cheese and cheese) market at a higher price. Furthermore, being an F1 yak cross would reduce forage/feed costs compared to pure dairy breeds.
Fertility of Hybrids:
Hybrid Heifers: F1- first generation hybrid heifers are fertile as are their back-crosses.
Hybrid Bulls: F1 bulls are sterile. They produce semen but no sperm. They will act like a bull in all ways and can be used as “teaser bulls” in breeding programs. If one backcrosses hybrid yak females some bull offspring will be fertile after the second backcross (75% yak). However, 31/32 is the accepted percentage of yak for bull fertility.
Attachment 12: What Difference "How Long You Use your Herd Bull For" Makes
- The bull and his descendant bulls will produce ten offspring per year: Half bulls and half heifers.
- One of the bull calves produced each year by this bull and his descendant bulls will be sold for breeding. The others will be raised for meat.
- The cows produced by the bull and his descendants will breed for 10 years.
- Nb = number of years the bull and descendant bulls are used for breeding.
In this situation:
The number of bulls with ½ the genetics of the original bull is Nb and the number of cows with ½ the genetics is 5Nb
The number of bulls with ¼ the genetics of the original bull is NbxNb +5xNb and the number of cows produced with ¼ the genetics of the original bull is 5xnumber of bulls with ¼ genetics.
The number of bulls with 1/8 the genetics of the original bull is NbxNbxNb+10xNbxNb + (NbxNcxNc)/4. The number of cows with 1/8 the genetics of the original bull is 5 x the number of bulls with 1/8 the original genetics.
The following chart shows these numbers for different values of Nb-“how long people are using their herd bull”.
Nb-years bulls breed 3 years 4 years 5 years 8 years 10 years
Bulls 1/2 genetics 3 4 5 8 10
Cows1/2 genetics 15 20 25 40 80
Bulls ¼ genetics 24 30 50 104 150
Cows ¼ genetics 120 150 250 520 750
Bulls 1/8 genetics 192 324 500 1352 2500
Cows 1/8 genetics 960 1620 2500 6760 12500
Years for all to be born: 13 16 19 27 34
This is a very important chart for yak breeders to think about:
First: As you consider the shear size of the numbers you quickly realize their impossibility since as the number years bulls are allowed to breed the number of offspring with 1/8 the genetics is greater than the size of the entire US yak herd. The actual numbers of offspring are limited by:
- The number of ranches to purchase the breeding bulls being produced;
- The fact that there aren’t enough cows in the US herd for the bulls to breed;
- And by losses of animals as they mature.
- The actual numbers as Nb (number of years breeders are using their bulls for breeding) increases aren’t important. What is important to see is how quickly the number of yaks with ¼th and 1/8th the genetics of the original herd sire grows. If you go back to around 2015, it seemed like every yak pedigree had Dreadlock, Prince Allente, Escalade and later Chewbacca somewhere in it. These were great bulls and they produced a large number of offspring (high Nb) including bulls that were sold to other breeders who used them to produce large numbers of yaks with one quarter their genetics and so on. These bulls and several others literally had built much of the registered US yak herd at that time (and much of the unregistered herd).
Second: A large Nb, which results in a significant percentage of the US yak herd having ¼ and 1/8th the genetics of a particular bull, increases the Coefficient of Inbreeding of the US herd as mating pairs are more likely to have common genetics. Note: The current Coefficient of Inbreeding of the US herd was calculated to be 43%.
Third: A high Nb such as ten, which has been and is still common for yak breeders, results in a significant percentage of the US yak herd having genetics of a specific breeding sire twenty-five years out. At this point you start having breeding pairs both of which have having genetics which trace back to the original sire; and if that original sire had a harmful or deadly recessive gene and if that gene has been passed on to both yaks in the breeding pair there is 25% the recessive gene will affect the offspring. Note: As discovered in the beef industry when artificial insemination allowed bulls great number of cows, it took about twenty-five before the evidence of a recessive gene in the original sire showed up. By that time all pone could do was to make sure both cattle in a breeding pair did not have lineage tracing back to the original sire.
