2023 Ohio State SARE Plan of Work

Progress report for NC0H22-003

Project Type: PDP State Program
Funds awarded in 2024: $140,000.00
Projected End Date: 06/30/2025
Grant Recipient: OSU Extension
Region: North Central
State: Ohio
State Coordinators:
Mike Hogan
OSU Extension
Sarah Noggle
The Ohio State University
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Project Information


Ohio SARE PDP initiatives for 2023-2024 include:

-Adapting to a Changing Climate and Other Food System Disruptions (new in 2023-24)
-Beginning Farmers and Ranchers (emphasis on BIPOC audiences) (revised for 2023-24
-Soil Health and Quality (continued from 2021-22)
-Sustainable Agriculture Travel Scholarships (continued from 2021-22)
-New Extension Professionals Training (continued from 2021-22)
-Face of SARE Promotional Activities  (continued from 2021-22)

Project Objectives:

Continuing Initiatives – State-Specific

C1 – New Extension Professionals Training

Outcome:       Newly hired Extension Educators, Specialists, and Program Assistants will become knowledgeable about sustainable agriculture and SARE programs and resources.

Activity:         Sustainable agriculture training will be incorporated into new-employee training conducted by OSU Extension, and one-on-one follow-up support sessions will be conducted for new hires.  Each new hire will receive a Sustainable Agriculture Teaching/Learning Kit.

Evaluation:    Pre and post tests will be conducted to measure knowledge gained.

Timeline:        On-going in 2023 and 2024 as new faculty and staff are hired.


C2 – Sustainable Agriculture Travel Scholarships         

Outcome:       A minimum of eighteen Extension Educators, Specialists, Program Assistants will increase their knowledge about various sustainable agriculture concepts and applications and develop new local programs on various sustainable agriculture topics, by participating in various conferences, training program, and other professional development activities.

Activity:         Matching scholarships will be provided.

Evaluation:    The number of local programs developed/taught for clientele as a result of participation in the travel scholarship program will be measured; the number of travel scholarships will be tracked.

Timeline:       On-going in 2023 and 2024


C3 – Ohio Soil Health and Quality Training

Outcome:       Twenty agricultural professionals (Extension educators, NRCS professionals, and non-profit leaders) will increase their knowledge and skills related to evaluating various soil health and quality parameters, and crop production practices such as cover crops and not-till production which will positively impact soil health and quality.

Activity:         1. A day-long workshop and follow-up tour will be conducted to help agricultural professionals develop the skills and knowledge to evaluate soil health and quality, as well as crop production practices which will positively impact soil health and quality, including cover crops, no-till crop production, etc.).

                          2. Cover Crop Root Viewing Stations (2) will be developed for Extension Educators to use to demonstrate the benefits of incorporating cover crops into cropping systems.

Evaluation:    Pre and post tests will be administered to workshop participants; the number of agricultural professionals assisting crop producers with soil health and quality will be tracked; the number of new Extension programs offered on soil health and quality topics will be tracked; the number of cover crop root stations built and incorporated into educational programming will be tracked.

Timeline:       Winter, 2024

C 4 – Beginning Farmers and Ranchers

Outcome:       Seven to ten Extension Educators and other agricultural professionals will increase their knowledge and skills related to issues related to beginning farmers and ranchers and subsequently provide educational programming to other educators and beginning farmers and ranchers.

Activity:         Ohio participated in the NCR SARE  regional initiative on beginning farmers and ranchers by supporting the participation of 11 Extension educators and other agricultural professionals in a regional professional development event organized by NCR SARE on beginning farmers and ranchers held in Indianapolis in October, 2019. This group along with additional stakeholders implemented a Ohio Beginning Farmer Training Program in 2022 which will be expanded in 2023.  This initiative will likely include more than one specific training program for Beginning Farmers in Ohio.  Additional support as needed will also be provided to Extension educators on the topic of beginning farmers and ranchers (i.e., travel scholarships).

Evaluation:    The number of clients assisted with beginning farmer and rancher related issues will be tracked; the number of new Extension programs on beginning farmers topics will be tracked; the number of beginning farmers who begin farming will be tracked.

Timeline:       2023 and 2024

New Regional Initiative

R1 –  Adapting to a Changing Climate and Other Food System Disruptions

Outcome:       Fifteen to twenty Extension educators will increase their knowledge related to climate resilience and adaptations by participating in a learning activity as part of the NCR SARE Regional Initiative on this topic. Additional outcomes are an increased number of clientele programs conducted by Extension educators on the topics of climate change, climate resilience, and adaptations.

Activity:         It is anticipated that workshops and webinars will be conducted on this topic and some travel scholarships will be awarded to Extension educators to increase their knowledge and skills related to climate change and climate resilience.

Evaluation:  The number of Extension educators participating in climate change related workshops and webinars will be tracked; the number of new Extension programs on climate change topics will be tracked; the number of farmers who make management changes in order to become more climate-resilient will be tracked.

Timeline:      2023 and 2024


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Educational approach:

The approach of the OSU SARE Plan of Work changed drastically in 2023.  In 2023, we disbanded the Sustainable Agriculture Team which was formed in 1995 to develop and implement sustainable agriculture programs for OSU Extension, other agricultural educators and farmers. While that approach worked well for 28 years, it was intended as a bridge to get sustainable agriculture imbedded into existing OSU Extension teams and initiatives.  While there is more work to be done, this objective has been met, and most OSU Extension programs are currently addressing sustainable agriculture in their work.

