Final report for FS22-345
Project Information
Cover crops also known as green manuring is one of the lynchpins of an ecologically based farming system. Some of the benefits of cover cropping include:
- Increasing earthworms and beneficial microorganisms
- Increase plant available Nitrogen
- Increase organic matter content
- Preventing erosion
- Mining of minerals
- Providing habitat for beneficial insects and organisms
- Improving soil structure
- Increased water holding capacity
- Reduced weed populations
- Reduced pest populations
Using native cover crops has the potential to increase the number and diversity of beneficial insect thus increase the overall number of species present on a site (Tallemy, 2018). Native cover crops are easier to establish than there non-native counter parts and promote the presence of less pests and diseases and compete less with the main crop for soil resources like moisture (Danne, Thomson, Sharley, Penfold, and Hoffmann, 2010). This project will also demonstrate how low income, socially disadvantaged farmers can successful harvest wild plants and use them as cover crops thus eliminating or greatly reducing the cost of the cover crop. Growing native plants as cover crops have the following potential benefits:
- Reduced establishment costs;
- Reduced loss of topsoil;
- Nutrient mining;
- Attracting beneficial organisms;
- Reduced soil erosion;
- Feeding microorganisms;
- And, Adding soil biomass (Koperek, 2018)
This project will be carried out in two phases. Phases I involves observation of wild Chamaecrista fasciculata (partridge pea) and an initial determination of seeding rates for coastal plain soils. The principle investigator for this project is a permaculturist. Permaculture design is based on the careful observation of patterns found in nature. It is the goal of this first phase of research to characterize and document the wild growth habits of Partridge pea. In phase I we will use the visual reconnaissance method to identify wild patches of partridge pea growing at the Airport Food Forest Farm. By carefully documenting the life cycle and seasonal growth patterns of wild partridge pea we will create a blueprint for those wishing to use a wild plant or plants as a cover crop.
The sampling procedure will be as follows:
The site will be divided into three plots of the following sizes 50’ x 100’; 50’ x 180’; and 50’ x 180’.
A hand drawn map will be made of each plot. We will use a compass to draw a line along the long axis of the map. A line will also be drawn along the short axis of the map roughly perpendicular to the long axis. We walk along these lines to visually identify populations of partridge pea. Each wild plot of partridge pea will be flagged. We will note the following items: Size of stand, members of plant community, stage of plant development, soil moisture level, soil ph., light conditions (estimate); beneficial insect and animals, growth habits (date of first emergence, date of first flowering, date of pod formation, plants physical characteristics). A summary of the collected date will be submitted in the final report.
The second part of year one is an initial varietal trail to determine the proper seed rate. For our experiment we will use seeding rates of 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 lbs/ac for each available commercial variety. The varietal trial will be held at Dayspring Farm (DSF). The plot size will be at least 1/10 or 4000 ft2. Each variety of partridge pea will be planted at 5 different seeding rates with no control. A total of 20 plot will be used averaging 200 ft.2.
An initial assessment of partridge pea varieties will be conducted in the spring of 2021 to help determine spacing for maximum potential of the cover crop. Varieties used for test plots will depend on the availability of seeds. Potential varieties for trails are Comanche (cultivar); Shelly (cultivar); Lark Selection or Non-specific variety (NSV). Half of the seeds at each site will be inoculated with cowpea inoculant to determine if this makes a difference in nitrogen fixation rates. We will use seeding rates of 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 lbs/ac for each available commercial variety Plots will be assessed monthly for ground cover, height and biomass. A 15in x 15in section of each plot will be randomly selected. Measurements will be taken weekly after the first month of growth from the randomly selected site. Coverage is measured by assigning a visual score from 1-10 (1 least covered to 10 most covered). Height is measured and recorded. The same sample will be cut to 1 inch, the sample bagged, the bagged material dried, and weighed to determine above ground biomass in tons per acre. When testing for nitrogen we propose to use the following procedures: We will be drying cover crop samples to estimate biomass. We will send the dried samples to a lab get N per acre. b to determine total N analysis. We will multiply the biomass per acre by the %/N/100 to get lb N per acre.
