Examining Field Crop Farmers’ Climate Change Perceptions, Adaptation Strategies, and Resilience in Florida: A spatial econometric approach

Final report for GS21-235

Project Type: Graduate Student
Funds awarded in 2021: $15,775.00
Projected End Date: 08/31/2023
Grant Recipient: University of Florida
Region: Southern
State: Florida
Graduate Student:
Major Professor:
Dr. Jorge Ruiz-Menjivar
University of Florida
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Project Information


Climate variability directly threatens Florida's agricultural production and sustained growth. The detrimental effects of extreme weather events and unusual weather patterns often result in revenue losses, decreased crop yields, decreased soil quality, and the spread of pests and diseases. Farmers often engage in different adaptation measures and implement climate resilience strategies to respond to climate change's adverse effects. This project aimed to examine the impact of climate change perceptions, attitudes, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, and community-based networks on climate change adaptation and reliance among Florida field-crop farmers. We evaluated the impact of community-based networks and their interactions with climate change perceptions and attitudes on adaptation and climate resilience strategies. Also, we investigated the role of climate change perceptions and community-based networks on climate change adaptation and resilience by farmers' intersectionality. Continued stakeholder involvement in project activities and evaluation was integrated through an independent Advisory Council. This project supports the development of Florida's sustainable agriculture by expanding our understanding of significant social and psychological predictors of climate change adaptation and resilience behaviors. Findings from this project provide further guidance for formulating and implementing future adaptation programs and climate resilience policies in agricultural production.

Project Objectives:
  1. Evaluate the effects of Florida field-crop farmers' perceptions of climate variability and attitudes on adaptation and climate resilience strategies
  2. Examine the impact of community-based networks and their interactions with climate change perceptions and attitudes on adaptation and climate resilience strategies.
  3. Analyze the role of climate change perceptions and community-based networks on climate change adaptation and resilience by farmers' intersectionality.
  4. Incorporate stakeholder' recommendations in the execution of project activities and disseminate findings on climate change adaptation and climate resilience among Florida field-crop farmers.


Click linked name(s) to expand/collapse or show everyone's info
  • Dr. Angie Lindsey
  • Sandra Anderson
  • Libbie Johnson
  • Dr. Kevin Ash
  • Dr. Trent Blare
  • Dr. Mickie Swisher


Materials and methods:

Objective 1. Evaluate the effects of Florida field-crop farmers' perceptions of climate variability and attitudes on adaptation and climate resilience strategies.


        Climate variability directly threatens Florida's agricultural production and sustained growth. Climate-adaptive agriculture practices are often considered productive ways to cope with and attenuate the adverse effects of weather shocks and climate-exacerbated hazards (Amadu et al., 2020; Carter et al., 2018; Howden et al., 2007; IPCC, 2001, 2014; 2022; Khanal et al., 2018; Mendelsohn, 2000; Tambet & Stopnitzky, 2021; Wheeler & von Braun, 2013). However, in many countries, farmers and growers—who served as an essential part of adapting to climate change—may not be incentivized to adapt to climate change even if they have perceived the climate change risks and the benefits of adopting these climate-adaptive practices (Eitzinger et al., 2018; Mitter et al., 2019; Talanow et al., 2021; Zamasiya et al., 2017; Martinich & Crimmins, 2019). Numerous indications denoted that a set of limits and barriers impeded farmers' timely and informed endeavors of climate change adaptation (Barnes et al., 2020; Gifford, 2011; Gifford & Chen, 2017; van Valkengoed & Steg, 2019; Zhu et al., 2021).

