MN SARE 2023-24 Plan of Work

Progress report for NCMN22-002

Project Type: PDP State Program
Funds awarded in 2024: $140,000.00
Projected End Date: 12/31/2025
Grant Recipient: University of Minnesota Minnesota Institute for Sustainable Agriculture
Region: North Central
State: Minnesota
State Coordinator:
Kate Seager
University of Minnesota Minnesota Institute for Sustainable Agriculture
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Project Information


In 2023 and 2024 we will focus Minnesota SARE PDP resources on three initiatives: 

  • Adapting to a changing climate and other food system disruptions
  • Building resilient local food systems
  • Supporting emerging farmers


Project Objectives:

Our Advisory committee has identified three initiative areas for our MN SARE work in 2023/2024. In all of the initiatives, the expected outcomes, activities, and evaluation will be similar.

Expected outcomes: In a typical two-year workplan, we will fund 15 mini-grants and 30 travel grants. We aim to reach at least 1000 educators with this programming. This happens through SARE programming offered at field days, workshops, online programming, and conferences. This number does not include the others we reach through our Face of SARE work. We expect that 900 of these educators increase their awareness and knowledge, share this information with colleagues or clients, and/or incorporate this knowledge into current programs. In addition, we expect 250 of these educators to develop new programming to train fellow educators. Each year we fund about 15 travel scholarships to sustainable agriculture events across our region. We expect that everyone receiving a travel scholarship incorporates the new knowledge they gained into new or current programming and share it with colleagues and clients. They can do this by developing new programming, adding it to existing programming, and/or including information in a newsletter. We also ask that they include SARE resources (books, bulletins) in future programming they develop as well as make farmers and educators they work with aware of SARE grants. Lastly, we expect to see the number of SARE grant applicants from Minnesota increase over the two years of the work plan due to our grant writing workshops, webinars, and relationship building. We would expect to see this specifically in the under-served audiences we plan to reach.

Activities: We have included specific program ideas and topic areas under each initiative below. We achieve these expected outcomes through our robust travel and mini-grant program. We provide travel scholarships to send educators to local, regional, and national events and ask that they incorporate that knowledge into new or existing programming. We also request that they write newsletter articles about what they learned and include information about the SARE program in these communications. This model helps increase our audience for both our SARE travel grant program and SARE grants and resources. We work with local educators and farmer-educators through our mini-grant program. These include extension educators as well as state agency and NGO partners. We provide funds in each of our initiative areas to put on workshops, field days, develop educational materials and other events related to sustainable agriculture. We work closely with event organizers and share additional SARE information (grants, publications, etc.) through these events. When appropriate, MN SARE Coordinators attend the events to speak about SARE. Lastly, we organize our own programming to supplement the mini-grant work as needed in each initiative area. Examples include: farmer workshops, webinars, and field days; partnering with SARE grant recipients to put on workshops or related events to share their work; and developing educational materials (bulletins, presentations) as needed. We’ll attend all of the major conferences, workshops and field days to let participants know about SARE grants and resources as well as how to apply for SARE funds.

Evaluation: We will use NCR-SARE PDP mini-grant post event surveys and travel grant post event surveys to evaluate the outcomes. We typically follow up with grant recipients shortly after the event and again in 6-9 months. We also ask that all mini-grant projects conduct their own evaluations and provide those results to us. We do not process mini-grant invoices or travel grant reimbursements without a completed evaluation. Information we collective in our evaluations includes: number of attendees, number of materials distributed, anecdotal information based on conversations with attendees, specific ways they are going to incorporate information into their programming or field days (we typically ask that attendees identify one or two takeaways that stuck with them). In a second follow-up we ask for examples of how they have used the resources following the event. We follow-up with anyone that attends our grant writing webinars or workshops to find out if they plan to submit a grant and if they want help doing so, and we follow-up again to find out if they did submit (and why not if necessary).


Adapting to a changing climate and other food system disruptions

In order to participate in the NCR-SARE regional initiative for 2023-24, one of our state initiative focus areas will be on “Adapting to a changing climate and other food system disruptions.”  Activities under this topic may include workshops, study tours, webinars, or other educational programming. During the two-year plan of work period, we will also offer additional SARE-funded travel scholarships, and where appropriate, mini-grant support to further educational programming that provides professional development for educators working with farmers and ranchers on programs related to climate change and other major food system disruptions, such as the COVID pandemic. Program topics could include: workshop on topics such as managing for flood and drought, building soil health, cover crops, integrated pest, protecting, increasing pollinator habitats, supply chain and distribution disruptions.


