Increasing the Use of a Natural Fungus (Duddingtonia flagrans) to Control Internal Parasites in Small Ruminants

Final report for LNE21-418

Project Type: Research and Education
Funds awarded in 2021: $199,992.00
Projected End Date: 11/30/2024
Grant Recipients: Delaware State University; Virginia State University
Region: Northeast
State: Delaware
Project Leader:
Dr. Kwame Matthews
Delaware State University
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Project Information


Problem and Justification: Production and animal losses due to gastrointestinal nematode (GIN) infection, especially by the blood sucking Haemonchus contortus, is a major constraint not only to profitability, but also to sustainability of United State (U.S.) small ruminant operations. In the absence of vaccines, the only mode of control of GIN is the use of anthelmintics/dewormers. However, decades of relying on dewormer treatments for parasite control has led to the emergence of multi-drug resistant (MDR) parasites which pose a significant challenge to parasite control on small ruminant farms world-wide. Hence, there is an urgent need to identify novel approaches to control and reduce the impact of drug-resistant GIN on sheep and goat farms.

Solution and Approach: The recent release of a new product in the U.S., BioWorma® and Livamol® with BioWorma® (International Animal Health Products, Australia), containing the fungus, Duddingtonia flagrans, offers an opportunity to reduce GIN on pastures and subsequently reinfection in grazing animals. BioWorma® contains only D. flagrans while Livamol® with BioWorma® is a feed supplement containing 2.2% of the fungus. Duddingtonia flagrans is a nematophagous fungus that is able to control GIN infections by capturing and killing immature larval stages before they migrate from feces to pasture, prohibiting their consumption by grazing animals. Utilizing this fungus in an integrative parasite control approach is deemed to help producers reduce parasite loads in their flock/herd significantly and limit their reliance on dewormer for parasite control. However, the current cost of feeding this product as recommended (at least sixty days during the transmission period) is a deterrence to most small ruminant farmers ($18 for a single 50 lb. lamb). Therefore, the overall objective of this project was to educate farmers on integrated parasite control strategies and demonstrate how best to utilize D. flagrans to reduce parasite infections and losses on sheep and goat farms. To achieve this objective, several outreach avenues were used to present current research-based education on integrated parasite control strategies including the most effective treatment approaches. Additionally, research was conducted on university farms and results used to demonstrate different, possibly, more cost-effective, approaches to utilizing D. flagrans for effective GIN control.

Research Results and Outreach Activities

During this project, information on the use of D. flagrans (BioWorma® or Livamol® with BioWorma®) was disseminated through the Small Ruminant sessions at Delaware Agriculture Week, at the Delaware State University Field Day, the American Consortium for Small Ruminant Parasite Control meeting, and at research and extension conferences (Professional Agriculture Workers Conference, Association of Research Directors, American Society of Animal Southern Section, and Delaware State University Research Symposium). Additionally, parasite information was shared at the FAMACHA© training and certification workshop.

Research was conducted at Delaware State University and Virginia State University in order to utilize BioWorma® or Livamol® with BioWorma® to control parasites on the universities farm. Unfortunately, the results indicated no treatment effect of BioWorma® or Livamol® with BioWorma® on fecal egg counts, larval counts, body weights, and FAMACHA© scores in animals that were on the field during the study period. These project were conducted over different time periods and the animals were housed on field that have worm burdens. This may be the reason why the results found in these projects were not similar to results found in Australia and New Zealand.

Performance Target:

Five hundred producers will attend field days and workshops both virtually and face-to-face to learn about dewormer resistance and parasite control in order to improve small ruminant productivity and increase profitability. One hundred will adopt the use of integrative parasite control (Five Point Check® system) on their farms. Another 20 producers will utilize BioWorma® on their farms to help reduce parasite loads. Adoption of techniques and the use of BioWorma® to control parasite loads will be utilized in 2,000 or more sheep and/or goats, saving an estimated $28.00 per head and reduce chemical dewormer usage.