        Apart from the physical and technological factors, the psychological and socio-economic barriers or drivers of farmers' climate change adaptation have been increasingly discussed and examined in recent years. Gifford (2011) and Barnes et al. (2020) systematically discussed these psychological and social determinants. Gifford summarized seven psychological barriers to climate change adaptation: limited cognition about climate change, ideological worldviews, sunk costs and behavior momentum, and perceived risk of change. The latter analyzed the social determinants of climate change adaptation, i.e., how different domains of adaptive capacity—assets, flexibility, organization, learning, socio-cognitive constructs, and agency—drive varied adaptive and transformative responses to climate change. Therefore, the foundation for designing reasonable and practical intervention policies entails a comprehensive understanding of farmers' psychological procedures for adapting to climate change.


        UF Institutional Review Board (IRB) (IRB#202102640) was obtained in December 2021. We collaborated with the UF/IFAS Center for Public Issues Education (PIE) to design our questionnaire and collect the responses from field crop farmers in the Southern United States. Two researchers at the PIE Center worked with us to conduct the survey, including selecting sample areas and determining sample size, sampling procedures, and survey methods. The data collection occurred over six months, namely three stages. In the first stage (July to September 2022), we contacted several Florida agricultural organizations and invited them to distribute the questionnaire to their organization members. These organizations were the Florida Farm Bureau, National Women in Agriculture Association-Florida Chapter, Florida Black Farmers and Agriculturalists Association, Florida Organic Farmers, and Farmworker Association of Florida. Then, in the second stage (October 2022), we extended our survey regions to other states in the Southeastern United States, such as Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Alabama, and Mississippi. Likewise, we shared the questionnaire with local organizations to inquire them to distribute the survey. In the last stage (December 2022), we further extended our geographical reach for data collection and included other states in the Southern United States, such as Kentucky, Missouri, and Oklahoma.

        The initial instrument was drafted in March 2022 and edited in several rounds. First, we sent the raw version of the instrument to each member of the Advisory Council (AC) for cognitive testing. Based on their comments and suggestions, we then refined our instruments. Next, we discussed the instruments with the dissertation committee, composed of climate change and sustainable agriculture experts. Based on their recommendations and edits, we developed the final version of the instrument. Ultimately, the instrument included questions on risk perceptions of climate change, theory of planned behavior and protection motivation theory constructs (e.g., attitude toward adaptation strategies, self-efficacy, subjective norms), climate resilience, networks, a sequence of climate-adaptive agricultural strategy (such as using stress-tolerant crop varieties, conservation tillage, and changing planting dates), demographics, and farm characteristics. Regarding compensation, every participant who completed the questionnaire and provided the required contact information (i.e., name, email address, and phone number) received a $25 prepaid Walmart e-gift card.

        We utilized Partial Least Square Structural Modelling (PLS-SEM) to assess farmers' climate change adaptation decision-making in agricultural production. PLS-SEM is a causal-predictive approach that estimates partial model structures by combining principal components analysis with ordinary least square regressions (Hair et al., 2019). PLS-SEM is variance-based, accounting for the total variance and estimating the parameters using the total variance. Compared with the covariance-based SEM (CB-SEM) methods, PLS-SEM has strengths in weaker normality assumptions and large sample sizes (Hair et al., 2019, 2021). Therefore, given the small sample size and the complexity of our constructs in this research, the PLS-SEM would be a better choice for having a reliable and robust estimate of coefficients than the CB-SEM (Hair et al., 2019; Rigdon et al., 2017). However, the PLS-SEM requires a representative sample (Becker & Ismail, 2016). Our sample was not representative since we did not use a random sampling method. We utilized a weighted PLS-SEM (WPLS-SEM) method developed by Becker and Ismail Field (2016) to address these issues. In particular, we weighted our sample by gender and age based on the U.S. Agricultural Census. Gender and age are the population characteristics that are commonly used for weighting samples (Becker & Ismail, 2016; Cheah et al., 2021). In addition, our outcome variables (i.e., intentions and behaviors) are highly related to the weighting variables, and they are not endogenous variables, which satisfies the critical requirements of selecting weighting variables (Cheah et al., 2021). Accordingly, gender and age were used as weighting variables in this study. Lastly, we employed SmartPLS 4.0 to estimate and check the explanatory and predictive powers of our WPLS-SEM models.

