Determining the relative importance of primary inoculum sources for Stemphylium leaf blight of onion in New York

Progress report for GNE24-319

Project Type: Graduate Student
Funds awarded in 2024: $13,351.00
Projected End Date: 07/31/2026
Grant Recipient: Cornell University
Region: Northeast
State: New York
Graduate Student:
Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Sarah Pethybridge
Cornell University
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Project Information


Stemphylium leaf blight (SLB), caused by the fungus
Stemphylium vesicarium, is one of the most important
foliar diseases affecting onions (Allium cepa L.) in the
northeastern United States. Infested transplants and volunteers
(plants regrowing from onion bulbs left in the field the previous
season), may play an important role in SLB epidemics serving as
primary inoculum. However, the lack of knowledge surrounding the
relative contributions of primary inoculum sources for SLB
epidemics is a significant knowledge gap to the design of
integrated management practices. Isolates of S.
obtained in 2022 and 2023 from infested
volunteers, transplants and symptomatic onions in the field will
be used in this study. Relationships among pathogen populations
convey important implications for epidemiology, including sources
of inoculum, changes in diversity, and patterns of dispersal. The
genetic diversity and differentiation in each S.
population will be characterized using nine
microsatellite markers. Microsatellites are broadly used for
population genetic studies due to their codominance,
hypervariability, locus-specificity, and reproducibility.
Multilocus genotypes will be compared among populations to
establish whether transplants or volunteers are contributing
genotypes to the S. vesicarium populations in NY onion
fields. Multiple diversity and differentiation indices will also
be calculated to assess the relationships among individuals of
the populations. The outcome of this project will be the
development of hypotheses surrounding multiple facets of SLB
epidemiology to facilitate the design of integrated disease
management strategies. Research findings will be communicated
through various platforms and formats to effectively engage
stakeholders and growers throughout NY.

Project Objectives:
  1. Objective: To determine the genetic diversity within
    and among S. vesicarium populations collected
    from infested transplants and volunteers at the beginning of
    the season and field populations collected at the end of the

1.1 Hypothesis: S. vesicarium populations from
infested transplants and volunteers have high genetic diversity
but similar frequencies of alleles among populations and share
the same genotypes.

  1. Objective: To determine the population structure of
    S. vesicarium in NY onion fields.

2.1 Hypothesis: There are no distinct patterns or
clusters of genotypes among the S. vesicarium
populations indicating that populations are part of one
interbreeding and genetically uniform population.


The purpose of this project is to determine the contribution of different sources of inoculum such as Stemphylium vesicarium-infested transplants and volunteers to Stemphylium leaf blight (SLB) epidemics in New York onion fields. Understanding the relative contributions of inoculum sources can help us to better target the intervention points and select integrated disease management strategies that either reduce the initial inoculum or the rate of the disease progress. These findings will ultimately underpin the design of durable management strategies for SLB making onion production more profitable and sustainable in NY.

SLB is one of the most devastating foliar diseases affecting onions in the northeastern United States, caused by the fungus S. vesicarium (Wallr.) E.G. Simmons (Sharma and Sharma 1999). SLB has been reported on onion in more than 20 countries and has recently become a re-emerging disease in the northeastern U.S. (Hay et al. 2021). The economic impact of SLB on NY onion production is substantial including crops with ≥74% premature plant death. SLB epidemics can cause significant yield losses of up to 90% in onion crops due to premature defoliation, resulting in smaller bulbs (Lorbeer 1993; Miller et al. 1978; Tomaz and Lima 1986). The substantial environmental impact of SLB on NY onion production reflects suboptimal foliar disease management, with environmental consequences. There are currently no commercial cultivars of onion that are resistant to SLB or most other foliar diseases, and management is based on intensive fungicide programs of 6-10 applications per season. Fungicides are organized into groups by the Fungicide Resistance Action Committee (FRAC) based on their mode of action (MOA). Fungicides in FRAC groups 2, 3, 7, 9 and 11 were previously efficacious for SLB control. However, owing to the single-site MOA of most of these fungicides, there is a high risk of development of fungicide resistance within targeted pathogen populations. The social implications of SLB include increased production costs, reduced profitability, and instability in the resiliency of regional food systems. The inability to control SLB may catalyze rotation to crops with less profitable returns. Beyond the farm, this negatively impacts upon the buoyancy of rural communities. In some cases, growers with substantial investments in onion grading and packing infrastructure are reluctant to rotate crops and incur yield losses.