Building resilient Local Food Systems

This initiative will focus on building resilient systems for small scale rural and urban fruit/vegetable/livestock farmers, distribution and processing issues, and supporting pollinator health. Much of this is supporting the many organizations and individuals already contributing to local foods efforts in Minnesota. We plan to work with educators in multiple regions in Minnesota on a mini-grant on expanding access to local food markets and resources in those regions. We will also work closely with the SARE grant recipients in MN on their projects, helping to link them to Extension and NRCS staff working on these topics. We anticipate that at least 75 farm advisors and farmer-educators will participate in these state programs during the time of this initiative, and additional individuals will be reached through webinars or other web-based distribution of information. We plan to send educators and farmer-educators (virtually or in person) to the following local and regional events in 2023 and 2024: MN Organic Conference, Minnesota Farmers Market Association Conference, Sustainable Farming Conference and chapter events, Emerging Farmers Conference as well as outreach events at the U of MN Research and Outreach Centers. We will use NCR-SARE PDP mini-grant post event surveys and travel grant post event surveys to evaluate the outcomes. Examples of programming topics include: meat processing and distribution issues; supply chain issues, urban agriculture; increasing access to additional USDA food system resources and programming; pollinator health, integrated pest management, and diversity across the landscape.; continued partnership with the Soil Health Network in our state to bring soil health and water quality resources to MN farmers. Tour or workshop on product aggregation and marketing, light processing, season extension (high tunnels or post season storage), food preservation, food safety and regulations when selling to institutions, workshops for alternative livestock producers.

Emerging farmers

This initiative will focus on providing resources and support to emerging farmers in Minnesota and specifically BIPOC farmers in rural and urban areas. We will continue our work with the tribal colleges in Minnesota on food sovereignty projects. In addition, we will partner with established programs in our state (Farm Beginnings) to provide SARE resources and outreach regarding NCR SARE opportunities. Activities will include workshops, tours, webinars and educational programming. We will provide travel scholarships and migrants to increase the professional development of farmers and educators working with these groups. We anticipate that at least 75 farm advisors and farmer-educators will participate in these state programs during the time of this initiative, and additional individuals will be reached through webinars or other web-based distribution of information. We plan to send educators and farmer-educators (virtually or in person) to the following local and regional events in 2023 and 2024: Tribal colleges workshops and events, Indigenous Farming Conference, Sustainable Farming Conference, Emerging Farmers Conference as well as outreach events at the U of MN Research and Outreach Centers. We will use NCR-SARE PDP mini-grant post event surveys and travel grant post event surveys to evaluate the outcomes. Examples of programming topics could include: grant writing workshops with under-served populations in Minnesota (both urban and rural); helping to link new farmers to existing programs in the state; partnering with tribal colleges on food sovereignty issues; partnering with educators in NW Minnesota who are working with a group of women farmers to provide learning opportunities in their region.


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Educational approach:

We use mini grants and state coordinator presentations to share information related to our initiative areas. Using the mini grant model we are able to reach more educators and farmers throughout the state, as well as develop partnerships in Extension, state agencies, tribal colleges and NGOS. This allows us to increase SARE's reach in Minnesota.

Education & Outreach Initiatives

Adapting to a changing climate and other food system disruptions

Through programs and travel scholarships, provide continuing education and resources to agriculture professionals in critical issues surrounding adapting to a changing climate and other food system disruptions


In order to participate in the NCR-SARE regional initiative for 2023-24, one of our state initiative focus areas will be on “Adapting to a changing climate and other food system disruptions.”  Activities under this topic may include workshops, study tours, webinars, or other educational programming.  This will include educational programming that provides professional development for educators working with farmers and ranchers on programs related to climate change and other major food system disruptions, such as the COVID pandemic. Program topics could include: workshop on topics such as managing for flood and drought, building soil health, cover crops, integrated pest, protecting, increasing pollinator habitats, supply chain and distribution disruptions.