Phase II
In phase I we endeavored to learn the natural growth habits of partridge pea and the best potential variety and seeding rate to use in a commercial vegetable farming cover crop rotation. After learning the best performing variety, we will compare the top performing variety to the native variety found at the Airport Food Forest Urban Farm (AFF). If enough seed is not collected from the AFF or if special procedures such as scarification is needed for germination of the native seed collected at the AFF, then both sites AFF and DSF will only use the top performing varity of partridge pea for the phase II experiment. We will compare the perform of partridge pea at both sites to a commonly use cover crop plant, “Iron and Clay” southern peas (Vigna unguiculata). This cover crop exhibit some of the characteristics of partridge peas. Site 1 is AFF. Site 2 is Dayspring Farm (DSF). In Phase II we will use two economic factors, seed cost and differential impacts on production of the brassica crop to determine the economic viability of partridge verses a tradition covercrop--iron and clay cowpeas. AFF will plant native variety and or top performing variety in a 400 ft2 plot. DSF will plant the naitve variety and top perform variety from the field trial in a 400 ft2 plot. Both site will plant iron and clay cowpea at the equalivency rate in a 400 ft2 plot. We will again measure cover crops biomass, height, and ground cover for the partridge peas and the iron and clay cowpea. Pre and post soil tests will be taken from both sites at planting and 7 days after termination of crop and incorporation of biomass. The same varieties brassicas will be planted at both sites after termination. Weeding and water schedule will be the same (unless variation is justified). Performance of each cover crop will be based on crop yield performance of the brassicas.
Summery of Experiment
- We are looking at beginning the partridge pea variety trail in May of 2022.
- For the phase II study we are proposing to compare all the following at both sites:
- Best variety #1 at best seeding rate (based on Phase I variety trial at Dayspring Farm).
- Best variety #2 at best seeding rate.
- Native partridge pea from AFF at comparable seeding rate.
- Southern pea at 50 (drilled) or 80 (broadcast and raked) lbs./ac
- We test for nitrogen by multiplying the biomass per acre by the %/N/100 to get lb N per acre.
- We will follow all cover crop with the same varitey of brassicas and compare each performance in terms of yield (weight per plot).
- Economic comparison points: Cost of seeds and yield of brassica crop.
- (Researcher)
Partridge pea (Chamaecrista fasciculata) is a warm-season annual legume native to most of the eastern United States. It is a pioneer plant that thrives in recently burned areas, then slowly declines in numbers in subsequent years as secondary succession proceeds. Partridge pea has been recommended for planting after other disturbances to prevent erosion and restore soil health, as it rapidly covers the ground yet does not choke out other plant species (Wikipedia, It is also grown as an ornamental and as bee forage for honey production. USDA cites its value as a cover crop with low to moderate water use that fixes N, supports mycorrhizal fungi, and provides wildlife and pollinator habitat (USDA Agricultural Research Service Cover Crop Chart, V 4.0, April 2023,
In recent years, SARE awardee and permaculturist Patrick Johnson observed wild, self-seeding populations of partridge pea at his forest farm location in Sandston, VA that showed strong potential as a cover crop for the southeast coastal plain, providing rapid ground coverage and substantial biomass and N fixation potential. In the first year of the project, trials were conducted with four cultivars, only one of which – ‘Cherokee National Forest’ – germinated sufficiently to give good stands; the others were either dormant or of poor seed quality.
Trials were conducted at two sites in 2023 to compare biomass production and weed suppression of Cherokee National Forest partridge pea with a widely grown summer legume cover crop, ‘Iron and Clay’ southern pea (= cowpea, Vigna unguiculata). Fall crucifers (kale, turnip, radish) were planted after cover crop termination to assess cover crop impacts on vegetable production.
The area of the plot 4300 Sq Ft. was divided into seven evenly divided beds approximately 6.25 wide x 2 feet wide. Each section of the bed was assigned a number correlating to the letters on the north end of the plot (exam A-1, A-2 etc..). Each section was further divided into 43 sections each measuring 2 long. A number was assigned a number written on paper and placed in a bag. The number were randomly selected from the bag. Once selected, the section was identified in the field and a sample was taken from the corresponding section of field. Sample were taken from the section using a wood 2 X 2 quadrat. The quadrat was slide in the cover crop at ground level. The plant material within the quadrat was cut at ground level and placed in a clean plastic bucket. The bucket was weighed in pounds.