SLB spread results from the profuse production of S. vesicarium conidia and rapid dispersal of secondary inoculum within fields and neighboring crops (Hay et al. 2022). Multiple sources of S. vesicarium inoculum have been proposed to affect SLB epidemics including crop residue, infested seeds, volunteers, weeds and crops acting as alternative hosts, and transplants (Hay et al. 2021). We hypothesize that SLB epidemics may start with the introduction of the pathogen via infested transplants, which are predominantly provided as bare root and come from the southwestern United States (Leach et al. 2018). However, no studies have examined the impact of these transplants on SLB epidemic initiation or the population genetics of S. vesicarium. Volunteers may also play an important role in the dissemination of the pathogen as remaining diseased plants may serve as primary inoculum for the current cropping and neighboring fields.

In this study, we propose to evaluate the potential contribution of transplants and volunteers to the population genetics of S. vesicarium populations in NY, using nine microsatellite markers developed in the Pethybridge Lab (Heck et al. 2023). Microsatellites are PCR-based markers commonly used to detect genetic variation among individuals and are an excellent tool to address epidemiological questions related to sources of inoculum. Genetic markers can help us track DNA fingerprints in different sources of inoculum and compare those with populations during epidemics in commercial fields. The genotypic diversity of S. vesicarium isolates from infested volunteers and transplants will be compared with the genotypic diversity of isolates collected prior to harvest at the end of the season. Population biology studies involving indirect estimates of migration such as population structure (genetic differentiation) can also help us to understand the pattern of genetic variation within and among populations (Milgroom 2015). In this study, index GST and minimum spanning networks will be used to depict the population structure of S. vesicarium from NY onion crops. The study will be conducted with isolates collected in 2022 and 2023. This information can facilitate insights into the gene flow among populations and determine whether infested transplants or volunteers are significant sources of genetic diversity. Findings from this study may enhance the understanding of how SLB epidemics are initiated and how S. vesicarium is dispersed between cropping seasons and among fields in NY.



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  • Christy Hoepting (Educator)


Materials and methods:
  1. To determine genetic diversity within and among S. vesicarium populations: 

1.1. Sample collection. Isolates of S. vesicarium obtained in 2022 and 2023 from onion leaf samples showing SLB symptoms prior to lodging, volunteers, and transplants were used in this study. These isolates are part of the permanent collection of more than 3,500 S. vesicarium isolates in the EVADE lab at Cornell AgriTech. Pathogen isolation was performed following a modified protocol described by Hay et al. (2019). Leaf lesions were examined to confirm the production of S. vesicarium conidia with a stereo microscope. Subsequently, 15 μL of 0.01% (v/v) Tween 20 (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO) in sterilized distilled water were placed onto a sporulating lesion with the aid of a micropipette. The conidial suspension was then drawn from the sporulating lesion, placed onto 2 % water agar (WA; Hardy Diagnostics, Santa Maria, CA) amended with ampicillin (25 mg/L) (Fisher Scientific, Pittsburgh, PA) and spread by sloping the plate. After 5 h, germinating conidia were transferred as single spore cultures onto new Petri plates containing V8 juice agar amended with streptomycin (200 mg/liter). Finally, the monoconidial isolates were incubated at room temperature (25 ± 2°C) under conditions of 12 h light/dark cycle for 7 days. Pathogen confirmation was initially based on the morphology of conidia and fungal structures observed under a light microscope (40×; Miller and Schwartz 2008). For long-term preservation, single-conidial isolates were grown on synthetic low-nutrient agar (SNA) (Gerlach and Nirenberg 1982) and then agar plugs colonized with mycelia were placed in 1.5-mL tubes (Fisher Scientific, Pittsburgh, PA) containing sterile distilled water and kept at room temperature (25 ± 2°C) (Castellani 1963). Monoconidial isolates were also preserved in glycerol 30% and stored at -78ºC (± 2 ºC) (Heckly 1978). 

1.2. DNA extraction. Isolates were retrieved from long-term storage and grown on Petri plates containing V8 juice agar amended with streptomycin (200 mg/L) to produce mycelia. Plates were incubated at room temperature (25 ± 2°C) under conditions of 12 h light/dark cycle for 7 days. Mycelia was harvested by scraping the agar surface with a sterile scalpel and transferred into sterile foil to be dried overnight. Dried mycelia was used subsequently for DNA extraction protocols. Genomic DNA was extracted with the Wizard Extraction Kit (Promega Corp, Madison, WI) following the manufacturer’s recommendations. The specific primers KES1999 and KES2000, previously designed by Graf et al. (2015), are being used to corroborate the identity of the S. vesicarium isolates used in this study. Sequencing will be performed at Cornell Genomics Facility.

