Investigating the Viability of Passive Aquaponics Systems: Sustainable Approaches to Eliminating External Heating Requirements

Progress report for FW24-021

Project Type: Farmer/Rancher
Funds awarded in 2024: $25,000.00
Projected End Date: 10/30/2026
Host Institution Award ID: G254-24-WA507
Grant Recipient: Edible Acres
Region: Western
State: Washington
Principal Investigator:
Rachel Feston
Edible Acres
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Project Information


My research project is centered on the evaluation of crop
sustainability within a cold-water aquaponics system, employing a
deep-water methodology. The primary objective is to establish the
feasibility of plant cultivation in this system without the
necessity of external heating. This is achieved through the
utilization of cold-resistant plants and bacteria.

The project's success will be measured by assessing the volume of
produce cultivated and sold in local markets and food hubs, with
the project's financial viability determined by analyzing the net
profit margin at the end of the season.

Additionally, the research incorporates a control aquaponics bed
to provide a comparative basis for the evaluation.

By showcasing the potential of aquaponics systems and seasonal
crop cultivation in the state of Washington, this project offers
a resource-efficient and cost-effective alternative for
individuals interested in adopting aquaponic farming practices.
This approach eliminates the need for costly heating systems.
Furthermore, the project serves as an educational platform,
emphasizing the adaptability of aquaponic systems throughout
different seasons.

Dissemination of the project's findings will occur through
various channels, including workshops, article publications,
lectures, and online platforms, enabling broad outreach and
awareness. This comprehensive approach ensures effective
communication of the project's message, fostering understanding
and engagement among diverse audiences.

Project Objectives:

The central objective of this project revolves around assessing
the feasibility of cultivating crops in a cold-water aquaponics
system, utilizing a deep-water methodology to ensure long-term
sustainability. To gauge the effectiveness of this approach, we
will closely monitor the quantity of crops sold in local markets
and neighboring food hubs, with a keen focus on evaluating its
financial viability, measured through the net profit margin at
the season's conclusion. We will also be implementing a heated
system as a control for comparative analysis.

Through this initiative, we aim to underscore the considerable
potential of aquaponics within the state of Washington. Our
intent is to highlight the array of seasonal produce that can be
successfully cultivated without the necessity of expensive
heating systems. We aspire to provide an alternative perspective
on sustainable farming, offering a model that can inspire and
guide others within the agricultural community.

Furthermore, this project carries significant educational value.
By showcasing a sustainable aquaponics system that aligns with
the constraints of seasonal growth, we aim to facilitate
knowledge dissemination and encourage the adoption of
environmentally friendly practices within the broader aquaponics



Month 1: Set up the non-heated aquaponic system and develop educational materials.

Month 2: Introduce cold-resistant plant varieties and conduct the first workshop on non-heated aquaponics.

Month 3: Monitor plant growth and water quality, and organize a field day to showcase the system.

Month 4: Assess plant productivity and release the first video tutorial on non-heated aquaponics.

Month 5: Analyze water quality and offer personalized consultations to interested producers.

Month 6: Perform a cost-benefit analysis and conduct a webinar addressing FAQs.

Month 7: Summarize research findings and publish articles in local agricultural publications.

Month 8: Release the final video showcasing project success and prepare for presentations.

Month 9: Present project findings at a workshop or conference. 

This timeline provides an overview of the major activities and milestones for each month of the project, aligning with the research and educational objectives.


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  • Debbie Boe
  • Justin O'Dea - Technical Advisor


Materials and methods:

Research Objectives: Objective 1: Evaluate the growth and productivity of cold-resistant plant varieties in a non-heated aquaponic system.
• Methods and Materials: Select a range of cold-resistant plant species suitable for aquaponic cultivation. Establish replicated experimental plots within the aquaponic system and monitor plant growth parameters such as height, leaf area, and biomass. Measure crop productivity by quantifying yields of marketable produce.
Objective 2: Assess the performance and stability of the deep-water aquaponic system in maintaining water quality parameters.
• Methods and Materials: Install sensors and monitoring equipment to continuously measure and record water quality parameters including temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, ammonia, and nitrate levels. Conduct regular sampling and analysis of water samples to verify sensor data accuracy. Analyze data to assess the system's ability to maintain stable and optimal conditions for plant growth and fish health.
Objective 3: Determine the economic viability of non-heated aquaponics by conducting a cost-benefit analysis.
• Methods and Materials: Document all relevant costs associated with the setup, operation, and maintenance of the non-heated aquaponic system. This includes initial infrastructure investment, labor, fish feed, seeds or seedlings, utilities, and other operational expenses. Estimate the market value of the harvested produce. Conduct a cost-benefit analysis to determine the financial viability of the system and calculate the return on investment.
Project Site and Research Design: The research will be conducted at a designated site on our farm, specifically within the established non-heated aquaponic system. The research design will consist of replicated experimental plots and control areas to enable a robust comparison between different plant varieties and system conditions. The aquaponic system will follow a deep-water design, with fish tanks connected to grow beds. The system will incorporate biofilters and aeration mechanisms to maintain water quality.
Data Collection and Analysis: Data collection will involve regular monitoring of water quality parameters using sensors and manual sampling for analysis. Plant growth parameters, such as height, leaf area, and biomass, will be measured at predetermined intervals. Yields of marketable produce will be weighed and recorded. Economic data, including costs and revenue from produce sales, will also be collected. Statistical analysis will be performed to assess differences between treatments, determine correlations, and evaluate the significance of the results.
Previous Work and Alternative Approaches: This research builds upon existing knowledge of aquaponics and cold-resistant plant cultivation in non-heated environments. Literature reviews and consultations with experts in the field have been conducted to identify gaps in the current understanding and ensure that the proposed research addresses these gaps effectively. Alternative approaches, such as the use of heating systems in aquaponics, have been considered but are excluded to focus on the innovative non-heated approach.
Tools and Materials: The research will utilize sensors for water quality monitoring, data loggers, lab equipment for water sample analysis, measuring instruments for plant growth parameters, and basic farming tools for system management. Plant seeds or seedlings, fish tanks, grow beds, biofilters, aeration devices, and fish feed will also be utilized.
Measurement and Evaluation of Objectives: The successful completion of objectives will be measured by assessing the growth and productivity of plants, stability of water quality parameters, and the economic viability of the system. Parameters such as plant height, leaf area, biomass, water temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, ammonia, nitrate levels, marketable yields, and financial indicators will be used for evaluation.
Innovative Approach: This research provides an innovative approach to non-heated aquaponics by focusing on the utilization of cold-resistant plant varieties, deep-water systems, and sustainable cultivation practices. The project aims to demonstrate the feasibility and economic viability of non-heated aquaponics as a sustainable alternative, contributing to the advancement of cold-climate aquaponic farming.

Research results and discussion:

Objective 1: Evaluate the growth and productivity of cold-resistant plant varieties in a non-heated aquaponic system.
Cold-resistant lettuce varieties, including Black Seeded Simpson, Yankee Hardy Mix, and Red Planet Mix, demonstrated strong growth during cooler months, while basil thrived during warmer seasons.

Quantitative Data:

Lettuce harvests averaged 20 pounds per week sold, with total availability slightly higher before accounting for losses due to fish interference.
Plant growth parameters, such as height and leaf area, remained consistent across varieties, with minimal impact from cold temperatures.
Qualitative Observations:

Lettuce varieties displayed resilience in water temperatures as low as 34°F, though growth rates slowed under extreme cold conditions.
Basil performed optimally in water temperatures averaging 52-58°F during the warmer months.
Objective 2: Assess the performance and stability of the deep-water aquaponic system in maintaining water quality parameters.
The deep-water aquaponic system maintained stable water quality, ensuring suitable conditions for both plants and fish.

Quantitative Data:

Average water temperature: 52-58°F, with a low of 34°F during colder months.
pH: Stable between 6.8 and 7.2.
Dissolved oxygen levels: Consistently above 6 mg/L.
Ammonia and nitrate levels: Within safe ranges for fish and plants.
Qualitative Observations:

Biofilters operated effectively, though nutrient cycling slowed slightly in colder temperatures.
Fish health remained stable, with no significant losses observed.
Objective 3: Determine the economic viability of non-heated aquaponics by conducting a cost-benefit analysis.
Early results indicate that non-heated aquaponics is economically viable with efficient management and realistic expectations.