Starting in 2023, our approach for the OSU SARE Plan of Work has been to facilitate and help fund sustainable agriculture programming conducted by various OSU Extension teams and initiatives, as well as to network with, provide technical assistance to  NGO's, agencies, and other non-OSU entities in concert with our 1890 partner, Central State University.

This change will necessitate the reconstitution of a new statewide SARE Advisory group in partnership with Central State University Extension in 2024.

Education & Outreach Initiatives

Climate Smart Agriculture

To train agricultural educators and farmers best management practices for farming with weather extremes


A day-long workshop was taught on various topics related to climate smart practices and funding opportunities for agricultural educators, crop consultants, and farmers.  Approximately 40 Extension educators, 22 crop consultants and 80 farmers participated

Outcomes and impacts:

-Extension educators, crop consultants, and farmers increased their knowledge about strategies for developing climate smart practices

-Participants became award of funding opportunities related to adopting climate smart practices

-Participants learned how weather risk affects cop marketing practices

Beginning Farmer Financial Management Workshop

A train Extension educators on farm financial planning and management for beginning farmers


A i.5 day intensive workshop was taught on the topic of Financial Planning and Management for Beginning Farmers.  The goal was to prepare educators for an increased emphasis on farm financial management training for beginning farmers who would be taking advantage of Ohio's new tax incentive program for beginning farmers. SARE's Building a Sustainable Farm Business publication was used as part of the curriculum for this workshop. A total of 52 Extension educators participated in the workshop.

Outcomes and impacts:

Extension educators increased their knowledge related to farm financial management needs of beginning farmers

Extension educators increased their farm financial management skills

Extension educators gained an awareness of new curricula for teaching farm financial management

Small Farm Management Conference

To teach farmers and rural landowners about how to develop and expand sustainable small farm enterprises in Ohio


More than 100 farmers and aspiring farmers participated in a day-long conference designed to teach them how to develop and operate small farm enterprises and businesses.  Participants learned about sustainable practices to develop alternative enterprises, alternative production systems, and alternative marketing strategies.

Outcomes and impacts:

Participants increased their knowledge about alternative enterprises, alternative production systems, and alternative marketing strategies when developing or sustaining small farms.

Participants learned about technical assistance and funding available for small farms

Participants learned about SARE resources

Sustainable Ag Tour for Youth

To expose high school youth to the concepts of sustainable agriculture


A half-day tour was conducted of Waterman Farm on the OSU Campus to tech high school juniors about sustainable agriculture concepts and practices. A total of 54 youth participated in the tour.

Outcomes and impacts:

Youth learned about sustainable agriculture concepts and farming practices.

Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Conference

To assist OEFFA in developing a multi-day statewide conference on sustainable agriculture


OOSU SARE provided financial support for the three-day 2023 Ohio Ecological Food and Farming Conference. A SARE Grants workshop was taught at the conference for 36 participants and a day-long pre-conference workshop on the topic of On-Farm Research was taught.  A SARE Outreach Display booth was manned by state coordinators for 3 days of the conference.

Outcomes and impacts:

Participants learned about SARE resources and grant programs

Participants learned how to conduct on-farm research projects related to sustainability

Participants learned about sustainable farming practices

Travel Scholarships

To facilitate professional development of Extension educators by providing financial support for participating in various professional development opportunities


Travel scholarships were provided to 25 Extension educators to participate in the Midwest Mechanical Weed Control Field Day

Travel scholarships were provided to 12 Extension educators to participate in the 2023 Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association Annual Conference


Outcomes and impacts:






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Outcomes and impacts:


Educational & Outreach Activities

350 Consultations
2 Minigrants
1 On-farm demonstrations
1 Tours
36 Travel Scholarships
7 Workshop field days

Participation Summary:

118 Extension
12 Researchers
9 Nonprofit
2 Agency
615 Farmers/ranchers

Learning Outcomes

1,120 Participants gained or increased knowledge, skills and/or attitudes about sustainable agriculture topics, practices, strategies, approaches
76 Ag professionals intend to use knowledge, attitudes, skills and/or awareness learned

Project Outcomes

2 Grants received that built upon this project
4 New working collaborations
44 Agricultural service provider participants who used knowledge and skills learned through this project (or incorporated project materials) in their educational activities, services, information products and/or tools for farmers
900 Farmers reached through participant's programs

Face of SARE

Face of SARE:

SARE Grants Workshop - OEFFA Conference, Newark, OH, Feb. 16, 2023 - 36 participants
SARE Grants Workshop, Columbus, OH, Sept. 7, 2023
SARE Grants Workshop - Farm Science Review, London, OH, Sept.21, 2023 -18 participants
SARE Graduate Student Grant Workshop, Columbus, OH Feb. 11, 2023 - 28 participants

SARE Outreach Display - Ohio State Fair, Columbus, OH, July 27, 2023, 177 contacts
SARE Outreach Display - OEFFA Conference, Newark, OH, Feb. 16 - 18, 2023, 215 contacts
SARE Outreach Display - Ohio Small Farm Conference, Mansfield, OH, Mar. 11, 2023 - 59 contacts
SARE Outreach Display - American Society of Nematologists Annual Conference, Columbus, OH, July 9 - 11 - unk contacts

Three news releases written during 2023 to promote SARE grant opportunities

600 Farmers received information about SARE grant programs and information resources
300 Ag professionals received information about SARE grant programs and information resources
Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and should not be construed to represent any official USDA or U.S. Government determination or policy.