The meat goat industry plays an important role in livestock production worldwide and is an industry with potential for high profitability as the market demand exceeds the current supply in the U.S. (Knight et al., 2006; Ibrahim et al., 2017). The growth in U.S. goat production has been attributed primarily to the high demand for goat meat by immigrant population, including ethnic groups, that consume goat meat and use goats for religious customs and ritual slaughters (Nettles and Bukenya, 2005; Knight et al., 2006; Okpebholo and Kahan, 2007; Ibrahim et al., 2017). Additionally, health conscious individuals are inclined to consume goat meat, as it is a lean source of red meat with favorable nutritional qualities (Ibrahim et al., 2017). The increasing need to meet this demand provides an industry with the potential for high profitability to limited resource and beginning farmers in the U.S. This is due mainly to the opportunity that goat producers have for direct marketing of goat meat at higher prices compared to other red meats (Glimp, 1995; Solaiman, 2007). Additionally, goats have high reproductive rates, low cost of breeding, and the ability to utilize native pasture unsuitable for other types of livestock (Haenlein, 1992). Unfortunately, worldwide production and animal losses due to GIN infection, especially by H. contortus, is a major constraint not only to profitability, but also to sustainability of small ruminant operations.

Infections with GINs are generally controlled by the use of broad-spectrum anthelmintic drug treatments (Miller, 1996). However, decades of relying on the use of available anthelmintics has increased the prevalence of anthelmintic resistant H. contortus (Mortensen et al., 2003), which is reported globally for all three major classes of anthelmintics (Kaplan, 2004; Kaplan and Vidyashankar, 2012). Additionally, large regional surveys conducted in the south (Mortensen et al., 2003), southeast (Howell et al., 2008; Schoenian et al., 2017) and Mid-Atlantic (Crook et al., 2016; Schoenian et al., 2019) regions of the U.S. confirmed that there is a high prevalence of multiple-anthelmintic resistance on sheep and goat farms, with increasing numbers of farms showing resistance to all available anthelmintics. Incorporating the novel biological control agent, D. flagrans, into a parasite management plan may greatly improve the likelihood of reducing parasite loads and contamination with resistant parasites on small ruminant farms.

Nematode trapping fungi are found naturally in soil and while many have been identified, only a few have been studied for their use in controlling GIN in animals (Healey et al., 2018a). One such fungi that has been extensively studied is D. flagrans.Duddingtonia flagrans, has the ability to survive passage through the gastro-intestinal tract of animals, germinate and grow rapidly in fresh feces then capturing and killing immature larvae before they migrate from feces to pasture where they are consumed by the grazing animals (Waller et al., 1994; Larsen et al., 1997; Baudena et al., 2000). Feeding of D. flagrans has been shown to reduce overall worm burdens of T. circumcincta (54.8%) and H. contortus (85%; Wright et al., 2003). Additionally, several other studies have found D. flagrans to be effective in reducing fecal egg counts in field trials in sheep (Knox and Faedo, 2001; Fontenot et al., 2003; Santurio et al., 2011). A new product introduced just recently into U.S. markets (Livamol® with BioWorma®) contains chlamydospores of a new isolate of D. flagrans (strain IAH 1297) and is sold as a nutritional supplement for the natural biological control of GIN larvae in the manure of grazing animals. Studies in Australia have demonstrated that this product significantly reduced larval counts when fed to grazing sheep, goats, cattle, and horses over an 8-week period (Healey et al., 2018a; Healey et al., 2018b). These results provide compelling evidence that BioWorma® offers a biological means of parasite control in grazing animals.

Currently, manufacturers recommend feeding continuously when the environment is conducive to GIN activity, however, this protocol is not cost-effective for most producers with the current prices ($0.60/100 lbs animal/per day). Consequently, use of D. flagrans remains limited and additional alternative approaches are required. However, targeted short-term use could provide important benefits in certain situations. Therefore, this project evaluated and demonstrated the targeted short-term use of Livamol® with BioWorma® and BioWorma® inclusion in a cheaper feed/supplement alternative, to offer farmers cheaper but still highly effective methods of achieving successful control of GIN on sheep and goat farms. This project impacted the knowledge of extension personnel, producers, and students by providing education on a new and effective way of controlling parasites on pasture. Emphasis was placed on dissemination of results and information to cooperative extension agents, animal scientists, veterinarians, veterinary parasitologists, and other clientele at state, regional, national, and international levels.


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  • Dr. Dahlia O'Brien (Educator and Researcher)



Hypothesis: Feeding Livamol® with BioWorma® fourteen days each month (1/2 current recommendation) for a period exceeding sixty days will improve FAMACHA© scores, reduce fecal egg counts and reduce GIN larvae in meat goats.

