Progress report for LNE22-437
Project Information
Problem or Opportunity and Justification:
While rye has been grown as a domesticated crop for thousands of years, farmers in New England and the rest of the Northeast still lack vital information on how to grow high quality rye for food and beverage markets, even including information on what makes for a high quality rye harvest. Rye is grown on over 30,000 acres in Vermont as a cover crop to provide winter soil cover and nitrogen retention. There is outstanding potential for this acreage to produce high quality rye that can also generate revenue for farmers. Some quality parameters for rye are well-defined, including desired plumpness, test weight, and protein levels, but require additional research in to varietal selection and agronomic practices to help farmers produce rye that meets these criteria. For other quality parameters related to proxies for baking quality (such as falling number), more work is needed with bakers and other end users of rye grain to help determine what range of characteristics indicate that a rye harvest is suitable for baking. More work also needs to be done to help farmers gain access to processing equipment for handling rye and connect farmers to markets for rye for distilling, malting, baking and other culinary uses.
Solution and Approach:
The goal of this project is to bridge information gaps at both ends of the value chain: working with farmers to overcome production challenges and working with processors to create high-quality end products. By working on both sides of the value chain we can increase the acreage of cereal rye harvested for grain which will positively impact soil health, farm viability, and consumer access to local food and beverage. We propose to increase knowledge on production, harvesting, and cleaning techniques, connect farmers to markets, work with end users to better develop and define rye quality criteria, and continue research into varietal selection and agronomic practices for cereal rye. The combination of these solutions will create a foundation of knowledge for farmers to build upon as they begin growing and harvesting rye for grain. The connections developed between farmers, project personnel, and end-users will strengthen the value-chain, increase acreage of rye grown for grain, and increase the value of farmers’ rye crops in Vermont and New York.
Thirty farmers in the Northeast will adopt at least one new production or marketing practice that will result in 500 acres (750 tons) of cereal rye being sold into a added-value market and increasing the per ton value of rye an average $600 or $450,000 on the 500 acres.
Cereal rye is currently being grown as a cover crop on approximately 30,000 acres in Vermont alone. The crop plays an essential role in reducing erosion, maintaining a healthy nutrient cycle, and building soil health. Generally, the rye cover crop is terminated in the spring but there is potential to leave some of the crop for value add grain markets. The proposed project aims to maintain the soil and water benefits of the rye crop while adding a cash crop to a farms rotation that can be sold into high-value markets. The going rate for rye cover crop seed in Vermont is $0.16 per pound, whereas the price per pound of rye for baking ranges from $0.30- 0.75. As an example selling rye for baking would result in an $1,180 per ton increase! The goal is to confront educational gaps at both ends of the value chain: working with farmers to overcome production challenges and working with processors to create high-quality end products. By confronting both sides of the value chain we can increase the acreage of cereal rye harvested for grain which will positively impact soil health, farm viability, and consumer access to local food and beverage.
confront educational gaps at both ends of the value chain: working with farmers to overcome production challenges and working with processors to create high-quality end products. By confronting both sides of the value chain we can increase the acreage of cereal rye harvested for grain which will positively impact soil health, farm viability, and consumer access to local food and beverage.
- (Educator)
Hypothesis 1: Documenting cereal rye market demand, desired rye varieties, and the standards required for various market sectors will help poise farmers to meet the emerging demand for rye and inform education and outreach needs of the emerging industry.
Hypothesis 1: If regionally specific agronomic practices are developed for growing cereal rye grain than farmers will have success in meeting the quality standards for value-added markets. Implementation of appropriate practices such as adapted varieties; fertility management as well as proper planting and harvest dates will more often result in grain that meets the standards for value-added rye grain markets.
Objective 1: Determine the demand and market requirements for cereal rye across a variety of sectors.
June Russel, Glynwood, Heather Darby, UVM Extension, Michael Moser, The UVM Center for Rural Studies, and Agricultural Economist Brian Baker started working on survey development in the fall of 2022. The goal was to develop and conduct a survey on the various emerging markets for regionally grown rye in the Northeast. The project team worked together in December of 2022 to develop a distribution list for the survey. The planned markets to be surveyed include food grade, distilling, seed (both cover crop and grain seed), and malting. The goal of the survey is to capture rye use and demand, varieties that are currently used, standards required for various market sectors, and general info on performance.
Rye End Use Survey. The project team executed the Rye End Use Survey in Qualtrics and distributed it through multiple membership organizations representative of the supply chain to reach the target audience of rye end users. The researchers identified relevant and trusted organizations in the supply chain in the Northeast and North Central regions, as well as nationally. These included: the Artisan Grain Collaborative, the Common Grain Alliance, the Craft Maltsters Guild, the Millers Peer Learning Group, the New York Distillers Guild, the Northeast Organic Farmers Association (NY), the Northern Grain Growers Association, and the Ograin Project. Each organization agreed to distribute the survey to their constituent email lists. The combined number of email addresses resulted in 16,022 contacts across all organizations. Because the lists were controlled by the different organizations, we were unable to identify duplicates nor to tailor the lists to ensure the survey’s relevance to any individual recipient; to address this, the email invitations asked end users to complete the survey only once. Given that the survey takes 10-20 minutes to complete, it is unlikely that any one end user would have taken it twice. The survey was distributed by email between February 14, 2023 and April 15, 2023. At least one reminder email was sent by each collaborating organization. The survey was closed on June 12, with a total of 102 responses in the project’s focus area of the Northeast. While the response rate was low for the size of the invitation pool, the researchers feel confident that we captured high quality responses from a sufficiently wide cross-section of end-users in the project’s focus area from which to extrapolate relevant data.
Focus groups were conducted in the fall of 2023, which were additional to the original scope of work for the project. Four primary and secondary processor focus groups (Farmers, Maltsters & Distillers, Millers & Bakers, and Feed & Seed handlers) were convened in order to gather more detail and build additional context around rye production and processing. Invitations were emailed to specific actors from each group to join a virtual call with a goal of four to six participants in each of the four groups. The Project team conducted four focus groups with a total of 11 participants: three farmers, two maltsters, two distillers, two bakers, one miller, and onefeed miller. Questions, which were shared with participants prior to each group call, were designed to gather detail about production and processing challenges, quality requirements, varietal attributes and preferences, grain supply, and market opportunities.
Summary and reports. Results of the survey were analyzed in the fall of 2023 and a draft report, and one-page summary have been written and are in review. These survey reports will be finalized in the first half of 2024, detailing market opportunities for cereal rye across sectors. The focus group report is also forthcoming in the first half of 2024.
Objective 2: To determine which cereal rye varieties are most appropriate for various end-uses
2023 Trial
The rye variety trial was initiated at Borderview Research Farm in Alburgh, VT in the fall of 2022. Plots were managed with practices similar to those used by producers in the surrounding area. Agronomic information is displayed in Table 1. The experimental design was a randomized complete block with four replicates. The field was plowed, disked, and prepared with a spike tooth harrow to prepare the seedbed for planting. Plots were seeded in 5’ x 20’ plots with a Great Plains Cone Seeder on 24-Sep 2022 at a seeding rate of 350 live seeds m-2. Treatments were twelve varieties of cereal rye including Aroostook, Bono, CoverMax, Danko, Hazlet, ND Dylan, ND Gardner, Progas, Serafino, Spooner, Tayo, and VNS (Ruth) (Table 2).
