Adapting Chinese Morel Cultivation Strategies for Farmers in the Northeast

Final report for LNE19-389R

Project Type: Research Only
Funds awarded in 2019: $140,581.00
Projected End Date: 11/30/2022
Grant Recipient: The Pennsylvania State University
Region: Northeast
State: Pennsylvania
Project Leader:
John Pecchia
Pennsylvania State University
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Project Information


This project was designed to determine the efficiency of cultivating morels in the northeastern US following current production practices being followed by commercial farms throughout China.  We conducted field cropping trials in Pennsylvania in 2020-2021, and 2021-2022 and ran additional cropping trials in Maine in 2020-2021 and 2021-2022.  We purchased and installed a high tunnel at Penn State University's Plant Pathology and Environmental Microbiology Department's farm at the Russell E Larson Agricultural Research Center at Rock Springs, Pa.  The high tunnel was covered with a shade cloth instead of plastic to allow precipitation to reach the production plots and also help maintain soil moisture.  We made three rows of raised beds inside of the high tunnel, one with no soil amendments, one with chopped wheat straw and one with oak sawdust.  The amendments were tilled into the soil after application.  The field plot design consists of 6 treatments with 4 replicates per treatment. A master's student was funded with this grant and he produced spawn using two different species being tested in the field plots (Morchella rufobrunnea and Morchella importuna).  Once the soils were amended and tilled, spawn was added to the plots and hand incorporated into the soil. Treatments: 1) control soil with M. importuna 2) control soil with M. rufobrunnea 3) chopped straw-amended soil with M. importuna 4) chopped straw-amended soil with M. rufobrunnea 5)  sawdust-amended soil with M. importuna and 6) sawdust-amended soil with M. rufobrunnea. Drip line irrigation is ready to be installed in early spring, but wasn't necessary in the fall due to the rainfall received after spawning.  Soil temperature data loggers were also purchased and will be installed after winter so that soil temperatures can be closely monitored and compared with initiation of morchella fruit bodies.  COVID pandemic caused an interuption in outdoor cropping trials and our first outdoor cropping trial failed.  Visits to Maine to build an outdoor high tunnel were also interupted so outdoor cropping trials in Maine were completed under small hoop structures to allow for easier field preparation and less labor during the pandemic.  Indoor cropping trials were conducted at the Mushroom Research Center (MRC) during 2021-2022. Unfortunately, no outdoor cropping trials in Maine produced fruiting bodies.  Season 1 field trials in State College failed, but that may have been contributed to a lack of managing the field properly during the height of the COVID pandemic university shut down.  The second outdoor cropping trial successfully produced mature fruit bodies as did the indoor cropping trial at the MRC. Yield calculations and extrapolations, adjusting for diseaes and pest losses, demonstrate the potential for morel cultation to be profitable.  During our webinars discussing the results from the morel project farmers heard that there is a potential profitability to grow morels, but more research is needed to consistently have profitable yields, especially until yield losses are minimized associated with pests when cultivating outdoors and disease when cultivating indoros.  The results form this study provide a foundation for farmers to make an educated decision on the option of cultivating morels, however, at this time (especially until disease loss is addressed) it is not recommended to invest heavily into growing morels.


Project Objective:

1: Determine the best Morchella species to use for mushroom cultivation in northeastern United States.

2: Test effects of different soil organic matter amendments on morel cultivation.

3: Monitor the effects of soil environmental parameters as well as environmental conditions on morel fruiting.

4: Test effects of soil physical and chemical properties on morel fruiting in climate controlled indoor cultivation system.

5: Disseminate morel cultivation information to farmers throughout northeastern U.S.