Hypothesis 2: A locally developed BioWorma® mixed with on farm developed feed will be more cost-effective and as effective in controlling GIN infection in sheep.

Materials and methods:

Objective 1: Evaluate the efficacy of feeding Livamol® with BioWorma® for fourteen days out of every month during high parasite months on GIN infection indicators and larval levels in small ruminants.

Treatments: For objective 1, animals were allocated to one of three treatments. These included: group 1 (BIO1) which was dewormed according to the protocols suggested by the manufacturer’s recommendation and fed Livamol® with BioWorma® daily for four months; group 2 (BIO2) which was fed Livamol® with BioWorma®for fourteen days in each month for four months; and group 3 (CON) which received no fungal supplementation for different time period in 3 projects.

Methods: Objective one completed on Delaware State University farm. Animals were allocated to one of three treatment groups and fed Livamol® with BioWorma® mixed in feed at a rate of 1 g/kg of BW daily (BIO1), Livamol® with BioWorma® mixed in feed at a rate of 1 g/kg of BW for fourteen days in each month (BIO2), or receive no fungal supplementation (CON) for different time period in 3 projects. Dosage of fungus was based on the largest animal’s body weight (BW) in each group and no addition to feed in CON group.

Data Collection and Analysis: Every 14 days throughout the study period, animal BW, FAMACHA© scores, and fecal samples were collected. Grass samples were collected in project one every 14 days for both projects one and two. Body weight was measured and recorded to monitor growth and body weight maintenance on the study. FAMACHA© scores were measured to determine anemia, indicative of a possible H. contortus infection. Goats were dewormed if FAMACHA© scores are 4’s and 5’s or 3’s with other visual signs of parasitism. Fecal samples were taken rectally from each animal and placed in a labeled Ziploc® bags on ice to prevent premature egg hatching and larval development until analyzing. In order to do the FEC at least 1-4 g of fecal matter was needed from each animal. Individual samples were used to determine FEC using the modified McMaster technique (Henricksen and Aagard, 1986). Pooled fecal samples were collected from each group bi-weekly to conduct fecal culture and larval identification according to a modified version of the guidelines put forth by Zajac and Conboy, 2012. Briefly, pooled fecal samples from animals were collected, smashed and mixed together in a 500 ml beaker. Samples were incubated at 27 oC for seven days with distilled water added to samples when necessary to prevent samples from drying out. After seven days, samples were harvested using a Baermann apparatus into two 50 ml conical tubes. The centrifuge tubes were centrifuged at 2500 rpm for 5 minutes and the supernatant in both tubes removed prior to combining pellets in one tube. The centrifuge tubes were heated at 55o C in a heat block for 10 – 15 minutes and stained with 50% Lugol’s iodine to immobilize the larvae. After which, the solution containing the larvae were transferred to a standard slide and counted for differential percentages of GIN species present.  A minimum of two thousand worms were counted and data calculated as a percent of each worm species within the sample population on the slide. Grass samples were collected to conduct pasture larval count to determine level of third-stage larval infectivity and to identify the types of third-stage larvae most predominant on pasture. Samples (500 g each) were collected randomly from each paddock in a zig-zag pattern with each sample containing a small amount of forage from at least six different collection points in each paddock. After collection, plant samples were washed in water containing a non-ionic detergent overnight with moderate agitation and then parasites harvested using a modified Baermann method. Final counts were tabulated and reported as L3/kg of dry matter and identifications were reported as a percentage of L3 counted. FAMACHA© scores and fecal egg count data were analyzed using the MIXED procedure of SAS (SAS Institute, Carey, NC) for repeated measures. Class variables included treatment and day while the model will test main effects and the interaction of treatment and day (Littell et al., 1998). All FAMACHA© and fecal egg count data was log transformed: ln(FEC, PCV or FAMACHA© + 1) for analysis and inferences were made on deworming frequency. Data was analyzed using the PROC FREQ procedure of SAS (Chi Square analysis) when possible.

Farmer Input: This project objective was conceived from conversations with small ruminant producers and queries as to whether or not reducing the recommended dose/treatment days could still be effective in controlling GIN in small ruminants.

Objective 2: Develop an on farm feed with BioWorma® or Livamol BioWorma® incorporated and evaluate its cost and efficacy.

