Effects of Sustainable Intensification Practices on Herbicide Stewardship in Dairy Cropping Systems

Progress report for GNE24-322

Project Type: Graduate Student
Funds awarded in 2024: $14,991.00
Projected End Date: 12/31/2026
Grant Recipient: Pennsylvania State University
Region: Northeast
State: Pennsylvania
Graduate Student:
Faculty Advisor:
Dr. John Wallace
Penn State University
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Project Information


Many Pennsylvania dairy farmers have adopted double cropping
annual forages as a sustainable intensification practice. This
system has potential soil health and environmental benefits, but
effects on weed management have not been studied. Studies suggest
that repeated use of atrazine, an important corn herbicide, can
result in enhanced microbial degradation. This would decrease the
potential weed control benefits of using atrazine, although it
may also reduce the environmental risks of atrazine run-off and
non-target effects. In this project, we will test how different
crop management practices affect atrazine persistence in soils
from dairy cropping systems. We will also quantify microbial
activity in these soils to determine the extent to which this
effect is microbially mediated. We hope to identify if these
sustainable intensification practices are reducing the
persistence of an important corn herbicide, and which in-season
manure management practices influence persistence. We propose to
conduct soil sampling on dairy farms in Pennsylvania and use
laboratory assays to assess atrazine persistence. Results will be
shared with farmers, Extension agents, and researchers through
presentations and publications to inform herbicide stewardship in
these systems.

Project Objectives:

Our overall objective is to understand how crop management legacy
and in-season management practices affect the persistence, and
thus efficacy, of atrazine in fields with atrazine history.

Specifically, we will:

Objective 1: Quantify the effects of crop management
legacy on soil persistence of atrazine in fields with atrazine

Hypothesis 1: Soils from annual double cropping
(ryelage/corn silage) systems will have lower degradation rates
of atrazine compared to soils from a corn-soy rotation with no
cover crops. We expect carbon inputs within annual double
cropping systems that result from additional manure inputs and
continuous living cover will provide an alternative food source
for microorganisms, reducing their degradation of atrazine.

Objective 2: Test how in-season management practices of
different manure sources affect atrazine degradation in soils
from different crop management histories.

Hypothesis 2a: Addition of manure prior to the
application of atrazine will reduce atrazine degradation rates in
both management legacies but will reduce atrazine degradation
rates more in the corn/soy rotation. We expect reduced
degradation in both types of soils because microbes will use
manure as a nitrogen source over atrazine. The effect size will
be bigger in corn-soy rotation soils with lower soil organic

Hypothesis 2b: Addition of digestate before atrazine
application will reduce atrazine degradation rate compared to no
manure addition, but increase it compared to adding regular
manure because of a larger microbial population.

Objective 3: Determine the relationship between atrazine
degradation rate in different treatments and microbial activity
and diversity.

Hypothesis 3: Microbial activity and diversity will be
higher in the annual double cropping treatments, and manure
addition will further increase microbial activity. In response to
atrazine application, there will be a larger increase in
microbial activity in the corn-soy plots than in the annual
double cropping treatments.


The purpose of this project is to understand how sustainable
intensification practices affect herbicide stewardship in dairy
cropping systems in Pennsylvania. Growers are adopting
sustainable intensification practices to improve nutrient
management, increase forage production, and build soil health.
However, little is known about how these management practices
affect herbicide environmental fate and weed control potential in
these systems. Specifically, soil-applied herbicides are
increasingly used in no-till production systems. Previous studies
suggest that continuous living cover and use of organic
amendments may result in diminishing weed control returns due to
enhanced microbial degradation of atrazine, a commonly used corn
herbicide. Through on-farm sampling and laboratory assays, we
hope to better understand how crop management history and
in-season manure management practices affect atrazine persistence
in soil.

Many dairy farmers in the Northeast region are adopting
sustainable intensification practices for forage production by
adding a second annual crop. In these annual double cropping
systems, farmers plant corn silage which they harvest in late
summer, followed by a winter small grain that they harvest the
following spring. Annual double cropping increases forage yields
by producing a second crop every year, which also increases
climate change resilience by reducing reliance on corn silage
production which may be threatened by drought or storms during
crucial periods of the growing season (Castaño-Sánchez et al.
2022; West et al. 2020). Annual double cropping improves nutrient
cycling by providing opportunities for additional manure
applications, and removes excess nutrients which reduces nitrogen
and phosphorus loss from soil (Glaze-Corcoran et al. 2023; West
et al. 2020).

