Evaluation of Cladosporium cladosporioides and Its Extracts for the Management of Pathogenic Bipolaris Species

Final report for GS19-203

Project Type: Graduate Student
Funds awarded in 2019: $14,332.00
Projected End Date: 08/31/2022
Grant Recipient: University of Florida
Region: Southern
State: Florida
Graduate Student:
Major Professor:
Dr. Erica Goss
University of Florida
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Project Information


The purpose of this project was to evaluate Cladosporium species, and the antifungal compounds they produce, as a potential biocontrol of Bipolaris plant pathogens. Bipolaris is a genus of fungal pathogens causing leaf spots, crown and root rot diseases on agronomic and high-value crops, including rice, wheat, corn, and barley. Species of Cladosporium have antagonistic effects on rusts and other fungal pathogens. In 2017 and 2018, we co-isolated Bipolaris spp. and Cladosporium spp. from necrotic lesions from multiple grass species and showed that co-inoculation of Bipolaris and Cladosporium reduces disease severity on grass. This project aimed to extend this work to agronomically important Bipolaris species by testing the hypothesis that natural compounds from Cladosporium with antifungal properties can control diseases of rice, corn and wheat caused by Bipolaris species. We tested for antagonism of Cladosporium isolates against B. oryzae, B. maydis and B. sorokiniana in vitro and in co-inoculations on plants. We also extracted and directly test the effects of antifungal compounds from Cladosporium on these pathogens in vitro. We found the Cladosporium isolates and their extract inhibit growth of B. maydis and B. sorokiniana and to a lesser extent B. oryzae. Co-inoculation on plants significantly reduced disease severity. The predominant compound in the extracts of our most effective isolate was 5-hydroxyasperentin, which has been reported in a Cladosporium isolate with antifungal activity.  This project identified a potential biological control and compound of natural origin that could be developed for management of economically important pathogens of wheat and corn.

Project Objectives:

Bipolaris Shoemaker (1959) is a worldwide distributed genus of fungal pathogens causing common leaf spots, leaf blights, crown and root rot diseases on grasses, and agronomic crops (Manamgoda et al. 2014). Bipolaris are warm season pathogen and disease starts in early spring throughout fall with mild to severe symptoms.  Brown rot of rice, spot blotch of wheat and root rot of barley are the major diseases caused by Bipolaris oryzae, B. maydis, and B.sorokiniana resulting in catastrophic yield losses of rice (Scheffer 1997), corn (Carson 1998), wheat and barley (Duveiller and Gilchrist 1994). These pathogens are ubiquitous and brown rot is currently a major disease of rice in Louisiana. Weedy grasses including native and invasive are reported to serve as reservoir or alternative hosts for pathogenic Bipolaris spp. (Adhikari et al. under preparation). Current management practices for diseases caused by Bipolaris include cultural management practices, synthesized fungicides like iprodione (Dai et al. 2017) and tricyclazole (Kumar et al. 2015), and sometimes host resistance and the bioagent Trichoderma harzianum (Abdel et al. 2007). However, these management practices are not always effective, and chemicals are costly and potentially toxic. Thus, additional environmentally safe products that target Bipolaris would be desirable for disease management. The yield loss can range from minor to devastating, in the latter case causing famines in some regions of the world (Scheffer 1997). Crop rotation, nutrient management, and fungicide application are commonly used to control the disease in the agricultural ecosystem. Host resistance is reported for corn and wheat but is not effective against all pathogen races.

Disease management using toxic chemicals is not consistent with the ideal of sustainable agriculture, because they do not enhance environmental quality nor protect natural resources. Moreover, chemical use can induce resistance in pathogens. Biological practices of disease management are based on using natural organisms for control. Identifying chemicals of biological origin having different modes of action on fungal pathogens can be better for the environment, prevent development of strain resistance, and also efficiently manage disease. Biocontrol agents that are able to establish populations in their target systems, can maintain a pathogen below its epidemic threshold and provide good disease control over long periods of time.

Cladosporium is a fungal genus having diverse heterotrophic lifestyles and worldwide distribution (Bensch et al. 2012). Members of Cladosporium include saprophytes and some are reported as parasites of plants, insects, other fungi, and fungal plant pathogens (Bensch et al. 2012, Heuchert et al. 2005). Some species of Cladosporium have been described as plant endophytes as well as seed-transmitted plant pathogens (Hernandez-Perez and Toit 2006). Previous studies reported hyperparasitism and antagonism effects of Cladosporium spp. towards fungal plant pathogens include: Cladosporium spp. and rust pathogens (Torres et al. 2017); C. tenuissimum parasitizing Cronartium flaccidum and Peridermium pini (Moricca et al. 2001); and C. cladosporioides parasitizing Venturia inequalis (Köhl et al. 2014).Moreover, Wang et al. (2013) showed Cladosporium spp. to produce compounds that inhibit the growth of Colletotrichum spp. and Phomosis viticola.