Outcomes and impacts:

Mini grant funded (2023)

  • Soil healthfield days in WC MN
  • Minnesota Agroforestry Institute
  • Connecting Farm Finance and Conservation

Soil field days in WC MN: Our goal is for 75% of educators participating in these events to share knowledge and resources with other educators and farmers, focusing on the initiative's subject matter. Furthermore, we anticipate that all of these educators will incorporate the insights gained from the mini-grant program into their regional programming. In addition, our goal for farmer participants is to reduce tillage and see more low-till or no-till planting and the use of cover crops. On September 7, the UMN Extension “Soil Solutions Field Day” convened 66 farmers, government representatives, and agricultural experts in Morris, MN, for a day-long exploration of innovative strategies to improve farm productivity by focusing on soil health. The “Thriving Roots: Women in Ag Field Day” held on September 8, 2023, in Morris, MN, attracted 25 women i

Minnesota Agroforestry Institute: Our educational activities for the MN Agroforestry Institute include indoor workshop or meeting style and field trips. Participants will also team up and complete an Agroforestry case study using the knowledge that are receiving from the class. Each of the 5 Agroforestry practices will have an hour instruction/discussion session. During the 3-day training, there are 2 field tours the first day and 4 the second day. Taxes and economics plus reviewing the case studies are in the third day which ends at lunch. The basic Agroforestry practices are explained in the workshop while the field tours show the practices on the land. At the field tours we talk with the farmer and the professionals that worked with the farmer to implement the practice. This is where real learning connects the classroom to the field and increased learning and experience takes place. 

Connecting Farm Finance and Conservation: We expect finance professionals will incorporate more conservation (esp. cover crops, reduced tillage , and managed grazing) content in their work with farmers. We expect conservation professionals to incorporate more farm finance topics in their work. And we expect both to explore development of joint outreach events.

Travel Grants (2023)

  • MN Agroforestry Institute
  • Minnesota Shade Tree Short Course

100% of our travel grant recipients indicated they increased their knowledge and plan to incorporate what they learned into programming. 

Building resilient Local Food Systems

Through programs and travel scholarships, provide continuing education and resources to agriculture professionals in critical issues surrounding building resilient local food systems.


This initiative will focus on building resilient systems for small scale rural and urban fruit/vegetable/livestock farmers, distribution and processing issues, and supporting pollinator health. Examples of programming topics include: meat processing and distribution issues; supply chain issues, urban agriculture; increasing access to additional USDA food system resources and programming; pollinator health, integrated pest management, and diversity across the landscape.; continued partnership with the Soil Health Network in our state to bring soil health and water quality resources to MN farmers. Tour or workshop on product aggregation and marketing, light processing, season extension (high tunnels or post season storage), food preservation, food safety and regulations when selling to institutions, workshops for alternative livestock producers.

Outcomes and impacts:

Mini grant funded (2023)

  • Grapevine Statewide Pruning Workshop
  • Syruping 101
  • Food Systems Around Minnesota

Grapevine Statewide Pruning Workshop: Expected outcomes include helping growers feel invested and confident in their ability to dormant prune grapevines as well as gaining a sense of support from UMN Extension, including getting to know their LEE. Also anticipated is that LEEs who participate in this project will feel confident to answer questions about grapevine dormant pruning and feel invested in fruit growers as related to their job description and local community needs.

Syruping 101: We expect that the target audience will have a better understanding of sustainably tapping maple trees for syrup and that they could use the skills they learned towards their own homemaking or small business.

Food Systems Around Minnesota: The outcomes are to have more knowledgeable educators that develop programs based on the needs of our local food producers. The impact will be a stronger and more resilient local food system in the state. Extension educators will have a larger network of farmers and professionals to work with after this field trip.

Travel Grants (2023)

  • 2023 FEED Summit
  • Great Lakes Fruit Workers Conference
  • NACAA National Conference 2023 (2 educators)
  • Marbleseed Conference (3 educators)

100% of our travel grant recipients indicated they increased their knowledge and plan to incorporate what they learned into programming. 

Emerging farmers

Through programs and travel scholarships, provide continuing education and resources to agriculture professionals in critical issues surrounding emerging farmers


This initiative will focus on providing resources and support to emerging farmers in Minnesota and specifically BIPOC farmers in rural and urban areas. Examples of programming topics could include: grant writing workshops with under-served populations in Minnesota (both urban and rural); helping to link new farmers to existing programs in the state; partnering with tribal colleges on food sovereignty issues; partnering with educators in NW Minnesota who are working with a group of women farmers to provide learning opportunities in their region.

Outcomes and impacts:

Mini-grants funded (2023):

  • Gitigaaning Almanac: A Garden and Soil Conservation Guid
  • Supporting transport for emerging growers to the Organic Fruit and Vegetable Field Day

Gitigaaning Almanac: A Garden and Soil Conservation Guide: We expect that the community will have an increased knowledge of sustainable gardening/farming.

