Final report for GNC22-342
Project Information
This project aimed to be applied, in that natural resource professionals (NRCS, SWCD, Extension, etc. staff) could use the results to inform their outreach strategies related to agroforestry practices. Specifically, objectives were that natural resource professionals will better understand constraints and opportunities for agroforestry adoption among Minnesota and Wisconsin producers. In doing so, natural resource professionals can provide informed recommendations regarding the implementation and maintenance of agroforestry systems that may result in an increased rate of agroforestry adoption.
A comprehensive literature review of North American agroforestry adoption studies and a series of interviews with Minnesota farmers informed the survey design. Seven semi-structured interviews were conducted prior to designing the survey – four with farmers that currently maintain agroforestry practices and three with farmers that have decided to not adopt an agroforestry practice but have implemented another conservation agriculture practice, such as cover crops or no-till. Farmers were asked about: their reasoning for adopting or not adopting agroforestry practices; the barriers to the implementation of agroforestry practices; any factors that may encourage them to adopt agroforestry practices; and the impact that agroforestry practices have had or may have on farm operations, management, and profitability. The answers to these questions, in addition to reported constraints and opportunities from the agroforestry adoption literature review, were used to create a list of constraints to agroforestry adoption and a list of opportunities for agroforestry adoption.
A mailing list of farmer addresses were purchased from Dynata, a private company that maintains mailing lists and databases for surveys and marketing. The mailing list included the names and addresses of 3,000 farmers, 1,500 of which reside in Minnesota, and the other half of which reside in Wisconsin. The sample within each state was proportionately weighted by county, meaning that counties with more farmers received more surveys than counties with fewer farmers. Mail surveys were sent to farmers in three rounds between July 2023 and February 2024.
The survey packet delivered to each farmer in the mailing list included a cover letter, questionnaire, and pre-paid return envelope. The cover letter described the purpose of the study, the research rights of the participants, and the contact information for the principal investigators. The questionnaire was structured into eight sections. The first six each highlighted one of the six agroforestry practices included in this study. In each of the practice-specific sections, participants were provided with a short description and graphic of each practice and then asked if they currently maintain the practice on their land (yes or no response), the degree to which the list of constraints identified through interviews and the literature review limit their adoption (Likert scale from 1 to 5), and their willingness to accept the opportunities identified through interviews and the review (Likert scale from 1 to 4). In the seventh section, participants were asked to rate their likelihood of adopting each of the six agroforestry practices on a six-point Likert scale from “very unlikely” to “very likely.” The final section gathered farm and socioeconomic demographic information, such as age, acres farmed, and more.
Data was analyzed in IBM SPSS Statistics to gather descriptive statistics, such as the frequency of responses and mean values of age and acre variables, and conduct binary logistic regressions. The independent variables included in this regression analysis were the degree to which each constraint is limiting, the likelihood of accepting each opportunity, total acres farmed, the proportion of acres farmed that are owned, acres of corn and soybean, acres of pastured cattle, income source, age, gender, and highest education level. The dependent variable being impacted by the independent variables was the likelihood of adoption for each practice. As the likelihood of adoption was measured on a six-point Likert scale, dummy variables were created to allow for binary analysis. In this way, all levels of unlikely (“very unlikely,” “moderately unlikely,” and “slightly unlikely”) were recoded to 0, and all levels of likely (“very likely,” “moderately likely,” and “slightly likely”) were recoded to 1. A binary logistic regression was conducted in SPSS for each practice, measuring the effect of the independent variables on that practice’s binary likelihood of adoption. The results were scanned for the independent variables (i.e., “factors”) that demonstrated a statistically significant effect on the likelihood of adoption. Producers were expected to be likely to adopt agroforestry practices as the constraints become less limiting and the opportunities become more available.
Collinearity, in which independent variables are correlated instead of remaining separate, may misrepresent regression results. To ensure independent variables were not collinear, binary logistic regressions were conducted as linear regressions in SPSS to identify the variance inflation factor (VIF) for each independent variable. A VIF value under five indicates low to moderate correlation and is not concerning, while a VIF value over five demonstrates moderate to substantial correlation and may interfere with regression results. The independent variables with a VIF over five were investigated to identify the other variables with which they were correlated, and some were deleted to ensure all independent variables were under a value of five.
The survey received 345 responses. Forty four of the 3,000 mailed surveys were returned undeliverable, resulting in a 11.7% actualized response rate. Of the 345 responses received, 295 were usable. It should be noted, though, that because the regressions were conducted for each practice and respondents were able to skip questions, the different regressions incorporated variable numbers of responses. Mean and proportional socioeconomic (e.g., age and education) and farm (e.g., farm size and acres of crop type) information from survey respondents are presented in Table 1.