Although annual double cropping systems have economic and
environmental benefits, their effect on herbicide stewardship has
not been studied. Herbicide stewardship involves system-level
management decisions that balance the trade-offs between
optimizing weed control potential and minimizing the
environmental costs of herbicide use, including off-target
movement via surface- or subsurface- runoff, as well as the
evolution of herbicide resistance. Recent studies have found that
atrazine, a commonly applied soil herbicide, degrades faster than
previously expected in agricultural soils with atrazine use
history because of enhanced microbial degradation (Mueller et al.
2017). Faster herbicide degradation reduces the length of
residual weed control, and therefore benefit to growers, but risk
of off-target movement is also likely to decline. Therefore, we
hope to understand if soil-applied herbicides are degrading
faster than expected in dairy forage systems that utilize
double-cropping as a sustainable intensification practice to
determine their impact on weed control potential and
environmental risks associated with off-target movement.

Enhanced atrazine degradation presents a major weed management
challenge in the Northeast region because growers rely on this
herbicide as a low-cost option for controlling troublesome
large-seeded broadleaf weed species. In soils from across the
United States, Mueller et al. (2017) found that atrazine often
has a half-life of 2.3 days in fields with an atrazine-use
history, in contrast to its expected half-life of up to 60 days.
As dairy farmers adopt sustainable intensification practices, are
they further reducing the persistence of atrazine in their soils?

Since atrazine is likely less persistent in soils than growers
expect, understanding how sustainable intensification practices
influence its soil persistence is necessary to characterize its
economic value and improve environmental stewardship. In-season
manure management decisions affect dairy cropping system
sustainability and likely herbicide persistence. In these
systems, manure management is a major challenge, and growers
apply large quantities of manure multiple times per year. Since
manure is often applied before herbicides, it likely affects how
herbicides interact with soil. Some dairy farmers have begun
using anaerobic digesters for their manure and spread solid
digestate instead of liquid dairy manure on their fields.
Anaerobic digesters reduce greenhouse gas emissions of manure and
generate renewable energy (Holm-Nielson et al. 2009). The solid
digestate has different soil nutrient and organic matter levels
than liquid dairy manure (Barlóg et al. 2020). Through this
study, we will test if the application of manure from different
sources (liquid dairy manure vs. digestate solids) affects
herbicide persistence in soil.

 This project will increase the breadth of my overall PhD
research program, where I will investigate various sustainable
management practices in dairy cropping systems, including
cultural practices to increase crop competitive ability, effects
of long-term crop management practices on weed community
diversity, and interactions between herbicides and management
practices. By helping us better understand possible diminishing
returns of herbicides in this system, as well as management
practices that can mediate herbicide persistence, this project
will support our larger goals of increasing sustainability of
weed management within dairy cropping systems.


Materials and methods:

We will collect soil samples from dairy farms in Central and
Southeastern Pennsylvania that have both annual double cropping
fields and nearby corn-soy rotations. These samples will be
collected in Spring 2025. Laboratory incubations will be used to
evaluate herbicide degradation differences between management
practices, and to test how simulated in-season management
practices affect degradation.

Experimental Design

The main factor will be crop management legacy, with two
treatment levels: 1) fields that have used annual double cropping
of corn and winter grains for at least five years, and 2) fields
with history of corn-soy rotations with no cover crop. Both
fields will have a history of atrazine use in corn phases of the
rotation. The other factor will be manure source applied with
three treatment levels: 1) no manure control, 2) liquid dairy
manure, and 3) digestate from anaerobic digestion of cattle

There will be six replicates of each treatment combination, where
soil from six cooperating farms that have both crop management
legacies will be sampled. All samples will be collected in the
early spring prior to application of atrazine or manures that
immediately precede corn planting. At each farm, soil samples
will be collected from two fields with similar soil types,
located less than three miles apart, to minimize variation except
for the crop management legacy. Soil samples will be collected in
the surface 0-10 cm of each field. Soil samples will be collected
in a random pattern from 15 sites in each field and mixed
thoroughly. From each farm, a management history including
previous crop management practices and details about previous
atrazine applications will also be collected.