Objective 2. Examine the impact of community-based networks and their interactions with climate change perceptions and attitudes on adaptation and climate resilience strategies.


        Farmers' active engagement in climate change adaptation is the premise of achieving climate-resilient development (Ado et al., 2019; Soubry et al., 2020). Nonetheless, evidence shows that many remain skeptical about human-induced climate change (Jones et al., 2017; Schuldt et al., 2018; Spence et al., 2012). Consequently, they have low adaptation intentions to climate change (Mitter et al., 2019). Other than that, distinguished from other agricultural innovations and technologies, farmers' decision-making on climate-adaptive farming practices may be impacted by psychological distance because the consequences of climate change would be too abstract, and people may perceive the risk of climate change as somewhat distant and diffuse over space and time (Haden et al., 2012; Van Lange & Huckelba, 2021). Networks are often considered essential for exchanging information, providing support, and sharing risks among network members (Chavas & Nauges, 2020; Chuang & Schechter, 2015), and for diffusing information and promoting agricultural technology adoption rates (Beaman & Dillon, 2018; Conley & Udry, 2010).


       The dependent variable in this study is farmers' adoption of adaptation and climate-resilient technologies. In particular, we differentiated two kinds of technologies, namely, incremental and transformative adaptations. The incremental adaptation concentrated more on short-term coping measures with the goal of reducing sensitivity and vulnerability (Kates et al., 2012; Wilson et al., 2020). The incremental adaptations included in this study are the following: use stress-tolerant crop varieties, change planting dates, change harvesting dates, conservation tillage (e.g., no-tillage, ridge tillage, strip tillage), and use cover crops. On the contrary, transformative adaptation targets fundamental system changes rather than single and small-scale improvements (Kates et al., 2012; Wilson et al., 2020). The transformative adaptations are scaling back operations (e.g., taking land out of production, de-stocking), using mixed crop-livestock systems, diversifying into other forms of production or different crops, and getting an off-farm job to supplement farm income (you and/or your spouse). We measured these adaptation strategies by binary variables. That is, one means farmers adopted this adaptation strategy on their farm, and zero otherwise. We aggregated these binary variables to represent farmers' adaptation intensity. 

        The key independent variables in this study are farmers' perceptions of and attitudes towards climate change and community-based networks. To capture farmers' climate change perceptions, we asked respondents' concerns on the following potential problems for farm operation: increased flooding, longer dry periods and drought, increased weed pressure, increased pest pressure, higher incidence of crop disease, more frequent extreme rains, increased in saturated soils and ponded water, increase heat stress on crops, increased loss of nutrients into waterways, and increased soil erosions. Besides, three 5-point Likert scales from "strongly disagree" to "strongly agree" are used to capture farmers' attitudes toward climate change. The three questions are: Using adaptation practices in my farm will benefit me (AT1); I will use adaptation practices, even if my production costs increase (AT2); and by using adaptation practices, I can reduce the losses from weather shocks (AT3). We then utilized factor analysis to reduce the factors for measuring climate change perception. We used two variables to capture farmers' community-based networks. We asked farmers how many peer farmers they spoke with when making business operation and production practice decisions on their farm in the last 12 months and how many extension agents and crop consultants they spoke with when making business operation and production practice decisions. We also contained a set of control variables in our analysis, such as gender, age, race, and household income. We further utilized a multi-linear regression model to analyze the impacts of community-based networks and their interactions with climate change perceptions and attitudes on adaptation and climate resilience strategies.

Objective 3. Analyze the role of climate change perceptions and community-based networks on climate change adaptation and resilience by farmers' intersectionality.