In 2017 and 2018, Bipolaris spp. and Cladosporium spp. were observed sporulating from the same foliar lesion on multiple grass. species. A study done by Adhikari et al. (2022) showed Cladosporium spp to reduce the disease severity caused by Bipolaris spp on grass and restrict the growth of Bipolaris colony in-vitro. This study tested the hypothesis that Cladosporium spp can control disease on agronomical crops such as wheat, corn, and rice caused by Bipolaris spp. A further objective of the study was to determine the mechanism of disease control and identify natural compound(s) in Cladosporium with antagonistic effects on Bipolaris. Ultimately, the  goal of the study was to investigate a potential biological control and compounds of natural origin for management of economically important pathogens.


Materials and methods:

Evaluation of in vitro interaction of Cladosporium isolates on B. oryzae, B. sorokiniana, and B. maydis.

A competitive bioassay was performed to evaluate the interaction of co-isolated Cladosporium and Bipolaris species on agar media plates to identify Cladosporium isolates with antagonistic effects on Bipolaris spp.  Twenty-one isolates of Cladosporium (Table 1) co-occurring with Bipolaris in the same lesion were co-plated against each three different Bipolaris spp. on an agar media. On the bottom Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA) media plates without added antibiotics, two intersecting straight lines were drawn resulting in four quadrants. Two plugs (2 cm diameter) of each Bipolaris and two plugs of each Cladosporium isolate were placed onto a PDA, in such a fashion that each species was placed onto opposite quadrants. PDA plates inoculated with only two plugs of Bipolaris were used as control plates. Inoculated media plates were incubated at 26°C in Percival Model I36VL incubator under 12-h light/dark condition for a week. Each combinations had three replications. After a week, the growth of Bipolaris colonies (colony diameter) was observed in each combination to determine any antagonistic interaction.

Cladosporium and Bipolaris interaction in PDA plates were mainly recorded using categorical scale inhibition zone used in Adhikari et al. 2022. Mainly two categories of interaction were observed: inhibition zone and colony contact. We defined inhibition zone as a distinct area between the two fungi where neither grows, resulting as Cladosporiumisolates restricting the colony growth of adjacent Bipolaris. These results were confirmed by comparing the colony size of Bipolaris-only plates. Inhibition zone were further categorized as strong or distinct zone (Usually >2 mm width) (IZ strong), and 2) weak or very thin zone (<2 mm width) (IZ weak). If a single inhibition zone was recorded if at least one interacting quadrant showed a strong or weak inhibition effect between two species. Similarly, colony contact was recorded when two species touched each other or grew in close proximity, basically with no inhibition zone. Within Cc, two different interactions were observed: growth of Cladosporium onto the Bipolaris colony (COG) and growth of Bipolaris onto the Cladosporium colony (BOC). Occasionally, some isolates of Cladosporium and Bipolaris colonies did not grow or expand compared to the control and other treatment combinations. In such case, it was difficult to confidently categorize the interaction, thus we recorded those interactions as not clear.

Table 1. List of Cladosporium isolates used against three different species of Bipolaris for competition assay.


Cladosporium isolates





GG3_Clado (GG3_C)

Guinea grass (Panicum)



1948 (hemp)

Hemp (Cannabis)




Rye (Elumus)




Oat (Avena)




Hairy crab grass (Digitaria)




Goose grass (Eleusine)




Goose grass (Eleusine)




Stilt grass (Microstegium)




Nimblewill (Muhlenbergia)




Blue violet (Viola)



D3-3W (MS)

Stilt grass (Microstegium)




Stilt grass (Microstegium)



D2-8F (MS)

Stilt grass (Microstegium)




Stilt grass (Microstegium)



D2-2W (Ely)

Wild rye (Elymus)



Citra-1 (El)

Wild rye (Elymus)




Wild rye (Elymus)



Ely-seedling-Clado (ElyS_C)

Rye (Elymus)



321a (Rye_C)

Rye (Elymus)




Rye (Elymus)



Cyno-clado (Cyno_C)

Bermuda (Cynodon)


Evaluation of the effect of Cladosporium isolates on disease severity of disease caused by B. sorokiniana and B. maydis.