Table 1. Agronomic and trial information for the rye cover crop variety trial, 2022-2023.
Borderview Research Farm, Alburgh, VT |
Soil type |
Benson rocky silt loam |
Previous crop |
Hemp Fiber |
Tillage operations |
Fall plow, disc, and spike tooth harrow |
Harvest area (ft.) |
5 x 20 |
Seeding rate (live seeds m-2) |
350 |
Replicates |
4 |
Planting date |
24-Sep 2022 |
Harvest date |
2-Aug 2023 |
Table 2. Winter rye varietal information, Alburgh, VT, 2022-2023.
Variety |
Source |
Aroostook |
Albert Lea Seed |
Bono |
Albert Lea Seed |
CoverMax |
Albert Lea Seed |
Danko |
Albert Lea Seed |
Hazlet |
Albert Lea Seed |
ND Dylan |
University of North Dakota |
ND Gardner |
University of North Dakota |
Progas |
Albert Lea Seed |
Serafino |
Albert Lea Seed |
Spooner |
Albert Lea Seed |
Tayo |
Albert Lea Seed |
VNS (Ruth) |
Saved Seed |
Starting on 18-May through 4-Jun, heading dates and flowering dates were recorded for each variety. On 1-Aug 2023, one day prior to harvest, three plant heights per plot were measured for each plot, excluding awns. Lodging was assessed visually as percent lodged, with 0% indicating no lodging and 100% indicating the entire plot was lodged. Grain plots were harvested at the Alburgh site with an Almaco SPC50 plot combine on 2-Aug. Seed was cleaned with a small Clipper M2B cleaner (A.T. Ferrell, Bluffton, IN) and a one-pound subsample was collected to analyze quality characteristics. Grain quality was determined at the E. E. Cummings Crop Testing Laboratory at the University of Vermont (Burlington, VT). Grains were analyzed for crude protein and starch content using the Perten Inframatic 9500 NIR Grain Analyzer (Perkin Elmer, Waltham, MA). The samples were then ground into flour using the Perten LM3100 Laboratory Mill (Perkin Elmer). Falling number for all rye varieties were determined using the AACC Method 56-81B, AACC Intl., 2000 on a Perten FN 1500 Falling Number Machine Mill (Perkin Elmer). The falling number indirectly measures enzymatic activity in the grain, which is typically used as an indicator of pre-harvest sprouting. It is determined by the time it takes, in seconds, for a stirrer to fall through a slurry of flour and water to the bottom of a test-tube. Deoxynivalenol (DON) analysis was done using Veratox DON 2/3 Quantitative test from the NEOGEN Corp (Lansing, MI). This test has a detection range of 0.5 to 5 ppm. Samples with DON values greater than 1 ppm are considered unsuitable for human consumption. Samples from one replicate were evaluated for DON and all samples tested below the FDA threshold for human consumption (1 ppm) (data not shown).
Standard characteristics were analyzed using mixed model analysis using the mixed procedure of SAS (SAS Institute, 1999). Replications within the trial were treated as random effects, and treatments were treated as fixed. Treatment mean comparisons were made using the Least Significant Difference (LSD) procedure when the F-test was considered significant (p<0.10).
Objective 3: To determine the optimum planting date and seed depth for cereal rye to maximize winter survival and yield/quality.
2022 Trial
The rye planting date x seeding depth trial was initiated at Borderview Research Farm in Alburgh, VT in the fall of 2022. Plots were managed with practices similar to those used by producers in the surrounding area. Agronomic information is displayed in Table 3. Main plots planted using Hazlet rye were winter rye planting dates and split plots were seeding depths. The field was plowed, disked, and prepared with a spike tooth harrow to prepare the seedbed for planting. First planting date plots were seeded in 5’ x 20’ plots with a Great Plains Cone Seeder on 24-Sep 2022 at a seeding rate of 350 live seeds m-2 with subsequent planting dates established approximately 1 week apart, varying as a result of weather and field conditions.
Table 3. Agronomic and trial information for the rye cover crop variety trial, 2022-2023.
Borderview Research Farm, Alburgh, VT |
Soil type |
Benson rocky silt loam |
Previous crop |
Winter Wheat |
Tillage operations |
Fall plow, disc, and spike tooth harrow |
Harvest area (ft.) |
5 x 20 |
Seeding rate (live seeds m-2) |
350 |
Replicates |
4 |
Variety |
Hazlet |
Planting date – Germination date |
24-Sep 2022 3-Oct 2022 10-Oct 2022 16-Oct 2022 22-Oct 2022 |
3-Oct 2022 12-Oct 2022 24-Oct 2022 NR NR
Planting Depths |
0.5” 1.0” 1.5” |
Harvest date |
6-Aug 2023 |
After fall establishment, and prior to sustained freezing temperatures (9-Nov), percent ground cover was measured by processing photographs using the Canopeo© smartphone application. Additionally, tiller and plant counts were taken from 1, one-foot section within each plot to evaluate stand establishment on 10-Nov. On 3-Aug 2023, prior to harvest, three plant heights per plot were measured for each plot, excluding awns. Lodging was assessed visually as percent lodged, with 0% indicating no lodging and 100% indicating the entire plot was lodged. Grain plots were harvested at the Alburgh site with an Almaco SPC50 plot combine on 6-Aug. Seed was cleaned with a small Clipper M2B cleaner (A.T. Ferrell, Bluffton, IN) and a one-pound subsample was collected to analyze quality characteristics. Samples for each planting date at the 1.0” planting depth were saved for quality analysis to further determine potential impacts of planting date on rye quality. Grain quality was determined at the E. E. Cummings Crop Testing Laboratory at the University of Vermont (Burlington, VT). Grains were analyzed for crude protein and starch content using the Perten Inframatic 9500 NIR Grain Analyzer (Perkin Elmer, Waltham, MA). The samples were then ground into flour using the Perten LM3100 Laboratory Mill (Perkin Elmer). Falling number for all rye varieties were determined using the AACC Method 56-81B, AACC Intl., 2000 on a Perten FN 1500 Falling Number Machine Mill (Perkin Elmer). The falling number indirectly measures enzymatic activity in the grain, which is typically used as an indicator of pre-harvest sprouting. It is determined by the time it takes, in seconds, for a stirrer to fall through a slurry of flour and water to the bottom of a test-tube. Deoxynivalenol (DON) analysis was done using Veratox DON 2/3 Quantitative test from the NEOGEN Corp (Lansing, MI). This test has a detection range of 0.5 to 5 ppm. Samples with DON values greater than 1 ppm are considered unsuitable for human consumption. Samples from one replicate were evaluated for DON and all samples tested below the FDA threshold for human consumption (1 ppm) (data not shown).
Standard characteristics were analyzed using mixed model analysis using the mixed procedure of SAS (SAS Institute, 1999). Replications within the trial were treated as random effects, and treatments were treated as fixed. Treatment mean comparisons were made using the Least Significant Difference (LSD) procedure when the F-test was considered significant (p<0.10).
Objective 4: To determine the impact of nitrogen management on cereal rye yield and end-use quality.