Third: Because a large proportion of the US yak herd’s genetics do trace back to a relatively small number of bulls from the early 1980’s, about forty years ago. The evidence of a recessive gene in one or more of those bulls that much of the US herd developed from should now be present. The only way we will know if abortions, still born births, and different physical anomalies in calves were caused by a recessive gene is through record keeping: With annual birth and lineage information for every pregnancy being kept by every breeder and transferred to a common data base for analysis. This data collection and analysis is important since the only way to stop the impact of a recessive gene is by knowing what yaks cannot be paired due to common lineage to a bull (or cow) with a harmful recessive gene.
Fourth: As we consider what the implications of this chart with respect to breeding practices (Nb used) and the very real possibility of a recessive gene being present (The Beef Industry has seven recessive genes they must take into account in determining breeding pairs):
- We need to determine how many years we will use a bull in our breeding programs. And, unfortunately, we can’t just sell the bull as who is using him for a herd bull does not make any difference. The bull must be retired.
- We need to include examination of lineage to minimize the chance of both animals in our breeding carrying a possible recessive gene.
- We need to consider keeping records of all our herd pregnancies, their outcomes and lineages of the sire and dam and the development of a national data base through which the identification of recessive genes and the lines they are in could be identified. Note: This does not mean the line is a bad line or that some animal in the past was “bad”. Recessive genes just “happen” and we need to know what they are, what they cause, and how to avoid them in our breeding programs.
Assessment of Articles by Beef and Yak Producers
Beef Producer Questions
Q1: Was the article easy to understand?
Q2: Was the information useful?
Q3: Was there something in it that caught your attention?
Yak Producer Questions
Q1: Was the article easy to understand?
Q2: Would this information be useful to a potential or new yak breeder?
Q3: Would this information be useful to current yak breeders?
Article Beef Producer 1 Beef Producer 2 Beef Producer 3 Beef Producer 4
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q1 Q2 Q3
Introduction to Yaks Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y N Y
Yak Basic Information Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y N Y
Yak Meat Y Y Y Y N N Y Y N Y N Y
Yak Fiber Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y N Y Y Y
Inbreeding in Yaks Y Y Y Y N N Y Y N Y Y Y
Hybridization Y Y Y N Y N Y Y N Y Y Y
What Difference Does How Long Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y N Y Y Y
Use Your Herd Bull Makes
Note: 1. The beef producers volunteered to review the seven "articles" at a Menifee County, KY Beef Producers Meeting held by Cooperative Extension.
2. Both yak producers who reviewed the "articles" have farms in Kentucky.
Article Yak Producer 1 Yak Producer 2
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q1 Q2 Q3
Introduction to Yaks Y Y Y Y Y Y
Yak Basic Information Y Y Y Y Y Y
Yak Meat Y Y Y Y Y Y
Yak Fiber Y Y Y Y Y Y
Inbreeding in Yaks Y Y Y Y Y Y
Hybridization Y Y Y Y Y Y
What Difference Does How Long Y Y Y N Y Y
Use Your Herd Bull Make
Attachment 13: SKAY 2023 Yak Seminar Series
Planning A Yak Breeding Program, Dr. Darrh Bullock, University of Kentucky (2/23/22): Yak Husbandry, Sales and Recipes - YouTube Video: 2022 SKAY Bullock Genetic Selection Yaks
Livestock Judging Terminology, Mr. Zach Bartenslager, University of Kentucky Extension Associate (3/8/22):
Review of Minerals in Ruminant Diets, Dr. Katie VanValin, University of Kentucky (2/2/23)”
EHD, Anaplasmosis and Theileriosis – Dr. Michelle Arnold, University of Kentucky (3/23/23):
Developing Breeding Objectives – Dr. Darrh Bullock, University of Kentucky (4/19/23):
Controlling when calves will be born – Dr. Les Anderson, University of Kentucky (5/17/23):
Why should we consider records? – Dr. Jeff Lehmkuhler, University of Kentucky (6/21/23):
STOCKET Software: An online community engagement and record keeping system - Dr. Les Anderson, University of Kentucky (7/26/23):
Webinars uploaded to date can be found at this YouTube site
Letter To Southern Region Cooperative Extension Agent Network
To Inform Farmers/Producers about the SKAY Website
SSARE Producergrant letter to coop ext
Learning Outcomes
Project Outcomes
Two of the unexpected outcomes of the project to date are the development of the SKAY Research Group made up of faculty and researchers from the University of Kentucky College of Food, Agriculture and Environment, The University of Kentucky Veterinary Diagnostic Lab and the Morehead State University Department of Agricultural Sciences AND yak breeders all of whom attended the Yak Husbandry Conference held as part of this project. The work done under this project which was presented at the Conference brought forth a genuine desire on the part a number of yak breeders and faculty members who are part of the project to commit to work together on science based yak husbandry. The following paragraphs is a description of what SKAY is and the rational behind it.