Cladosporium isolates effective against Bipolaris in vitro were co-inoculated with each pathogenic Bipolaris spp. onto respective crop hosts rice, wheat and corn to evaluate the effectiveness of Cladosporium isolates in suppressing disease.

Wheat and corn seedlings were grown in the greenhouse at the University of Florida (UF), Gainesville Florida. Wheat cultivar “Jamestown” and corn line susceptible to B. maydis were used for the experiments. The seeds were grown in round plastic pots of 12.5 cm diameter containing potting mixture in the greenhouse at 20 to 25°C, 2-3 seeds per pot for wheat and 1 seed per pot for corn was used. Once the wheat seedlings emerged, they were thinned to one seedling per pot.  The wheat seedlings were grown up to 5 weeks and corn were grown for 4 weeks before they received the various co-inoculation treatments.

Five isolates of Cladosporium 1) Elymus seedling Clado (ElyS_C), 2) Citra _1 Clado (ElyC_C), 3) Guinea grass Clado (GG3_C), Cynodon Clado (Cyno_C) and 5) Rye Clado (Rye_C) were co-inoculated with Bipolaris sorokiniana isolate Citra 4 (BS) onto 5 weeks old wheat seedlings. From a week-old culture of BI and Cladosporium isolates, conidia were harvested using 0.1% Tween 20 (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA) sterile DI water. The conidia concentration was adjusted to 105 conidia/ ml for BS and 3x106 ml-1 for all five isolates Cladosporium used in the experiment. There were 12 different inoculation treatments inoculated onto wheat: five Cladosporium isolates only treatments, one tween 20 water control, one BS only and five BS plus each Cladosporium isolate mixed 1:1 by volume. Each treatment had six replications and the experiment was repeated.  After inoculation, seedlings were bagged for 24 hours to maintain high relative humidity. One week post-inoculation, disease severity on each wheat seedling was recorded using the standard area diagram for spot blotch of wheat (Domiciano et al. 2014).

For co-inoculation of Cladosporium isolates and Bipolaris maydis (BM) on corn, all above mentioned five isolates of Cladosporium isolates were used against B. maydis isolates collected from an experimental corn field in Gainesville, Florida. The conidial suspension was the same concentration as mentioned earlier was prepared for the experiment. Similarly, there were 12 treatments inoculated onto four weeks old corn seedlings. Seedlings were bagged for 24 hours and after a week of inoculation, disease severity on corn seedling were recorded using the scale generated by Soliman et al. (2018). The experiment was conducted twice.

A combined analysis was conducted over the two experiments for each Bipolaris species. Data analysis was performed in JMP Pro version using a linear model. Fixed effects were experiments, inoculum treatments and their interaction. Disease severity data met the assumption of normality. Untransformed means and standard errors were presented in figures. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed with P < 0.05 used for the significance test and Student’s HSD post hoc test at 95% confidence interval was used for pair-wise mean comparison among treatments.

Extraction and testing of chemical compounds with antifungal properties from Cladosporium isolate GG3_C against Bipolaris.

Five plugs each of 10 mm diameter GG3_C Cladosporium isolate from one-week old actively growing cultures on PDA plates were inoculated into 300 ml of potato liquid broth in volumetric flask. The liquid culture was allowed to grow for three weeks on a shaker at 100 rpm. Liquid extract was extracted using acetone and ethyl acetate filtration methods (Wang et al. 2013). The 300 mL of culture was centrifuged and the cell pellet was extracted with 10mL acetone. The acetone extract was mixed to the supernatant. The supernatant was extracted with twice volume of ethyl-acetate and concentrated under rotary evaporator. The concentrate was dissolved in 1 mL of methanol. The extracted samples were analyzed with analytical reverse phase HPLC (Agilent C18 column 250 x 4.6 mm, 0.5 mL/min; UV detection at 254) with a H2O (0.1% FA)/ACN (0.1%FA). Further, LRMS analysis was used for optimizing the conditions for obtaining the specific mass fragments and data was recorded for validation of compounds. Low-resolution electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (LRESIMS) data were obtained on an Applied Biosystems MDS SCIEX 3200 Q TRAP LC/MS/MS system using the Turbo Spray ion source in positive ionization mode.