Atrazine and manure incubations

All samples will be prepared on the day they are collected, less
than 24 hours after field collection. Laboratory sample
incubations will be performed following the protocol described in
Mueller et al. (2010). First, soil moisture will be ‘normalized’
for each sample since moisture affects microbial activity and
atrazine degradation. Soil moisture will be normalized following
the procedure in Mueller et al. (2017). Soils will be placed in a
Styrofoam cup with holes in the bottom, fully saturated, then
allowed to drain for 12 hours.

Subsamples of each normalized soil will be taken to test the
simulated in-season manure management practices. From each
normalized soil sample, three samples will be taken: one for a
control with no manure added, one with liquid dairy manure added,
and one with anaerobic digestate added.

Then, manure-treated soil samples will be incubated in 20 mL
glass vials with plastic caps. A 5 mg soil sub-sample will be
added to each vial. A complete factorial analysis will be
conducted. Factors include the two crop management history main
plots, three manure sources added to each main plot, and seven
incubation intervals (-1,0,2,4,6,8,16 days after atrazine
treatment (DAT)).

Aqueous atrazine solutions will be prepared by adding 6.6 mg
atrazine to 250 mL water and stirring with gentle heat. The
concentration will be 200 ppb, or 1 kg ha-1, which is
a typical field dose. Each soil sample will have 0.25mL of the
atrazine solution added, except the -1 DAT which will be frozen
with no atrazine added.

The 0 DAT treatment samples will be frozen immediately after
atrazine is added. All other samples will be stored in a dark 22
C environment until their respective incubation is complete, then
they will be placed in the freezer at -20 C until analysis.

Data Collection and Analysis:

Objectives 1 & 2: Herbicide degradation measurements:
Using a protocol based off Mueller et al. (2010), atrazine
concentrations will be determined using acetone. Approximately 15
g wet soil will be added to a 50 mL falcon tube and weighed as a
wet weight. Acetone (40 mL) will be added to each soil sample
tube, and placed on shaker table overnight, for approximately 14
hours. The following morning, 1 mL from each sample will be
filtered into the LCMS vial. Samples will be measured using an
HPLC to determine the concentration of atrazine and three major
metabolites: hydroxyatrazine (HA), deethylatrazine (DEA) and
deisopropylatrazine (DIA). Then, acetone will be evaporated from
the tubes in a fume hood and samples will be weighed to measure
their dry weights. Following the methods in Mueller et al.
(2017), atrazine concentration from each sample will be regressed
against time after treatment using first-order kinetics. This
will be used to determine atrazine half-life in different
samples, which will be used as the measure of atrazine

Soil measurements: To characterize differences between
soils from fields with different crop management legacies, a
one-cup sample of each collected soil sample will be separated
from the samples when they’re collected. Soil pH, organic matter,
nitrogen, and carbon will be analyzed by the Penn State
Agricultural Analytical Services Laboratory (AASL).

Objective 3: Microbial activity measurements:
Microbial activity and functional diversity will be
measured from each soil sample before atrazine is added (-1 DAT),
and at each of the other six incubation intervals (0,2,4,6,8,16
days) to quantify how it changes in the various treatments in
response to atrazine. Microbial activity and functional diversity
will be measured using Biolog Ecoplates following the protocol
from Huang et al. (2020). First, 10 g of soil will be added to a
250 mL flask with 100 mL sterilized water, and shaken for 20
minutes. The mixture will be diluted with sterile water to
achieve a 10:3 dilution. This dilution will be used to inoculate
the Biolog EcoPlates before the plates are incubated in the dark
at 25C. The absorbance will be read using a Biolog Microstation
every 24 hours for 168 hours, and data will be collected with
Microlog 4.01 software.

Microbial activity will be quantified using average well color
development(AWCD), calculated with the equation AWCD= -Σ (C-R)/31
where C is optical density (OD) in each carbon well and R is the
OD of the control (Huang et al. 2020; Hackett and Griffiths

Statistical Analysis

Atrazine half-life will each be analyzed using a non-linear mixed
model in R, where atrazine concentration will be modeled as a
function of incubation time using log-logistic or Weibull
functions, which have a corresponding parameter estimate that
calculates days to 50% dissipation. Microbial activity will be
analyzed using a linear mixed model in R. For both models, crop
management and manure addition will both be fixed effects, and
farm will be a random effect. Additionally, other soil measures
(organic matter, nitrogen, carbon) will be tested in the model as
fixed effects to determine if they predict atrazine half-life.

Participation Summary
Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and should not be construed to represent any official USDA or U.S. Government determination or policy.