Dry Weigh Sample
After all the subsamples were collected the were combined into one sample for dry weigh analysis. The subsample was mixed together on a clean tarp. A process of clipping and chopping was used to make toe sample size smaller. The large biomass pile was then split into four evenly size piles. Two diagonal pieces for the four were discarded. The remaining diagonal pile were mixed together and the process was repeat until the pile was small enough to fill a gallon sized bag.
Size of Area: 50 Ft. X 86 Ft. = 4300 Sq. Ft.
Planting: the field was divided in half the rows planted 1 ft. apart and the other half planted 6 inches apart.
The seeding was done with a Jang seeder with spinach seeding rate. The front section of the plot was marked for the 4 varieties selected for trail: Cherokee National Forest; 1) Non-Select; 2) Cherokee National Forest; 3) Comanche; and 4) Lark. The seeds of all varieties were cold stratified for 30 days before planting. Cold stratification achieved poor germination results in all varieties except Cherokee National Forest. Seven days after planting Cherokee variety began sprouting. Eleven days after planting growth noticed in all varieties except Lark. Poor germination was noted in all varieties except Cherokee National Forest. The decision was made to replant all varieties except Cherokee Nation Forest. Replanted seeds were treated the same as earlier planting except were subjected to seed coat scratched with sandpaper. The addition treatment did not result in increased germination in planted varieties. Only Cherokee National Forest achieved measurable results for the second year trail.
Outcome of first year (2022) trials with ‘Cherokee National Forest’ partridge pea
The partridge pea cover crop accumulated a little over two tons per acre aboveground dry weight
biomass at 85 days after planting, and 2.5 tons at 105 DAP (Table 1). This represents growth
rates of about 53 lb/ac-day during the first 85 days and suggests a somewhat slower rate of
accrual (34 lb/ac-day) during the 20 day additional growth period from early to late flowering
stages (85 – 105 days).
The 85-day samples for the 6 inch row spacing gave a higher mean biomass than the 12 inch row
spacing, while there was no difference for the 105 day sampling date (Table 1). This suggests
that the narrow-row spacing may hasten canopy closure and that the crop later “fills in” the wide
spacing so that biomass and canopy closure for the two spacings are similar.
Sample #1 taken on 8-24-22.
Dry weight: 117 grams
Wet Weight with Bucket or Tarp Weight (lbs.) |
Wet Weight Minus Bucket or Tarp Weight (lbs.) |
1. |
2.9 |
.64 |
2. |
4.44 |
2.18 |
3. |
3.12 |
.86 |
4. |
5.4 |
3.14 |
5. |
4.47 |
2.26 |
Sample # 2 taken on 9-13-22.
Dry weight____135 grams____
Wet Weight with Bucket or Tarp Weight (lbs.) |
Wet Weight Minus Bucket or Tarp Weight (lbs.) |
1. |
7.37 |
5.11 |
2. |
3.37 |
1.11 |
3. |
4.73 |
2.47 |
4. |
5.25 |
2.99 |
5. |
4.23 |
1.97 |
Table 1. Aboveground dry weight biomass (lb/ac) of ‘Cherokee National Forest’ Partridge Pea at
Dayspring Farm in 2022. Means and standard error of the mean (SEM) of five replicate samples;
and means for 2-3 samples at each row spacing.
Sampling date Mean, lb/ac SEM Mean 6” spacing Mean 12” spacing
Aug 24 (85 DAP) 4,489 1,150 5,092 3,584
Sep 13 (105 DAP) 5,173 1,271 5,173 5,173
These statements are made with low confidence because of the high variability in the individual
samples (SEM is about 25% of the means). Yet, these data suggest that partridge pea may be a
valuable summer cover crop, either alone or in combination with a summer grass such as pearl
millet or foxtail millet. Benefits include:
Sufficient canopy cover to suppress weeds.
Sufficient residue to protect the soil surface after a non-tillage cover crop termination
(mowing, roller-crimping, or frost-kill).
Good performance in a coastal plain sandy soil in the Ultisol order and in a rainy, warm-
temperate climate – a challenging soil-climate combination that most Southern region
farmers face.
Generation of at least two tons per acre of legume biomass to feed soil life.
Assuming a N content of 2.5%, the partridge pea biomass accrued at least 100 lb N/ac. If
the soil profile is low in soluble N, most of the crop N represents fixation of atmospheric
N for building soil organic matter and providing N to subsequent crops.