Quantitative Data:

Setup cost: $2,000 for transitioning an already established system, which included purchasing a new air pump, additional air stones, and performing minor system maintenance to make it non-heated.
Initial system cost: $8,000 (original setup).
Weekly labor: 15 hours on average, with seasonal overhauls requiring up to 40 hours.
Monthly operational costs: Approximately $300, covering labor, fish feed, and supplies.
Marketable produce: Approximately 20 pounds per week, generating $80-$100 in weekly revenue.
Estimated return on investment: 2.5-3 years, accounting for losses and modest production levels.
Qualitative Observations:

Crop loss from fish interference highlighted the need for system refinements to better protect plants.
The system’s low operational costs make it an accessible option for small-scale operations.
Challenges and Insights:

Crop Loss: Fish interference reduced lettuce yields, emphasizing the need for improved system design to protect plants.
Cold Temperatures: Growth slowed at 34°F, but crops remained viable under non-heated conditions.
Labor Demands: Weekly labor averaged 15 hours, with seasonal overhauls requiring up to 40 hours, highlighting the importance of efficient management strategies.Lettuce in Winter

Participation Summary
1 Producers participating in research

Research Outcomes

Recommendations for sustainable agricultural production and future research:

Grow media test

Recommendations for Sustainable Agricultural Production in the Western U.S.

Key Findings from Research on Passive Cold-Water Aquaponics

Our research on passive cold-water aquaponics has demonstrated its potential to enhance sustainable agricultural practices in the Western U.S., particularly in regions with moderate climates like the Pacific Northwest.

Cold-Hardy Lettuce and Nutrient Balance

A significant finding has been the successful cultivation of cold-hardy lettuce varieties during winter months. While growth was slower due to limited sunlight, it was not hindered by nutritional deficiencies or the expected loss of beneficial bacteria, which play a critical role in system functionality.

In aquaponics systems, fish waste is converted into nutrients for plants through a biological process driven by nitrifying bacteria. These bacteria, primarily Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter species, convert ammonia excreted by fish into nitrite and then into nitrate, which plants readily absorb. It is commonly believed that colder water temperatures inhibit the metabolism of fish, leading to reduced feeding and increased ammonia accumulation. Additionally, nitrifying bacteria are thought to become inactive or die off in cold water, exacerbating potential ammonia spikes.

Contrary to expectations, our system did not experience ammonia buildup during the winter months, even with reduced fish activity and lower temperatures. This suggests that the bacteria in our system were more resilient to cold conditions than anticipated, maintaining sufficient activity to process ammonia into plant-available nitrogen. This resilience underscores the viability of passive aquaponics for year-round leafy green production without compromising water quality or plant health.

Native Frogs as Ecological Beneficiaries

An unexpected yet promising outcome of this research was the return of native frogs to the system after the removal of the heating component. The presence of frogs provided natural pest control by preying on small insects and significantly reduced algae growth, contributing to improved overall system health.

Algae, if left unchecked, can negatively impact water quality by depleting dissolved oxygen levels, particularly during warmer months. Warmer water holds less dissolved oxygen, which can stress both plants and fish in aquaponics systems. The role of frog tadpoles in controlling algae growth could be especially beneficial in mitigating early-season oxygen drops, a challenge we observed as water temperatures increased during the spring. By reducing algae, tadpoles may indirectly support higher oxygen levels, contributing to the stability and efficiency of the system.

Further research into the symbiotic relationship between native frogs, algae management, and dissolved oxygen levels could offer valuable insights for optimizing passive aquaponics systems. Additionally, fostering native biodiversity within aquaponics systems presents an opportunity to explore broader ecological benefits, including improved pest management, enhanced water quality, and potentially greater system resilience. Investigating these dynamics throughout the seasons and under varying system conditions could provide a deeper understanding of how to harness biodiversity as a tool for sustainable agriculture.

Addressing Seasonal Challenges and System Shifts

Moving forward, research will focus on optimizing passive aquaponics systems for year-round production by addressing key challenges related to seasonal transitions and system stability.

Impact of Weather Changes

One critical area of investigation is the impact of sudden weather changes on system performance, which has occasionally led to plant die-offs. These die-offs appear to be triggered by rapid shifts in environmental conditions, such as temperature fluctuations, which can disrupt the delicate balance between water chemistry, microbial activity, and plant health. Understanding these system shifts more comprehensively is essential to improving the resilience of passive aquaponics systems.

Stabilization Strategies

To mitigate these issues, future research will explore strategies to stabilize system conditions during transitional periods. This includes fine-tuning system management practices, such as adjusting water flow rates or modifying nutrient levels, to buffer plants against sudden environmental changes. Additionally, testing innovative grow mediums that enhance root aeration during warmer months and support root insulation during cooler months could help plants better tolerate these fluctuations.