Treatments: For objective 2, animals were allocated to one of two treatments. These will include: group 1 (BIO), which was fed the locally made feed with BioWorma® at recommended 0.06 g/kg rate daily and group 2 (CON), which was fed no fungal supplementation (control) for 98 days.

Methods: Objective two was conducted on Virginia State University farm. Animals were allocated to one of two treatment groups and fed feed made on the university farm with BioWorma® or Livamol® with BioWorma® at recommended 0.06 g/kg rate daily (NBIO), or no fungal supplementation (CON) for 98 days. Animals in group 1 were dewormed according to the protocols suggested by the manufacturer’s recommendation for feeding BioWorma®. Dosage of fungus was based on the largest animal’s body weight (BW) in each group and no addition to feed in CON group. The co-PI at VSU, mixed a feed containing corn and soybean meal supplement and incorporated BioWorma© or Livamol® with BioWorma® into the feed prior to completing each project.

 Data Collection and Analysis: Protocol for sampling and analysis was conducted similar to protocols described above in objective one.

 Farmer Input: Similar to objective one, this project objective was conceived from conversations with small ruminant producers and queries as to whether or not it would be more cost-effective to create a feed with BioWorma® that will be as effective in reducing GIN infections when compared to feeding Livamol® with BioWorma®.

Research results and discussion:

For objective one, three separate experiments were conducted in order to gain knowledge on the use of Livamol® with BioWorma®.

  • In experiment one, thirty-nine meat-goat kids were allocated into three treatment groups (n = 13/group), split into two replicates per treatment group, and placed on six paddocks after accounting for initial fecal egg count (FEC) and Body Weight (BW). This project was conducted over a 42 day period. Data indicated that kids BW, fecal egg count, and FAMACHA© scores were not influenced by treatment and averaged 27.67 ± 0.9 Kg, 1401.1 ± 288.9 eggs per gram, and 2.3 ± 0.16. However, treatment impacted the total larval count with BIO-A and BIO-B having less than CON group throughout the study period. Additionally, the BIO-A and BIO-B groups demonstrated a reduction in parasite load by 26% and 27%, respectively while CON exhibited an increase in parasite load by 23%. It was found that the most predominant GIN found in the study were H. contortus (99.9%) and  Tricostrongylus spp. (0.1%). Parasite harvested from grass samples were also not influenced by treatment.
  • In experiment two, forty-eight meat-goat kids were allocated into three treatment groups (n = 16/group), split into two replicates per treatment group, and placed on six paddocks after accounting for initial fecal egg count (FEC) and Body Weight (BW). This project was conducted over a 70 day period.
  • In experiment three, forty-five adult meat goats were allocated into three treatment groups (n = 15/group), split into triplicates per treatment group, and placed on nine paddocks. This project was conducted over a 98 day period. Data indicated that BW and FEC were not influenced by treatment and averaged 53.9 ± 0.76 Kg and 490.1 ± 53.0 eggs per gram, respectively. However, FAMACHA© scores were higher (P<0.002) for CON (2.4 ± 0.1) than BIO-A (1.9 ± 0.1) and BIO-B (1.8 ± 0.1) meat goats starting from day 14. On day 56, CON had significantly higher (23,639; P<0.0001) parasite culture than BIO-A(5,770.67) and BIO-B (12,430). 

For objective two, two separate experiments were conducted in order to gain knowledge on the use of Livamol® with BioWorma® or BioWorma® when mixed into a on farm feed mix.

  • In experiment one, gestating meat goats were fed daily either a grain supplement ration (corn and soybean meal) with Bioworma® or without (CON) at 1.5% of their BW for 98 days. Data indicated that BioWorma® supplementation had no impact on BW, BCS, FAMACHA© scores, nor PCV and averaged 38.8 ± 0.5 kg, 2.3 ± 0.03, 2.2 ± 0.02, and 29.3 ± 0.3%, respectively. There was also no effect of treatment on FEC (averaging 1,067±254 and 1,107±144 and 987±282 and 847±163 eggs per gram for BIO and CON does on days 0 and 98, respectively.
  • In experiment two, lambs were fed daily either a grain supplement ration (corn and soybean meal) with Livamol with Bioworma® (LIV) or without (CON) at 2% of their BW for 98 days. Data indicated that Livamol with Bioworma® supplementation had no impact on BW, BCS, PCV or FEC in this study averaging 34.2 ± 0.3 kg, 2.5 ± 0.04, 34.7 ± 0.5% and 150.9 eggs per gram, respectively.