A summer cover crop that can follow a short-season spring vegetable such as spinach,
lettuce, arugula, or scallions, and precede a fall crop such as cabbage or other head
brassicas, late beets or carrots, fall greens, or garlic.
Trial locations, farming practices, soil series, and initial soil test results:
Dayspring Farm, 942 Buena Vista Road, Shacklefords, VA.
35 years organic management with cover crops and organic fertilizers.
The site is in a soil map unit of Emporia sandy loam, 2-6% slopes. Emporia is an Ultisol (fine-loamy, siliceous, subactive thermic Typic Hapludults) with a siliceous mineralogy, low-CEC clays, a sandy topsoil (A horizon), a compacted sandy E horizon, and a sandy clay loam Bt horizon (clay-enriched subsoil B horizon). It is very deep and well drained.
When soil moisture levels are adequate, deep rooted cover crops can penetrate the E horizon and help subsequent crops access the moisture and nutrient resources in the Bt. Winter rye and fall-planted radish can open the E and Bt horizons for the next season’s production crops.
Emporia is prime farmland with a high crop productivity index (0.826 on a 0.0 – 1.0 scale), land capability class 2e (moderate risk of erosion), a strong tendency toward depletion of soil organic matter (SOM) and good response to biochar which stabilizes SOM.
Cover crops, especially legumes grown in combination with grasses (e.g., partridge pea or cowpea with pearl millet, foxtail millet, or sorghum-sudangrass) can help build and maintain SOM and soil fertility, especially when used in conjunction with compost and/or biochar.
A Mehlich 3 soil test (Waypoint Analytical Labs in Richmond) conducted in spring of 2023 prior to planting cover crops showed:
- Strongly acidic pH of 5.1.
- Low SOM at 1.4% (loss on ignition).
- Low Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC) at 2.7 meq/100 grams.
- Optimal phosphorus (P) at 60 ppm.
- Medium potassium (K) at 87 ppm, 8.3% base saturation.
- Low calcium (Ca) at 217 ppm, 40.2% base saturation.
- Medium magnesium (Mg) at 42 ppm, 13.0% base saturation.
- Very low boron (B) and sulfur (S) levels; low copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn).
Airport Forest Farm, 11 Early Avenue, Sandston, VA 23150
Permaculture and organic practices, composted wood chips + cover crops to build SOM.
The site is in a soil map unit of Coxville silt loam (fine, kaolinitic, thermic Typic Paleaquults), which is very deep but poorly drained, not considered prime farmland, with a moderately low crop productivity index of 0.444. The land capability class is 4W, meaning severe restrictions related to wetness, with the water table within 12 inches of the surface during winter. The A horizons of Coxville soils generally range from loamy sand to loam, though in this locale it is silt loam. The B horizon has a higher clay content, which contributes to slow water infiltration.
In contrast with the Emporia soil, Coxville is not considered responsive to biochar and its wetness could hinder cowpea and partridge pea, which require adequately drained soil to thrive.
The Waypoint soil test showed:
- Moderately acidic pH at 5.8
- Very high SOM of 10.9%, reflecting both the inherently higher SOM retention in a finer textured, poorly drained soil and the history of organic matter inputs.
- High CEC at 14.9 meq/100 grams, likely related to accrual of mineral-associated organic matter (MAOM), formerly known as the “clay-humus complex,” which has abundant negative charge (CEC).
- Low P at 17 ppm.
- Adequate levels of K (114 ppm, 2%), Ca (1,964 ppm, 65.9%), and Mg (228 ppm, 12.8%).
- Adequate levels of all micronutrients.
Field trial methods:
Partridge pea (cv. Cherokee National Forest) and cowpea (cv. Iron and Clay) were grown in side-by side plots at each site. Seeds were sown with manually operated push seeders at11 lb/ac for partridge pea and 40 lb/ac for cowpea. Seeding depths were ~ 2 inch. At Dayspring Farm, two types of push seeders were compared (plate seeder and precision seeder).
Cover crops were sown at Dayspring Farm (DF) on May 11-12, at the same locale as the 2022 trials. Because the plate seeder did not work well for the cowpea, resulting in a poor stand, this half of the cowpea plot was replanted with the precision seeder on June 10. At Airport Forest Farm (AFF), an early May seeding failed because of cool, wet soil conditions, and the entire trial was replanted on May 21.