US mushroom enthusiasts and research scientists have tried cultivating morel mushrooms for decades with very limited and sporadic production results.  Several patents were issued in the US on morel cultivation techniques but, unfortunately, following these processes production was often unsuccessful.  Recently, scientists in China developed a new outdoor cultivation technique that has been successful and adopted by many mushroom farmers throughout China.  However, much still remains unknown about the details of what is needed to successfully produce morels on a consistent basis.  This proposal was developed with the objectives of determining the feasibility of farmers in the northeastern US adopting these techniques and growing morels as a profitable business venture.  Our project objectives ere to: 1) Determine which species produces the best in the northeastern US. 2) Test the effects of different soil organic matter amendments on morel cultivation. 3) Monitor the effects of soil environmental parameters as well as environmental conditions on morel fruiting. 4) Test effects of soil physical and chemical properties on more fruiting in climate controlled indoor cultivation systems. 5) Disseminate morel cultivation information to farmers throughout the northeastern US.


Click linked name(s) to expand/collapse or show everyone's info
  • Jason Lilley (Educator and Researcher)
  • Dr. Gretchen Kuldau (Researcher)



With this project, we propose to address 3 questions regarding morel production in the US.

1) Which Morchella species grows and yields best in Northeastern US soils utilizing Chinese cultivation techniques.  

2) What influence does soil amendment have on yield potential.

3) Based on yield data, what profit potential is there for US growers considering cultivating morel mushrooms.

Materials and methods:

Rock Springs Field Site (Penn State) Cropping Trials:

  1. Control soil with Morchella importuna
  2. Control soil with Morchella rufobrunnea
  3. straw-amended soil with Morchella importuna
  4. straw-amended soil with Morchella rufobrunnea
  5. sawdust-amended soil with Morchella importuna
  6. sawdust-amended soil with Morchella rufobrunnea

Soil chemical analyses measured at spawning. Drip line irrigation added. Soil temperatures will be recorded during cropping.


Outdoor morel cropping trials were initiated at the Penn State Rock Springs site in fall 2019. However, due to COVID 19, most personnel and employees were not reporting to campus during the University personnel reduction in March 2020 until June 2020. The spring is a critical time to water and induce morel fruiting in the high tunnel. Unfortunately, no morels fruited and were harvested at Rock Springs, Pa in spring 2020. Student and employee access was allowed starting summer 2020, but with limitations on travel and working in close proximity to one another (and are still in effect). New COVID travel restrictions and limited supplies hindered our ability to install a 2nd high tunnel at Rock Springs and the 1st high tunnel at the University of Maine location (as originally outlined in the grant proposal). However, in fall, 2020 we were able to clean up the high tunnel site at Rock Springs (remove weeds, till and reinoculate the plots with 2 Morchella species (M. importuna and M. rufobrunnea). The plots received 1) no organic amendments 2) chopped wheat straw amendments or 3) oak sawdust amended. On October 5, 2020 the State College high tunnel site was spawned (inoculated) and dripline irrigation was added. Nutrient bags (sterilized sawdust and ground corn) were added to the field plots the last week of October 2020. The plots were irrigated as needed until the weather became too cold and daily freezing temperatures were reached. The plots unfortunately did not yield any mushrooms.

Because we were not able to purchase and install a high tunnel at the University of Maine location, the Univ. of Maine collaborator, Jason Lilley, prepared an existing smaller tunnel on the field location. Soil samples were taken for analysis and the site was prepped by spraying and removing weeds prior to tilling and forming 2 raised beds and dividing the plots by trenching following similar techniques that were implemented at Penn State. Each raised bed consisted of 6 plots (12 plots total - 2 beds x 6 plots). Three treatments were applied consisting of M. importuna mating type MAT 1, M. importuna mating type MAT 2 and spawn consisting of a mixture of both mating types (4 reps each) and incorporated lightly by hand the last week of October, 2020. Nutrient bags (same construction as in Pa) were made and sterilized at Penn State and sent to the University of Maine for application to the inoculated plots. Dripline irrigation was also added and moisture was provided until the temperatures become too cold. Unfortunately no mushrooms formed on these plots.