2023 Trials
The rye fertility trial was initiated at Borderview Research Farm in Alburgh, VT in the fall of 2022. Plots were managed with practices similar to those used by producers in the surrounding area. Agronomic information is displayed in Table 4. The experimental design was a randomized complete block with split plots and four replicates. The field was plowed, disked, and prepared with a spike tooth harrow to prepare the seedbed for planting. Plots were seeded in 5’ x 20’ plots with a Great Plains Cone Seeder on 17-Sep 2022 at a seeding rate of 350 live seeds m-2. Treatments consisted of varying application rates and periods (Table 5). Fall applications were made on 6-Oct 2022 and spring applications were made on 26-Apr in the form of calcium ammonium nitrate (CAN) 27-0-0.
Table 4. Agronomic and trial information for the rye cover crop variety trial, 2022-2023.
Borderview Research Farm, Alburgh, VT |
Soil type |
Benson rocky silt loam |
Previous crop |
Winter Wheat |
Tillage operations |
Fall plow, disc, and spike tooth harrow |
Harvest area (ft.) |
5 x 20 |
Seeding rate (live seeds m-2) |
350 |
Replicates |
4 |
Varieties |
Hazlet, Tayo |
Planting date |
17-Sep 2022 |
Harvest date |
31-Jul 2023 |
Table 5. Nitrogen fertility treatment application rates and times, 2022-2023.
Treatment |
Application date |
Control (no additional nitrogen) |
No application |
90 lbs N/ac fall applied |
6-Oct 2022 |
90 lbs N/ac spring applied |
26-Apr 2023 |
45/45 lbs N/ac split application (fall/spring) |
6-Oct 2022 / 26-Apr 2023 |
On 8-Nov 2022, percent ground cover of rye plots was recorded for each treatment using the Canopeo© smartphone application to determine potential impacts of fertility applications on rye establishment. In the following spring (12-Apr 2023) percent ground cover was once again recorded to further evaluate application rates and winter kill for each plot. Biomass samples were collected on 11-May alongside soil nitrate samples. On 26-Jul 2023, three plant heights per plot were measured for each plot, excluding awns. Lodging was assessed visually as percent lodged, with 0% indicating no lodging and 100% indicating the entire plot was lodged. Grain plots were harvested at the Alburgh site with an Almaco SPC50 plot combine on 31-Jul. Seed was cleaned with a small Clipper M2B cleaner (A.T. Ferrell, Bluffton, IN) and a one-pound subsample was collected to analyze quality characteristics. Grain quality was determined at the E. E. Cummings Crop Testing Laboratory at the University of Vermont (Burlington, VT). Grains were analyzed for crude protein and starch content using the Perten Inframatic 9500 NIR Grain Analyzer (Perkin Elmer, Waltham, MA). The samples were then ground into flour using the Perten LM3100 Laboratory Mill (Perkin Elmer). Falling number for all rye varieties were determined using the AACC Method 56-81B, AACC Intl., 2000 on a Perten FN 1500 Falling Number Machine Mill (Perkin Elmer). The falling number indirectly measures enzymatic activity in the grain, which is typically used as an indicator of pre-harvest sprouting. It is determined by the time it takes, in seconds, for a stirrer to fall through a slurry of flour and water to the bottom of a test-tube. Deoxynivalenol (DON) analysis was done using Veratox DON 2/3 Quantitative test from the NEOGEN Corp (Lansing, MI). This test has a detection range of 0.5 to 5 ppm. Samples with DON values greater than 1 ppm are considered unsuitable for human consumption. Samples from one replicate were evaluated for DON and all samples tested below the FDA threshold for human consumption (1 ppm) (data not shown).
Standard characteristics were analyzed using mixed model analysis using the mixed procedure of SAS (SAS Institute, 1999). Replications within the trial were treated as random effects, and treatments were treated as fixed. Treatment mean comparisons were made using the Least Significant Difference (LSD) procedure when the F-test was considered significant (p<0.10).
Objective 5: To determine the impact of harvest date on cereal rye yield and end-use quality.
2022 Trial
The field was plowed, disked, and prepared with a spike tooth harrow to prepare the seedbed for planting. The experimental design was a randomized complete block with split plots and 4 replicates. The main plots were harvest date and the split plots were variety. The plots were planted with a Great Plains cone seeder on 22-Sep 2021 and plots were 5’ x 20’ (Table 6).
Table 6. Agronomic and trial information for the rye cover crop variety trial, 2021-2022.
Borderview Research Farm, Alburgh, VT |
Soil Type |
Benson rocky silt loam |
Previous Crop |
Annual forages |
Tillage Operations |
Fall plow, disc, and spike tooth harrow |
Harvest Area (ft.) |
5 x 20 |
Seeding Rate (live seeds m-2) |
350 |
Replicates |
4 |
Planting Date |
22-Sep 2021 |
Harvest Dates (HD) |
HD 1: 20-Jul 2022 HD 2: 29-Jul 2022 HD 3: 4-Aug 2022 HD 4: 12-Aug 2022 |
Grain plots were harvested with an Almaco SPC50 plot combine at one week intervals from 20-Jul through 12-Aug. Following harvest, seed was cleaned with a small Clipper M2B cleaner (A.T. Ferrell, Bluffton, IN). Grain moisture, test weight, and yield were measured. A subsample (approximately one-pound) was collected to determine quality. Quality measurements included standard testing parameters used by commercial mills. Grains were analyzed for protein and starch content using the Perten Inframatic 9500 Grain Analyzer. Rye flour for baking should have starch content between 56–70% and protein content between 8–13%. Samples were ground into flour using the Perten LM3100 Laboratory Mill. Falling number was measured on the Perten FN 1500 Falling Number Machine (AACC Method 56-81B, AACC Intl., 2000). The falling number is related to the level of enzymatic activity and sprouting damage that may have occurred in the grain. It is measured by the time it takes, in seconds, for a stirrer to fall through a slurry of flour and water to the bottom of a test tube.
2023 Trial
The field was prepared with a Pottinger TerraDisc® to prepare the seedbed for planting. The experimental design was a randomized complete block with split plots and 4 replicates. The main plots were harvest date and variety the split-plot. The varieties evaluated were Bono, Danko, Hazlet and Serafino. Rye was planted with a Great Plains cone seeder on 17-Sep 2022. Plots were 5’ x 20’ (Table 6).
Table 6. Agronomic and trial information for the rye cover crop variety trial, 2019-2020.