Cover crop biomass samples were taken at DF on September 4, which was 115 days after planting (DAP), except 86 DAP for the replanted half of the cowpea plot. Samples were taken at AFF on September 7, which was 109 DAP. At this time, partridge pea was 4 to 5 feet tall and in full bloom, while the cowpea was still mostly vegetative.
For each plot, five randomly selected, 2 ft X 2 ft quadrats were sampled. All aboveground plant biomass was cut, weighed fresh, and a 1.0 lb (454 gram) subsample was taken using a University of Georgia protocol for subsampling, dried in a crop dryer oven, and weighed to obtain % dry matter. Mean and standard error for fresh and dry biomass were calculated.
Cover crops were terminated during September by mowing followed by tillage.
On September 27, fall cruciferous vegetables were planted after both cover crops including kale (cv,. ‘Redbor’ and ‘Winterbor’) and turnips (a white variety and a purple top variety). At DF, each crop variety was planted in a 90-ft bed after each cover crop with two rows per bed, rows 2 ft apart. Kale transplants were set 18 inches apart within row, and turnips thinned to stand 3-4 inches apart. Crops were cultivated three times and were grown under row covers.
At AFF, kale varieties were planted in 20-ft beds with three rows per bed and 12-inch spacing within and between rows. Turnips were planted in a small area, total 10 ft of row per cultivar. spaced 12 inches apart). Crops were cultivated once, and no row covers were used.
At DF, kale was harvested on November 13 and again on December 5 (Redbor only) and December 19 (Winterbor only). Purple top turnips were harvested once on December 19 when the edible roots had attained diameters of 2-3 inches. White turnips did not reach harvest maturity.
At AFF, both kale cultivars were harvested five times between November 17 and December 21. Turnips failed to reach harvest maturity.
Total yields for each crop were converted to lb per 100 ft bed (~0.01 ac).
Table 1 shows the outcome of second year (2023) trials with ‘Cherokee National Forest’ partridge pea (Chamaecrista fasciculata) and ‘Iron and Clay’ cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) at two locations with contrasting soil types. Partridge pea generated at least as much biomass at both sites as cowpea, with both crops exceeding 3 tons/ac in 109-115 days and reaching 1.7 tons/ac within 86 days for the late planting of cowpea at DF (Table 1). While biomass totals and daily accruals are numerically higher for partridge pea than for cowpea, high variability (large SEM values for partridge pea at DF and cowpea at AFF) renders this trend statistically non-significant.
The nitrogen content of the cover crops at the time of sampling and termination was not determined. Partridge pea was in full to late bloom at termination. Annual legumes at this stage normally contain ~2 – 2.5% N, equivalent to about 130-165 lb total N/ac for this cover crop. Cowpea was mostly vegetative with sporadic early blooms at termination, a stage at which annual legumes normally contain 2.5-3.5% N. Thus, the cowpea biomass is estimated to contain 85-120 lb N/ac at DF and 170-240 lb N/ac at AFF.
Table 1. Estimated fresh weight, percent dry matter, dry weight, standard error of the mean (SEM) for dry weight, and daily biomass accrual per acre for partridge pea and cowpea at two sites during 2023. Statistics are based on five randomly selected 2.0 ft by 2.0 ft quadrats for each cover crop at each site.
Location and cover crop species | Mean fresh weight, t/ac | % dry matter | Mean dry weight, t/ac | SEM dry weight, t/ac | Sample DAP | Biomass accrual, lb/ac-day |
DF, partridge pea | 12.72 | 25.6 | 3.26 | 1.03 | 115 | 57 |
DF, cowpea | 10.05 | 16.9 | 1.70 | 0.11 | 86a | 40 |
AFF, partridge pea | 12.47 | 29.3 | 3.65 | 0.22 | 109 | 67 |
AFF, cowpea | 11.50 | 30.0 | 3.45 | 0.58 | 109 | 63 |
aFour of the five randomly selected quadrats were taken from the part of the DF cowpea plot that was replanted in June because of poor functioning of the plate seeder; therefore the data were considered most representative of the late planting date and shorter growth period.