The remaining liquid extract was tested against pathogenic Bipolaris. Because the remaining liquid extract was not enough to test against all three Bipolaris, B. maydis was excluded as it has slower growth rate than B. oryzae and B.sorokiniana. The antagonistic assay was performed on a PDA agar media plate. A 2 mm diameter plug of Bipolaris was placed at the center of the plate and two holes (each 2mm diameter) were made on left and right side of centered Bipolaris plug in horizontal fashion. Each left and right holes were made at two different distances apart 0.5 cm and 1 cm apart from the center Bipolaris plug. Into each hole, 50 µL of liquid extract of GG3_C was transferred using pipette and the growth of pathogenic Bipolaris was recorded over 1, 3 5 and 11 days after inoculation of liquid extract. There were two replicates completed for each pathogenic Bipolaris species.


Research results and discussion:

Evaluation of in vitro interaction of Cladosporium isolates on B. oryzae, B. sorokiniana, and B. maydis.

All three Bipolaris species, fully colonized the agar plate area when grown individually. Cladosporium isolates GG3_C and 1948 showed strong inhibition of all three Bipolaris spp. resulting in distinct inhibition zone (Table 2). Other Cladosporium isolates were not successful against B. oryzae. Additional isolates of Cladosporium showed inhibition zones against B. maydis and B. sorokiniana.  Isolates 738 and 321a were able to invade and grown onto the colonies of Bipolaris and limit their growth. Cladosporium isolates 322, 690, PH-7, and Cyno_C showed strong inhibition against B. sorokiniana and B. maydis.

Table 2. Interaction of Cladosporium isolates against different Bipolaris spp. shown in competition assay. Results are abbreviated as follows: Inhibition zone (IZ), growth of Cladosporium onto the Bipolaris colony (COG), and growth of Bipolaris onto the Cladosporium colony (BOC).

Cladosporium isolates

Interaction with

B. oryzae

Interaction with B. sorokiniana

Interaction with

B. maydis


GG3_Clado (GG3_C)

Inhibition zone (IZ strong)

IZ strong

IZ strong

1948 (hemp)

Inhibition zone (IZ weak)

IZ strong

IZ strong


Bipolaris outgrow Cladosporium

IZ weak

IZ weak


Bipolaris grow onto Cladosporium colony (BOC)






IZ, Cladosporiuminvading Bipolariscolony (COB)



Not clear




Not clear




IZ Weak

IZ strong



Not clear

IZ weak





D3-3W (MS)


Not clear

Not clear



IZ strong

IZ strong

D2-8F (MS)


Not clear

Not clear



Not clear

Not clear

D2-2W (Ely)


Not clear

IZ and COB

Citra-1 (El)


Not clear

Not clear



Not clear


Ely-seedling-Clado (ElyS_C)


Not clear


321a (Rye_C)






Not clear

Not clear

Cyno-clado (Cyno_C)



IZ strong



Evaluation of the effect of Cladosporium isolates on disease severity

While Cladosporium isolates GG3_C, 1948, 690, 322, Ph-7 and Cyno_C were screened for their antagonistic effect onto pathogenic Bipolaris species, isolates 1948, 322 and PH-7 were contaminated over time. Isolates 690 was excluded from plant inoculation because of USDA APHIS regulations on out-of-state microbes. We did not perform co-inoculation on rice because B. oryzae outgrew most of our Cladosporium isolates in plates.

There was a significant effect of inoculum treatments on disease severity of wheat seedlings (P<0.0001). Experiment (P=0.88) and interaction of experiment and inoculum treatments (P=0.82) did not affect disease severity (Table 3). Treatment with B. sorokiniana alone resulted in higher rates of disease (mean 65%), whereas a combination of B. sorokiniana and any Cladosporium isolates resulted in less disease. Co-inoculation of B. sorokiniana and GG3_C resulted in significant less disease on wheat seedlings (mean 8%) compared to other combinations of Cladosporiumisolates and B. sorokiniana.  All Cladosporium isolates alone produced little to no diseases. Disease on seedlings inoculated with sterile water, which served as the mock treatment, was not significantly different than seedlings inoculation with any Cladosporium isolates (Figure 1).

Table 3. ANOVA results table for disease severity resulting from inoculations and co-inoculations of B. sorokiniana and Cladosporium isolates onto wheat seedlings.



Sum of Squares

F Ratio

P value





















C. Total




There was a significant effect of inoculum treatments on disease severity of corn seedlings (P<0.0001), whereas experiment (P=0.93) and interaction of experiment and inoculum treatments (P=0.93) did not have an effect (Table 4). Inoculation with B. maydis alone resulted in high disease severity on corn seedling (mean 60%). Co-inoculation of B. maydis and any Cladosporium isolates resulted in less disease than B. maydis alone. Similar to the results with B. sorokiniana, Cladosporium isolate GG3_C caused the greatest reduction in disease caused by B. maydis. All Cladosporium isolates when inoculated alone resulted in little to no disease and the same disease severity as the water mock treatment (Figure 2).