Borderview Research Farm, Alburgh, VT |
Soil Type |
Benson rocky silt loam |
Previous Crop |
Spring grains |
Tillage Operations |
Pottinger TerraDisc® |
Harvest Area (ft.) |
5 x 20 |
Seeding Rate (live seeds m-2) |
350 |
Replicates |
4 |
Planting Date |
17-Sep 2022 |
Harvest Dates (HD) |
HD 1: 25-Jul 2023 HD 2: 1-Aug 2023 HD 3: 6-Aug 2023 HD 4: 11-Aug 2023 |
Grain plots were harvested with an Almaco SPC50 plot combine at approximately one week intervals through the end of July and beginning of August. Following harvest, seed was cleaned with a small Clipper cleaner (A.T. Ferrell, Bluffton, IN). Plot yield was weighed on a pound scale. A one-pound subsample was collected to determine quality. Grain quality was determined at UVM Extension’s E. E. Cummings Crop Testing Laboratory (Burlington, Vermont). Grains were analyzed for protein and starch content using the Perten Inframatic 9500 Grain Analyzer. The samples were then ground into flour using the Perten LM3100 Laboratory Mill. Falling number was determined using the AACC Method 56-81B, AACC Intl., 2000 on a Perten FN 1500 Falling Number Machine. The falling number is related to the level of sprout damage that has occurred in the grain. It is measured by the time it takes, in seconds, for a stirrer to fall through a slurry of flour and water to the bottom of the tube. Deoxynivalenol (DON) analysis was analyzed using Veratox DON 2/3 Quantitative test from the NEOGEN Corp. This test has a detection range of 0.5 to 5 ppm. Samples with DON values greater than 1 ppm are considered unsuitable for human consumption. One sample from each variety from each harvest date was tested for DON levels and all were determined to be above the 1 ppm threshold for consumption.
Objective 1: Determine the demand and market requirements for cereal rye across a variety of sectors.
These were our main findings:
Growers (N=26)
- Producers are reluctant to expand production unless they are sure of a market.
- The main market for cereal rye is seed, with much of it grown as a cover crop in the Northeast.
- Yield came up as a major concern in the focus group.
- Top concerns other than yield were access to organic seed, germination rate, pathogens and mycotoxins, and flavor.
- Most producers sell through multiple channels for several different end uses.
- Lack of market and low prices were common complaints in both the survey and focus group.
- About a third were unable to sell all the rye that they grew.
- Specifications for food-grade and distilling markets are not always consistent or readily known.
Distillers and Maltsters (N=32)
- Demand is not being met for several value-added products, particularly distilled spirits.
- Flavor is the top concern for both groups.
- Sourcing grain from local or in-state farms is the second biggest priority for distillers.
- Maltsters require a high germination rate, not a concern for distillers.
- Supply chains are short, with most buying directly from farmers.
- Purchases are evenly split between pre-season contracts and informal agreements / spot market.
- Storage capacity is a limiting factor.
Millers and Bakers (N=26)
- Baking results are unpredictable and vary widely depending on the variety and other factors.
- Bakers are not always clear on which quality parameters to look for and which values differentiate high quality from low quality rye.
- Wary of purchasing Variety Not Specified (VNS) rye.
- A few operations were vertically integrated from field to table, growing to baking.
- Several noted that rye is more difficult to mill than wheat.
- Only one miller was unable to get all the rye they needed to fill their orders.
Seed Dealers (N=17)
- Other than yield, germination is their top concern, followed by cleanliness and certified organic status.
- Most likely to have pre-season contracts with producers.
- Much of what is grown is sold for cover crop seed.
- All but one was able to get all the rye seed needed.
- Many incentive programs may be responsible for driving up demand for rye seed for use as cover crops.
- Rye seed is currently more expensive than wheat (Fall 2023).
Cleaners, Aggregators (N=15)
- Cleanliness and germination rate were their top concerns.
- Ergot and vomitoxin
- Most have their product milled into flour.
- Rye flakes and cracked rye products were noted to require very clean grain.
Feed Millers (N=9)
- Top concern is protein content, cited by 64%.
- Organic status, pathogens, and cleanliness.
- Respondents cited ergot and DON as specific concerns by a third of respondents.
- Livestock producers grow rye in rotation and mill for their own herds.
- Eight out of eleven respondents grew their own rye.
- Cereal rye can also be grown as a forage crop in pastures.
- Producers expressed Interest in rye for animal feed.
The Takeaway
- Clear opportunities exist to expand production of rye for seed and for value-added markets.
- Distilling and baking appear to offer the most demand for value-added products.
- Distillers, flour millers, and bakers want to know which varieties are the most flavorful, offering opportunities for plant breeders and sensory researchers.
- There is a need to better understand functional attributes of different varieties, and between hybrid and open pollinated varieties.
- Millers are not always clear on which quality parameters are important to their bakers and can experience variation in end-products by variety or growing year even if lab analyses appear similar. There is an opportunity for further research to better understand quality attributes for baking.
- Value-added markets such as distilling and baking want cleaner grain and better quality, but may not be willing to pay farmers enough of a premium to give them an incentive to produce
- The value chain relies mostly on informal agreements and the spot market.
- Cereal rye offers several agronomic benefits in weed suppression, breaking host cycles for pests and diseases, and fitting as a suitable winter small grain for the Northeast region.
- Rye can be planted as a cover crop to add organic matter, reduce erosion, and can be both planted as and followed by disking or as a no-till crop without herbicides through the use of a roller-crimper..
- Rye is versatile and offers producers flexibility in marketing and on-farm end uses.
2023 Weather Data
The fall of 2022 had average weather in terms of precipitation and temperature. The main growing season in the spring and summer of 2023 was slightly cooler than average and much wetter. Over 28 inches of rain fell from April through July, 9.65 inches more than normal. A total of 6503 growing degree days (GDDs) accumulated over the fall of 2022 and spring and summer of 2023, 32 GDDs more than normal.
Table 7. Temperature and precipitation summary for Alburgh, VT, 2022 and 2023 growing season.
Alburgh, VT |
22-Sep |
22-Oct |
22-Nov |
23-Apr |
23-May |
23-Jun |
23-Jul |
23-Aug |
Average temperature (°F) |
60.2 |
51.3 |
41.5 |
48.3 |
57.1 |
65.7 |
72.2 |
67.0 |
Departure from normal |
-2.52 |
0.96 |
2.24 |
2.7 |
-1.28 |
-1.76 |
-0.24 |
-3.73 |
Precipitation (inches) |
4.40 |
2.56 |
3.01 |
4.94 |
1.98 |
4.4 |
10.8 |
6.27 |
Departure from normal |
0.73 |
-1.27 |
0.31 |
1.87 |
-1.78 |
0.14 |
6.69 |
2.73 |
Growing Degree Days (base 32°F) |
861 |
607 |
346 |
524 |
766 |
1027 |
1274 |
1098 |
Departure from normal |
-61 |
39 |
111 |
112 |
-53 |
-37 |
22 |
-101 |
Based on weather data from a Davis Instruments Vantage Pro2 with WeatherLink data logger. Historical averages are for 30 years of NOAA data (1981-2010) from Burlington, VT. (
Objective 2: To determine which cereal rye varieties are most appropriate for various end-uses
Results to be reported in 2023.
Objective 3: To determine the optimum planting date and seed depth for cereal rye to maximize winter survival and yield/quality.
Results to be reported in 2023.
Objective 4: To determine the impact of nitrogen management on cereal rye yield and end-use quality.
Results to be reported in 2023.
Objective 5: To determine the impact of harvest date and variety on end-use quality.
Seasonal precipitation and temperature recorded at Borderview Research Farm in Alburgh, VT are displayed in Table 8. The fall of 2021 was slightly warmer and wetter than normal from September through November. The temperature was 3.03 degrees warmer than normal and there was 2.78 inches of precipitation more than average. This allowed for good germination and establishment of the winter rye. The spring and summer of 2022 continued to be wetter, although slightly cooler than average. In total during the rye growing season, there was over 40 inches of precipitation – 9.43 inches more than average. A total of 6739 growing degree days (GDD’s) accumulated – 131 more than average.