Improving Winter Production

For winter production, emphasis will remain on cultivating cold-hardy varieties that thrive in low-light conditions, as reduced sunlight is a significant limiting factor during colder months. Exploring supplemental techniques, such as reflective materials to maximize natural light or adjustments to planting density, may further enhance productivity.

Recommendations for Adoption and Future Research

Based on these findings, we recommend that farms in the Western U.S. consider adopting passive aquaponics systems as a sustainable, low-input solution for leafy green production. These systems are particularly well-suited for regions with moderate climates, where external heating and cooling are less critical. However, further research into managing seasonal transitions and mitigating the effects of rapid weather changes will be key to maximizing the potential of passive aquaponics.

This research underscores the broader potential of passive aquaponics not only to reduce resource use but also to integrate ecological benefits into sustainable agricultural systems. By addressing challenges associated with system shifts and building resilience, passive aquaponics can become a more robust and reliable option for sustainable food production in the Western U.S. and beyond.


1 New working collaborations

Education and Outreach

1 Consultations
3 Curricula, factsheets or educational tools
5 On-farm demonstrations
5 Tours
2 Webinars / talks / presentations
5 Workshop field days
1 Other educational activities: Lettuce tasting

Participation Summary:

3 Farmers participated
2 Ag professionals participated
Education and outreach methods and analyses:

Educational Objectives: Objective 1: Increase awareness and knowledge of non-heated aquaponics among agricultural professionals and stakeholders in underserved communities.

  • Outreach Activities: Conduct workshops and training sessions targeting agricultural professionals, community organizations, and stakeholders. Develop educational materials, including factsheets, PowerPoint presentations, and handouts. Offer interactive demonstrations and field days at the project site to showcase the non-heated aquaponic system.
  • Timeline and Locations: Workshop sessions will be conducted quarterly at agricultural extension offices and community centers in underserved communities. Field days and demonstrations will take place biannually at the project site, with dates and locations communicated in advance to interested participants.

Objective 2: Provide educational resources and guidance to producers interested in adopting non-heated aquaponics.

  • Outreach Activities: Develop comprehensive educational resources, including step-by-step guides, video tutorials, and best practice manuals. Offer personalized consultations and on-site visits to assist producers in implementing non-heated aquaponic systems. Organize webinars and online forums to address questions and share experiences.
  • Timeline and Locations: Educational resources will be made available online throughout the project duration. On-site visits and consultations will be scheduled upon request from interested producers. Webinars and online forums will be conducted biannually, with specific dates and access details communicated in advance.

Objective 3: Disseminate project findings to the general public and engage diverse audiences through various media outlets.

  • Outreach Activities: Produce engaging and informative videos highlighting the project's progress, results, and benefits of non-heated aquaponics. Utilize social media platforms to share project updates, educational content, and success stories. Collaborate with local media outlets to publish articles or press releases.
  • Timeline and Locations: Videos will be released periodically throughout the project duration on online platforms. Social media engagement will be ongoing, with regular updates and interactions. Collaborations with local media outlets will be coordinated when significant milestones or results are achieved.

Innovative Education Plan: This education plan incorporates a diverse range of outreach strategies and media outlets to reach a broad audience. The use of workshops, demonstrations, and field days ensures hands-on learning experiences. The production of comprehensive educational resources, including videos, factsheets, and manuals, caters to different learning styles. By offering personalized consultations and online forums, the project engages directly with producers, addressing their specific concerns and needs. The incorporation of podcasts and collaborations with media outlets expands the reach and impact of the project's findings, promoting wider awareness and understanding of non-heated aquaponics.

Education and outreach results:

Educational and Outreach Findings:

Objective 1: Increase awareness and knowledge of non-heated aquaponics among agricultural professionals and stakeholders in underserved communities.

  • Workshops & Field Days: Successfully conducted workshops and field days targeting agricultural professionals and stakeholders in our community. These interactive sessions provided hands-on demonstrations of non-heated aquaponics systems, which helped participants gain a deeper understanding of the technology. The field days were especially impactful in showcasing real-world applications and generating interest in sustainable practices.
  • PowerPoint Presentations & Outreach Materials: Developed educational resources, including PowerPoint presentations, factsheets, and handouts, which were distributed during workshops and field days. These materials helped reinforce the key concepts shared during the events, increasing retention and making information accessible for future reference.
  • Community Engagement: Collaborated with community organizations to ensure diverse participation, and received positive feedback on the practical value of the workshops. The inclusion of local stakeholders, such as a work-study student from the community college and a beginning farmer, allowed for more personalized and relatable learning experiences.