        As a critical platform for interdisciplinary collaboration and dialogue, resilience is a systematic and complex concept (Folke, 2016). This concept has been widely used to analyze the human-nature interactions in social-ecological systems and bridge the role of social, economic, cultural, political, and environmental factors (Ifejika Speranza et al., 2014). The complexity of resilience is also embodied in the various definitions of resilience among different disciplines, and the meaning often depends on the research objectives and purposes. For example, from the disaster risk reduction perspective, resilience refers to the ability of a system and its parts to anticipate, absorb, accommodate, or recover from the effects of hazardous events in a timely and efficient manner (IPCC, 2012; Tambo, 2016). In the economic field, as Di Falco and Chavas (2008) described, "a 'resilient' agroecosystem is more capable of providing a vital service, such as food production, when challenged by a severe drought or by a large reduction in rainfall." Correspondingly, we defined climate resilience in the agricultural system as the capacity of a farming unit or agricultural system to cope with and adapt to the social, political, economic, and ecological challenges precipitated by changing climate and climatic events (Hirons et al., 2018). Intersectionality can be understood as gender and other social categories, such as age, race, and class, interacting to affect farmers' climate change adaptation experiences ( McCall, 2005; Van Aelst & Holvoet, 2016). For example, several studies have discussed the impact of intersectionality on climate change. Van Aelst and Holvoet (2016) found rural farmers' access to adaptive strategies depends on their gender and material status in Tanzania. Likewise, Lawson et al. (2020) studied female farmers' intersectional perceptions and adaptation strategies. They found that adopting adaptation strategies was affected by age, marital and residential status. Intersectionality also relates to climate justice (Mikulewicz et al., 2023). Females and other underserved groups are more vulnerable to climate change and have less adaptive capacity (Perkins, 2018), and therefore, more climate change adaptation policies and response initiatives should be provided for women and traditionally underserved stakeholders.


        In this study, we asked respondents two questions to measure resilience: "If an adverse weather shock occurred and affected your farm, how likely is it that your farm would be well prepared to absorb the shock (e.g., proper infrastructure, financial capacity, necessary risk, and mitigation safeguards)?" and "If an adverse weather shock occurred and affected your farm, how likely is it that your farm could recover and resume to normal operations within six months after that event?". The answers are measured by extremely likely, very likely, not very likely, and not at all likely.

        Like Objective 2, we measured farmers' climate change adaptation by several climate-adaptive strategies, including the use of stress-tolerant crop varieties, change planting dates, change harvesting dates, conservation tillage (e.g., no-tillage, ridge tillage, strip tillage), use cover crops, scale back operations (e.g., take land out of production, de-stocking), use mixed crop-livestock systems, diversify into other forms of production or different crops, and get an off0farm job to supplement farm income (you and/or your spouse). Similarly, we measured these adaptation strategies by binary variables. That is, 1 indicates farmers adopted this adaptation strategy on their farm, and 0 otherwise. Moreover, we aggregated these binary variables to represent farmers' adaptation intensity. Besides, we contained a set of demographics, such as gender, age, race, and household income, to capture the intersectionality. We utilized the t-test, ANOVA, and multi-linear regression model to analyze the effects of intersectionality on farmers' climate change adaptation and resilience.

Objective 4. Incorporate stakeholders' recommendations in the execution of project activities and disseminate findings on climate change adaptation and climate resilience among Florida field-crop farmers.

  • We obtained IRB approval to facilitate focus groups and individual interviews with AC members (IRB#202102640).
  • We recruited members for our Advisory Council (AC). Three Extension Faculty members at UF/IFAS graciously agreed to serve as members. Two farmers also agreed to serve in the AC.
  • We have established an ad-hoc committee composed of three faculty members at UF with research expertise in regional climate change (Dr. Kevin Ash-Geography), agricultural economics (Dr. Trent Blare-Food and Resource Economics), and sustainable agriculture (Dr. Mickie Swisher- Center for Sustainable and Organic Food System
  • The role of the AC is to provide targeted consensus-based inputs for the refinement and improvement of research activities and detailed reviews of progress for each of the research goals, objectives, and results.
  • The Delphi method was used to reach consensus-based recommendations for the quality, utility, and appropriateness of the instrument used to collect data in this study. This process ensured scientific and methodological rigor, reduced research bias, and enhanced research outcomes and the potential quality of findings. It also aided in establishing face validity.