Table 1: Frequency data for demographic variables. | ||||||
Variable | Description | Mean / Proportion | N | SD | Min | Max |
State | 1 = Minnesota 2 = Wisconsin |
56.9% 43.1% |
295 | 0.496 | 1 | 2 |
Farm size | Farmed acres, total Farmed acres, owned Farmed acres, rented Proportion of owned acres |
781.3 412.3 369.6 0.72 |
277 | 1,311.1 639.5 892.9 0.33 |
2 0 0 0 |
10,000 5,000 7,000 1 |
Production acreage | Corn/soybean acres Other crop acres Cattle pasture acres Other livestock pasture acres Specialty product acres |
557.8 96.5 54.5 84.9 3.2 |
288 | 1,168.2 275.8 144.5 998.2 32.1 |
0 0 0 0 0 |
10,000 3,000 1,600 2,000 520 |
Production type* | Corn/soybean (0=no, 1=yes) Other crop (0=no, 1=yes) Cattle (0=no, 1=yes) Other livestock (0=no, 1=yes) |
75.0% 51.4% 35.2% 6.7% |
284 | 0.43 0.50 0.48 0.25 |
0 0 0 0 |
1 1 1 1 |
Income source | 0 = Not primary income 1 = Primary income |
36.2% 63.8% |
287 | 0.48 | 0 | 1 |
Income | Net income ($) | 105,745 | 90 | 330,653 | -24,000 | 3,000,000 |
Age | Respondent age | 64.2 | 266 | 11.8 | 25 | 85 |
Education | 1 = Did not graduate high school 2 = High school diploma 3 = Associate's/vocational degree 4 = Bachelor's degree 5 = Graduate degree |
0.02% 30.5% 30.9% 28% 8.7% |
290 | 1.17 | 1 | 5 |
Gender | 1 = Man 2 = Woman 3 = Other gender |
86.4% 13.6% 0% |
287 | 0.58 | 1 | 2 |
Race | 1 = White 2 = Asian 3 = Black/African American 4 = Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 5 = American Indian/Alaska Native 6 = Middle Eastern/North African |
98.5% 0% 0.003% 0.003% 0.007% 0% |
286 | 1.69 | 1 | 5 |
Hispanic | 0 = No 1 = Yes |
98.8% 1.2% |
284 | 0.66 | 0 | 1 |
*Percentages do not add to 100 because one farmer may produce multiple types of products. |
Consistent with regression expectations, the statistically significant constraints demonstrate that windbreak adoption is expected to be unlikely as windbreaks not aligning with producers’ goals becomes more limiting. Furthermore, the statistically significant opportunities demonstrate that windbreak adoption is expected to be likely as financial assistance programs are provided and producers have a positive perception of the visual appeal of windbreaks. In contrast to expectations, the regression predicted that windbreak adoption is also likely as the amount of time or work to manage trees and trees competing with crops becomes more limiting. None of the demographic factors were statistically significant.
Table 2: Factors significantly influencing the adoption of windbreaks. | ||||
Independent Variables | Coefficient | p-value | Sig. | VIF |
Constraints | ||||
Amount of time or work to manage trees | 0.429 | 0.088 | * | 2.389 |
Trees compete too much with crops | 0.486 | 0.024 | ** | 2.459 |
Windbreaks do not align with my goals | -0.530 | 0.022 | ** | 2.549 |
Opportunities | ||||
Cost-share or financial assistance/incentive programs | 0.496 | 0.027 | ** | 1.788 |
Windbreaks may make an area more visually appealing | 0.621 | 0.026 | ** | 2.498 |
Nagelkerke R-squared | 0.547 | |||
Prediction statistics (correctly classified) | 82.8% | |||
Number of observations used in model (n) | 221 | |||
*** Significant at p < 0.01 (99%); ** Significant at p < 0.05 (95%); * Significant at p < 0.1 (90%). |
The statistically significant constraints to adoption were trees competing with crops and silvopasture not aligning with producers’ goals, indicating that producers are unlikely to consider adopting silvopasture systems when there is competition between trees and crops and silvopasture does not align with producers’ goals. The only statistically significant demographic variable was the presence of a woodlot, in that producers who do not have a woodlot are likely to adopt silvopasture systems. None of the opportunities were statistically significant.