Soil samples were taken at the time of cover crop termination to determine whether the two cover crops differed in their impacts on soil health and fertility (Table 2). SOM and soil organic N appeared higher after partridge pea than after cowpea. However, pre-plant soil cores were collected from the entire area (both plots) at each site to obtain a single soil sample, while cover crop plots were sampled separately after termination. Thus, the apparent differences between cover crops likely represented pre-existing differences between the two plots or random error (unavoidable variation among samples).
Table 2. Soil test parameters measured before cover crop planting and after termination of partridge pea (PP) or cowpea (CP) cover crops at two locations.
DF, Cologne, VA | AFF, Sandston, VA |
Soil test parameter | Before cover crop | After PP | After CP | Before cover crop | After PP | After CP |
Acidity (pH) | 5.1 | 5.1 | 5.1 | 5.8 | 5.7 | 5.7 |
SOM (%) | 1.4 | 1.6 | 1.1 | 10.9 | 13.3 | 10.7 |
CEC (meq/100 g) | 2.7 | 3.2 | 2.2 | 14.9 | 12.9 | 13.5 |
Nitrate-N, ppm | nda | 15 | 6 | nd | 3 | 5 |
Soil organic N, ppm | nd | 630 | 490 | nd | 3,370 | 2,980 |
Estimated soil C:Nb | 12.7 | 11.2 | 19.7 | 18.0 | ||
Phosphorus, ppm | 87 | 82 | 50 | 114 | 43 | 48 |
Magnesium, ppm | 42 | 49 | 32 | 228 | 192 | 201 |
Calcium, ppm | 217 | 267 | 200 | 1,964 | 1,689 | 1,722 |
and = not determined
bcalculated by dividing SOM% by 2 to estimate soil organic carbon (SOC), converting to ppm (=%X10,000) and dividing by soil organic N (Kjeldahl N on soil test).
Tentative conclusions that can be drawn from the soil test data include:
- Summer legume cover crops had little effect on soil pH.
- Soil test K showed a sharp downward trend in three of the four plots, possibly related to crop uptake. Crop tissue K levels can range from 2 to 4 percent; thus, the cover crop may have taken up 100-200 lb K per acre, temporarily depleting soil K reserves. Since cover crop residues are returned to this soil, soil test K may recover after termination.
- There is a trend toward lower soil C:N ratio after cowpea than after partridge pea, possibly reflecting a higher tissue N concentration and a more rapid decomposition and N release from cowpea (mostly vegetative, succulent) than from partridge pea (full bloom, tall, thick stems).
- There is no consistent trend in other soil test parameters, so the apparent changes in individual plots are likely due to random error.
Cover crops generally dominated over weeds. At DF, the partridge pea was virtually weed-free, whereas the cowpea had some weeds growing with it. Some partridge pea plants growing near the edges of the plot flowered three to four weeks earlier than the main stand, suggesting that these early bloomers may have emerged from seed left by the 2022 planting. Several cultivars were planted at this site in 2022, of which only one – Cherokee National Forest – established a good stand; other cultivars may have required a year of weathering in the soil to break dormancy. Partridge pea is known to require cold stratification or seed coat scarification to overcome dormancy.
At AFF, weeds, especially bracken fern, were present in higher numbers in cowpea than in partridge pea. In addition, a few of the native wild population of partridge pea emerged in the cowpea, and likely also in the Cherokee National Forest partridge pea, from which it would be more difficult to distinguish.
Yields of fall brassica vegetable crops planted after cover crop termination showed no consistent difference between cowpea and partridge pea (Table 3). AT DF, the large apparent differences in yields of Redbor kale (higher for cowpea) and purple top turnip (higher for partridge pea) may be attributed to random error, especially since the trials were unreplicated. Yields were generally low, and trended higher for Winterbor than Redbor, and substantially higher at AFF than at DF.
Table 3. Yields of fall kale and turnip planted on September 27, 2023 after termination of partridge pea and cowpea cover crops.
DF, Cologne, VA | AFF, Sandston, VA |
Partridge pea | Cowpea | Partridge pea |
Crop and Cultivar | ---------Pounds per 100-ft bed----------- |
'Redbor' kale | 7.2 | 12.2 | 24.0 | 21.0 |
'Winterbor' kale | 16.0 | 14.8 | 43.2 | 45.3 |
Purple top turnip | 18.4 | 7.2 | -a | -a |
aNot harvested - did not reach maturity.