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Research results and discussion:

Objective 1. Evaluate the effects of Florida field-crop farmers' perceptions of climate variability and attitudes on adaptation and climate resilience strategies.


        We collected 176 responses from field crop farmers in the Southern United States. However, when checking the completeness and validity of responses, we found several records needed to be completed. We eliminated 72 responses from the sample. Hence, the final sample used in this study was composed of 104 field crop farmers in the Southern United States. Most of the farmers in our sample believed that human activities are the key factors of climate change (67.31%).

In comparison, part of them distributed the reason for climate change to nature (25.96%), and 6.73% of respondents are skeptical about the occurrence of climate change. We further analyzed the determinants of farmers' climate change adaptation decision-making by using WPLS-SEM models. The results show that attitudes, subjective norms, and efficacy are the critical factors influencing farmers' climate change adaptation intentions and behaviors. Other factors, such as perceived vulnerability and perceived severity, may have fewer impacts on field crop farmers' adaptation decision-making in the case of the Southeastern United States. We also compared the explanatory and predictive power of the theory of planned behavior (TPB) and protection motivation theory (PMT). Our results showed that the TPB model has a better explanatory power on field crop farmers' adaptation intention and incremental behaviors than the PMT model. Finally, our findings revealed that neither TPB nor PMT performs well in explaining and predicting farmers' transformative adaptation.

        Despite the contributions of the current research, our results and findings must be evaluated considering a set of limitations. First, the reliability and validity of this study are limited by the sample size. Hair et al. (2021) provided a minimum sample size for different path coefficients with a power of 80%. Particularly, when setting the significant level at 5% and path coefficient thresholds from 0.41 to 0.5, we require a sample of at least 25 respondents to have a power of 80%, and when path coefficients range from 0.21 to 0.3, the minimum sample size must reach 69 respondents. Our study notes that the sample size satisfies the minimum sample size for some paths, such as AT->IN, SN->IN, and RE->IN. However, our sample size is too small to have a reliable and valid estimation for several other paths, e.g., PBC->IN.

        A second issue in this study deals with sample bias and representativeness. In this research, we distributed our questionnaire through agricultural organizations and emails. Farmers who are not a member of the listed organizations and do not use emails may be excluded from our sample, which may lead to our sample being unrepresentative and increasing sample bias. The self-selection and voluntary response bias also exist in our case. Because of the sensitivity of climate change issues, farmers who do not believe in climate change may be hesitant to participate in research like ours. On the contrary, farmers who voluntarily fill out our questionnaire may, by default, may exhibit attitudes and intentions toward climate change actions. Potential sampling bias would affect our PLS-SEM models' internal validity by leading to an inaccurate estimation of path coefficients and statistical inferences. It also influences the external validity of our analysis as we need to generalize our findings to the population (Shringarpure & Xing, 2014). Weighting is the most common method to alleviate sample bias and representative problems. This study employed a WPLS-SEM model to correct the sample bias. Yet, as Cheah et al. (2021) pointed out that a poor sampling weight increases the estimated standard errors and threatens our analysis's internal and external validity. In this study, we weighted our sample by gender and age, and these population data were collected from the U.S. Agriculture Census.

        Lastly, our study had limited internal and external validity. Except for the sample bias we mentioned above that contributed to limited internal and external validity in our research, other factors also threatened the internal and external validity. For example, the cross-sectional data used in this study constrains the internal validity of our results. We may neglect to capture the dynamic adaptation decision-making on climate change. Future research should use longitudinal data, when available, to perform more valid and robust inferences. In addition, we only used one item to measure some of the constructs. Although the PLS-SEM has the advantage of estimating coefficients using single-item constructs, this may limit the reliability of our measurement model. Besides, we must note that the generalizability of conclusions in this research may be limited to the Southeastern United States because the collected samples are mainly distributed in Florida and adjacent southern states in the United States. Field crop farmers' climate change adaptation intention and decision-making may be varied by crop-producing regions.