Table 8. Temperature and precipitation summary for Alburgh, VT, 2021-2022 growing season.
2021 |
2022 |
Sep |
Oct |
Nov |
Mar |
Apr |
May |
Jun |
Jul |
Aug |
Average temperature (°F) |
63.1 |
54.6 |
37.6 |
32.3 |
44.8 |
60.5 |
65.3 |
71.9 |
70.5 |
Departure from normal |
0.40 |
4.31 |
-1.68 |
-0.03 |
-0.81 |
2.09 |
-2.18 |
-0.54 |
-0.20 |
Precipitation (inches) |
4.49 |
6.23 |
2.26 |
2.52 |
5.57 |
3.36 |
8.19 |
3.00 |
4.94 |
Departure from normal |
0.82 |
2.40 |
-0.44 |
0.28 |
2.50 |
-0.40 |
3.93 |
-1.06 |
1.40 |
Growing Degree Days (32°-95°F) |
933 |
701 |
232 |
170 |
391 |
883 |
1000 |
1236 |
1193 |
Departure from normal |
11 |
133 |
-3 |
32 |
-20 |
65 |
-64 |
-17 |
-6 |
Based on weather data from a Davis Instruments Vantage Pro2 with WeatherLink data logger. Historical averages are for 30 years of NOAA data (1981-2010) from Burlington, VT. (
Impact of Harvest Date
Yield, harvest moisture, and test weight were measured at the time of harvest (Table 9). Yields were high across the trial, with the highest yield on HD1 (20-Jul) at 6639 lbs ac-1. Yield declined steadily through the harvest season and yield from the first harvest date was significantly different from all other dates. Harvest moisture varied across the study period with highest harvest moisture occurring at the first harvest date and lowest occurring at the second harvest date. The moisture content at the second date was statistically dissimilar from the other dates and was the only harvest date when the moisture was below 14% and did not require additional drying down for storage. Test weight was highest in HD2 (29-Jul) at 53.7 lbs bu-1 with no other harvest dates statistically similar.
Table 9. Harvest data and grain quality for winter rye harvest dates, Alburgh, VT, 2022.
Harvest date |
Yield @ 13.5% moisture |
Harvest moisture |
Test weight |
Starch |
Crude protein |
Falling number |
lbs ac-1 |
% |
lbs bu-1 |
% |
% |
seconds |
20-Jul |
6639a† |
22.3c |
52.1b |
62.9 |
6.44c |
263b |
29-Jul |
6012b |
13.3a |
53.7a |
62.8 |
6.54bc |
262b |
4-Aug |
5869b |
16.9b |
52.2ab |
60.9 |
6.66ab |
277b |
12-Aug |
5826b |
18.3c |
48.8c |
62.7 |
6.71a |
109a |
LSD (p=0.10)‡ |
575 |
1.23 |
1.27 |
NS¥ |
0.18 |
20.9 |
Trial mean |
6087 |
17.7 |
51.7 |
62.3 |
6.59 |
228 |
†Within a column, harvest dates with the same letter were not different from the top performer (in bold).
‡LSD - least significant difference at the p=0.10 level.
¥NS – No significant differences.
Crude protein varied very little across harvest dates, although the later harvest dates were statistically different from the earlier ones. Protein for all harvest dates was below the desired range for ideal rye baking quality (<8%). There was no statistical difference in starch content and all harvest dates had starch within the acceptable range for rye flour. Falling number was highest at the 3rd harvest date and lowest at the 4th harvest date, disrupting a trend observed in previous years of the study when falling number declined as the study proceeded. While more research is underway to confirm ideal falling numbers for rye, preliminary research seems to put this value between 150-200 seconds. The first three harvest dates all had falling number above this range and the final harvest date had falling number below.
Impact of Variety
The varieties varied significantly in terms of all parameters measured. The highest yielding variety across the four harvest dates was Serafino at 7042 lbs bu-1 (Table 10). This was statistically similar to Bono at 6926 lbs bu-1. Rye yields were very high across all the rye trials at Borderview Research farm in 2022. Harvest moisture varied significantly between varieties but on average all were above moisture content required for long term storage. Serafino had the highest test weight at 52.2 lbs bu-1, and was statistically similar to all other varieties.
Table 10. Harvest data and grain quality for winter rye varieties, Alburgh, VT, 2022.
Variety |
Yield @ 13.5% moisture |
Harvest moisture |
Test weight |
Starch |
Crude protein |
Falling number |
lbs ac-1 |
% |
lbs bu-1 |
% |
% |
Seconds |
Bono |
6926a† |
17.9b |
52.1 |
62.9a |
6.26b |
266c |
Danko |
5619b |
16.9a |
51.6 |
60.6b |
6.91a |
202b |
Hazlet |
4760c |
17.7b |
50.9 |
62.7ab |
6.92a |
162a |
Serafino |
7042a* |
18.2b |
52.2 |
63.1a |
6.27b |
280c |
LSD(p=0.10) ‡ |
575 |
1.23 |
NS¥ |
2.22 |
0.18 |
20.9 |
Trial mean |
6087 |
17.7 |
51.7 |
62.3 |
6.59 |
228 |
†Within a column, harvest dates with the same letter were not different from the top performer (in bold).
‡LSD - least significant difference at the p=0.10 level.
¥NS – No significant differences.
Serafino also had the highest starch at 63.1%, statistically similar to Bono at 62.9%. All varieties had acceptable starch content. Hazlet had the highest protein concentrations at 6.92%, statistically similar to Danko at 6.91%. Averaged across the four harvest dates, Hazlet had a significantly lower falling number compared to all other varieties.
Harvest date x variety interactions
There were no statistically significant harvest date x variety interactions for yield, test weight, starch, protein, and falling number; in other words, both varieties performed similarly at each harvest date in terms of these characteristics. The only statistically significant effect of harvest date by variety was in terms of harvest moisture and variety. For each harvest date, a different variety had the lowest moisture content.
Falling number
Falling number measures viscosity by recording the time in seconds it takes for a plunger to fall through a slurry to the bottom of a test tube. The viscosity is an indicator of enzymatic (alpha-amylase) activity in the kernel, which most often results from the early stages of germination occurring pre-harvest in the grain. Low falling number means high enzymatic activity, or more pre-harvest sprouting. This is most common if there are rain events as the grain is ripening prior to harvest. Falling number is a widely understood indicator of wheat flour quality, though its use as an indicator of rye flour quality is still being explored. Low falling number in wheat, below 250, has a negative impact on bread quality and can lead to lower prices paid for the wheat or possible rejection at the mill. The ideal range for wheat is 250-350. High falling numbers, over 400 seconds, can potentially lead to slower fermentation, poorer loaf volume and drier bread texture, depending on the end product. Because rye bread relies on different grain components to create high-quality bread, and ferments more quickly than wheat, it is expected that lower falling numbers are preferred for rye than for wheat, likely between 150-200 seconds and potentially as low as 100 seconds. For rye in particular, waiting longer to harvest may result in grains that are more suited for baking as currently, as lower falling numbers are more desirable than those needed for wheat.