Table 3: Factors significantly influencing the adoption of silvopasture. | ||||
Independent Variables | Coefficient | p-value | Sig. | VIF |
Constraints | ||||
Trees compete too much with crops | -0.895 | 0.043 | ** | 3.244 |
Silvopasture does not align with my goals | -1.340 | 0.012 | ** | 3.824 |
Demographics | ||||
Presence of woodlot | -1.527 | 0.091 | * | 1.349 |
Nagelkerke R-squared | 0.669 | |||
Prediction statistics (correctly classified) | 82.6% | |||
Number of observations used in model (n) | 115 | |||
*** Significant at p < 0.01 (99%); ** Significant at p < 0.05 (95%); * Significant at p < 0.1 (90%). |
Alley Cropping
The only statistically significant constraint was an incompatibility between alley cropping and producers’ equipment or management, in that producers whose management or equipment are incompatible with alley cropping are unlikely to adopt alley cropping. The statistically significant opportunities for adoption were technical assistance from a natural resource professional, the visual appeal of alley cropping, and friends and neighbors adopting alley cropping. Consistent with regression expectations, the opportunities demonstrate that alley cropping adoption is expected to be likely as technical assistance becomes more available and as farmers value the visual appeal of alley cropping. In contrast to expectations, the regression predicted that alley cropping adoption is also likely when friends or neighbors do not adopt alley cropping. The demographic factors of total acres and age significantly influenced adoption likelihood. Producers who farm less acres and younger producers are expected to be likely to adopt alley cropping systems.
Table 4: Factors significantly influencing the adoption of alley cropping. | ||||
Independent Variables | Coefficient | p-value | Sig. | VIF |
Constraints | ||||
Incompatibility between current equipment/management (vehicles, herbicides, drainage, etc.) and alley cropping |
-0.569 | 0.098 | * | 2.015 |
Opportunities | ||||
Technical assistance from a natural resource professional (e.g., Extension, private agricultural consultant) |
1.915 | 0.023 | ** | 3.604 |
Alley cropping may make an area more visually appealing | 1.005 | 0.062 | * | 2.993 |
Friends or neighbors implementing alley cropping | -1.286 | 0.031 | ** | 2.622 |
Demographics | ||||
Total acres | -0.003 | 0.038 | ** | 1.386 |
Age | -0.074 | 0.098 | * | 1.557 |
Nagelkerke R-squared | 0.594 | |||
Prediction statistics (correctly classified) | 92.7% | |||
Number of observations used in model (n) | 218 | |||
*** Significant at p < 0.01 (99%); ** Significant at p < 0.05 (95%); * Significant at p < 0.1 (90%). |
Riparian Forest Buffers
Consistent with expectations, riparian forest buffer adoption is expected to be likely as financial assistance programs are more available and when friends or neighbors implement riparian forest buffers. Contrary to expectations, the regression model predicted that riparian forest buffer adoption is also expected to be likely as producers are less likely to enroll the land in a carbon market. None of the constraints or demographic factors were statistically significant.
Table 5: Factors significantly influencing the adoption of riparian forest buffers. | ||||
Independent Variables | Coefficient | p-value | Sig. | VIF |
Opportunities | ||||
Cost-share or financial assistance/incentive programs | 0.873 | 0.034 | ** | 3.381 |
Enrolling the land in a carbon market program | -0.620 | 0.053 | * | 1.927 |
Friends or neighbors implementing riparian forest buffers | 0.676 | 0.068 | * | 2.039 |
Nagelkerke R-squared | 0.471 | |||
Prediction statistics (correctly classified) | 82.5% | |||
Number of observations used in model (n) | 126 | |||
*** Significant at p < 0.01 (99%); ** Significant at p < 0.05 (95%); * Significant at p < 0.1 (90%). |
Forest Farming
Consistent with expectations, forest farming adoption is expected to be unlikely as the incompatibility between forest farming and current equipment or management becomes more limiting, while adoption is likely when technical assistance becomes more available. Contrary to expectations, the regression model predicted that forest farming adoption is expected to be likely when producers’ risk or uncertainty with climate change becomes more limiting. The only statistically significant demographic variable is the presence of a woodlot, in that producers who possess a woodlot are likely to adopt forest farming, while producers that do not possess a woodlot are unlikely to adopt a forest farming system.