Objective 2. Examine the impact of community-based networks and their interactions with climate change perceptions and attitudes on adaptation and climate resilience strategies.


        We found that most (83.65% and 84.62%) respondents were concerned about the higher incidence of crop disease and increased heat stress on crops for their farm operation. Comparatively, fewer respondents (66.35% and 72.11%) reported they were concerned about increased flooding and increased saturated soil and pond water. Overall, Florida farmers in our sample highly perceive climate change and its risks. Farmers in our sample reported a positive attitude towards climate change adaptation (Mean: 3.990, 3.856, 3.894; SD: 0.853, 0.949, 0.923), and most of them believed the adoption of climate change adaptation strategies would benefit their farm production. Regarding community-based networks, our analysis found that the average number of peer farmers respondents spoke with when making business operation and production practices decisions on their farm in the last 12 months is 10.078, while the number of extension agents is 6.592. The most common adaptive practice farmers use in our sample is cover crops for incremental adaptation. Over 70% of farmers have adopted cover crops on their farms in the past 12 months.

In contrast, fewer farmers reported adopting transformative adaptation strategies on their farms. For example, only 35.58% of farmers in our sample reported using mixed crop-livestock systems. Besides, only 3.85% of farmers in our sample claimed that they had not adopted any of the five incremental adaptations on their farm. Further, 88.46% of respondents have adopted multiple adaptation strategies, 9.62% of respondents in our sample stated they had not adopted any of the four transformative adaptation strategies, and only 55.77% of farmers have adopted at least two transformative adaptations on their farms.

       The factor analysis resulted in two critical factors for measuring farmers' climate change perception. We then used these two factors to represent farmers' climate change perception in the multiple regression models. The results showed that farmers' climate change perception has significantly increased their adoption of incremental and transformative adaptation strategies at a significance level of 10%. These results are robust after controlling a set of demographics, such as age, gender, education, and household income. However, we did not find evidence that community-based networks have significantly promoted farmers' climate change adaptation intensity. Also, we did not find the interaction effects of farmers' climate change perception and attitudes and community-based networks on their climate change adaptation intensity. In other words, unlike farmers in many developing countries, we did not find empirical evidence to show that community-based networks can be used to increase farmers' climate change adaptation behaviors based on our sample in the Southern United States.

        The results and findings must be evaluated while considering their limitations. First, our study is limited by potential measurement errors. We simply measured farmers' networks by two subjective variables, restricting us from further exploring the role of networks on farmers' climate change adaptation and how these networks form farmers' adaptive capacity. Although we did not find evidence in our research to support that community-based networks are meaningful for climate change adaptation, several studies from different countries have examined that (Abid et al., 2017; Eise et al., 2021; Ogunleye et al., 2021). Future research may provide more evidence to check our findings. Second, this study's small sample and cross-sectional data also constrained our results' internal and external validity. Future research should use panel data or field experiments to perform robust inferences when available.

Objective 3. Analyze the role of climate change perceptions and community-based networks on climate change adaptation and resilience by farmers' intersectionality.


        The results of the statistical description showed that the majority (68.27%) of respondents in our sample stated that their farms are likely to be well prepared to absorb the shock, and 73.79% of farmers reported that their farms could recover and resume normal operations within six months after an adverse weather shock. These results suggested that field-crop farmers in our sample have a high adaptive capacity and are resilient to climate change.