The results from these experiments indicated that Livamol with Bioworma® and Bioworma® had little to no impact on parasite parameters (FEC, BW, FAMACHA©) on university farms. This contrasts with the findings of Healey and colleagues (2018). However, these results may be influenced by the fact that the pastures used in the projects were frequently grazed by sheep and goats, which could have led to a high parasite load, potentially reducing the effectiveness of the fungus. For future research involving this product, it may be necessary to rest the pasture for at least six months or to use a new pasture. Additionally, using the product over several years might demonstrate more significant reductions in fecal egg counts than a 98-day trial.

Abstracts (BioWorma)

BioWorma Project

Research Update (Ag Week 2023 and 2024) NESARE DATA


Research conclusions:

Under the conditions of these studies, Livamol with Bioworma® and Bioworma® supplementation had no effect on GIN indicators measured over 98 days of grazing. Further research is needed to confirm the efficacy of Duddingtonia flagrans in controlling GIN and to determine the best way to incorporate it into current on-farm parasite control strategies while animals are grazing.

Participation Summary


Educational approach:

The proposed project seeks to educate producers on integrated parasite management (IPM) strategies while demonstrating through research how best to utilize the biological control agent D. flagrans, contained in BioWorma®. This approach maximized our ability to achieve long-term sustainable success in reducing parasite loads on small ruminant farms. Integrated parasite management is a method of parasite control that uses multiple approaches in a coordinated application that takes social, economic and environmental aspects of production into account (Maqbool et al., 2016). This approach limits the use of dewormers and improve management practices (pasture management, genetic selection, targeted selective treatment, etc.), hence, increasing productivity, reducing development of dewormer resistance, and lead to a more sustainable approach to combat parasites on small ruminant farms (Maqbool et al., 2016). An alternative method to dewormers that has been proven to effectively control internal parasites is the nematode trapping fungus, D. flagransDuddingtonia flagrans, has the ability to survive passage through the gastro-intestinal tract of animals, germinate and grow rapidly in fresh feces then capturing and killing immature larvae before they migrate from feces to pasture where they are consumed by the grazing animals (Waller et al., 1994; Larsen et al., 1997; Baudena et al., 2000). Feeding of D. flagrans has been shown to reduce overall worm burdens of T. circumcincta (54.8%) and H. contortus in dairy goats (85%; Wright et al., 2003). Other studies have found D. flagrans to be effective in reducing fecal egg counts in sheep as well (Knox and Faedo, 2001; Fontenot et al., 2003; Santurio et al., 2011). BioWorma® contains chlamydospores of a new isolate of D. flagrans (strain IAH 1297) and studies in Australia have demonstrated that this product significantly reduced larval counts when fed to grazing sheep and goats over an 8-week period (Healey et al., 2018a; Healey et al., 2018b). However, regardless of efficacy, neither BioWorma® nor Livamol® with BioWorma® is affordable and practical for many small ruminant producers at its current price ($345 for 10 lb pail and $150 for a 30 lb. pail, respectively). Specific and more cost-effective recommendations need to be developed if this product is to become mainstream and included in IPM strategies. The results above provide compelling evidence that in the wake of dewormer resistance, educating producers on IPM, including the most cost-effective application of BioWorma®, offers an exciting and highly effective strategy for future parasite control in grazing sheep and goats.


Milestone #1 (click to expand/collapse)
What beneficiaries do and learn:

Producers will learn about workshops, webinars, and/or field days on integrated parasite management, research projects on BioWorma® and activities outlined in this proposal through email, face to face, and social media communications and advertisements. These advertising methods will reach a minimum of 1,000 producers yearly.

Proposed number of farmer beneficiaries who will participate:


Proposed number of agriculture service provider beneficiaries who will participate:


Actual number of farmer beneficiaries who participated:


Actual number of agriculture service provider beneficiaries who participated:


Proposed Completion Date:

March 11, 2024




The data from the preliminary research on farms was presented at the Delaware Agriculture Week program in 2022, 2023, and 2024. The information was well received by several farmers, with many expressing interests in trying the product on their own farms. For the 2023 Agriculture Week program, advertisements were sent via Facebook and email to the DSU listserv, resulting in 53 farmers registering for the program.