The outdoor high tunnel at Penn State experiment is investigating the effects of soil amendments and morchella species on yield potential. The outdoor tunnel experiment at the University of Maine is designed to test how mating types affect morel fruit body formation and yield potential. Ascomycetes (of which Morchella belong) typically have different mating types and there is support in the literature suggesting that having both mating types will improve viability of fruit body formation. Therefore, our graduate student Ryan Guo, obtained 7 isolates of Morchella importuna and 9 isolates of Morchella rufobrunnea from the Penn State and the USDA NRRL culture collection to determine mating types so that we could select mating types (MAT 1 and MAT 2) of each species to determine how mating type impacts yield potential. Ryan successfully identified M. importuna isolates of both mating types following protocol found in the literature but is currently still troubleshooting the technique to identify the mating types of M. rufobrunnea (see data table in results section). The results of this work led us to select 2 M. importuna isolates (one MAT 1 and one MAT 2) for the mating type outdoor cropping experiment at the University of Maine.

The mating types of both M. importuna and M. rufobrunnea were determined from the isolates in our collection. The mating types were used in determing which isolates to use to inoculate both indoor and outdoor cropping trials.

Univ of Maine tunnel                                 Penn State University high tunnel

Spring 2021 cropping results at both Penn State University and at the University of Maine both yielded no morel mushrooms.  The research team reassessed the cropping protocol and modified the 2021-2022 experimental design based on new information found in the literature from China.  

2021 Field Cropping

Penn State fall 2021 field crop spawning experiment: Two isolates of each species were chosen based on the results from the mating type work (M. importuna WC 1021 and WC 1022) and two isolates of the M. rufobrunnea were chosen (NRLL 28465 and NRLL 28466).  Grain spawn was made from each of the chosen isolates for inoculation at Penn State University and at the University of Maine.  However, contamination limited the amount of spawn available for cropping so only Penn State University outdoor plots in the high tunnel were spawned October 2021.  Spawn from each individual mating type and a spawn mixture of both strains (species specific) was added to the different plots to determine if species and/or mating type affects fruiting ability and yield. Due to limited spawn supply, only 2 replicates of each treatment were inoculated with Morchella.  Half of the plots were spawned with M. importuna and half of the plots were inoculated with M. rufobrunnea.  Several changes were made to the procedure in the fall of 2021 compared with 2020 to try to account for possible issues contributing to the lack of fruiting success.  In year 2, the amount of spawn used for incoulation was was approximately 3 times the rate previously used and was inoculated in a layer on top of the cultivated soil plots (previously the spawn was incorporated into the cultivated soil), each plot was then covered with approximately 5 cm of "top soil" purchased from a local landscape company and the plots were covered with plastic (to potential increase soil temperatures and to decrease soil moisture loss due to evaporation).  Samples of both soils were sent to Penn State's agricultural analytical lab for chemical analyses.  Drip line irrigation was added and black plastic was used to cover the plots (also a change from previous cropping attempts).  Early visual observations noted a much higher rate of surface colonization than what was previously observed in outdoor cropping trials. 

Additional spawn was produced (after contamination issues were noted), stored at 4C and was used for outdoor inoculation during spring 2022 at the University of Maine field plot (the timing was based on soil and air temperatures). Unfortunately due to contamination, fall inoculation was not achievable.  Yield results for both can be found below.

Indoor cropping

An indoor cropping experiment was started January 2022.  Soil was collected from the Penn State University farm site (soils previously used by the Pecchia lab for indoor cropping trials) and steam pasteurized at 60C for 12 hours to eliminate potential pests. Additional topsoil was also pastuerized prior to using for the indoor cropping trial.  The same treatments (species and strains) used in the outdoor cropping trials were chosen for the indoor cropping trial.  However, only M. importuna strains were used for indoor cultivation trials due to contamination of the M. rufobrunnea spawn bags.  Individual and combined M. importuna mating types were inoculated into different gray tubs that each contained 22.5 kg soil per tub.  Indoor cropping treatments consisted of either M. importuna Mat 1-1-1 mating type, Mat 1-2-1 mating type or a combination of Mat 1-1-1 and Mat 1-2-1 mating types, all at a 1 x or 3x spawn rate with 5 replicates of each treatment. Once spawned, topsoil and nutrition bags as well as black plastic was used to cover the tubs, similar to the protocol used in the outdoor high tunnel.  Room environmental conditions were set to 16C, 90 % humidity and the lights were programmed on a diurnal light cycle.  The time from spawning to harvesting mature fruit bodies indoors was approximately 120-130 days. Yield results can be found below.