       The results of the t-test indicated that the intersectionality significantly affected farmers' climate change perception, networks, as well as their adaptation strategies, and resilience. In particular, we found that male farmers are more likely to exhibit negative climate change perceptions than female farmers and are less likely to adopt transformative climate change adaptation strategies. We also found that female farmers are more likely to consult their peer farmers and extension agents than their male counterparts. Besides, we did not see any difference in adopting incremental adaptation strategies and climate resilience between female and male farmers in our sample. We split our sample into two groups by age: young farmers under 35 years old and older farmers who are more than 35 years old. We found that young farmers are more likely to adopt incremental adaptation strategies than older farmers, while there are no significant differences among these farmers in adopting the transformative strategy. In addition, there are also no significant differences in networks and climate resilience between young and older farmers.

Furthermore, we found that minority farmers have higher climate change perceptions than white farmers in our sample and are more likely to adopt transformative adaptation strategies. Minority farmers also reported that their farms are more likely to recover and resume normal operations when an adverse shock occurs than white farmers. We also used one-way ANOVA to analyze the differences in perceptions, adaptation, and resilience among farmers by different household incomes. We found that farmers with higher household incomes perceive climate change as an imminent threat, are more likely to adopt transformative adaptation strategies, and have higher social networks than farmers with lower household incomes. The multi-linear regression analysis found that farmers' intersectionality significantly affected the role of climate change perceptions and community-based networks on climate change adaptation and resilience. For example, female, young, and minority farmers' climate change perception significantly affected their adoption of adaptation strategies.

        A set of limitations must be considered when assessing the results and findings in Objective 3. First, our research could be more extensive in its capacity for measuring climate resilience. The extant literature commonly adopted the three economic indicators we used in this study. Yet, as we described, climate resilience is a complex and systematic concept that may be beyond economic perspectives alone. For example, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) developed a systematic and multifaceted framework for measuring households' resilience in the context of food security (FAO, 2010). It contains six components: income and food access, access to essential services, social safety nets, assets, adaptive capacity, and stability. The framework was also successfully applied to measure farmers' climate resilience in some cases, such as in the studies conducted by Tambo (2016) and Tambo and Wünscher (2017). Clare et al. (2017) also proposed a subjective indicator to measure resilience, which may offer a new approach to understanding climate resilience.

        Second, the cross-sectional data used in this research constrains us from further exploring the long-term impact of incremental and transformative adaptations on climate resilience. Future research may use longitudinal data to examine the long-term effects of adaptation to climate change. Lastly, more empirical evidence is needed to substantiate the role of farmers' intersectionality in their climate change adaptation and resilience in the short and long terms. Our findings suggest that farmers' climate change adaptation and resilience differ by demographics. However, we faced limitations in examining the effects of farmers' intersectionality on their climate change decision-making and resilience due to data availability.

Objective 4. Incorporate stakeholders' recommendations in the execution of project activities and disseminate findings on climate change adaptation and climate resilience among Florida field-crop farmers.


We received insightful feedback from AC Members and the Ad-hoc Committee on ways to approach and ask questions related to climate variability in the context of agricultural production. Because there is a diversity in views and opinions about evidence and causes of climate variability, members of the AC, recommended that we explicitly included statements in our survey that allude to the nature and purpose of the study: that is, we were interested in exploring the perceptions about erratic weather patterns and extreme weather events among farmers in Florida. We adopted those suggestions in our study. We have relied on validated instruments used in previous studies (Mase et al, 2017; Arbuckle et al, 2015; Prokopy et al., 2015) and included intro statements like the following:

  • "There is increasing discussion about climate variability and its potential implications for agricultural production. Please select the statement that best reflects your beliefs about climate variability."

Also, members of the ad-hoc committee provided input (cognitive pretest) in terms of the relevance, quality, and content of the questions included in the survey. The initial instrument was drafted in March 2022 and edited in several rounds. First, we sent the raw version of the instrument to each member of the Advisory Council (AC) for cognitive testing. Based on their comments and suggestions, we then refined our instruments. Next, we discussed the instruments with the dissertation committee, composed of climate change and sustainable agriculture experts. Based on their recommendations and edits, we developed the final version of the instrument. Ultimately, the instrument included questions on risk perceptions of climate change, theory of planned behavior and protection motivation theory constructs (e.g., attitude toward adaptation strategies, self-efficacy, subjective norms), climate resilience, networks, a sequence of climate-adaptive agricultural strategy (such as using stress-tolerant crop varieties, conservation tillage, and changing planting dates), demographics, and farm characteristics.