Scientific Knowledge Advancement for Yaks Research Group (SKAY)
Background: If one looks at the development of the beef industry over the past seventy years it was literally transformed by the introduction of science. Nutrition, mineral, and forage requirements were scientifically determined that would best support the annual cycle of cattle to allow proper condition for conception, pregnancy, birth, lactation, weaning, reduced length of anestrous. Similarly, the requirements for the development of improved stocker cattle performance and factors impacting meat quality were discovered as well. Research also was directed toward the development of a systematized bull breeding soundness evaluation to increase fertility. The development of a database for registered cattle based on their pedigrees, progeny, their own performance as well as genomics has led to a robust prediction of the genetic merit of individuals through the development of Expected Progeny Difference (EPD) values. In 1971, the first National Sire Summary of 13 bulls and their EPDs was published. A few traits were reported but the number of calculated EPDs has grown over the years. Traits include calving ease, birth weight, weaning weight, yearling weight, yearling height, scrotal circumference, docility, meat characteristics, fertility, and other traits breeders are interested in. This research allowed breeders to make significant changes in the cattle performance. The national sire summary research also allowed for the ability to identify maternal and terminal sires which provided producers the ability to improve mating outcomes.
A great deal of research was done starting with the very basics of cattle husbandry. Much of the research brought great improvements and some did not. As an example, artificial insemination of beef cattle began in the early 1950’s, yet less than 15% of the beef herds utilize this technology while more than 60% of the dairy cows are bred with artificial insemination (AI). However, a large percentage of the beef seedstock industry utilizes AI, embryo transfer technology and some have adopted in-vitro fertilization and embryo splitting technology. The technology has allowed for rapid change in the genetic base of beef cattle. In this research-based development of the beef industry, research efforts were guided by industry input, observation, and knowledge gained from the research outcomes.
As technology advanced, animal scientists adapted new technology into their research. The bovine genome sequencing project began in 2003 on a Hereford cow L1 Dominette 01449 with international support totaling $53 million. The genome sequence was deposited into free publicly accessible databases to allow for further development of genetic tools by researchers across the globe. Other breeds were sampled and this information added to the databases. This genetic roadmap provided the development of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) tests to begin identifying regions of the genome that played a role in key traits such as parentage, coat color, polled/horned, growth, milk production, calving ease, meat traits and genetic defects .
Genomics testing allows for improving the accuracy of the genetic potential of an unproven sire or dam when incorporated with their EPDs. One key need though for development of the genetic tests was vast amounts of phenotypic data. One can’t make a genetic test for coat color without knowing the actual color phenotype of sire, dam and offspring. Some traits like growth are influenced by many genes making it more difficult to develop genetic tests for some traits. Also, the environment or management plays a key role in many traits such as milk production, fertility, and growth. Breed associations also began requiring whole herd reporting of production traits to build the database needed to improve EPDs. Later, breed associations eventually tied in genomic test results to develop genomically enhanced EPDs. What progress has been made with the implementation of the genetic tools such as EPDs? In 1972 the average yearling weight EPD for Angus was -35 and in 2021 it was 113. This means the average sire in 2021 would be expected to produce progeny or calves that at 12 months of age would weigh 148 pounds more than those sired in 1972. As a comparison, in the 1930’s the US average corn yield was approximately 30 bushels per acre and in 2020 was nearly 180. This gain is partially due to the development and adoption of hybrid seed corn, but also improved management. This is the power of knowledge gained from scientific research.
In yak husbandry, breeders still do not even have a definitive answer to how much and what quality of forage a yak needs to consume daily. We don’t know what trace mineral levels should be to prevent deficiencies. Additional information is needed to determine how much protein and energy are required by cows during pregnancy or when lactating as well as for yaks growing after weaning. What impact does nutrition have on fiber quality or different feeding practices impact meat quality? Yaks come from a narrow genetic pool in North America. Inbreeding depression could lead to reduced fertility, poor growth, smaller mature sizes, and increased genetic defects. Yet, without records and reporting, determining the impacts of inbreeding can be difficult to assess.