Objective 2: Provide educational resources and guidance to producers interested in adopting non-heated aquaponics.

  • Educational Resources & On-Site Tours and Classes: Developed comprehensive resources, including step-by-step guides and video tutorials, which were shared during on-site tours and classes. These in-person learning experiences gave producers a chance to interact directly with the system and ask questions about implementation.
  • Personalized Support: Conducted on-site visits and consultations for producers seeking guidance on system implementation. This personalized support helped address specific challenges, leading to higher engagement and adoption rates. The on-site tours allowed producers to see the system in action and ask tailored questions to address their unique concerns.
  • Collaborative Learning: The work-study student and beginning farmer played key roles in facilitating the on-site tours and classes, contributing to the outreach efforts and deepening local engagement. This collaborative model helped strengthen the project's impact within the community.

Objective 3: Disseminate project findings to the general public and engage diverse audiences through various media outlets.

  • Videos & Social Media: Produced engaging videos that highlighted project progress, results, and the benefits of non-heated aquaponics. These videos were shared on social media platforms, increasing the project's visibility and reaching a broader audience. The regular updates and success stories shared on social media helped build a strong online community around the project.
  • Website Development: A website will be created this year to house educational resources and share updates about the project. This platform will serve as a hub for information, providing stakeholders and the public with easy access to resources and progress reports.

Quantitative & Qualitative Findings:

  • Engagement: On-site tours and classes attracted over 20 participants, with positive feedback on the interactive and practical nature of the sessions. Attendees reported increased interest in adopting non-heated aquaponics systems.
  • Feedback: Feedback from agricultural professionals, producers, and community members highlighted the effectiveness of the hands-on learning approach and the usefulness of educational materials. Producers indicated that the personalized consultations and step-by-step guides were particularly beneficial in their decision-making process.
  • Reach: Social media engagement grew by 10% over the course of the project, with videos reaching a diverse audience leading to a broader public understanding of non-heated aquaponics.

Conclusion: Through a combination of workshops, field days, on-site tours, and classes, along with a strong social media presence and community outreach, the project successfully increased awareness and knowledge of non-heated aquaponics among agricultural professionals and our community. The interactive nature of the activities, along with personalized support, proved to be effective in engaging producers and promoting sustainable farming practices. The website, set to launch this year, will further enhance the project's visibility and outreach.

2 Farmers intend/plan to change their practice(s)
2 Farmers changed or adopted a practice

Education and Outreach Outcomes

Recommendations for education and outreach:

Aquaponic presentation

Aquaponics tri-fold

Through my education and outreach activities, I have identified key approaches to effectively disseminating agricultural research results. One significant insight is that many participants approach aquaponics with the misconception that it operates independently of seasonal limitations. This has required me to adapt my presentations to first address the concept of seasonality in cold-water aquaponics, drawing parallels to traditional in-ground growing systems. Starting with this foundational understanding has been crucial for engaging audiences and fostering accurate perceptions.

Additionally, I have tailored my outreach to emphasize the environmental benefits of aquaponics, particularly the importance of embracing biodiversity within the system. Highlighting how biodiversity supports ecosystem resilience and sustainability has resonated well with stakeholders. This approach has also encouraged participants to view aquaponics as not only a production system but as a method that aligns with broader environmental and sustainability goals.

As a result, stakeholders have reported a deeper understanding of agricultural sustainability and a greater appreciation for the interconnectedness of ecological systems. By integrating environmental education with practical aquaponics techniques, my outreach has effectively shifted perspectives and expanded the value participants see in adopting sustainable practices.

3 Producers reported gaining knowledge, attitude, skills and/or awareness as a result of the project
Non-producer stakeholders reported changes in knowledge, attitudes, skills and/or awareness as a result of project outreach
25 General public
1 Students
1 Ag Service Providers
Key changes:
  • Knowledge: Farmers now understand that cold-water aquaponics has seasonal cycles similar to traditional farming.

  • Attitude: They view aquaponics as a sustainable complement to traditional agriculture rather than a year-round replacement.

  • Skills: Farmers have learned to balance system components, manage nutrient cycles, and enhance biodiversity.

  • Awareness: They are more aware of aquaponics' environmental benefits, including water conservation and sustainability.

Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture or SARE.