Participation Summary
176 Farmers participating in research

Educational & Outreach Activities

2 Journal articles
3 Webinars / talks / presentations

Participation Summary:

20 Farmers participated
30 Ag professionals participated
Education/outreach description:

We presented our findings in two academic venues: 

Ruiz-Menjivar, J., Liu, Y., Ash, K., Blare, T. & Swisher, M. E. (2023, March). Behavioral determinants of farmers’ adaption to weather shocks in the southeastern United States: An empirical comparison between the Theory of Planned Behavior and Protection Motivation Theory [Paper presentation]. Aula Inaugural (Rural Development and Extension Postgraduate Program Research Seminar), Centro de Ciências Rurais (Centre of Rural Sciences), Federal University of Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS, Brazil.

Note: participants included researchers, students, farmers, agricultural educators, and community members. 

Ruiz-Menjivar, J., Liu, Y., Ash, K., Blare, T. & Swisher, M. E. (2023, July). Exploring the impact of incremental and transformative adaptation strategies on smallholder farming households’ climate resilience [Paper presentation]. 14th Biennial Conference of Asian Consumer and Family Economics Association, Kitakyushu, Japan.

Note: participants included researchers and students.

We presented our findings to the Florida S-SARE Board meeting, composed of Florida farmers, growers' association representatives, non-profit leaders, and researchers.

Finally, we submitted two research articles to top-tier, first quartile refereed journals (e.g., Paper 1: Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems/ Paper 2: Climate and Development). Both manuscripts are currently under review. 

Project Outcomes

4 New working collaborations
Project outcomes:

Our project supports the development of Florida's sustainable agriculture by expanding our understanding of social and cognitive predictors—whether drivers or barriers—of climate change adaptation and resilience among field-crop farmers in Florida. Findings from this project provide further guidance for the formulation and implementation of future adaptation programs and climate resilience policies in agriculture, especially as the United States aims to cut 50% of greenhouse gas emissions in less than a decade. Our findings inform policymakers and agricultural educators on predictive factors to account for and capitalize on the design of interventions and the accelerating diffusion of initiatives related to climate change adaptation and reliance. For example, the project documented adaptation strategies used by Florida farmers, including the use of high residue cover crops, conservation tillage, sod-based rotation, climate-resilient irrigation systems, plastic mulch, drought-tolerant crops, and forage, the use of climate information and decision support systems, among others. Moreover, our results shed light on how climate change perceptions shape attitudes, intentions, and ultimately, adaptation behavior among Florida farmers.  Taken all together, this project is relevant to Florida's sustainable agriculture as it offers further insight into psychological antecedents and social mechanisms that may lead to adaptation behaviors among Florida farmers and enhance the climate resilience of Florida's agricultural and food systems. 

Knowledge Gained:

The project significantly enhanced our understanding and perspective about the relationships among psycho-social factors, adaptation, and resilience among farmers in the Southeastern United States. Initially grounded in theory, our research evolved to uncover practical insights with implications for the future of sustainable agriculture. A key component of our project was documenting adaptation strategies used by Florida farmers, such as high residue cover crops, conservation tillage, sod-based rotation, climate-resilient irrigation, plastic mulch, drought-tolerant crops, and the use of climate information and decision support systems. This practical knowledge significantly broadened our understanding of sustainable agriculture applications in real-world scenarios. Furthermore, our findings shed light on how climate change perceptions influence attitudes, intentions, and adaptation behaviors among Florida farmers. This insight into the psychological and social drivers of adaptation behaviors is vital for enhancing the climate resilience of Florida's agricultural and food systems.

Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and should not be construed to represent any official USDA or U.S. Government determination or policy.