1.3. Microsatellites data. For the population genetics study, nine microsatellite markers developed by Heck et al. (2023; from Pethybridge Lab) will be used to characterize the genotypic diversity of the S. vesicarium populations collected in 2022 and 2023. Originally, Heck et al. (2023) tested 26 microsatellite markers on a subset of six S. vesicarium isolates collected from NY onion fields in 2016 and 2018 and amplified regions were sequenced to confirm the presence of the repeat motif of interest. Subsequently, a final set of nine microsatellites were selected, and primers were prepared with fluorescent dyes for polymorphism screening and multiplexing (Heck et al. 2023). In the present study, alleles at each of the nine microsatellite loci will be amplified from each monoconidial isolate using the primer sets designed by Heck et al. (2023; Table 1). Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) amplifications will be carried out in a C1000 Touch TM Thermal Cycler (Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA) using the nine primer sets, the genomic DNA obtained as previously described, and the Multiplex Master mix (Bioline, London, United Kingdom) in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations in a final PCR reaction volume of 12.5 μL. The PCR conditions will include an initial denaturation for 5 min at 95ºC, followed by 35 cycles of denaturation at 95ºC for 30 s, annealing at 57ºC for 30 s, an extension at 68ºC for 30 s, and a final extension at 68ºC for 5 min (Heck et al. 2023). PCR products will be sent for fragment analysis at the Cornell University, Institute of Biotechnology, Genomic Diversity Facility, using a GeneScan-500 LIZ size standard (Applied Biosystems). Chromatograms will be analyzed using Geneious Prime 2022.0.1 with the Microsatellite 1.4.7 plugin (Kearse et al. 2012).

1.4. Genetic diversity analysis: To study the genetic diversity of our populations, the number of multilocus genotypes (MLGs) will be determined for each population based on the size of the alleles at each of the nine loci. Once the MLG for each isolate is determined, MLGs frequencies will be calculated, and Nei’s index (Hexp) of genetic diversity will be assessed at each locus and population. Additional diversity indices will be calculated for each population including Evenness (E), Shannon-Wiener (H’), and Stoddart and Taylor’s (G’) as a measure of genotypic richness (Grünwald et al. 2003). Clonal fraction will also be calculated as 1- (MLG/N (total number of individuals per population)) to define the proportion of isolates in the population potentially originating from asexual reproduction (Zhan et al. 2003). The number of individuals per population (N), number of multilocus genotypes (MLGs), and Nei’s unbiased gene diversity index (Hexp) will be calculated with the poppr function in the poppr package v. 2.9.3 using R studio (Kamvar et al. 2014). Diversity indices of Shannon-Wiener (H’), Stoddart and Taylor’s (G’), Simpson (λ), and Evenness (E) will be calculated using the diversity_ci function in the poppr package with the argument ‘rarefy = TRUE’. To test for linkage disequilibrium and possible recombination in the populations, the index of association (IA) and the standardized index of association (rd) will be estimated with 999 permutations using the IA function in the poppr P < 0.001 values will indicate deviation from the null hypothesis of no linkage disequilibrium. Analyses conducted with and without clone correction are also important when analyzing pathogen populations that reproduce clonally. Clone correction will be used to select for one individual representing each unique MLG per population.

  1. To determine the population structure of S. vesicarium in NY onion fields.

2.1. Population biology studies involving indirect estimates of migration such as population structure (genetic differentiation) can also help us to understand the pattern of genetic variation within and among populations and whether migration is active (Milgroom 2015). In this study, population differentiation summary statistics such as index GST, Minimum Spanning Networks (MSN) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) will be used to evaluate the population structure of S. vesicarium populations collected from NY onion crops. Population structure will be quantified using analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) with the poppr.amova function in the poppr package (Kamvar et al. 2014). MSN will be calculated using Bruvo’s distance (Bruvo et al. 2004) with the function bruvo.msn in the poppr package. Discriminant Analysis of Principal Components (DAPC) will be conducted using the dapc function in the adegenet package in R studio (Jombart 2008). 

  1. Pitfalls and limitations. 

3.1. If after clone correction, the sample size for each population decreases such that indices cannot be calculated, the entire set of samples collected from NY would be accounted as a single population and indices would be calculated for the NY population. Genotype-by-sequencing (GBS) can be used as an alternative to microsatellites for genetic diversity studies. GBS offers higher resolution genotyping at a relatively low-cost as it screens the entire genome but as a reduced-representation approach to whole-genome sequencing (Friel et al. 2021). GBS deploys a set of restriction enzymes to reduce the complexity of the genome facilitating the construction of GBS libraries. GBS is highly accurate and makes it possible to reach regions of the genome that are not accessible by using other sequencing approaches (He et al. 2014).