We all have our ways of raising yaks based on our own observations and beliefs just the way beef ranchers did fifty years ago. If we want to improve our herds and, as a consequence, the economics of our operations, we need to know the answers to basically the same questions the beef industry had to answer to improve to where it is today. Granted our emphasis will be slightly different to answer yak specific questions such as those relating to fiber, coat color, meat quality, fertility and milk production.
Simply put, the Scientific Knowledge Advancement for Yaks Research Group, SKAY, was formed to “guide” the yak husbandry research to bring improvement to the management similarly to what has occurred in other livestock species. SKAY has the advantage of the research road map from the work done in the beef industry. These scientists are the ones who, working with yak owners/breeders, can assist in identifying what needs to be done and avoid pitfalls in terms of the research needed to bring yaks to a more productive level; Be it as breeding stock, for meat, fiber or dairy production.
A word of caution. The improvement of the beef industry did not come from the improvement of the animal, it came about by changing how and what the beef producers did. It was new nutritional practices, new forage production practices, data driven mineral supplementation, bull soundness evaluations and body condition scoring, collection of data on each bull’s offspring to build expected progeny differences as a way to select a specific bull to bring desired improvements to herd offspring.
As such the yak breeder who wants to bring his/her herd to a higher production level will have to learn a new way of raising yak from the pasture they graze to their breeding program, the records they keep and the yaks they do not.
Scientific Knowledge Advancement for Yaks (Research Group) Membership. There are three types of members of SKAY:
I. Scientists and researchers who will do/guide research
II. Yak farmers/ranchers who will both provide input and needed data to the researchers and serve as research sites for the implementation of studies by the researchers (eg. A forage -weight gain study, data collection bulls such as scrotal diameter, birth and weaning weights of offspring, provide meat samples for analysis)
III. Those who work with “yak products”: chefs, fiber artists, nutritionists, etc. who desire to give input to the farmers/ranchers and *researchers as to what they need to best market yak products
Organizational Overview: SKAY will have a two-tiered Board. Tier #1 will consist of no more than 6 and not less than 4 scientists and researchers from universities and the private sector (Class I members) who will guide and conduct research and Tier #2 will be composed of not more than 4 and no less than 2 individuals from Classes II or III.
Type I members of the SKAYRG will be the members who determine which research specific will be done at a given time, design the research projects and carry them out, and chair research project committees whose members are SKAY members who are involved with the research project.
Type II and III members will:
• Bring to Tier 1 their specific needs in terms of husbandry and/or desired improvements for the markets they work within;
• Provide data needed by the researchers as they are able;
• Be sites for field tests and research projects related to their work with yaks/yak products; and,
• Serve on research project committees their farm or area of work (fiber, chef etc) is involved with.
NOTE: All SKAY members will be expected to provide input and contribute to the discussions and decision making at Board Meetings. This is a participatory organization.
Yak Registry/Association Affiliation: Whereas yak breeders who are members of SKAY may be members of specific yak registries or associations, SKAY will not be affiliated with any such registry or association. SKAY will be a completely independent research-focused group with respect to yak registries, organizations, yak related businesses and yak farms/ranches.
Meetings: All SKAY meetings will be conducted in such a way so that SKAY members can participate.
• Members will have voice but not vote with respect to Board decisions.
• Members will be notified about meetings by email at least one week prior to the meeting date.
• Meeting agendas and previous meeting minutes will be sent to members by email at least one week before the meeting.
The initial projects the yak breeders and presenters thought needed to be worked on are:SKAY Research Group
2022 Projects
Yak AI
Semen collection and cryopreservation
Sequencing: Timed + patches to detect mounting
Inseminate 10 yak cows
Information to southeastern region
8 bulls – repetitive collection every two weeks – measure volume, motility, morphology, concentration, testicular diameter
Semen collection every as a function of ambient temperature: volume, motility, morphology, concentration – collect 60 days after Temp
Yak bull leg profile = photography—can specify positions so other breeders can help with photo data
Yak Breeder Survey
USYAKS and extras
IYAK -Danielle Pettit
Chefs Survey
UK Meat Analysis – protein, fat, moisture – if works, get broad spectrum of samples
Reinvigorate the Trace Mineral Study
Forage Study Round 2
Yak Weight Tape development
Set up ranches that are collection partners
Set up SKAY Research Group
Zoom Scientist Speaker Series – USYAKS, IYAK, Heritage Yak Memberships
Website- research, restaurants, yak products
This coming together of ranchers and scientists will greatly contribute to the future sustainability and growth of the yak industry. The economic benefits will develop as science based yak husbandry develops, as AI is accessible to improve herd genetics and the genetic basis of desired traits relating to improved meat and fiber production are identified and utilized. Environmental benefits will follow the development of the yak meat industry through science based husbandry since forage raised and finished yak have a smaller carbon footprint than beef cattle as well as bringing a leaner, higher protein meat to the public. The move toward science based yak husbandry will result in the need for yak ranchers/farmers to come together to learn and to also be part of the scientific development through data collection in their herds (eg. collecting data to begin to develop EPDs for yaks similar to those in the beef industry.