Research results and discussion:

M. importuna mating type results



MAT 1-1-1

MAT 1-2-1

Mating Type

WC 172




WC 1021




WC 1022




NRRL 22311




NRRL 36693*




NRRL 36694*




WC 178**




* No amplicons observed in any reactions

**No DNA isolated due to poor growth ??

Updated mating type data for M importuna and M rufobrunnea

M. importuna


MAT 1-1-1

MAT 1-2-1

Mating Type

WC 172




WC 1021




WC 1022




NRRL 22311




NRRL 36693




NRRL 36694




WC 178







MAT 1-1-1

MAT 1-2-1

Mating Type

NRRL 28462




NRRL 28465




NRRL 28466




NRRL 28467




NRRL 36664




NRRL 36872




WC 833




Outdoor cropping trials:

Maine 2021 and 2022.  Neither outdoor cropping trial resulted in the formation of fruit bodies.

Pennsylvania: Spring 2021 yielded no mature fruit bodies.  Spring 2022 resulted in fruit bodies forming and maturing to harvest on three out of the 12 outdoor plots. Spawning took place October, 2021 and harvest took place April, 2022. Fruit bodies formed and were mature enough to harvest approximately 200 days after spawning. None of the M. rubobrunne spawned plots formed primordia or matur fruit bodies. 

The date in the table below are for each of the 3 plots that fruited (2-M. importuna Mat 1-1-1 and Mat 1-2-2 combined spawn and 1- M. importuna 1-1-1). Each plot that produced fruit bodies experienced crop damage/loss due to pest pressure (rats, mice and groundhogs were all see in or around the field plots).  Projected revenue is calculated and extrapolated to a potential revenue assuming no crop loss due to pests on the basis of 500 square feet of growing area and at in season and out of season prices suggested by Malone et al., 2022. (each individual plot was approximately 24 ft2).

  Wc 1021 + WC 1022 WC 1021 + WC 1022 WC 1022
# Fruit bodies formed per plot 4 43 57
# Fruit bodies harvested 3 31 35
# with damaged/missing cap 1 8 10
Fruit bodies missing after forming 0 4 2
Total weight harvested (g) 13 538 985
Fruit body avg. weight (g) 4 17 28
Projected weight (no damage) 18 747 1604

Projected revenue $ (@ $36/lb)

12 493 1058
Projected revenue $ (@$120/lb) 39 1642 3527

Indoor cropping trial

None of the M. importuna 1-1-1 mating type spawned tubs formed primordia, though heavy mycelial growth and conidation was observed on the soil surface of the inoculated tubs.  All of the M. importuna 1-2-1 and combined mating types (at both 1x and 3x rates) formed primordia.  The results in the table below are the yield data combined for all replicates of each treatment that fruited. A high percentage of primordia that formed indoors turned reddish and died before maturing, possibly due to a pathogen of the morel mushroom. Projected revenues are based on no loss due to disease and sale values at $36/lb in-season (May - wild mushroom season) and $120/lb for out of season morels, proposed by Malone et al., 2022. Values are based on 13.5 ft2 of growing area (equivalent to 5 growing tubs used in this study)


M. importuna 1-2-1

@ 1x rate

M. importuna 1-2-1 

@ 3x rate

M. importuna 1-2-1 and 1-1-1 @ 1x rate M. importuna 1-2-1 and 1-1-1 @ 3x rate
# fruit bodies formed 105 47 34 13
# fruit bodies harvested 16 9 7 5
# fruit bodies senesced 89 38 27 8
Senescence rate (%) 85 81 79 62
Total weight harvested (g) 593 191 191 60
Fruit body avg wt (g) 37 21 27 12
Projected weight (g) 3885 987 918 156
Projected revenue $ (@$36/lb) 308 78 73 12
Projected revenue $ (@$120/lb) 1027 261 243 41
Research conclusions:

The goals of this research were to 1)grow morels indoors in a grow room and outdoors in a high tunnel in the Northeastern United States (State College, PA) , and 2)determine the role of mating on fruiting body formation of M. importuna and M. rufobrunnea

This study replicated the most practiced Chinese nutrient bag technique and demonstrated that both MAT 1-1-1 and MAT 1-2-1 strains were capable of fruiting individually as well as mixed. Yield was higher indoors with MAT 1-2-1 individually and outdoors with MAT 1-1-1 individually, which growers could use for a profitable cultivation. The outdoor crops experience some loss due to pests that should be relatively easy to control. The indoor crops displayed a high rate of disease causing senescing and ultimate death possibly caused by a bacterial pathogen (disease rates were as high as 65 to 85%). This is a major issue that needs further studies to determine the causal agent to aid in reducing losses cuased by diasease, therefore increasing the possibility of growing morels indoors at a profitable level. 

The difference in outdoor cultivation results between Season 1 and Season 2 indicated that either 3x spawn rate, using 3 – 4 cm topsoil, using the plastic cover sheet during spawn run, or slight differences in watering and environmental conditions (or some comibination of each) contributed to fruiting. A higher spawn rate theoretically improves the speed of soil colonization by Morchella. The topsoil holds more moisture and may contribute slightly with higher orgnaic matter levels and the cover plastic further shades the field and maintains moisture. Futher studies should be completed to gain a better understanding of which parameters contribute to consistent and profitable fruiting success of outdoor morel cultivation.

Based on these results, and the current understanding of the biology and necessary cropping and environmental parameters to ensure consistent fruiting, it is difficult to recommend morel cultivation to growers interested in pursuing this endeavor.  The major obstacles that need further investigation are to 1)increase our knowledge of outdoor cropping procedures to ensure more consistent fruiting and yields and 2) further investigate the reason behind the senesnce observed during this (and previous) indoor cropping trials.


Participation Summary

Education & Outreach Activities and Participation Summary

Educational activities:

3 Tours
2 Webinars / talks / presentations
2 Other educational activities: Univ of Md specialty mushroom production meeting - Dec. 2022
Penn State Mushroom Short Course - Sept. 2022

Participation Summary:

320 Farmers participated
5 Number of agricultural educator or service providers reached through education and outreach activities
Outreach description:

An in-person presentation with Q&A was given at the first annual specialty mushroom production meeting hosted by the University of Maryland at the Maryland Dept of Ag office. A description of morel cultivaiton processes including challenges for indoor and outdoor cultivaiton.  25 participants in attendance

Held an online webinar (October 2022) on cultivating specialty mushrooms discussing the challenges and success of cultivating morels indoors and outdoors.  120 people registered from around the US for the online webinar.

Conducted a webinar through the University of Maine about specialty mushrooms talking about morel cultivation sucess and challnges - 55 registered (December 2022)

Graduate student presented a poster on morel cultivation at the Penn State University Mushroom Short Course held in Kennett Square Pa ~ 120 registrants (September 2022)

Three tours of indoor mushroom growing, including morels given to 4 H participants and undergraduate students in the college of Ag at Penn State.

A morel cultivaiton seminar given by a graduate student in-person in the College of Agriculture Feb. 2023.



Learning Outcomes

Key areas in which farmers reported changes in knowledge, attitude, skills and/or awareness:

Data was not collected on increased knowledge from webinars, posters and talks.

Project Outcomes

1 Grant applied for that built upon this project
1 Grant received that built upon this project
$1,977.00 Dollar amount of grant received that built upon this project
Assessment of Project Approach and Areas of Further Study:

Unfortunately, due to Covid and unsuccessive outdoor cropping at the beginning of the project, on-site field days were not held.  Now that we've successfully fruited outdoors in 2022, future coordination and timing of workshops would be possible. Indoor cropping trials appear to also have the potential to schedule on-site field days to time them during fruiting (which is challenging).  With a better understanding of the timeframe (and outdoor soil temperatures needed during fruiting) future workshop scheduling may be more feasible with additional funding for future work.

Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and should not be construed to represent any official USDA or U.S. Government determination or policy.