Table 6: Factors significantly influencing the adoption of forest farming. | ||||
Independent Variables | Coefficient | p-value | Sig. | VIF |
Constraints | ||||
Incompatibility between current equipment/management (vehicles, herbicides, drainage, etc.) and forest farming |
-0.499 | 0.057 | * | 2.148 |
Risk or uncertainty with climate change | 0.526 | 0.094 | * | 2.744 |
Opportunities | ||||
Technical assistance from a natural resource professional (e.g., Extension, private agricultural consultant) |
0.649 | 0.080 | * | 3.764 |
Demographics | ||||
Presence of woodlot | 1.358 | 0.033 | ** | 1.512 |
Nagelkerke R-squared | 0.449 | |||
Prediction statistics (correctly classified) | 81.4% | |||
Number of observations used in model (n) | 215 | |||
*** Significant at p < 0.01 (99%); ** Significant at p < 0.05 (95%); * Significant at p < 0.1 (90%). |
Living Snow Fences
Consistent with expectations, living snow fence adoption is expected to be unlikely when the unprofitability of living snow fences, the amount of time or work to manage trees, and living snow fences not aligning with producers’ goals becomes more limiting, while adoption is likely when friends and neighbors adopt living snow fences. Contrary to expectations, the regression model predicted that living snow fence adoption is expected to be likely when the lack of knowledge on how to manage a living snow fence becomes more limiting. Demographic factors did not affect living snow fence adoption.
Table 7: Factors significantly influencing the adoption of living snow fences. | ||||
Independent Variables | Coefficient | p-value | Sig. | VIF |
Constraints | ||||
Living snow fences are unprofitable | -0.505 | 0.079 | * | 4.147 |
Lack of knowledge on how to manage | 0.580 | 0.088 | * | 3.605 |
Amount of time or work to manage trees | -0.408 | 0.091 | * | 2.375 |
Living snow fences do not align with my goals | -0.951 | <0.001 | *** | 2.707 |
Opportunities | ||||
Friends or neighbors implementing living snow fences | 1.107 | 0.002 | *** | 2.600 |
Nagelkerke R-squared | 0.632 | |||
Prediction statistics (correctly classified) | 81.3% | |||
Number of observations used in model (n) | 198 | |||
*** Significant at p < 0.01 (99%); ** Significant at p < 0.05 (95%); * Significant at p < 0.1 (90%). |
Educational & Outreach Activities
Participation Summary:
Few outreach activities have been conducted to date, yet we have many in progress. To date, a presentation was given to agricultural professionals at the University of Minnesota Extension's Agroforestry Institute in October 2023. Informal outreach to individual producers regarding project results have been conducted throughout the project. The research team is planning on a presentation to the Sustainable Farming Association of Minnesota leadership team and an article in their member newsletter. Currently, the team is working on a University of Minnesota Extension factsheet, a Master's thesis, and two journal articles regarding this research.
Project Outcomes
Agroforestry practices can conserve natural resources in agricultural landscapes while economically and socially benefitting the communities that work and live there. Such benefits include reducing soil erosion, diversifying income, enhancing farmer well-being, and more. This research takes a holistic approach to identify practical, promising, and farmer-informed recommendations that natural resource technical assistance providers and policymakers can use to promote agroforestry adoption among Minnesota and Wisconsin producers. While little outreach with natural resource professionals has been conducted to date, after connecting with natural resource professionals through planned activities, we expect natural resource professionals will use this information to realize environmental, economic, and social benefits on newly established agroforestry farms.
Over the course of this project, we learned that farmers have diverse views regarding each agroforestry practice, and the constraints and opportunities for adoption for each of these practices differ widely. For example, a factor that may constraint adoption for one practice may not inhibit adoption of another agroforestry practice.
Additionally, in most cases, attitudinal data related to perceived constraints and opportunities comprised most of the factors significantly influencing adoption of each practice as opposed to producer or farm characteristics (i.e. gender, age, farm size, etc.). Other studies have also demonstrated the importance and utility of attitudinal data as opposed to farm and producer characteristics to inform the adoption of agricultural conservation practices. As such, demographic factors not commonly influencing adoption may reinforce that farmers are a diverse community with variable preferences that are not dependent on their personal characteristics.
It is critical that future research and agroforestry outreach efforts with farmers distinguish between agroforestry practices. The practice-specific approach taken in this study was validated by differences between constraints and opportunities for each practice. For example, the regression results demonstrate that the effect of the constraints and opportunities on adoption likelihood varies widely between practices, and the descriptive statistics results indicate that producers experience constraints and opportunities at different magnitudes for each practice. There is variability in attitudes toward practices, so lumping practices together as agroforestry, broadly defined, loses accuracy when applying the information.
Further research should pursue areas in which this study was limited. Particularly, we do not consider the products gained from adopting agroforestry practices. For example, we do not analyze motivations regarding whether an agroforestry practice would be created using trees with harvestable products, such as wood or nuts, or trees solely for environmental purposes, regardless of the species. This information is important for farmers’ adoption preferences and may influence adoption likelihood.