The second unexpected outcome of the project to date is the identification of the need for a website where yak breeders can access science based husbandry information as there is so much misinformation about yaks and yak husbandry, One of the weaknesses of the project to date is not knowing in the three target groups did/ will get the information we send out through the Cooperative Extension network or articles such as was included in the KY Cattleman's Cow Country Journal or will be in the coming October 2022 issue of Mother Earth News. How to have the information available is key. The website with be a way for people to access the work of this project (including You Tube links to all the workshops and Conference seminars), the SKAY Research Group's work and other science based information. A simple internet search on yaks by an interested person should get them to the site once it is developed. And its content will grow as more research is done and the results added. A draft development description of the website follows:Website Name
(Pictures of yaks here in the beginning)
Welcome To
The official website of SKAY
“The Scientific Knowledge Advancement for Yaks (Research Group)”
What You Will Find At This Website
Science based information for Yak Husbandry
Where to find Yak Meat, Fiber and Fiber Products For Sale
Restaurants Which Serve Yak Meat
Yak Meat Recipes
Events: Zoom Presentations, Conferences, Yak Related Events- put upcoming event right here with picture and details
SKAY Website Mission
To provide yak owners with information on yak husbandry which is science based and has been reviewed by SKAY Scientists (other term here) AND to provide consumers with information where to purchase yak products, restaurants which serve yak meat and recipes to prepare yak meat.
Note: The information on this website will grow as more information is developed/identified by SKAY.
At the conclusion of this website you will find the rational for the development of SKAY; a list and explanation of ongoing SKAY Research Projects; University faculty/Scientists involved in SKAY; and SKAY’s current Board of Directors
Science based information for Yak Husbandry
Pictures of Dr. Prater and Dr. Who, etc
• Paper on forage requirements – intro by us on how it applies to yaks
• Yak Nutrition – Jeff’s paper
• Jeffs presentation power point and conference presentation
• Trace Mineral issues
• Dr. Arnold’s summary to date and what she needs
o How to submit samples
o Contact us for tubes?
o Scholarship program for samples
• Dr. Arnold’s presentation power point and conference presentation
• Yak Genetics Ted’s powerpoint and presentation
• Genetics and Data needed to take yak husbandry to the next level Darrh Bullock’s presentation
• Yak Reproduction
o Dr. Prater Yak Bull BSE Powerpoint and presentation
• Description of AI issues with yaks…
o Dr. Prater and Dr. Harrelson presentation
NOTE: This website should be up with the SSARE Project information by June 1, 2022.
Two recommendations for additional study were identified at the Yak Husbandry Conference and have been added to this project, They are 1) A study on the effect of repetitive semen collection on yak bulls (in terms of volume, sperm motility, morphology and concentration; and, 2) A study of the effect of ambient air temperature on the quality of semen produced by a yak bull over the course of a year. AS climate change is raising the ambient air temperature and changing weather patters, how doe this impact yak bull fertility (sperm quality)?
Other needed study which has arisen out of the work to date and those attending the Yak Husbandry Conference are:
1. A study of yak meat from yaks who have been raise under different feeding programs: eg strictly grass fed, raised with a grain supplement, raise with silage supplement etc. How do different feeding programs impact the meat quality characteristics?
2. A study to determine what are the proper trace mineral levels for yaks. This is unknown and is critical for developing optimal yak health, fertility, breeding and calving.
3. A program to collect enough date on an agreed upon set of traits that in the future could be linked with the genes which give rise to these traits.
4. Setting up a yak equivalent to the beef industry EPD system to select bulls for breeding programs.