Possible yield-limiting factors for the fall brassica crops include:
- Later than optimum planting dates.
- Low (acidic) soil pH, especially at DF, where yields were lowest.
- Without row cover, turnips were apparently unable to reach maturity at AFF.
Observational Data Results
Location, farm practices, and Soil Types: 11 Early Avenue, Sandston, Virginia
Management: Permaculture for 10 years (beyond organic); before that woodlot.
Soil type 87 percent Coxville silt loam. The general characteristic of this soil is that it is poorly draining and has high organic matter (4 percent on unimproved section). The operator has been very aggressive about instituting a program of improving the drainage of this site via cover cropping, mulching, and compost incorporation. The organic matter content in cultivated areas of the farm is 10 percent. The soil PH in uncultivated areas of the farm is 4.3.
Method: The investigator used a map to survey the farm and marked each identified population of plants with flags. The area was then drawn of a map with grid paper to more precisely identify where population of plants were growing.
Native Partridge Peas Pod Formation Observation (2022) |
Plant Growth Stage |
Date |
Observation: |
Plant Emersion |
May 23,2022 |
Full Sun Location |
First Flowering |
July 14, 2022 |
Full Sun Location |
Pod Formation |
August 22, 2022 |
Full Sun Location |
Harvesting Pods |
September 24, 2022 |
Full Sun Location |
Native Partridge Peas Pod Formation Observation (2023) |
Plant Emerson |
June 2, 2023 |
Full Sun Location |
First Flowering |
July 24. 2023 |
Full Sun Location |
Pod Formation |
September 4, 2023 |
Full Sun Location |
Harvesting Pods |
October 9, 2023 |
Full Sun Location |
Summery 2022 |
52 days to flowering, 91 days to pod formation, 123 days to harvest of pods. |
Summery 2023 |
52 to flower, 94 days to pod formation, 129 days to harvest of pods. |
Growing Conditions: The plant grows in mostly disturbed sections of the farm. It grows commonly in combination with other native plants on the farm. Probably the most common growing combination that have been observed in year one of this study is the following: Partridge pea, Carolina geranium (Geranium carolinianum), common dandelion (Taraxacum officinale), and Himalayan Blackberry.
Insect Populations Observed: The most common insects observed have been bees and wasps. Ants have also seen on some populations.
Light Conditions: Full sun is the most common light condition for almost all the population that were identify in year one year.
Moisture: because of the nature of the soil at AFF, the moist condition for most of the growing season was high. The moist conditions did not appear to inhibit the growth of partridge peas
Soil Temperature: The average soil temperature for the growing year was 80.67°.
In this study, partridge pea cv. ‘Cherokee National Forest’ has shown strong potential as a vigorous, weed-competitive, N-fixing summer annual cover crop in the southeastern US coastal plain. Although native populations of partridge pea are described as reaching about two feet in height (Wikipedia, USDA Cover Crop Chart), this cultivar attained heights of 4-5 feet and generated more than three tons per acre of aboveground dry weight within 109-115 days after a May planting. This biomass is within the range considered sufficient to provide a weed-suppressive mulch if terminated by roller-crimper for no-till fall vegetable planting.
Partridge pea biomass was at least commensurate with that of ‘Iron and Clay’ cowpea, the “go-to” summer annual legume for N fixation, biomass, and weed suppression in this region. Notably, partridge pea performed equally well in widely divergent soil types and conditions:
- Sandy, well-drained, strongly acidic, and very low in SOM, CEC, Ca, and some micronutrients (DF).
- Silt-loam, poorly drained, moderately acidic, very high in SOM and CEC as a result of organic amendments, and adequate levels of cations and micronutrients. Although an early planting failed owing to wetness, both crops thrived when replanted later in May after water table levels had subsided.
Both Cherokee National Forest partridge pea and Iron and Clay cowpea generated more than three tons per acre of aboveground biomass within 109-115 days after planting, which is considered sufficient to provide weed-suppressive mulch when terminated by roller-crimper. Both crops clearly show a capacity to perform well strongly acidic soils with low SOM and nutrient levels, and thus can contribute to restoration of soil health during organic transition in coastal plains Ultisols and other lower-fertility soils.