Table 4. Results of ANOVA table for disease severity resulting from inoculations and co-inoculations of B. maydis (BM) and Cladosporium isolates onto corn seedlings.



Sum of Squares

F Ratio

P value






















Extraction and testing of chemical compounds with antifungal properties from Cladosporium isolate GG3_C against Bipolaris.

The DAD analysis of LRESIMS at 254 nm revealed that 5-hydroxyasperentin was the predominant molecule in the crude extracts GG3_C Cladosporium isolate. We also observed analogues with –OH and –CH3 attachment of 5-hydroxyasperentin compound at retention time x1, x2 and x3. Interestingly the 5-hydroxyasperentin was detected at retention time of y1.

Colony growth of B. oryzae was reduced by GG3_C liquid extract compared to control methanol treatment. The liquid extract of GG3_C was able to limit the colony growth of B. oryzae until day 11 when placed at 1 cm apart (Figure 4). However, when placed at 0.5 cm apart, the extract has strong effect on colony growth up to day 5 and seemed to lack its activity after then (Figure 5).

GG3_C liquid extract reduced the colony growth of B. sorokiniana compared to control methanol treatment at both distances. The liquid extract of GG3_C was able to limit the colony growth of B. sorokiniana at day 3 and 5 when place at both distances. However, the effect was stronger when extract was used at 0.5 cm distance (Figure 7). Similarly, the extract seemed to lose it activity after day 5 in both distance conditions.

See Figures


Cladosporium isolates vary dramatically in morphology within species complexes and are affected by environmental conditions and host substrate (Bensch et al. 2012). Moreover, different species related to genus Cladosporium were reported to co-occur within a single host (Crous et al. 2004; 2007). Heuchert et al. (2005) reported Cladosporium to be a fungicolous genus having both endophytes and saprobes and about 26 different species are reported to grow onto other fungi. We evaluated 21 Cladosporium isolates against three pathogenic Bipolaris species and found one isolate, GG3_C, showed strong inhibition against all three Bipolaris. Additional Cladosporium isolates inhibited growth of both B. sorokiniana and B. maydis but not B. oryzae. In co-inoculation trials performed on wheat and corn using five Cladosporium isolates, any combination of Cladosporium isolate and Bipolaris pathogen lowered disease severity significantly compared to Bipolaris alone. GG3_C consistently had the greatest effect. Torres et al. (2017) documented a greater antagonistic effect for C. cladosporioides isolates than for C. pseudosporioides isolates (member of C. cladosporioides complex) against pathogenic rust fungi Puccinia horiana, which highlights the difference in antagonistic activity among the Cladosporium isolates.

Liquid extract of Cladosporium isolate GG3_C was effective against Bipolaris growth in vitro showing that the effect is due to a secreted compound. Investigation of chemical compounds by DAD analysis at 254 nm showed 5-hydroxyasperentin to be the predominant molecule in the crude extracts of GG3_C. This compound was one of four natural compounds previously extracted from Cladosporium cladosporioides (Wang et al. 2013) and showed antagonism to pathogen Phompsis. Some Cladosporium spp. are reported to produce Malettinin E that have antifungal and antibacterial properties (Silber et al. 2014). Thus, the other isolates of Cladosporium that reduced disease and inhibited Bipolaris growth may contain other active compounds.

We conclude that Cladosporium isolate GG3_C showed strong inhibition against all tested pathogenic Bipolaris spp. and was able to control disease caused by Bipolaris pathogens on their respective crop hosts. It is likely that Cladosporiumisolate GG3_C secretes natural compounds or enzymes that inhibit growth of Bipolaris spp.; however, further research is needed to evaluate the mechanism of its antifungal activity.

Participation Summary

Educational & Outreach Activities

3 Journal articles
4 Webinars / talks / presentations

Participation Summary:

250 Ag professionals participated

Project Outcomes

1 New working collaboration
Project outcomes:

This basic research project shows that studying the biology and natural history of microbes of non-crop plants may lead to new, sustainable solutions for farmers.

Knowledge Gained:

A developing collaboration a with chemist has guided the antimicrobial aspects of the research and will be useful in evaluating the potential for product development. Practical knowledge in screening for antimicrobial compounds has been gained by the student and advisor.

Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and should not be construed to represent any official USDA or U.S. Government determination or policy.