The research findings were shared with farmers, research scientists, and extension personnel at the Professional Agriculture Workers Conference, Delaware State University Research Day, the Association of Research Directors, Delaware State University Profiting From a Few Acres, and the American Society of Animal Science Southern Section. The data was also distributed in abstract booklets, and attendees at different conferences had the opportunity to attend the presentations.


The Small Ruminant Parasite Management and FAMACHA© Certification workshop was emailed to 165 farmers, producers, ranchers, and extension personnel, and was also posted on the DSU Small Farms Facebook page to generate interest.


The Small Ruminant Field Day, held in October 2024, was emailed to 180 farmers, extension personnel, and researchers. It was subsequently posted on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram to encourage broader participation and sign-ups.

Small Ruminant Field day 2024

Small Ruminant Parasite Management Workshop Flyer 2023

2023 Ag Week Small Ruminant Session



Milestone #2 (click to expand/collapse)
What beneficiaries do and learn:

Approximately 300 producers will indicate their interest in project objectives and willingness to receive additional information on outreach and educational programs conducted yearly as part of the project objectives.

Proposed number of farmer beneficiaries who will participate:


Proposed number of agriculture service provider beneficiaries who will participate:


Actual number of farmer beneficiaries who participated:


Actual number of agriculture service provider beneficiaries who participated:


Proposed Completion Date:

March 11, 2024




The information was garnered both in a hybrid setting (2022) and a in-person setting (2023). The producer at the Agriculture Week event listened to the project objectives and the items that were accomplished.

At the Ag Week program, 10 farmers indicated that they would like to be a part of the project if the research shows that BioWorma is working on the farmers. Several producers stayed back after the presentation to discuss BioWorma utilization and any other workshops we will be having on this topic.

The small ruminant field day held in October 2024 had 20 farmers that attended and was interested in learning about the product and its utilization on farms. Additionally, university students and extension specialist attending the field day.

Milestone #3 (click to expand/collapse)
What beneficiaries do and learn:

Producers will register for workshops and 75 will attend integrated parasite management (IPM) workshops at both DSU and VSU yearly to learn about utilizing FAMACHA© scoring, the Five Point Check© system, pasture management, selective deworming, breed selection, nutrition, and natural/alternative dewormers to control GIN infections.

Proposed number of farmer beneficiaries who will participate:


Proposed number of agriculture service provider beneficiaries who will participate:


Actual number of farmer beneficiaries who participated:


Actual number of agriculture service provider beneficiaries who participated:


Proposed Completion Date:

March 11, 2024




Approximately 90 producers in total registered for the Agriculture Week programs and the information was distributed in the form of a research update presentation and the idea about utilizing BioWorma on their property. 

Integrative Parasite Management workshop was held at Delaware State University in order to communicated the importance of management parasites in an integrative way and 30 farmers attended the workshop. The farmers that attended the workshop were amazed by the fact that they were missing so many information on parasite management and they all had to check animals physically in order to practice the skill learned and for them to be certified in FAMACHA scoring. Although there were farmers at this event, there were also 6 undergraduate students and 2 graduate students who aspire to be farmers/veterinarians at workshop and they all participated. From this workshop, there is already a scheduled IPM workshop planned with a 4-H group that have 19 individuals as we did not have enough microscopes to have a program with more than 40 participants.

For the Agriculture week workshop, 53 producers registered for the small ruminant session; however, only 26 producers were there to hear about the research updates and the parasite management talk that was done. For January 2024, a presenter will be presenting specifically on parasite management from this grant and focused on this area.

For the small ruminant field day, 20 producers attended and indicated the use of BioWorma on their farms and wanted to use the product if we can give them more data to show the effectiveness of the product.

Milestone #4 (click to expand/collapse)
What beneficiaries do and learn:

Producers participating in IPM workshops will volunteer and participate in on-farm studies to evaluate the efficacy of an alternative, more cost-effective method of feeding Livamol® with BioWorma® in controlling GIN infections in sheep and goats.