The capacity of cover crop residues to release plant available nitrogen (PAN) directly to the following crop is inversely related to the carbon to nitrogen (C:N) ratio of the residues. Little or no N is released from residues with less than 1.5% N (C:N ~30), while half of the residue N content may be mineralized within 10 weeks after incorporation of cover crops with 3-4% N (C:N ~10-15) (Purdue University, 2016, Cover Crops for Soil Nitrogen Cycling,; D.M. Sullivan, N. Andrews and L.J. Brewer, 2020, Pacific Northwest Extension Bulletin 636, Estimating Plant-Available Nitrogen Release From Cover Crops, However, any cover crop nitrogen that is not immediately available to the next crop becomes integrated into the soil organic N pool, and is thus not “lost” bot serves the vital function of replenishing the soil’s capacity to provide N to crops via mineralization of active SOM. Conversely some of the N released from a very low C:N cover crop might be lost to leaching or denitrification if it is mineralized more quickly than the subsequent production crop can use it
The soil N and C:N data in Table 2 suggest that cowpea residues may release a larger percentage of their N as PAN during the 10 weeks after termination than partridge pea residues. Indeed, the stemmy texture of partridge pea at termination (when it was flowering profusely) suggests a higher C:N ratio than the succulent, vegetative cowpea at termination. Additional research including replicated trials and cover crop tissue N analysis is needed to verify this hypothesis.
Another interesting observation is that the large pool of SOM at AFF has a higher C:N ratio (18:1-20:1) than the limited pool of SOM at DF (11:1-13:1), and that nitrate-N levels were higher at DF than at AFF, especially after partridge pea (Table 2). While the silt loam soil at AFF receives regular and generous additions of composted woody materials that might contribute to SOM with a higher C:N ratio, soil fertility at DF is primarily maintained through cover crops and the use of more concentrated organic fertilizers such as pelleted poultry litter and feather meal, which may contribute to the lower C:N ratio of the SOM.
Although yields of brassica crops planted after termination of summer legume cover crops were low, the harvest data showed no evidence that either cover crop supported better yields than the other. In other words, there is no evidence in this experiment that substituting partridge pea for the region’s “workhorse” summer legume cover – cowpea – entails any yield cost.
Additional research into soil C and N dynamics in cropping systems that use partridge pea versus cowpea, in conjunction with different organic amendments (composted woody materials, biochar, manure compost, etc) and on different soil types can provide valuable information to help organic producers optimize soil health, crop N nutrition, and yield.
In addition to providing biomass, carbon sequestration, plant-available nitrogen, and weed suppression, partridge pea is an excellent bee forage plant for honey production as well as providing food and habitat for pollinators and other beneficial insects including natural enemies of crop pests.
Wild partridge pea is native to nearly all of the eastern United States, which suggests that improved, regionally adapted cultivars may be available or could be developed for other parts of the eastern US from New York and the Great Lakes region to Florida and the Gulf Coast.
One possible disadvantage of partridge pea is its strong tendency to self-seed and to produce dormant seed. Because this plant species flowers over an extended period, it may set and shed some viable seeds before the producer is ready to terminate the cover crop. In addition, seeds for planting may need to be scarified (partially disrupting the seed coat) and/or cold-stratified both to ensure good stands and to minimize the number of dormant seeds in the soil that might emerge in a future year during vegetable or grain crop production. These traits might become advantageous in natural areas and conservation buffer plantings, where partridge pea can provide nourishing seed for wildlife as well as pollen and nectar for beneficial insects
Educational & Outreach Activities
Participation Summary:
Date |
Activity |
Number of People Reached |
8/29/23 |
Field Day with VSU |
40 |
4/9/22 |
VSU Urban Agriculture Class |
30 |
10/13/22 |
BUGS Conference |
42 |
11/5/22 |
45 |
01/6/23 |
Virginia Biological Farming Conference |
55 directly, 200 indirectly |
Total Reached |
412 |
Learning Outcomes
Many of the farmers that I talked were unaware of the potential to use native plants as cover crops are were quite intrigued.
Farmers learn about the importance of leaving or creating habbit for benefical insect populations.
Project Outcomes
Farmers that I have engaged in direct conversation have been surprised that plants that considered to be weeds could be of benefit to them. This new way of looking at native plants will undoubtedly lead to a reduction in herbicide use which will save farmers money. Also the use of native plants as cover crops has the potential to save farmers money.