2023 Trial
Impact of Harvest Date
Yield was measured at the time of harvest (Table 11). Yields were highest at HD4 on 11-Aug at 4430 lbs ac-1. This was statistically similar to yields from HD1 and HD2. The lowest yield was HD3 with 3597 lbs ac-1. The highest protein was 6.87% (adjusted to 12% moisture content) on HD3. The other harvest dates ranged from 6.53-6.58% protein. HD3 also produced the rye with the highest starch concentrations at 63.3% (also adjusted to 12% moisture content). The other harvest dates ranged from 63.0-63.3%. Falling number declined steadily over the harvest dates. The highest falling number was on HD1 at 249 seconds, declining to 165 seconds by the second harvest date, 146 seconds by the third, and 89 seconds on the fourth harvest date.
Table 11. Harvest measurements and grain quality for winter rye harvest dates, Alburgh, VT, 2023.
Harvest date |
Yield @ 13.5% moisture |
Crude protein @ 12% moisture |
Starch @ 12% moisture |
Falling number |
lbs ac-1 |
% |
% |
seconds |
25-Jul |
4308a† |
6.53b |
63.0b |
249a |
1-Aug |
4422a |
6.55b |
63.0b |
165b |
6-Aug |
3597b |
6.58b |
63.3a |
146b |
11-Aug |
4430a |
6.87a |
63.0b |
89c |
LSD (p=0.10)‡ |
533 |
0.24 |
0.23 |
32.7 |
Trial mean |
4189 |
6.63 |
63.1 |
162 |
†Within a column, treatments with the same letter were not statistically different from the top performer (in bold).
‡LSD; least significant difference at the p=0.10 level.
Impact of Variety
The highest yielding variety across harvest dates was Bono, with 4855 lbs ac-1. This was statistically similar to Serafino with 4407 lbs ac-1. Hazlet had the highest concentrations of protein at 7.19%, statistically dissimilar from the other varieties (Table 12). Serafino had the highest starch concentrations at 63.31%, similar to Bono and Danko. Danko had the lowest falling number averaged across the four harvest dates at 105 seconds. This was statistically similar to Danko with a falling number of 130 seconds.
Table 12. Harvest measurements and grain quality for winter rye varieties, Alburgh, VT, 2023.
Variety |
Yield @ 13.5% moisture |
Crude protein @ 12% moisture |
Starch @ 12% moisture |
Falling number |
lbs ac-1 |
% |
% |
seconds |
Bono |
4855a† |
6.43bc |
63.1a |
184b |
Danko |
4250b |
6.62b |
63.1a |
130a |
Hazlet |
3244c |
7.19a |
62.8b |
105a |
Serafino |
4407ab |
6.29c |
63.3a |
229c |
LSD(p=0.10)‡ |
533 |
0.24 |
0.23 |
32.7 |
Trial mean |
4189 |
6.63 |
63.1 |
162 |
†Within a column, treatments with the same letter were not statistically different from the top performer (in bold).
‡LSD; least significant difference at the p=0.10 level.
Harvest date x variety interactions
There were no statistically significant harvest date x variety interactions; in other words, all varieties performed similarly at each harvest date.
Falling number
Falling number measures viscosity by recording the time in seconds it takes for a plunger to fall through a slurry to the bottom of a test tube. The viscosity is an indicator of enzymatic (alpha-amylase) activity in the kernel, which most often results from pre-harvest sprouting in the grain. Low falling number means high enzymatic activity, or more pre-harvest sprouting damage. This is most common if there are rain events as the grain is ripening prior to harvest. Falling number is a widely understood indicator of wheat flour quality, though its use as an indicator of rye flour quality is less understood. Low falling number in wheat, below 250, has a negative impact on bread quality and can lead to lower prices paid for the wheat or possible rejection at the mill. The ideal range for wheat is 250-350. High falling numbers, over 400 seconds, can potentially lead to slower fermentation, poorer loaf volume and drier bread texture, depending on the end product although effects of high falling number can be mitigated by addition of malt extract. Because rye bread relies on different grain components to create high-quality bread, and ferments more quickly than wheat, it is expected that lower falling numbers are preferred for rye than for wheat, likely lower than 200 seconds and potentially as low as 100 seconds. For rye in particular, waiting longer to harvest may result in grains that are more suited for baking as currently, bakers seem to desire lower falling numbers than are needed for wheat. Rye from the 2022-2023 harvest date trial was too high in DON concentrations to be used in bake tests to test for effects of falling number on baking quality.
2022 Outreach/Education
Farmers and stakeholders will have multiple opportunities for engagement in this project through accessing content online, attending outreach events, conferences, and participating in marketing events.
Winter Webinar. March 2022. 131 people
Ecological Rye Production with guest speaker/farmer Sandy Syburg. Sandy is an organic grain farmer from WI and involved with the Rye Revival. This webinar was on March 22, 2022 and there 78 attendees.
Resilience in Rye with guest speaker Don Hosteler and grain drying expert from the midwest. Don talked about conditioning, aerating, drying, and storing grain. This webinar was on March 24, 2022 and there were 53 attendees.
Hudson Valley Grains Convening. May 2022. 50 people
Heather Darby presented on rye research at this convening of Hudson Valley and New York City bakers and other stakeholders hosted at Glynwood.
Rye Bread Smorrebord lunch by Mary Cleaver. Smorrebord is a traditional Nordic meal, that features rye bread prominently. Chef Cleaver used rye bread from Bread Alone Bakery to make a variety of open faced sandwiches utilizing Glynwood Farm grown ingredients, and other regional grain based dishes, including Sfoglini’s rye pasta.
Presentation by Sharon Burns-Leader of Bread Alone Bakery on developing Nordic style breads for commercial sale, including traditional nordic rye and einkorn breads.
2022_Annual_Field_Day, Alburgh, VT. July 28th 2022. 185 people visited rye research plots and learned about results, 60 people in the Rye breakout session focused on end-use of rye.
June Russell attended the University of Vermont Field day and led a discussion on the history of rye in the Northeast and the emerging markets for cereal rye in the food and beverage sector. Roy Desrochers, UVM Extension, hosted a sensory session with rye cookies and local spirits. Heather Darby, presented on rye variety research.
Rye Dinner at Birch on Pleasant, Milwaukee, WI. August 2022. 10 people. This dinner highlighted the work of Rye Revival, a nonprofit dedicated to the promotion of ecologically grown rye and the enjoyment of rye foods and culture and a collaborator on this grant.
The lunch, prepared by Chef Kyle Knall and the team at Birch featured cereal rye in several forms including rye focaccia, rye pasta, rye spaetzle. This event was initially meant to be public but due to COVID, at the last minute the public dinner was canceled and the team at Birch instead hosted a smaller group that included June Russell, Sandy Syburg, Rita Hindin, (all of Rye Revival) and Odessa Piper, longtime local foods champion and chef, formerly of Madison WI, and Julia Raggio of GrowNYC Wholesale. The smaller group allowed for more focused discussion, including educational information on rye for the benefit of the culinary team at Birch on Pleasant. It also allowed for some knowledge sharing across regions, from New York to Wisconsin, where there is a strong interest in growing rye.