Research results and discussion:
  1. To determine genetic diversity within and among S. vesicarium populations: 
  • Sample collection.

A total of 547 S. vesicarium isolates previously obtained in 2022 (n=217) and 2023 (n=330) were retrieved from long-term storage in the EVADE lab at Cornell AgriTech. Samples collected in 2022 have three different origins: volunteers, transplants, and plants collected during late-stage SLB epidemics in Elba region, NY in August 2022. Out of 217, 37 isolates come from infested volunteer plants collected prior to planting of four fields (B1=8, B3=7, B4=9 and MG=13). Eighty isolates come from transplants of eight different cultivars (Claudius, Safrane, Oneida, Crockett, Cartier, Torrey 4643, Hamilton, and Delgado) shipped from southern U.S. and used to establish eight onion fields in Elba region, NY. An additional 80 isolates come from symptomatic onion leaves collected prior to lodging during late-stage SLB epidemics from each of the eight fields. Twenty isolates obtained from symptomatic leaves collected at the end of the season prior to lodging from B3 and B4 fields were also included in this study.

Isolates obtained in 2023 also came from transplants, volunteers, and symptomatic onion plants collected prior to lodging during late-stage SLB epidemics (July 28 to- August 14). However, isolates obtained from symptomatic onion plants collected at mid-season from transplanted fields (July 6 to 20) were also included in the study. For transplants, a total of 90 isolates were selected. These isolates come from three cultivars (Cartier, Safrane, and Hamilton) used to establish three fields located in the Elba region, Potter and Wayne Counties in NY, respectively. Sixty samples collected at mid-season and another 60 samples collected during late-stage SLB epidemics from the three transplanted fields were also included in this study. Volunteers were collected early in the season from three fields located in Elba, NY and 60 isolates were obtained. Symptomatic onion leaves were also collected from the same fields late in the season obtaining 20 isolates per field (n=60).

DNA extraction has been conducted for all 547 isolates and PCR assays are currently being performed with the nine microsatellites previously mentioned for posterior fragment analysis. The specific primers KES1999 and KES2000, previously designed by Graf et al. (2015), are being used to corroborate the identity of the isolates used in this study. A portion of the isolates (n=55) will be sent for sequencing at the Cornell Genomics Facility for confirmation of species identity.

Participation Summary

Education & Outreach Activities and Participation Summary

Participation Summary:

Education/outreach description:

The outreach initiatives for this project will encompass various
platforms and formats to effectively disseminate our findings and
engage stakeholders and growers throughout NY. One factsheet will
be crafted addressing crucial onion production topics and
highlighting our results. One webinar will be conducted to share
project outcomes with stakeholders and growers across NY.
Existing onion extension resources such as AlliumNet will also be
used to share this project’s results at a national level. To
enhance accessibility and comprehension, we will produce a series
of YouTube videos tailored for growers. These videos will
elucidate the topics under investigation, our project's
objectives, our findings, and our outreach initiatives. We will
also work in collaboration with the CCE to communicate our
results and design a strategic plan for SLB management
integrating insights from our research. The CCE specialists are
region-specific, and each one has established a dynamic extension
program within their regions. We can work in collaboration with
the CCE extension specialists to deploy our findings through
their dynamic extension networks. We will facilitate discussion
panels across NY to foster two-way communication among
stakeholders, growers, extension educators, and researchers.
These panels can be conducted during the Oswego Muck Onion
Growers Pre-Season Meeting: Stop the Rot, Nematodes and SLB
Fungicide Resistance, and the Annual Onion School organized each
year by the CCE in Oswego and Orange counties, respectively. We
will also present our work at the Empire State Producers Expo
organized each year by the NYS Vegetable Growers Association. I
will submit the annual reports and the comprehensive final report
to Northeast SARE using the online Grant Management System. One
scientific publication will be produced targeting esteemed
journals such as Plant Disease or Phytopathology, engaging
researchers in the areas of pathogen population biology and
epidemiology. We will also use our social media such as the EVADE
X account to share our scientific publications, informational
material, and webinar announcements. Furthermore, mentoring
programs will be implemented throughout the project to actively
involve undergraduate students, nurturing the next generation of

Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture or SARE.