Proposed number of farmer beneficiaries who will participate:


Proposed number of agriculture service provider beneficiaries who will participate:


Actual number of farmer beneficiaries who participated:


Actual number of agriculture service provider beneficiaries who participated:


Proposed Completion Date:

October 31, 2023




The Integrative Parasite Management workshop was held at Delaware State University in order to communicate the importance of parasite management in an integrative way and 30 farmers attended the workshop. During this event there were 5 new farmers who was interested in utilizing the methods we discussed on their farms in the future. At the small ruminant field day 4 farmers were interested in using BioWorma; however, they were concerned about the date that we were getting and planned on waiting for more favorable results.

Milestone #5 (click to expand/collapse)
What beneficiaries do and learn:

Producer will attend field days on producer farms in Delaware, Maryland and Virginia to learn IPM strategies and research project results on BioWorma®. Final year of project.

Proposed number of farmer beneficiaries who will participate:


Proposed number of agriculture service provider beneficiaries who will participate:


Actual number of farmer beneficiaries who participated:


Actual number of agriculture service provider beneficiaries who participated:


Proposed Completion Date:

March 11, 2024




Field days were not held on producer farms because the BioWorma projects are not working as effectively. A small ruminant field day was held at Delaware State University farm just to inform the producers about the data acquired from the projects on the university farms.

Milestone #6 (click to expand/collapse)
What beneficiaries do and learn:

Producers will respond to follow-up surveys on changes in their GIN control strategies since training, their utilization and perceived benefit of BioWorma®, and challenges/successes from total project participation (response from all events held throughout the project).

Proposed number of farmer beneficiaries who will participate:


Proposed number of agriculture service provider beneficiaries who will participate:


Proposed Completion Date:

March 11, 2024




Due to the data acquired from the on-farm studies and the delays that occurred with this project, a survey was not sent out to the producers to get feed back on the changes in their GIN control strategies as we did not give them a new product to use. With the data acquired, no recommendation to use this product was given. 

Milestone Activities and Participation Summary

Educational activities:

2 On-farm demonstrations
1 Tours
5 Webinars / talks / presentations
2 Workshop field days
3 Other educational activities: Presentation at university research days and university related conference updates.

Participation Summary:

30 Farmers participated
4 Number of agricultural educator or service providers reached through education and outreach activities

Learning Outcomes

2 Farmers reported changes in knowledge, attitudes, skills and/or awareness as a result of their participation
Key areas in which farmers reported changes in knowledge, attitude, skills and/or awareness:

There was three workshops (Delaware Ag week and the Integrative Parasite Management) that were held where the data from the BioWorma project were presented and the producers were all ready to participate in the on producer farm portion of this project. The information given to the producers were well received and producers indicated their willingness to utilize the products.  When speaking to producers one on one, several producers indicated that they have purchased the product prior to manufacturing issues and have started utilizing it according to the discussion we had at the Agriculture Week event. When the field day was held, the producers were very interested in the project and would participate. However, the delays in the product availability and the data on university farms did not allow for testing on producer farms.

Performance Target Outcomes

Target #1

Target: number of farmers:


Target: change/adoption:

Use of integrative parasite control (Five Point Check® system) and/or utilization of BioWorma® on their farms to help reduce parasite loads.

Target: amount of production affected:

Adoption of techniques and the use of BioWorma® to control parasite loads will be utilized in 2,000 or more sheep and/or goats.

Target: quantified benefit(s):

Saving an estimated $28.00 per head and reduce chemical dewormer usage.

Actual: number of farmers:


Actual: change/adoption:

These two farmers indicated via in-person communication that they have started using BioWorma since we gave information to them in 2022. These farmers have not really worried about the price of the product because they had limited amount of animals. Farmers have received certification in FAMACHA(C) scoring and 2 have reported that they have been using the cards and they enjoyed the workshop.

Actual: amount of production affected:

45 animals are now being fed the product

Actual: quantified benefit(s):

The benefit that would be measurable is the limited usage of dewormers. It was not evaluated. However, when using the FAMACHA scoring system, you naturally deworm less animals, hence, resulting in cost saving.

Performance Target Outcome Narrative:

The farmers that are using these product only have limited amount of animals and so it is cheaper for them to purchase BioWorma for product use. The producers indicated that they have purchased the product and started using it prior to the manufacturer halting production. Follow up survey was not completed on these projects as the time was spend to try to validate the product on farm to see if more favorable results could be acquired.

3 Farmers changed or adopted a practice
Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and should not be construed to represent any official USDA or U.S. Government determination or policy.