Farm to Flavor, Madison, WI, August 2022. 275 people in attendance. This event brought together small grain breeders from across the country and provided an opportunity for researchers, growers and consumers to play an essential role in guiding the development of new crop varieties.
Research programs were paired with area chefs who created dishes that showcased promising varieties from field trials. June Russell coordinated with event organizers and the culinary team at Birch Restaurant in Milwaukee to host a rye table at this tasting event. The staff at Birch created crackers from 3 different varieties of rye. Heather Darby created a display of 13 varieties of cereal rye and was onsite to answer questions.
OGrain Field Day. Otter Creek Organic Farm. Spring Green WI. August 2022. 150 people in attendance. Members of Rye Revival hosted a rye table with display and information on different rye varieties and a sampling of value added products made with rye. Rye bread, local rye whiskies, and a pharmaceutical utilizing elements of the rye plant.
Content Created. In collaboration with Rye Revival, our team has produced rye-centric educational and promotional content for multiple media outlets. Rye Revival articles were printed in Acres (Gary Zimmer et al.) and Organic Broadcaster. Marbleseed (Sandy Syburg, Gary Zimmer).
Glynwood has been coordinating market efforts with rye end-users. Several examples are listed below:
i. Rye samples distributed to Bakers. Several varieties of rye are distributed to bakers, with feedback requested.
ii. Rye in the Glynwood Farm Store. Whole rye berries and rye flour are now available at the Glynwood Farm store, with supporting promotional and
educational materials.
iii. Glynwood Winter CSA, Grains & Staples add-on. Rye will be a featured item with supporting promotional and educational materials.
2023 Outreach/Education
Feb. 3, 2023. NOFA-NY winter conference, “Capturing Value with Cereal Rye.” June Russell and Heather Darby presented on the project. PI June Russell’s presentation included a brief history of rye in the United States, cultural and culinary background and emerging markets for cereal rye. Forty (40) people attended through Zoom. The audience was a mix of farmers, bakers, service providers and others.
Feb. 6, 2023. Rye spirits tasting, Glynwood. Glynwood hosted twelve guests who were presenting at the Hudson Valley Grains School at the Glynwood Center on February 6th. Avery Robinson of Rye Revival led a spirits tasting and discussion on the varietal attributes featured in four regionally produced rye whiskies: Van Brunt, Dad’s Hat, White Rye, and Ragtime Rye.
Feb. 7th, 2023. Hudson Valley Value-Added Grains School. Brewster, NY. Seventy-five (75) people attended the Grains School. Farmer and distiller Todd Hardie presented as a guest speaker on his efforts to grow rye, produce quality rye spirit, and on his new venture to build out a grain processing center in Vermont. June Russell coordinated with LMNOP Bakery to feature a “rye station” with a traditional smørrebrød at the event. The bakery used a traditional rugbrød slicer and featured local toppings.
February 22, 2023. Heritage Radio, Rye and Cassoulet Night. Gun Hill Publick House. Industry City, Brooklyn, NY. Beer Sessions radio host Jimmy Carbone (Food Karma Productions) organized this festive evening of rye lovers that featured: Rye Revival, author Carlo Divito, Van Brunt Stillhouse, New York Distilling, Fort Hamilton Distillery, Black Rooster Foods, and cassoulet made with toasted rye bread crumbs. Materials from the project were featured at the Rye Revival table including rye variety samples and “Why Rye” postcards. 50 people attended.
April 2023. Hudson Valley Home Bakers Meetup. Glynwood hosted the first Home Bakers Meetup in the Hudson Valley at the Hudson Valley Brewery in Beacon, NY. The Meetup is a networking event for home bakers and professionals alike. This popular event has provided inspiration for all who attend with the opportunity to share techniques and recipes. 50 people attended.
Glynwood worked with baker Anne Mayhew of LMNOP Bakery to feature three traditional rye brots made from three distinct varieties of rye from the project. The goal was to expose event-goers to the project, and gain feedback on flavor and texture preferences due to rye varietal differences.
Glynwood Grains and Staples had a display table and a pop-up retail stand at the event where several varieties from the project were available for sale, packaged in one pound bags (hazlet, danko and brasseto rye). Educational and awareness-promoting materials from the project were also shared with the 50 attendees.
July 27, 2023. 2023_Annual_Field_Day_Flyer Alburgh, VT. There were 181 people visited rye research plots and learned about results, 40 people in the Rye Whiskey breakout session focused on end-use of rye.
Andrea Stanley (Valley Malt) attended the University of Vermont Field day and led a discussion on malt and development of whiskey from local grains (rye focus) in the Northeast and the emerging markets for cereal rye in the food and beverage sector. Roy Desrochers, UVM Extension, hosted a sensory session with local spirits. Heather Darby, presented on rye variety research.
October 16, 2023. Variety Showcase, Glynwood, Cold Spring, NY. This educational, outreach and network building event was additional to the original scope of work. Glynwood hosted this one of a kind event, with the Culinary Breeding Network, which brought together small grain breeders from across the country and provided an opportunity for researchers, growers and consumers to play an essential role in guiding the development of new crop varieties through tasting and feedback. Small grain research and breeding programs were paired with chefs who created dishes that showcased promising regional varieties from field trials. June Russell recruited baker Patrick Shaw-Kitch to work with several varieties of rye from the U. Vermont field trials. Patrick produced traditional nordic rye breads to sample at the rye table at this tasting event. Heather Darby created a display of 13 varieties of cereal rye and shared information on current rye research at the University of Vermont. The Why Rye? Postcard was utilized for outreach (see below for link). 310 people were in attendance at the event.
October 24, 2023. Empire Rye Association Annual Meeting. June Russell presented to 25 representatives from the Empire Rye Association at their annual meeting and shared information on the project objectives and progress to date.
Content Created 2023. Educational and outreach content has been created in collaboration with Rye Revival to produce rye-centric educational and promotional content for multiple media outlets.
Website: Rye
Henry Blair, formerly of University of Vermont, was contracted to organize content collected for a rye literature review to create a Rye Resource room. The website will be updated with additional information that reflects activities from the Northeast as well as the upper Midwest. The website is intended to be a source of current, useful information as well as on aspects of cereal rye such as: history, research, nutrition, agronomy, flour and baking, spirits and other beverages.
Rye Revival social media
Instagram 341 followers.
Weekly posts and stories featuring rye content and project updates.
Facebook 159 Followers
Engagement: Milestone #1
Number of participants: 500 farmers and 100 agricultural service providers will be informed.
What farmers learn: New and interested in the New England states and northeastern NY will first learn of the project and performance target at the 2022 Grain Growers Conference (125 attendees from region). In addition, farmers will hear of the project through our outreach networks including email list serves, social media and newsletters (distribution 1750).
Proposed completion date: 7/31/2022
Status: Completed date: August 30, 2022
Accomplishments: During 2022, events served as a means to connect with farmers about the SARE project "Capturing Value with Cereal Rye: Growing High Quality Rye in the Northeast for Value-Added Markets". There were multiple events held in VT, NY, and WI (Rye Revival) to inform farmers and other stakeholders about performance targets, goals, and research. Through these events we reached 517 of farmers and 284 of other stakeholders.