Supporting transport for emerging growers to the Organic Fruit and Vegetable Field Day: By end of event, attendees will report increased awareness of UMN Extension and how to connect with resources. Participants/attendees self-report the connections made;  Growers intend to change 1 in regards to managing risk or increasing efficiency; Number of producers/participants indicating adoption of recommended practices to increase viability of their farming systems, food safety practices, and marketing of local foods

Travel Grants (2023)

  • Great Lakes Indigenous Farming Conference (2 educators)
  • Farmer Veteran Coalition National Conference

100% of our travel grant recipients indicated they increased their knowledge and plan to incorporate what they learned into programming. 

Educational & Outreach Activities

100 Consultations
2 Curricula, factsheets or educational tools
8 Minigrants
2 Online trainings
4 Tours
12 Travel Scholarships
15 Webinars / talks / presentations
3 Workshop field days

Participation Summary:

100 Extension
100 Researchers
100 Nonprofit
100 Agency
200 Farmers/ranchers

Learning Outcomes

500 Participants gained or increased knowledge, skills and/or attitudes about sustainable agriculture topics, practices, strategies, approaches
100 Ag professionals intend to use knowledge, attitudes, skills and/or awareness learned

Project Outcomes

25 New working collaborations
100 Agricultural service provider participants who used knowledge and skills learned through this project (or incorporated project materials) in their educational activities, services, information products and/or tools for farmers
500 Farmers reached through participant's programs
Additional Outcomes:

2023 Highlights:

  • Continued partnerships with tribal communities and colleges
  • Emerging Farmers Conference: Provided increase support to this conference that resulted in new partnerships
  • Connected with new extension educators: purchased SARE educator bundles for small farms team and educators new to Extension
  • Funded 8 mini grants and 12 travel scholarships: this was a noticeable increase for us and we are seeing the trend continue with requests already coming in for 2024
Success stories:

K. Lee attended the UMN Extension Food Systems bus tour funded by a MN SARE mini-grant. As a result of interactions on that tour, two Extension Educators applied for mini grants, one farmer applied for a mini grant (from Fond du Lac tribal college), one farmer applied for a R&E grant and Farmer/Rancher grant, and two Extension educators applied for a travel grant.

Face of SARE

Face of SARE:

2023 “Face of SARE” Events


  • MN Organic Conference
  • Sustainable Farming Conference
  • Emerging Farmers Conference
  • SFA Garlic Festival
  • Soil Management Series 
  • Great Lakes Indigenous Farming Conference

Conferences, Events, and Programming Attended

  1. Soil Summit; December 7-8, 2023; conference attendees = 250; tabled
  2. Emerging Farmers Conference; October 4, 2023; conference attendees = 437; tabled
  3. UMN Extension Food Systems Team Bus Tour; August 28-30, 2023; Extension staff attendees = 22, Farms visited = 6, with 12 farmers present; participated in tour
  4. Tribal Collaboration Ag and Natural Resources Workshop and Farm Feast; August 19, 2023; event attendees = 125; tabled
  5. SFA’s TC Metro Growers Pollinator Talk + Tour; May 24, 2023; number of attendees and organizers = 48; co-organized with SFA and UMN Extension, tabled, and hosted this event at the UMN Bee Lab
  6. Gichi Manidoo Giizis Traditional Pow Wow at Fond du Lac; January 14, 2023; event attendees = 300; tabled

Farmers Forum and Panels

  1. Farmer Panel: Emerging Farmers Conference; October 4, 2023; audience = 45; two Farmer/Rancher grant recipients spoke about their projects and applying for SARE grants
  2. Farmers Forum: Great Lakes Indigenous Farming Conference; March 9-11, 2023; presentation attendees = 65; four NCR-SARE recipients spoke about their projects


  1. Michigan State Beekeepers Association Conference; October 7, 2023; audience = 75 
  2. Summer Extension Livestock Gathering; August 22, 2023; audience = 21
  3. Thief River Falls Beekeepers Association meeting; May 25, 2023; audience = 11
  4. North Central Beekeepers Association; May 15, 2023; audience = 45
  5. South East Minnesota Beekeepers Association; April 13, 2023; audience = 65 beekeepers


  1. H2H SARE presentation 2023:; August 13, 2023; 193 views on 1/17/2023; created this video using the SARE powerpoint templates for the Veteran-based Heroes to Hives online beekeeping course.


  1. Beekeeper’s Guide to USDA-SARE (link to PDF), co-authored with Adam Ingaro; 2023; estimated distribution = 2,000 beekeepers; created for beekeepers interested in SARE programs and distributed through the Heroes to Hives Course, directly to beekeepers, and grant programs where farmers are not eligible to apply.



250 Farmers received information about SARE grant programs and information resources
250 Ag professionals received information about SARE grant programs and information resources
Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and should not be construed to represent any official USDA or U.S. Government determination or policy.