Engagement: Milestone #2
Number of participants: 30 farmers will actively "enroll"
What farmers learn: Producers who express interest in value-add rye markets can officially “enroll” in the rye program to be provided with access to individual consultations, farm visits, and access to the Baker’s event and the Business-to-Business event. Farmers will be provided tools and technical assistance to record yield, input, and cost records to verify performance target.
Proposed completion date: 7/31/2022
Status: Completed date: November 30, 2022
Accomplishments: During 2022, many of our rye-focused events were opportunities to engage directly with farmers and talk with them about project participation. The events held in 2002, connected are team with farms growing rye in VT, NY, ME, WI, MA, and the Quebec provinces. We were able to confirm farm's needs for entering or expanding in the rye market. We have started assisting farmer's with Technical assistance especially during the late summer and fall of 2022 when farmers were planting winter rye for the 2024 season. Most farmers agreed that email communication worked best for the group. Crop record keeping booklets were distributed to farms that did not have a system in place.
Engagement: Milestone #3
Number of participants: 3 farmers will be active in on-farm research.
What farmers learn: Farmer collaborators conduct on-farm research to develop strategies to increase performance of cereal rye. Farmers implement treatments, collect yield data, input data, and host outreach events.
Proposed completion date: 12/30/2024
Status: In Progress
Accomplishments: During 2022, one farm collaborated in on-farm research to evaluate seed depth impact on winter survival of rye. The plots were planted in late September of 2022. Winter survival and plant stands were conducted in April of 2023. Harvest occurred in early August. Quality analysis and final data analysis will be completed in winter of 2024.
Engagement: Milestone #4
Number of participants: 250 end-users involved with rye and 250 farmers
What farmers learn: Market demand and analysis survey for rye industry is conducted and results shared with farmers interested in rye production.
Proposed completion date: 3/1/2023
Status: In Progress
Accomplishments: During 2022, Glynwood and UVM worked collaboratively with advisors to develop the market demand and analysis survey for the rye industry. Stakeholders contact lists were compiled for survey distribution. Survey was distributed from February 2023 to June of 2023. Results have been analyzed and draft reports completed. Reports are in final review and will be shared at winter and summer events in 2024.
Learn: Milestone #5
Number of participants: 350 farmers and 150 agricultural service providers
Proposed completion date: 10/31/2024
What farmers learn: Farmers attend field days and learn about practical management tools for their operation to maximize rye yield and quality from the field to the grain bin.
Status: In Progress
Accomplishments: During 2022, an approximate 800 farmers and stakeholders attended outreach events to learn about practices and tools to maximize rye yield and quality. Market possibilities were also discussed including cover crop seed, distilling, baking, and brewing. In 2023, an approximate 321 farmers and stakeholders attended in-person and virtual events to learn about rye production and end-use.
Learn: Milestone #6
Number of participants: 250 farmers and 150 agricultural service providers will attend winter events.
What farmers learn: Farmers attend winter workshops and conferences to learn about project results from project team and collaborating farmers. Programs will highlight rye research, baking and spirit results as well as sensory profiles. Farmers will receive research reports.
Proposed completion date: 3/30/2025
Status: In Progress
Accomplishments: During 2023, an approximate 100 farmers and stakeholders attended winter grain schools to learn about rye growing practices, farmer experiences, and tools to maximize rye yield and quality. Market possibilities were also discussed with a focus on distilling and baking.
Engagement, Learn, and Evaluate: Milestone #7
Number of participants: 40 farmers and 40 rye end-users will participate in end-user events.
What farmers learn: Farmers attend B2B and Baking events to learn about rye end-use requirements, sensory profiles, and develop new relationships with potential markets.
Proposed completion date: 3/30/2024
Status: In Progress
Accomplishments: During 2023, several events were hosted to bring farmers, end-users, and consumers together to learn about products, sensory, and quality. The goal to build new knowledge, new networks, and new market opportunities. These events drew over 400 participants.
Value Chain Coordination
Rye varieties distributed to Bakers. Three varieties: Danko, Hazlet and Brasseto were given to bakers Lynne Gilson, Anne Mayhew of LMNOP Bakery and Patrick Shaw-Kitch for feedback. Their feedback was recorded and will be shared with outreach materials and findings in the final year of the project.
Anne Mayhew of LMNOP Bakery, made traditional rugbrot using three distinct rye varieties for a public tasting at the Home Bakers Meetup.
Patrick Shaw-Kitch of Brooklyn Granary & Mill featured serafino and hazlet varieties at the Variety Showcase.
Lynne Gilson, a founder at Bread Alone Bakery and avid home baker with expertise in traditional nordic rye breads, worked with the three varieties and froze portions for a future group tasting. .
Rye in the Glynwood Farm Store. Whole rye berries and rye flour are now available for consumer purchase at the Glynwood Farm store, in Cold Spring, NY, with supporting promotional and educational materials. Whole berries are available in 1lb and 3lb units. Rye flour from Farmer Ground Flour is also available in 2lb units. Sales data is being collected and will be collated for sharing in the final project report. Sales estimates to date are: 50 lbs of rye berries, and 24 lbs one case of 12 x 2lb units of rye flour.
Glynwood Winter CSA, Grains & Staples add-on. Rye was a featured item in Glynwood’s inaugural Grains & Staples CSA add-on, which is available to all Glynwood Farm CSA customers. The Grains & Staples add-on enables Glynwood to promote regional grains and staples to our list of CSA customers past and current, including supporting promotional and educational materials about small grains.
Producer outreach June Russell develops and maintains relationships with a wide range of actors throughout the rye value chain in New York and the Northeast. Over the past year, this included direct conversations, meetings and communication with the following:
Farmers: Peter Martens, Stuart Farr, Todd Hardie, Sandy Syburg, Gary Zimmer, Robert Perry, Jay Goldmark, Ken Migliorelli, Sam Rose.
Millers. Amber Lambke (Maine Grains), Patrick Shaw-Kitch, Craft Miller’s Guild.
Distillers: Empire Rye Association, Dragon Fyre Distillery, VanBrunt Distilling, New York Distilling, Phil Morgan (distillery consultant).
Bakers and Chefs: Laura Valli, Anne Mayhew (LMNOP Bakery), Lynne Gilson, Patrick Shaw-Kitch, Brooklyn Granary & Mill.
Malting/Brewing: Hudson Valley Malt, Gun Hill Brewery, New York Craft Malt, Craft Maltsters Guild.
Other: Mary Howell Martens, Hudson Valley Farm Hub, Cornell Cooperative Extension.
The Business to Business Event is being planned for fall of 2024.
Engagement and Evaluation: Milestone #8
Number of participants: 350 farmers will be sent the survey.
What farmers learn: Farmers engaged in the project by collaborating on research, "trying" new strategies, or participating in project events will be surveyed (via online platform) to determine information gained, behavioral changes, and impacts to farm productivity.
Proposed completion date: 2/1/2025
Milestone Activities and Participation Summary
Educational activities:
Participation Summary:
Learning Outcomes
Information Products
- Impact of Harvest Date on Rye (Fact Sheet)
- Impact of Harvest Date on Rye Quality - 2023 (Fact Sheet)
- Rye Revival Card (Display)